陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 7 Be careful!-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e1b1f).zip

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陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册 Part C Look and match Part B Lets learn more Lets play Unit 7 Be careful! Lets learn more视频 Sum-upSum-up Warm-up/RevisionWarm-up/Revision PresentationPresentation TestTest HomeworkHomework Look and matchLook and match Lets learn more Lets learn more Lets play Lets play Review I know I know turn leftstopturn right traffic lights cross the street Warm-up/Revision Lets learn more 点击“Lets learn more” ,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 PresentationPresentation Ask and answerAsk and answer Q 1: What color are the lights in Picture 1 and Picture 3? Q 2: What is the man going to do? Q 3: Where are the boys going? Q 4: What color is the light in the Picture 2? Q 5: The light is green. Can they go? Its red. He is going to work. They are going to school. Its green. Yes,they can. Lets learn more Please stop.Dont cross. The light is red. Im going to work. We are going to school. Sorry.Please wait a minute. Lets learn more Now the light is green.You can go. Thank you.Bye-bye. Lets learn more Look at the light!Dont turn left. Please wait a minute. Im sorry. sorry 【例句】 Sorry, Im late. 对不起,我迟到了。 (感叹词)抱歉;对不起 wait a minute 【例句】 Wait a minute, Im coming. 等一下,我来了。 【同义短语】 wait a moment 等一下 minute 【复数形式】 minutes 【例句】 There are sixty minutes in an hour. 一小时有六十分钟。 【拓展】 second秒hour小时 day天month月year年 century世纪 (名词)分钟;片刻 Im sorry. 对不起。 【详解 】 重点句型一 此句是表达歉意的句型。 【拓展】 Im sorry. 的其他用法: (1)表示同情、惋惜或后悔,意为“我很难过”。 (2)表示客气地提出异议或拒绝(其后常接but分 句),意为“对不起;抱歉”。 (3)表示爱莫能助(其后常接for短语)。 Im sorry,Icant help you. 对不起,我不能帮助你。 Its nothing. 没关系。 例句 Practice You can sayPractice The light is red, Dont cross. Practice You can sayPractice The light is yellow, Please stop and wait. Practice You can sayPractice The light is green, You can go. PracticeLets play PracticeLets play Wait a minute. Cross the street. Turn right Turn left Stand up Sit down Read your book. Dont read your book. PracticeLook and match Be careful. Please go. Dont turn left. Please wait a minute. TestTest Nice to see you again! _ A. Nice to meet you! B. Nice to see you, too. 英汉互译。 1.等一下 2.stand up 3.转身 4.cross the street 5.sit down Wait a minute 站起来 turn around 过马路 坐下 Sum-upSum-up 1、Be careful. 小心。 2、Im sorry. 对不起。 3、Wait a minute. 等一下。 重点句型: HomeworkHomework 背诵Lets learn more 部分内容。 HomeworkHomework Thank you! Unit 7 Be Careful! 一次备课二次备课 第三课时 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说句子:Please wait a minute. 2. 能掌握Lets learn more 部分有关交通的句子 3. 通过本课时的学习,增强学生的交通安全意识,使其养成 遵守交通规则的好习惯 教学重点:能听懂、会说句子:Please wait a minute. 教学难点:能掌握Lets learn more 部分有关交通的句子。 教学环节: 学习目标 (一)能听懂、会说句子:Please wait a minute. (二)能掌握Lets learn more 部分有关交通的句子 自主学习 (一)温故知新 看口型说词汇 (二)导入新课 教师扮演交通警察,叙述交通规则,导入本课内容。 (三)互助释疑 同桌间交流句子意思。找出疑点,全体交流,教师反馈。 (四)探究出招 模仿对话,做对话,小组内交流,纠正错误。 展示交流 (一)小组展示 小组内相互读对话,讨论不懂的单词、词组以及句子。 (二)班级展示 指名小组上台表演对话,全班交流,教师纠错。 点拨升华 minute 分钟 wait a minute等一会儿 课堂作业 (一)作业当堂清 Part C Look and match (二)挑战自我 Part B Lets play Wait a minute Cross the street turn right turn left Stand up Sit down Read your book Dont Read your book 板书设计: Unit 7 Be Careful! Wait a minute Cross the street turn right turn left Stand up Sit down Read your book Dont Read your book 教学反思
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