人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 4 When is Easter -B-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:732fd).doc

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人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 4 When is Easter -B-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:732fd).doc_第1页
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1、1 “优课”教案 教师教师 姓名姓名 单单 位位上课年级上课年级课题名称课题名称 陈维五年级PEP 6 Unit 4 B Lets talk 教学 材料 分析 本课是 PEP 教材 Book6 第四单元 B 部分中的一堂对话课,主要描述的场景是 Chen Jie 询问 Mike 的生日并讨论 Chen Jie 会为他们做的事情。两人的对话先是由 Lets try 部分 讨论 baby 的生日展开,进而讨论 Mike 和 Chen Jie 的妈妈生日,并描述 Chen Jie 在妈妈 生日能做的事情。运用的重点句型是“When is your birthday?My birthday is on

2、.”以及 “What will you do for your mum? Ill .for her.”要求学生能够掌握并运用。 教学 设计 说明 第一步,复习节日名称,学生讨论自己的生日;第二步,由主人公 Mike 带着 Chen Jie 来到自己的家, 在电视机背景墙上发现了一幅小 baby 的照片, 展开 Lets try 和 Lets talk 部分的学习。 第三步, 进入文本, 分析文本、 解决问题; 第四步, 谈论学生自己的 special days,请学生讲述在 Fathers Day 能为父亲做的事情,之后用所学的句型、短语等设计 一份属于自己爸爸的小诗;第五步,布置作业。 教学

3、 内容 确定 PEP 6 Unit 4 B Lets talk 教学 目标 定位 TeachingAims: 1.Knowledge aims: (1) Ss will be able to learn the sentences: When is your birthday? Its on. (2) Ss will be able to learn the sentence patterns “What will you do for your mum? Ill.for her.” Ability aims: (1) Ss will be able to ask others birthda

4、y by using the sentences: When is your birthday? Its on. (2) Ss will be able to learn the sentence patterns “What will you do for .? Ill.”to describe what will they do for their father on Fathers Day. 3. Emotional aims: (1) Ss may express the gratitude to their father. (2) Ss may show their love to

5、their friends and parents. “优课”代码: 2 教学 重点 难点 The key points: (1) Ss will be able to ask others birthday by using the sentences: When is your birthday? Its on. (2) Ss will be able to learn the sentence patterns “What will you do for .? Ill.”to describe what will they do for their father on Fathers D

6、ay. The difficult points: Ss will be able to express what will they do for father on Fathers Day. 板书 设计 PEP6 Unit 4 B Lets talk cook noodles Arpil 4th Chen Jies motherhave a party When is your birthday? My birthday is on. 教学设计教学设计 教学 步骤 教师活动学生活动建议说明 Step 1. Warming-up and Leading-in (before class) T

7、: Hello, boys and girls, Im your new English teacher.My name is Chen Wei. So you can call me Miss Chen. Hello, boys and girls. Would you like to be my friend? Givemefive,please.Niceto meet you.Lets be friends,ok? 1.Present “both of you” 指着一个同学说:“You are my friend. 指着另一个 You are my friend,too. So bot

8、h of you are my friends. 初 步 渗 透 both of you 2.Watch and say. Present the topic “birthday” a.T: Boys and girls, Do you know any holidays? Lets watch some pictures of holidays.What are they?教师出示代表节日的 Ss talk with Miss Chen Students watch and read out the holidays And answer the date ofholidays. 拉近和学生

9、的距离, 缓 解学生紧张情绪。 Mike Chen Jie 3 Step2. Presentation and Practice 大幅图片,学生配音乐读出节 日名称。 Ss:Childrens Day/Tree Planting Day/Chinas National Day. b.教师出示上述全部节日图 片及文字,询问: Which holiday do you like best? T:When is .?Ss: Its on. c.T:What about these one?最后 出 示 儿 童 过 生 日 的 场 景 Ss:birthday. My birthday is on Ap

10、ril 16th. When is your birthday? 询问两 个同学后,板书 When is your birthday? My birthday is on.并 带读。 d.Talk in pairs and show.学生反 馈时,教师询问 When is her birthday?询问 2 人。 1.Present the picture of Lets try on P41. 听 力 的 背 景听 力 的 背 景 Mike invites Chen Jie to his home. T:Wow,you have a birthday in. Here comes an ol

11、d friend. Who are they? Ss:They are.They are talking about birthday,too.场景换成 Mike 客厅图片, T:Where are they now? Ss:Mikes home. What can you see on the wall? 重点观察墙 壁上的照片。 出示出示 p41 Lets try 部分配部分配图图 T:Yeah, a baby. Whats the baby like? Yeah, hes young. Who is he? Is he Mike? We dont know. Never mind. Le

12、ts listen and see. 教师播放录 音,学生听。 T: Is he right?Lets check it. baby 的图片旁出现 Mikes cousin 字样。We know he is Ss:I like. Best. Its on . Ss talk about the birthday. Students practice in pairs Ss show thedialogue Ss: A baby. A picture. /A photo. Ss:Hescute/young/f unny. Ss: Mikes cousin. 谈论假期复习有关日 期 句型 When

13、 is.? Its on. 引 出 本 节 课 的 话 题 birthday。 进入文本前将本课重 要句型, 进行渗透和操 练有利于降低文本难 度。 呈现背景, 有利用学生 了解课文中 Lets try 为什么谈论 babys birthday 读图获取信息, 引发学 生思考, 达到教学的自 然流畅。 4 Mikes cousin.When is the babys birthday? Please listen again and tick. March 1stMarch 2nd March 9th OK, lets check.When is the babys birthday? How

14、 do you know that?出现 Lets try 文本 Mike:I have a new cousin. Look at his photo. Chen Jie:Hes so cute. When is his birthday? Mike:His birthday is on March 2nd. Chen Jie:How old is he now? Mike: Hes 15 days old. 2.Watch and listening: Lets talk on P41 T:Mike and Chen Jie are talking about the babys birt

15、hday.What else are they talking bout? T: Look at the picture, what can you see in the picture? 出 示 Sarah 手拿 Mike 生日的照片的 图片,猜测谈论的主题。 What are they talking about? Ss: Mikes birthday.初看图片, 提出问题: T:When is Mikes birthday? Lets listen and say. 观看视频,回答问题。When is the babys birthday? Ss: Its onApril 4th. 3.

16、Quickly reading:Lets talk on P41 T:Someones birthday is on April 4th,too.Whose birthday is onApril 4th, too? 快速浏览PPT 中 Lets talk 文本,找出答案。 根据学生回答,及时呈现于板 书中。板书呈现: Ss listen and tick Ss:March 2nd Ss find the answer. Ss listen and answer. Ss listen andsay:Mike and Chen Jies mothers birthday are on April

17、 4th. 听力领先, 通过听力获 取信息。 出示文本, 明确文中图 片人物的关系, 帮助学 生深入理解文本。 初听获取简单信息, 预 测本文的主题。 快速浏览课文, 深入了 解文本信息, 了解文本 的逻辑关系。 5 Step 3. Going to the text MikeApril 4th Chen Jies mother 4.Read and underline:What will Chen Jie do for them? T:Wow,Mikes birthday and Chen Jies mothers birthday are both onApril 4th.Thats so

18、 cool. What will Chen Jie do for them? Please open your book and underline“what will Chen Jie do for her mum?”阅读文本 并划线,回答。根据学生回答, 书写 cook noodleshave a party T: How do you know that? Where can you find it?当学生 读出 We can have a birthday party for both of you.时候追问: Whats the meaning of“both of you”?Its

19、 means.出示中文意 思。 带读:both of you 5.Retell the dialogue with the blackboard. T: Hey,boys and girls. What can you see from the board? We know Mikes birthday is on. Chen Jies mothers birthday is on.,too. So what will Chen Jie do for them? She will.,.for them.教师和学生一起边说,边 复述。 1.Go back to the text. T:This

20、is our whole passage,lets read after the tape. 2.Role play T:Can you have a role play in pairs, one is Chen Jie ,and one is Mike. Read and underline. Ss:cook noodles have a party Ss retell the dialogue with the blackboard Ssreadafterthe tape. Ss have a role play. 细读文本, 获取生日信 息。 板书利于学生理清文 本信息。 角色扮演,

21、明确文本的 角色关系。 6 Step4. Extension Fathers Day party April 4this special for Chen Jie and Mike. Which day is special for your family? 学生思考: mothers birthday my birthdaydads birthday mothers birthdayfathers birthday 预测学生说:mothers birthday my birthdaydads birthdaymothers birthday fathers birthday 教师可以适当询问

22、 T: Why it is special for you? There are some special days for you family.出示今年 6 月 19 日日 历,Do you know which holiday is it? Ss: Fathers Day. Yeah,you are so clever. What will you do for your father on that day? Ss: Ill.学生先说 2 个,然后 再组内对话, 记录自己所做的 事情。Talk in pairs. A:When is fathers day? B:Its on .thi

23、s year. A:What will you do for your father? B:Ill . What about you? Word bank:cook fish/chicken/. make a card, sing to him, say “Thank you” write a letter tell him a story play .for him Write a poem for father. Fathers Day is coming. Ss talk about what dayisspecialfor your family. Ss talk about what

24、 they will do for their father on Fathers Day? 分层布置角色扮演任 务,学生自由选择。 孩子们对于特殊日子 总是印象深刻, 学生愿 意说,愿意思考。 为父亲节准备派对的 活动, 有利于帮助孩子 寻找能为父亲做的事 情,增强爱爸爸的感 情。 7 Step 5. Homework Its on_. My father is_. (strong/kind/young/funny/strict) Helikes_.(reading/playin g sports/swimming/.) Ill_. Ill_. I Love you, Daddy. Emot

25、ional education. Teacherreadthewords with pictures and music: There are many people love us. Our parents are kind. They share us love and care. Our friends are friendly. They help us a lot. They do a lot for us. We can do a lot for them,too. Lets show our love and do something for them. 1. Listen to the dialogues and words in this unit, and try to repeat them. 2. Students read the poem to their father. Ss wrtie a poem for their father. 情感升华, 展现本课的 情感目标, 学会关爱身 边的人, 为他们做力所 能及的事情。


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