陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 5 Where are you going -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:604e0).zip

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四 年级年级 英语科科 下 册学单册学单 课题Unit5 Where Are You Going?班 级 课时第二课时组 名姓 名 学习 目标 1. 继续熟悉本单元的单词。 2. 能正确使用 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,就他人将要去的地点进行问答, 并掌握其一般疑问句形式 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No 3. 能够正确模仿 Lets talk 中的对话,做到语音语调自然。 4. 能运用 be going to 句型在创设的情景中流利地进行交流。 学习 重难点 1. 能正确使用 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,就他人将要去的地点进行问答, 并掌握其一般疑问句形式 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No 2.能够正确模仿 Lets talk 中的对话,做到语音语调自然。 3.能运用 be going to 句型在创设的情景中流利地进行交流。 环节具 体 内 容 热身热身 导入导入 一课前热身一课前热身 Play a game (Whats missing?) (通过此活动复习以下第一课时新学单词: park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospital, bus stop, buy a story book) 二新课导入二新课导入 * Think and tick (1. 完成课本 37 页的 Think and tick: 先在每幅图片下方写出相应的单 词,如 park, zoo, farm, shopping mall, supermarket, bookstore, cinema, hospital,然后再在自己想要去的场所下面的方框内打“” 。 2. 师生互动:问答) 新知新知 学习学习 3、新课展示 (Part A Lets talk) 1.师生问答(提前感知 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,以及 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No) 2. 学生认真观察课件上出示的两幅图(课本 39 页的两幅插图) 3. 观察图片,回答老师的三个问题: Q 1:Is Li Shan going home? Q 2:Where is she going? Q3: Are Liu Zhaoyang and Kevin going to the shop? 4. 学生翻到课本第 39 页并认真听 Part A Lets talk 部分的录音。 *第一遍听录音时学生指读。 *第二遍听录音,模仿其语音语调,跟读 Lets talk 部分的对话。 在一般疑问句中,句子应读升调。 5. 学生分成三人一组,分角色朗读对话。 巩固巩固 提升提升 四、操练活动四、操练活动 1. Group work(小组活动)(小组活动) 2. Pair work (结对练习)结对练习) 两人一组用 Where are you going? Im going to the.练习对话。 根据图片信息回答老师的问题。 达标达标 检测检测 五、巩固练习 1. Part C Look, read and tick(学生先自主完成) 2. 完成练习 盘点盘点 收获收获 学生自由发言谈谈自己本节课的收获。 作业作业 布置布置 1. Write “Where are you going on the weekend”? (写写这周末你打算 去哪里). 2. Preview the dialogue of page 40(预习 40 页的对话) . 自我评价自我评价: 教师评价教师评价: 高效课堂教学导学案高效课堂教学导学案 教教 材材陕旅版英语四年级下册课课 题题Unit5 Where Are You Going? 课课 时时第二课时课课 型型 主备人主备人执教者执教者时时 间间2019.4.25 导学目标导学目标 1. 继续熟悉本单元的单词。 2. 能正确使用 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,就他人将要去的 地点进行问答,并掌握其一般疑问句形式 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No 3. 能够正确模仿 Lets talk 中的对话,做到语音语调自然。 4. 能运用 be going to 句型在创设的情景中流利地进行交流。 重点重点 能正确使用 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,就他人将要去的地点进行问答,并掌握 其一般疑问句形式 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No 导导 学学 重重 难难 点点 难点难点 1.能够正确模仿 Lets talk 中的对话,做到语音语调 自然。 2.2.能运用 be going to 句型在创设的情景中流利地进 行交流。 导学准备导学准备 1. 教师准备: (1) park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospital, bus stop, buy a story book 等词 汇的教学卡片。 (2) Lets talk 部分的教学挂图和人物头饰。 (3) Lets talk 部分的教学音频。 2. 学生准备:park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospital, bus stop, buy a story book 等词汇卡片。 导学过程导学过程学学 案案 导导 案案 热身导入热身导入 IWarming up Play a game (Whats missing?) (通过此活动复习以下第一课 时新学单词: park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospital, bus stop, buy a story book) .Lead in * Think and tick (1. 完成课本 37 页的 Think and tick: 先在每幅图片下方写 出相应的单词,如 park, zoo, farm, shopping mall, supermarket, bookstore, cinema, hospital,然后再在自己想要去 的场所下面的方框内打“” 。 (2. 师生互动:问答) 一、课前热身 师课件出示 Whats missing?活动; 师用课件出示以下单词的图片:park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospital, bus stop, buy a story book) 二新课导入 教师承接上一环节,引导学生完 成 Warming-up 的第二个活动 Think and tick。处理本活动时,教师可以先 引领学生在每幅图片下方写出相应的 单词,如:park, zoo, farm, shopping mall, supermarket, bookstore, cinema, hospital,然后再让学生在各自想要去 的场所下面的方框内打“” 。 学生勾选时,教师可以在班里巡 视,并随意选出学生进行问答: T: Where do you want to go? 引导学生回答: S1: I want to go to the . 这一问答可以帮助学生回顾场所 的表达,并为本节课学习 be going to 句型疑问形式的问答作铺垫。 新知学习新知学习 .Presentation (Part A Lets talk) 1.师生问答(提前感知 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的 句型,以及 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No) 2. 学生认真观察课件上出示 的两幅图(课本 39 页的两幅插 图) 3. 观察图片,回答老师的三 个问题: Q 1:Is Li Shan going home? Q 2:Where is she going? Q3: Are Liu Zhaoyang and Kevin going to the shop? 3、新课展示 (1)师生问答: 1. 教师继续提问,导入新内容:T: Today is Friday. Where do you want to go after class? (出示电影院图片) S2:I want to go to the cinema. 教师承接上一环节,指着学生 S3 问 大家:T: Where does S3 want to go? Where is he / she going?并引导学生回 答:T / Ss: He / She wants to go to the cinema. He / She is going to the cinema. 教师板书句型:Where is he / she going? He / She is going to the . 2. 教师继续提问学生 S3: T:Where are you going? S3:(引导学生回答) I am going to the cinema. 教师板书句型:Where are you going? I am going to the . 3. 教师借助新句型提问其他学生, 让他们通过回答来感知 be going to 结 构的用法。如: T: Where are you going? S4: I am going to the shop. 教师指着学生 S4 问其他学生: T: Is he/she going to the cinema? 引导学生作答: T / Ss: No, he / she isnt. 教师板书 be going to 一般疑问句 4. 学生翻到课本第 39 页并 认真听 Part A Lets talk 部分 的录音。 *第一遍听录音时学生指读。 *第二遍听录音,模仿其语 音语调,跟读 Lets talk 部分 的对话。在一般疑问句中,句 子应读升调。 5. 学生分成三人一组,分角 色朗读对话。 句型及其肯定和否定回答: Is he / she going to the .? Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isnt. Are they going to the .? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. (二)(二)Part A Lets talk 教师出示 Lets talk 部分的第一幅 图,指着 Li Shan 发问: T: Is Li Shan going home? 2. 教师出示本部分的第二幅图, 指着 Liu Zhaoyang 和 Kevin 发问: T: Where are they going? Are they going to the shop? 3. 教师让学生翻到课本第 39 页 并播放 Part A Lets talk 部分的录音。 * 教师播放第一遍录音,要求学 生指读。 * 教师播放第二遍录音,要求学 生模仿其语音语调跟读 Lets talk 部分 的对话。在这个过程中,教师应多鼓 励学生大胆开口、勇于尝试,并注意 纠正学生错误的读音及语音语调,强 调在一般疑问句中,句子应读升调。 4. 教师将学生分成三人一组,分 角色朗读对话。 巩固提升巩固提升 . Practice Activities 1. Group work(小组活动)(小组活动) 四、操练活动四、操练活动 2. Pair work (结对练习)结对练习) 两人一组用 Where are you going? Im going to the.练习 对话。 3. 根据图片信息回答老师的问 题。 1. 小组活动 (教师要求学生在小组内朗读课 文,并表演对话) 2. 结对练习对话 (出示情境:当我们遇到自己的 好朋友,怎样询问你的好朋友正要去 哪里?又该怎么回答呢? 4. 教师课件出示图片,让学生根据 图片信息回答问题,从而练习以下句 型:*Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the * Where are they going? They are going to. *Is he/she going to the ?/ *Are they going to the ? Yes/No 达标检测达标检测 .Consolidation 1. Part C Look, read and tick(学生 先自主完成) 2. 完成练习 五、巩固练习 1.Part C Look, read and tick (本部分检测活动的目的是让学生通 过读文勾图的方式练习巩固 be going to 结构的一般疑问句和特殊疑问形式。 在处理本部分内容时,教师可以先让 学生看图片说单词,然后再根据对话 内容圈出正确的图片和对话连一连。 ) 2. 完成练习:让学生自主完成本道 练习题。 3. 集体核对答案。 盘点收获盘点收获 学生自由发言谈谈自己本节课 的收获。 引导学生说出本节课的收获,能 较好地组织语言。 作业布置作业布置 1. Write “Where are you going on the weekend”? (写写这周末 你打算去哪里). 2. Preview the dialogue of page 40(预习 40 页的对话) . 板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 Where Are You Going ? bus stop park cinema bookstore buy a story book shop hospital Where are you going? I am going to the Where is he/ she going? He/ She is going to the Where are they going? They are going to the Is he/ she going to the.? Yes, he/ she is./No, he/ she isnt. Are they going to the.? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. 课后反思课后反思 Unit 5 Where Are You Going ?第二课时说课稿 一 说教材内容 本节教材选自陕西旅游版小学英语四年级下册第五单元 Where Are You Going ?的第二课时。本单元的话题以询问对方计划去哪里、 打算做什么而展开,重点学习如何运用 be going to 结构谈论近期的 计划或打算,要求学生掌握一般将来时态的表达方法并能够灵活运 用功能结构 Where are you going? We are going to the . Are they going to the .? No, they arent. Tomorrow is Childrens Day. What are you going to do?进行日常交流。本单元的教学分为 4 个课时。第二课时 通过对第一课时词汇的巩固,学习如何运用 be going to 句型就去哪 儿进行问答。学习 Where are you going? We are going to the . Is she / Are they going to the .? Yes, she is. / they are. No, she isnt. / they arent.等句型结构。本节课所包含的内容为:Part A Warming up: Think and tick, Lets talk 与 Part C Look, read and tick. 2. 说教学目标 1. 继续熟悉本单元的单词。 2. 能正确使用 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,就他人将要去的地点进行问 答,并掌握其一般疑问句形式 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No 3. 能够正确模仿 Lets talk 中的对话,做到语音语调自然。 4. 能运用 be going to 句型在创设的情景中流利地进行交流。 三教学重难点 重点重点 能正确使用 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,就他人将要去的地点进行问答,并掌握 其一般疑问句形式 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No 难点难点 1.能够正确模仿 Lets talk 中的对话,做到语音语调 自然。 2.2.能运用 be going to 句型在创设的情景中流利地进 行交流。 五.说教法和学法 在本节课教学中,我将关注每名学生的个体差异和不同要求,爱护 学生的好奇心、求知欲,创设和谐的氛围,让学生在愉悦的教学中寻求 合作互助与独立学习的途径,体验学习的快乐。 六说教学准备 本节课我准备了 PPT, 视频,单词卡片教学工具引导学生学习 单词。 七说教学过程 一课前热身一课前热身 Play a game (Whats missing?) (通过此活动复习以下第一课时新学单词: park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospital, bus stop, buy a story book) 二新课导入二新课导入 * Think and tick (1. 完成课本 37 页的 Think and tick: 先在每幅图片下方写出相应的 单词,如 park, zoo, farm, shopping mall, supermarket, bookstore, cinema, hospital,然后再在自己想要去的场所下面的方框内打“” 。 2. 师生互动:问答) 3、新课展示 (Part A Lets talk) 1.师生问答(提前感知 Where is he/she going? He/She is going to the Where are they/you going? They/We are/ I am going to the 等 be going to 结构的句型,以及 Is he/she going to the ?/ Are they/you going to the ? Yes/No) 2. 学生认真观察课件上出示的两幅图(课本 39 页的两幅插图) 3. 观察图片,回答老师的三个问题: Q 1:Is Li Shan going home? Q 2:Where is she going? Q3: Are Liu Zhaoyang and Kevin going to the shop? 4. 学生翻到课本第 39 页并认真听 Part A Lets talk 部分的录音。 *第一遍听录音时学生指读。 *第二遍听录音,模仿其语音语调,跟读 Lets talk 部分的对话。 在一般疑问句中,句子应读升调。 5. 学生分成三人一组,分角色朗读对话。 四、操练活动四、操练活动 1. Group work(小组活动)(小组活动) 2. Pair work (结对练习)结对练习) 两人一组用 Where are you going? Im going to the.练习对话。 根据图片信息回答老师的问题。 5.总结回顾: 学生总结,教师再做补充。 6.作业布置 本节课我的作业布置基于本节所学句型进行写话练习,对本节内 容加以巩固练习。第二项作业是学习任务,学生提前可对即将学 习的内容进行自我感知。为下节课的学习做下铺垫。 八说反思 陕旅版 四年级下册 Unit5Unit5WhereWhereAreAreYouYouGoing?Going? Part A Warming-up: Think and tick Lets talk Part C Look, read and tick “火眼金睛火眼金睛” Is Li Shan going home? Where is she going? Are Liu Zhaoyang and Kevin going to the shop? No, she isnt. She is going to the shop. No, they arent. Alice:Alice: Where are you going? KittyKittyandandColin:Colin: We are goinghome. Alice:Alice: Where is Li Shan going? Is she going home, too? KittyKittyandandColin:Colin: No, she isnt. She isgoingto the shop. Alice:Alice: Aretheygoingto the shop, too? KittyKitty: : No, they arent. They are going to the bus stop. They are going to the cinema. 小组挑战小组挑战 Readthetextingroups andactoutthedialogue. Alice:Alice: Where are you going? KittyKittyandandColin:Colin: We are goinghome. Alice:Alice: Where is Li Shan going? Is she going home, too? KittyKittyandandColin:Colin: No, she isnt. She isgoingto the shop. Alice:Alice: Aretheygoingto the shop, too? KittyKitty: : No, they arent. They are going to the bus stop. They are going to the cinema. go home begoingto+地点地点 表示打算去某地表示打算去某地 begoingto的一的一 般疑问句,般疑问句,be动动 词提前。词提前。 begoingto是是“一般将来时一般将来时”的的 一种表现形式,意思为一种表现形式,意思为 “打算,将要打算,将要”。 其中其中be会根据主语的人称变会根据主语的人称变 化成化成is,am,are等形式。等形式。 当我们遇到自己的好朋友 , 怎样询问你的好朋友正要 去哪里? 又该怎么回答呢? 我正要去 Im going to the. Where are you going? 你现在要去哪里呢? ncinema 1 nbookstore 2 nshop 3 nbusstop 5 -Whereareyougoing? -Imgoingtothe . nhospital 3 npark 2 完成填空练习 I ( ) going to the hospital. They ( ) going to the bookstore. Linda is ( ) ( ) the bus stop. She ( ) ( ) ( ) buy a story book. am are goingto isgoing to Homework: 1. Write “where are you going on the weekend”? (写写这周末 你打算去哪里). 2. Preview the dialogue of page 40(预 习40页的对话) .
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