人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Work quietly!-C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e114d).doc

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1、课题课题Unit 6 Work Quietly 授课授课内容内容Part C Story time 授课授课教材教材PEP 教材教材 授课人授课人 教学对象教学对象Pupils of Grade 5 课时课时40 minutes 教材分析教材分析 This lesson is a story teaching. The focus of this class is story teaching. After learning the verb phrases that are now in progress, we learn the sentence pattern What is she/

2、 he doing? according to the previous class, understand the story content, retell the story of the story, and let the students understand how to obey the rules in public, in the public environment can maintain a quiet and clean good habits, so that students can skillfully use the present tense verb p

3、hrase, consolidate and deepen the new knowledge. 本节课是故事教学, 本课时的教学重点是故事教学, 在学习了表 示现在进行时的动词短语之后,根据上一课时的学习,学会What is she/ he doing?这个句型,理解故事内容,学会复述故事表演故 事, 同时让学生们懂得遵守公共场所规则, 在公共环境下能保持安 静与干净的良好习惯, 让学生们能熟练运用表示现在进行时的动词 短语,巩固加深新知。 学情分析学情分析 The students in Grade five have some basic English, good listening,

4、 speaking, reading, writing, and writing, and the students are often trained in oral English and performing skills. So it is easy to carry out the story teaching and improve the ability to rehearse and retell the story. 五年级的学生已有一定的英语基础, 良好的听说读写英语习惯基 本养成, 本班学生英语口语和表演能力平时也经常训练, 所以易开 展故事教学,能很好的锻炼和提高排演和

5、复述故事的能力。 教学目标教学目标 Knowledge aims(知识目标知识目标) 1、Students can learn to listen, read and write the five verbs in the present(eating a banana, listening to music, readingbooks, having English class. ) and one sentence what is she/ he doing?. 2、Students can understand the meanings of the words and phrases

6、(popcorn, film , noise , gorilla ,exciting, sign ,see talk quietly, keep clean) by pictures and ppt . 3、At the same time, Ss can understand the story , read the story and learn to retell and act the story . 1、学生能听说读写与表示现在进行时的五个动词短语,并且能听 说认读句子What is she/ he doing?。 2、学生能够通过图片和 PPT 理解故事中一些单词与核心短语的意 思

7、。 3、能理解故事并朗读故事;能理解并表演故事。 Ability aims(能力目标能力目标) Ss can use the key sentences in life. (学生能够在生活中恰当运用故事中的核心语言) Affection aims(情感目标情感目标) By training students to keep clean and keep quiet in public, so as to get the students to obey the rules in public . (通过故事告诉学生在公共场合保持干净、 保持安静, 培养学生公 共场合的规则意识) 1. Prof

8、iciency and mastery of the five verbs in the present, and use one sentence what is she/ he doing. 教学重难点教学重难点(熟练和掌握五个表示现在进行时的五个动词短语, 并且学会使用 句型What is she/ he doing?。) 2. Get the students to know he pronunciation of gorilla, popcorn, quietly, noise, exciting. (让学生掌握单词 gorilla, popcorn, quietly, noise

9、和 exciting 这五个 单词的发音。) 3. The understanding and retelling of the story. (理解和复述故事。) 教学方法教学方法 Situational Teaching Method, Task-based teaching approach(情境教 学法,任务型教学法) 教具准备教具准备PPT, mask, word cards 教学过程教学过程具体步骤具体步骤及设计意图及设计意图 I. Pre-reading (故事前故事前) (5 min) Step1. Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girl

10、s. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you? SS: Im fine ,thank you. 设计意图设计意图: 通过一个简单的问候, 给大家营造一个良好的英语学 习环境。 Step 2 : Making Rules in class T: Before the class , I will tell you some rules in class.Iwill divide you into six groups , if you do a good job , I will give you apopcorn. Are you clear ? S

11、s:Yes . T: Ok, look here , here is a lot of popcorn .Now read after me .教师此 时拿出实物爆米花,并呈现单词爆米花。 设计意图:通过分组设计, 激发学生的竞争意识与学习英语的兴 趣。 Step3. Review 1、 T: All right, look at the PPT, and can you answer my question? OK, you are the first. Ss: . T: What is she/ he doing? Ss: She/ He is. T: OK, Together .全班一起

12、回答,复习巩固旧知识。 2、T: The last picture , What are they doing ? Ss: They are seeing a film. T: Yes . They are seeing a film . Do you want to see a film ? Ss: Yes . T:Ok . Lets go to see a film with Zoom and Zip . 教师在这个环 节呈现 film 单词。 设计意图设计意图:在上课前,先通过一个简单的一问一答,在复习旧知 的同时, 为故事教学的内容做铺垫, 最后一问通过设计看电影情境, 既承接上面复习

13、内容,又引出下列看电影环节,过渡自然。 Step 4. Enjoy the filmandpresentthenewwords 1、T: Before the film ,will ask you two questions, after the film, please answer my two questions . Q1: Whats the film about ? Q2: What do you think of the film ? Now , Lets enjoy the film . The teacher plays the film about gorilla , the

14、 students talk II. While-reading (故事中故事中) (20 min) excitedly while seeing the film . 2、T: Boys and girls , Dont make noise , You should talk quietly . 学生边看电影边兴奋地谈论,教师利用这个机会,对学生告诫学生边看电影边兴奋地谈论,教师利用这个机会,对学生告诫 : 不要发出噪音不要发出噪音, 看电影时应该保持安静看电影时应该保持安静。 并在黑板上呈现并在黑板上呈现 noise 与与 Talk quietly并教会学生。并教会学生。 Ss: Sor

15、ry. 3、T:After the film , please answer my questions . PPT 呈现出两个 问题。 Q1: Whats the film about ? :大猩猩 T:Yes . The film is about gorilla . Gorilla means “大猩猩” Now read after me . 教师此时呈现 gorilla 并让学生跟读。 Q2: What do you think of the film ? :Interesting :Good ! What else? :刺激。 T:Very good , I think the fi

16、lm is very exciting. Exciting means 刺 激的,令人兴奋的”。 教师呈现 exciting 并让学生跟读。同时,多用几次 exciting 以 达到巩固的目的。 设计意图设计意图:教师拿出 Zoom 和 Zip 的头饰,勾起大家的记忆, 用脍炙人口的金刚电影片断来导入,引起了学生的求知兴趣。 Step 5: Listening to the story and answer the questions . Look at the flash , listen to the story ,then answer my questions . Q1: What d

17、oes tiger say? Q2:Whats on the wall in the cinema? The teacher plays the flash. T:After listening ,who can answer my question? Q1? You, please . S1:The tiger says :Shh, talk quietly! S2: There is a sign keep clean in the wall.(PT 上呈现两个问题) 教师呈现 sign 一词,利用实物帮助学生理解 sign 的意思,并教学 学生会认读 sign. T: Great . S

18、tep 5 Read after the tape. 设计意图: 设计此环节是为了让学生整体感知故事, 并为学生正音。 Step 6 Act the story Give the students 2 minutes to read the story in groups ,then get the students to act the story .Each group will act one picture. 每个小组轮流表演。老师对同学们进行朗读与表演技巧的指导。 (给学生两分钟的时间自已读故事, 然后分组把故事表演给同学们。 每小组表演一幅图片) 设计意图:让学生在读中练, 在演中

19、巩固对故事的理解,进一步 加强知识的巩固与运用。 Step 6 Play a game .Put the sentences into right order . Lets put the sentences in right order. A.Look at the sign . B. I love the film . C. Shh, talk quietly ! D. Wow !The gorilla is eating a banana. E. Yes . The gorilla is great ! F. Its so big and strong ! G. Its so excit

20、ing ! H. Sorry . I.Oh, no ! J. Im eating popcorn . K. Yes , it is ! L . Whats that noise? 设计意图:此环节的设计一是为了检查学生对故事内容是否掌握, 二是为了提高学生对学习英语的兴趣。 Step7 Retell the story . Zoom and Zip go to see a film about 1_ The gorilla is great, he is so 2_ and3 _. Zoom is eating a 4 _ and the movie is so5_. The tiger is

21、 6_and says 7 “_.” The sign says 8“_” III. Post-reading Step 8 What should we do in the cinema? Step 9 Enjoy a song T: Lets enjoy a song and answer my questions . (故事后故事后) (15 min) T: Do you love this song ? Do you want to be a good student at school ? Ss: Yes . T: Please tell my how to be a good st

22、udent at school? S1: Talk quietly. S2: Keep our desks clean. . Step 10 What should we do in Public? 给同学们两分钟的时间讨 论,然后找学生谈谈自己的看法。 白板出示公共场合我们应该做什么。 设计意图设计意图: 对知识的扩展与运用。 进一步对同学们进行情感与思想 教育,告诉学生在公共场合应该遵守社会公德,保持干净,保持安 静等,遵守规则,做一位好人! Step 11 Homework Step 12 Lets see which group will be the winner . Teachin

23、g Reflection ( 教 学 反教 学 反 思思) 本课时的学习,在故事的呈现和游戏的设计上都是以培养学生 的学习兴趣为主, 让学生积极参与到课堂中来, 在创设情境中变被 动学习为主动学习, 以学生为本, 引导学生积极投入到故事教学中 每一个环节的活动中去,使学生对此故事会听、读、表演、排序、 复述等。教学目标达成情况较好 附:板书设计附:板书设计 Unit 6 Work quietly Part c Story time popcorn filmtalk quietly noise gorilla excitingkeep clean sign Group 1Group 2Group sGroup 4Group5Group 6


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