人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar-A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:a03d8).doc

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人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar-A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:a03d8).doc_第1页
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人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar-A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:a03d8).doc_第2页
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1、Unit 3 My school calendarALets try & Lets talk 一、教学内容 词汇:a few, thing, sports meet, Easter, trip,April, May 句型:When is the ? Its in . 二、教学目标 1. 能够完成听录音选答案的活动。 2. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 3. 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。 4. 能够在情景中运用句型 When is ? Its in 询问并回答某个活动在哪个月 举行。 5. 能够在语境中理解生词及词组 a few, thing, sport

2、s meet, Easter, trip, April, May 的意思,并能正确发音。 6. 能够运用句型 When is the ? Its in 完成写与说的活动。 三、教学重难点 重点: 1. 在情境中运用句型 When is ? Its in 询问并回答某个活动在哪个月举行。 2. 能够在语境中理解生词及词组 a few, thing, sports meet, Easter, trip 的意思,并 能正确发音。 难点:在语境中理解生词及词组 a few, thing,trip 的意思,并能正确发音。 四、教学准备 1. 单词卡片 2. 教学课件 五、教学步骤 Step1. Warm

3、-up 1. Free talk: Talk about season Whats the weather like today? Do you like spring/ summer? Which season do you like best? Why? What can you do in ? Can you? 师引入:I like autumn best because Teachers Day is in autumn. (出示课件) 【设计意图】上课伊始,师生谈论 2 单元已经学过的季节,拉近师生距离,激 活学生已有的知识储备。 2. Talk about school calen

4、dar Look at this school calendar. (出示课件) In autumn, there are four things. In spring, there are five things. Theyre 【设计意图】自然过渡到本单元的内容“school calendar” ,扣紧本单元主题,同 时让学生初步感知本课生词“thing” 。 Step2. Presentation & Practice Lets try 1. 出示运动会图片,教读、理解 sports meet。出示 invitation,读一读,让学生 了解邀请函内容。 【设计意图】在听音前排除障碍 s

5、ports meet,让学生理解 invitation,为完成听音 活动打好基础。 2. Listen and tick: Who will come to the sports meet next week? 3. Check the answer 4. Q:Next week we will have a sports meet. Who will come to our sports meet? What can you do at the sports meet? 【设计意图】听音后结合录音内容和学生生活实际继续谈论运动会,延伸话题, 激发学生的英语学习兴趣。 Lets talk 1.

6、 Watch the video and answer: Zhang Peng and Mike are very happy. They are talking about a few things in spring. What are they talking about? 2. 引导学生说出 sports meet、 Easter party 和 school trip.出示图片, 教读、 让学生 理解。 【设计意图】观看对话视频,让学生整体感知文本的内容,引出对话谈论的三 个话题, 并逐一借助图片呈现, 让学生理解。 在呈现的过程中适时评价“Its fun. / Its a fun

7、thing. ”为新短语 a few fun things 的学习做好铺垫。 3. 教师追问:When is the sports meet? 板书该句型。学生回答:Its in spring. 教师继续追问:Yes, its in spring. But which month? 引导学生回答: Its in April. 板书该句型,并重点带读 April. 【设计意图】通过追问的方式,让学生根据对话内容深入思考,呈现本课新词 汇 April 和句型 When is the? Its in 4. 教师引导:The sports meet is inApril. How about the

8、Easter party and the school trip? 5. Watch the video again and answer: When is the party? When is the school trip? 根据学生回答引出生词 May,教学该单词,补充板书。 【设计意图】再次带着问题观看对话视频,充分调动学生的学习积极性,同时 教授新词汇 May,练习本课句型。 6Listen and tick 请学生根据对话内容完成表格 AprilMay sports meet party school trip 7.Ask and answer 同桌利用表格内容对话练习:When

9、is the? Its in 【设计意图】本表格的设计有三个意图:一是让学生完成听音打勾的任务,检 测学生对新知识的掌握情况;二是作为练习对话的素材,巩固新句型;三是可 以很自然的引出下面要学习的新短语 a few fun things。 8. 通过表格总结: We have a sports meet, an Easter party and a school trip. We have a few fun things in spring. 引出 a few fun things, 教读该短语。教师追问: What (other) fun things do you have in spr

10、ing/ summer?/ Do you have fun things in winter? 教师引导:I fly kites in spring. I go for a walk in spring 【设计意图】a few fun things 是本课的教学难点,我采用滚雪球的方式练习,让 学生在游戏中学会新知识。另外,还将话题拓展到 summer、winter 不同的季节, 让学生结合以前学过的知识谈论 fun things,达到用英语交流的目的。 Step3. Consolidation & Extension 1. Listen and repeat 2. Read in role

11、3. Read in pairs and show 【设计意图】回归文本,跟读模仿,角色表演,然后让学生同桌练习呈现对话。 5. Write and talk 引导学生完成任务单的填写,完成后让学生小组活动,根据句型进行对话, 如:When is the singing contest? Its in May.根据学生的对话内容,其他学生 汇报: The sports meet is inApril. The singing contest is in May. 【设计意图】延伸课堂,让学生利用新句型谈论更多的话题。让学生在小组内 活动,通过说一说、听一听、再说一说的方式,锻炼学生的英语表达能力,培 养学生的英语倾听习惯和小组合作意识。 六、板书设计 Unit 3 My school calendar ALets try & Lets talk sports meet When is the party? school trip Its inApril/ May.


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