沪教版三下-Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 Three little pigs-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:a07e9).zip

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  • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Things we enjoy_12 Three little pigs_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:a07e9)
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泰州市刁铺中心小学 许月琴 Name : Marry Hobby: reading Theyre very fat and lazy(懒惰的). They like eating and sleeping. 1.Three little ( pigs / bears) build(建造) their houses. 2.A hungry ( wolf /tiger) wants to eat the pigs. 3.The wolf ( runs away /eats the pigs). Task1 Watch and circle Watch a cartoon 1.Three little ( pigs / bears) build their houses. 2.A hungry ( wolf / tiger) wants to eat the pigs. 3.The wolf ( runs away /eats the pigs). Task1 Watch and circle Task2 Listen to Part1 and Part2 and choose ( )1. The wolf blows in _. A.the straw house B.the stick house C.A and B ( )2.The first and second pig run to_. A.their mothers house B.the brick house C.the straw house C B (The three little pigs are now in their own houses. ) (A hungry wolf is coming.) Wolf: (Bong,bong,bong) Open the door and let me come in! First pig: Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! Wolf : I will huff and puff. I will blow your house in! Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! 不可能! huff and puff咆哮,怒吼blow吹 (The wolf huffs and puffs and blows the house in.) First pig: Wee,wee,wee ( The first pig runs to the stick house. ) (The wolf goes to the stick house.) Wolf: (Bong ,bong, bong) Second pig: Whos there? Wolf: Please open the door and let me come in! Two pigs : Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! Wolf: I will huff and puff. I will blow your house in! (The wolf huffs and puffs and blows the house in.) Two pigs : Wee, wee, wee! (The two pigs run to the brick house.) Task3 Read Part3 and answer 1.Can the wolf blow the brick house in? No, he cant. 2.Where does the wolf come down? He comes down the chimney. Tips:Read and underline the key words or sentences.(读并画出关键词句) chimney烟囱 (The wolf comes to the brick house.) Wolf: (Bong, bong, bong) Third pig: Whos there? Wolf: Open the door and let me come in! Three pigs: Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! Wolf: I will huff and puff . I will blow your house in! (The wolf huffs and puffs. But he cant blow the house in.) Third pig: Ha hayou cant get in. You can come down the chimney. Ha hawe will not be your lunch. Wolf: Oh, yeah! Im coming! (The wolf climbs up to the roof. He jumps down the chimney. ) Wolf: Ouch! Ouch! Its very hot here. Oh, no! No! roof屋顶 (The wolf climbs up the chimney and runs away.) Task4 Action show Acting skills:1.分好角色 ;2.声音足够大;3.表演要富有感情哦! A.Speak loudly.(声音足够大) B.Read the dialogue correctly. (准确地读出对话) C. Imitate the tone. (模仿各个角色的语气) 说一说故事中 的小猪和狼 lazy(懒惰的) clever bad hard-working (刻苦的) Lets summary What can you learn(学习) from the story? No pains,no gains. 没有付出,就没有收获。 To be a good man, to be helpful. 做一个乐于助人的好人。 Homework: 1、Tell the story The three little pigs to your parents or your friends. 2. Make a new ending of the story. ( 改编故事结尾) The three little pigs 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能阅读、理解故事并根据故事内容回答问题。 2.能独立完成练习、与同伴合作并表演对话。 3.培养学生对英语的兴趣,保持积极的学习态度。 4.能从故事中得到启发。 教学重难点:教学重难点:1.与同伴合作并表演。2.能从故事中得到启发。 教学准备教学准备:多媒体课件、表演道具等。 教学过程:教学过程: Sing a song: Step1:Pre-reading 1.About me: T:My English name is Marry and my hobby is reading.I like reading stories.Do you like reading stories? S:Yes,I do. T:What stories do you like? S:I like. T:Wow,so many interesting stories.Today Ill give you an interesting riddle.Can you guess? 2.Guessing 1.T:Theyre very fat and lazy(懒惰的).They like eating and sleeping.What are they? S:Theyre pigs. T:Yes,theyre lovely.We know pigs are our good friends.Today we are going to read an interesting story about pigs.OK? Step2:While-reading T:Now,look at the picture.Can you tell me the name? S:. 出示课题: T:Do you know the story? OK,now lets watch a cartoon and circle. Task1 Watch and circle 1). (Two/Three) little pigs build their houses. 2).A hungry (wolf/tiger) is coming. 3).The wolf (runs away/eats the pigs). T:Do you have the answers?Who will try? T:Boys and girls,we know three little pigs build their houses.So can you tell me which house does the first pig build in the story?Which house does the second pig build?And which house does the third pig build?(让学生将三种房子的图片放在对应的小猪 后面) Teach: straw house,stick house,brick house T and S:The first pig builds the straw house.The second pig builds the stick house.The third pig builds the brick house. A hungry wolf is coming.Does the wolf eat the pigs?Lets Listen to Part1 and Part2 and choose. Task2 Listen to Part1 and Part2 and choose ( )1. The wolf blows in _. A.the straw house B.the stick house C.A and B ( )2.The first and second pigs run to_. A.their mothers house B.the brick house C.the straw house T:Are you OK?Lets check the answers. T:Boys and girls,we know the two pigs run to the brick house.What happened then?Lets read Part3 and answer. Task3 Read Part3 and answer 1.Can the wolf blow the brick house in? No, he cant. 2.Where does the wolf come down? He comes down the chimney. Tips:Read and underline the key words or sentences.(读并画出关键词句) T:Do you have the answers? S:. T: Boys and girls,do you like reading this story?Do you want to act the story? S:Yes. T:OK,its our show time. Task4 Action show Step3:Post-reading Lets summary: T:Lets talk about the pigs and the wolf.What do you think of the first pig? What about the second pig and the third pig?How about the wolf? T:What can you learn from the story? S:. T:Miss Xu will send you some sentences: No pains,no gains.没有付出,就没有收获。 To be a good man,to be helpful. 做一个乐于助人的好人。 T:Boys and girls,do you like reading the story?Are you happy now?So reading is happy.Reading is helpful.Here are some interesting stories waiting for you to read. You can read them after class.OK? Step4:Homework 1.Tell the story to your parents or your friends. 2. Make a new ending of the story. (改编故事结尾)
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