沪教版三下-Module 1 Using my five senses-1 Colours-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:103a0).zip

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  • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 Using my five senses_1 Colours_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:103a0)
    • Unit1 Colours--微课.flv
    • Unit1 Colours--课件.ppt--点击预览
    • Unit1 Colours任务单.doc--点击预览
    • Unit1 Colours歌曲.swf
    • Unit1 Colours链接视频.swf
    • 教案103a0.doc--点击预览


Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky. Red, orange, yellow, Green and blue, Purple and violet too. Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky. How many colours are there in a rainbow? redred purplepurple blueblue violetviolet yellowyellow greengreen orangeorange blueblue orangeorange greengreen violetviolet redred blackblack yellowyellow purplepurple whitewhite redred purplepurple blueblue violetviolet yellowyellow greengreen orangeorange whitewhite blackblack pinkpink What colour is it? redred purplepurple blueblue violetviolet yellowyellow greengreen orangeorange redred yellowyellow blueblue greengreen blackblack whitewhite orangeorange purplepurple violetviolet red white green blue yellow black violet purple orange Mix _ and _. What colour is it? It is _. redwhite pink Mix _ and _. What colour is it? It is _. red yellow orange Mix _ and _. What colour is it? It is _. blue yellow green Mix _ and _. What colour is it? It is _. blueblue yellowyellow redred pinkpink greygrey ? ? ? whitewhite greengreen whitewhite blackblack Mix _ and _. What colour is it? It is _. greengreen orangeorange violetviolet ? ? ? ? blueblue ? yellowyellow redred whitewhitepurplepurple yellowyellow Look and answer Whats the matter? What colour is your ball? Whats the matter? What colour is your ball? I cant find my ball. It is red and white. Act out What colour is ? What colour is the flower? The flower is red. What colour are the flowers? The flowers are yellow. What colour is the flower? The flower is red. What colour are the flowers? The flowers are yellow. What colour is the apple? What colour are the bananas? What colour is the fish? It is green. They are yellow. The fish is yellow, white and black. What colour is ? What colour are ? flowers clouds sun sky grass rainbow It is a beautiful morning in spring. Look at the sky. It is _. The sun is _. Look at the clouds. The clouds are _. There is a rainbow too. It has many colours _ _ and _. Look at the flowers. They are _. The grass is _. What a nice morning! blueyellow green red, orange, yellow, green, blue, white violet white and yellow purple 1 1 Copyopy thethe words.words. red yellow blue green black white 2 2 Completeomplete thethe sentences.sentences. Mix _ and _. What colour is it? It is _. Thank you! Think and write It is a beautiful morning in spring. Look at the sky. It is _. The sun is _. Look at the clouds. The clouds are _. There is a rainbow too. It has many colours _ _ and _. Look at the flowers. They are _. The grass is _. What a nice morning! white ,red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet Module1 Unit1Colours 教学设计 教学目标: 1、知识目标:掌握单词 blue black white green red yellow.学习句 型 Whatcolouris/arethe?Its/Theyare 2、能力目标: 能在实际生活中灵活运用句型 Whatcolouris/ arethe?Its/Theyare 3、情感目标:通过各种激励手段,培养学生良好的学习习惯;同时 尽最大可能激发学生的学习兴趣。另外,通过学习培养学生听、说、 读、唱、演等能力。 教学重、难点: 1、教学重点:本节课的教学重点为:让学生掌握单词 blue black white green red yellow.理解句型 Whatcolouris/arethe?Its /Theyare的意思并能运用。 2、教学难点: 运用句型 Whatcolouris/arethe? Its/ Theyare描述身边事物的颜色。 教学策略: 1、教具准备:多媒体课件、教学图片、奖品。 2、教学方法:游戏、竞赛、歌曲以及真实交流。 3、设计思路:(1)利用学生喜欢的 TPR 活动激发其学习英语的 兴趣,并为新知的呈现做好铺垫。 (2)发挥多媒体的特点并 与教学图片相结合帮助学生学习新知,通过创设特定的语境,指 导学生使用语言进行有意义的交流。(3)运用游戏、竞赛等多 种形式巩固所学,为学生提供生动有趣的语言实践与小组合作的 机会,使学生在宽松、和谐的氛围中感悟语言。(4)小儿歌, 拓展学习内容,引导学生运用本课所学并结合旧知大胆发挥,提 高其语言表达能力。 学生情况: 三年级的孩子已经有了一年英语学习的经验,所以在 教学过程中我采用了歌曲、游戏、竞赛等形式来充分调动孩子们的 学习兴趣和积极性。 教学设计: StepIOrganization1Greetings: T:Hello,boysandgirls.Ss: Hello,teacher.T:Howareyou? Ss:Fine,thankyou.Howare you?T:Imfine,too.2Warmingup SinganEnglishsongwith theactions. (这一环节的设计是使学生通过问好、唱英文歌曲的 形式轻松、愉快的进入到英语学习的氛围中来。 ) StepIIRevision 1.Reviewthewordsofcolours (通过复习激活学 生已学的旧知,为新课做铺垫。) StepIIIPresentation A.Learnthewords: blue black white green red yellow.TeachershowsthePPTandsay“Whatcolourisit?”Pupils answeritintheirmothertongue. (引出新授单词) 4 Teachershowsthepicturesofthecolours (培养学生的观察能 力。). Learnthesong:Therainbow. 1.Lookatthepictureand readthewordsofthesong.2.Look,listenandsing.(培养学生 听、唱、模仿的能力。)3.Readtherhyme:Lookatthe 4.Learnthesentences:Whatcolouris/arethe?Its/Theyare 5.(采用多种形式讲单词,训练学生的思维能力。).Practicethe sentences,payattentiontothepluralforms.(让学生感受语境,进 一步理解、学会运用句型。) StepIVPractice 1.ShowthePPT (将新旧知识融会贯通,最终培 养学生综合运用所学语言的能力。)2.Playagame:Askand answer. (以竞赛的形式激发学生学习的积极性,同时巩固了已学的 新知。) StepVSummaryReadthewordsandthesentencesonthe blackboard.(巩固本课所学内容) StepVIHomework 抄写所学单词:blue black white green red yellow。用所学句型: Whatcolouris/arethe?Itis/Theyare与同伴对话 板书: 板书一目了然,单词句子直观形象,既可以在操练句型时 使用,又可在后面的教学中发挥了作用,为课堂教学活动的开展提 供了有效的支持。 我的说课到此结束,如有不当之处还请各位领导 老师批评指正.
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