陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 1 Our new house-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)--(编号:c17af).zip

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Unit1 Our New House Part B Hello! My name is Jiajia. 我是一名房屋销售顾问。 Im a new house seller. Today, I have to sell a house to this handsome man. But I dont know how to introduce it. Can you help me? 但我不知道怎么说 今天我需要给这 位客户介绍房子。 你们能帮帮我吗 ? 目录 contents kitchen bathroom bedroom study living room dining room big bedroom small big and beautiful (又大又漂亮) This is a living room. Its big and beautiful. You can watch TV there. How beautiful! clean clean (又大又整洁 ) bigand This is a dining room. Its big and clean. You can have dinner there. So sweet! clean (小但是整洁 ) butsmalland This is a kitchen. Its small but clean. You can cook there. Wonderful! cleansmallbut This is a bathroom. Its small but clean. You can take a bath there. I like it. nice This is a study. Its nice. You can read books there. It looks very nice! nice They are bedrooms. They are nice. The big one is for my mom and dad. The second one is for my grandp and grandma. The small one is for me. You can sleep there. Amazing! I like this house very much. Ill take it! 太棒了!我喜欢这 个房子。 我要买下它! You are so great! Thank you very much! Listen and answer Read and then tick or cross Read again. Then tick or cross. ( ) 1. Our bedrooms are nice. ( ) 2. The living room is big and beautiful. ( ) 3. There is a kitchen and a bathroom in our new house. ( ) 4. We often watch TV in the living room. This is our new house. There are two bedrooms. The big one is for my mom and dad. My bedroom is small. They are nice. Our living room is not big, but its beautiful. We often watch TV there. There is a kitchen and a bathroom, too. They are clean. 1 2 3 4 This is our new house. There are two bedrooms. The big one is for my mom and dad. My bedroom is small. They are nice. Our living room is not big, but its beautiful. We often watch TV there. There is a kitchen and a bathroom, too. They are clean. Read and circle the adjectives读并圈出形容词 This is our new house. There are two bedrooms. The big one is for my mom and dad. My bedroom is small. They are nice. Our living room is not big, but its beautiful. We often watch TV there. There is a kitchen and a bathroom, too. They are clean. Read and fill in the blanks 12 34 5 6 7 Team work Design your own house 我自己的家(作业展) East or west, home is best. 不管天南地北,还是自己的家最好。(金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。) 家是我们温暖的港湾 家是避风遮雨的码头 家是快乐的源泉,爱我们的家,爱我们的父母从爱我们的房子开始 从参与家务活动开始,如整理床铺,洗碗和扫地,做力所能及的事 East or west, home is best. 不管天南地北,还是自己的家最好。 Make our home better and better. 让我们的家越来越美好。 LOREMHomework Introduce your house to your parents or friends. 义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(新版)第四册 陕西旅游出版社(供小学四年级第二学期使用) 小小 学学 英英 语语 新新 授授 课课 Unit 1 Our New House 文本教材与信息技术整合点分析: 本单元是本册的第一单元,内容围绕介绍、描述房屋的基本情况展开。本单元 在复习三年级下册Unit 7 There Is a TV in the Classroom中学习的讨论某处有某物句型的基础上,学习有关住所的表达。本单 元的重点内容是学习住所的名称及进一步学习描述某处有某物的句型,难点是 如何正确使用there be 句型的单复数形式并运用形容词beautiful , big, small, nice , clean等来描述住所。 本单元的教学共分为3课时。 第一课时以Part A中Lets learn部分的词汇教学和Lets talk 部分的会话教学为主,主要是对日常活动名称进行复习并学习有关住所的词汇 ,“以旧带新”是本节课时教学要遵循的原则,要求学生在学习重点词汇的基 础上能够介绍、描述房屋的基本状况,如:There are two bedrooms,a living room , a kitchen and a bathroom. My house is not very big. But its beautiful. 第二课时以Part B中的Lets learn more 为主,学习如何运用基础句型及形容词来介绍自己的住所,拓展学习更多介绍 、描述房屋基本状况的表达,如Its small but clean. I can watch TV there.This one is for me/my mom and dad.巩固活动与相关教学内容同时进行;第三课时以Read a story 部分的小故事为主要内容,另外通过活动和联系检测学生的学习效果。 本次课为第二课时,新知识点较少,可以用课文做听力、口语以及阅读训 练,更重要的是创造更好的情境让学生能够巩固、灵活运用所学,和培养学生 爱家的情感。 【教学详案教学详案】: UnitUnit 1 1 OurOur NewNew HouseHouse PartPart B B 一一TeachingTeaching aims:aims:(教学目标与要求)(教学目标与要求) 1. Learn to use the following words to describe ones own house:(能够听、说、读、写以下形容词): new, big, small, nice, beautiful, clean 2. Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns to talk about their own house :(学生能用以下句型介绍自己的家) My house is not very big, but its beautiful. There is/are_ This is a_. Its_and/but_ They are _.They are _. 3. Enable the students to develop listening and reading skills through the study of the text.(通过课文的学习,培养良好的听力和阅读能力) 4. Emotional aims Cultivate the students affection for home.(培养学生爱家的情感) 二二KeyKey points:points:(教学重点)(教学重点) 学习如何运用基础句型和形容词来介绍自己的住所,拓展学习更多介绍、 描述房屋基本状况的表达, 三三DifficultDifficult points:points:(教学难点)(教学难点) 形容词的灵活使用和be动词的单复数形式 四四TeachingTeaching aids:aids:(教学设备)(教学设备) CAI课件, 房间教学卡片、房间贴图教具、动画视频 五五TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures:(教学步骤及说明)(教学步骤及说明) StepStep 1:1: GreetingsGreetings andand warmingwarming upup Review the words and lead in the competition. How are you? Last lesson, we have learned something about our house. Still remember? Lets see. This is a _. Here?Ah,its here. So Whats in the house? There is a _,a _.and a_. flash cards(If you know the words, you can quickly stand up and read it loudly then sit down.) Are they beautiful?But there is nothing in it. What can we do? Look, so many furniture. Each time you answer a question ,you can get one and use it to make the house more beautiful? (课前由点卡和闪卡复习热身,竞争机制由学生完成任务后得到家具去布 置房间,以此引起学生对课堂的兴趣和积极性,并为培养学生对家的情感做铺 设) StepStep 2.2. LeadingLeading inin andand practicepractice Today I want to introduce one of my friends. Whats her name?What is she?Is she a teacher/doctor? She is a new house seller. Selling house is her job. But she has a hard time today. What happened? She doesnt know how to introduce the house to her client. Can you help her?(PPT) This is a _ How is it? Is it big or small? Is it beautiful? So, its big and beautiful. What can you do in the living room? You can watch TV/play in the living room. So Jiajia can describe the living room like this:”_” 1. This is a living room. Its big and beautiful. You can watch TV/play there. 2. Now lets look at the second room. This is a dining room. Its clean. You can have dinner there. 3. There is a kitchen. Its clean. You can cook there. 4. And there is bathroom.(Is it big?)Its not big but clean. You can take a bath there. 5. Oh, this is a study. Its nice. You can read books there. And they are bedrooms. Its very big. Dad and mom live here. So The big one is for my mom and dad. And the second one is for grandpa and grandma. The small one is for me. They are nice. You can sleep/listen to music there. (整个环节以朋友佳佳需要给客户介绍房子为由,用PPT有吸引力的图片展 示本节课所学形容词nice, clean,带给学生直观感受,吸引学生的兴趣,引出怎样描述房间并扩展可以在 房间做什么事,每次学生完成任务都以PPT的形式展示客户满意的画面和佳佳感 谢的画面,让学生能够体会到所学用到生活的成就感以及帮助他人的快乐,并 奖励学生家具贴画装饰到房子里,学生在贴家具的过程中不仅练习了听力,还 能培养审美、亲手装饰房子的成就感和爱家的情感) StepStep 3.3. Presentation-textPresentation-text Well, thanks for your suggestion. That handsome man bought a new house. Li Shans parents also bought a new house. Do you want to know whats it like? 1. Now please listen and answer the question: (PPT) How many bedrooms are there in Li Shans house? 2. Look and say. (PPT) What else can you see in the picture? How many rooms are there in the house? What are they? How many people are there? What are they doing? Are they happy? 3. Watch the video.(PPT) 4. Read again. Then tick or cross. 5. Check the answers(we should develop good reading skills. Please find the keywords and underline them .) 6. Read and circle all the adjectives 7. Read after the tape. Read the red words loudly and clap hands 8. T reads the black words, Students read the red ones 9. Students read the black words, T reads the red ones 10.Whats missing? Cover all the adjectives and let students complete all the blanks and write them down on the black board. (整个环节都充分使用到多媒体PPT课件辅助教学,让学生充分感受音频和 视频,学生带着问题听第一遍了解大意,然后看图说话对课文进行初步猜测, 最后是阅读并完成问题。由听力到阅读,问题由浅到深,帮助学生进一步理解 课文。老师在对答案的环节要求学生能够找出关键词并下划线标记以培养好的 阅读习惯。最后的操练环节由刚开始的跟视频读,模范语音语调,到后面圈出 本课重点形容词词汇,师生交换读,进一步熟悉课文,最后由学生找出不见了 的形容词并写出,加强学生对重点词汇熟练掌握程度和书写的训练。) StepStep 4.4.Homework Show/Consolidation What do you think of Li Shans house? Isnt it nice and comfortable? Do you want to have your own house? What kind of house do you want in your future? The homework for last class is to design your own house. So you guys must have finished your homework very well. Now , youll have 2minutes to work with you partners to introduce your house . Then you can show it in front of the class. (老师注意评价时语言的丰富性,从眼神,自信,笑容,声音响亮等方面进 行评价,以鼓励为主。并在学生展示后把学生作品贴到黑板房子旁边,让学生 能更有成就感和荣誉感,并为下一环节的引入做准备。) StepStep 4.4.Emotional education(PPT) These houses are wonderful! And this house is also marvelous . I can see that you love your house ,and you love your home.Actually , east to west, home is best. Home is a warm harbor for us to rest. Home is the pier that shelter from the wind. Home is the source of happiness. Home is the most important place for all of us. So we should love our home, love our parents and love our house. We can begin with participating in our family activities, such as making the bed, washing the dishes and sweeping the floor. Do what we can at home. Make our house, our home better and better. (爱家从爱父母,爱房子开始,从参与每天的家庭生活开始) StepStep 5.5.Homework Introduce your house to your friends or parents. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 1 Our New House This is a _. Its _and/but_. The _ one is for _. You can _there. beautiful bigsmall nice clean
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