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1、Write a speech Unit 5 Music Lead-in Activity 1: Read for the main idea. A speech about how music changed Sarahs life. Activity 2: Read for the details. Q1:What was Sarahs problem? Q2:How did she overcome the problem? Q3:What is her advice to others? Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. Welc

2、ome the audience Introduction The topic Personal anecdote( (轶事)轶事) Personal feeling Close the speech Thank the audience at the end Opening Body Closing To make the speech touching, the speakers often use rhetoric to let their speeches more powerful. Rhetorical device(修辞手法) Simile( (明喻明喻) ) Metaphor(

3、 (暗暗喻喻) ) Jack works like a horse. That businessman is a real fox. Rhetorical question( (疑疑问问) ) How could I be so stupid? Personification( (拟人拟人) ) The sky cries. Quote( (引用引用) ) As Longfellow says, “Music is . Repetition( (重复重复) ) I came, I saw, I conquered. Example Activity 4: Study the language

4、features Activity 5:Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. metaphor _ quote _ rhetorical question _ personification _ repetition _ simile _ A A B C D E F E F B C D Now use what you have learnt to write a speech about how music can change a persons life. Activi

5、ty 4: Write a speech 演讲稿 砀山中学近期要举行演讲比赛,请你以于老师的经历写一 篇“Music has helped her”为题的演讲稿。写作要点如下: 介绍姓名以及所要演讲的话题; 介绍于老师所经历的艰难日子(在上年的新型冠状病毒 期间,手指受伤,不能用手吃饭,不能洗脸,流到脸颊上的 泪水就像泉水一样,感到孤独且心情沮丧。朋友们建议多听 音乐进行放松); 音乐给于老师带来的感受即音乐的重要性; 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Para.1: Introduction and topic Para.2: Problem:finger wa

6、s injured solution: listen to music Para.3:Feelings:. Para.4:Hope Hello, my name is _, Its my great honor to be here /to have the opportunity to say something about. Hello, my name is _, Im greatly honored to share you my/his/her experience of how music has helped me/her/him. My name is_,Today I am

7、very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation.I shall be speaking about. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today. I wish you the best luck in everything you do. I hope all of you will make progress in your academy( 学业)and keep in good healt

8、h. Thank you very much for your attention. Thats all. Thank you. Rhetorical question (疑问(疑问) ): : Have you ever been in deep sorrow wanting to be nothing ? Have you ever faced some tough days?. Simile(明喻)(明喻): : She cried with tears pouring down her cheeks like spring. Music is like a special langua

9、ge that everyone can understand. Music is like an old friend .Music is like sunshine. Repetition( (重复):重复): Music makes/gives me. Music helps me to face up to. helps me to overcome. helps me to gain the joy of . Personification(拟人)(拟人): Music encourages me to relax my mind. Music inspires me to move

10、 on. Metaphor(暗喻)(暗喻): Music can be your friend . Music can be your companion. Quote (引用)(引用): JohnA.Logan said“ Music is the medicine of the mind. ” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said “ Music is the universal language of mankind.” Hello, my name is xx, Im greatly honoured to share with you Miss Yus ex

11、perience of how music has helped her. Have you ever been in deep sorrow wanting to be nothing ?One year ago, She got her finger hurt during the COVID-19. She couldnt use her finger to wash face and chopsticks to eat. So she cried with tears pouring down her cheeks like spring. She felt so alone and

12、discouraged. Her friends suggested that she should listen to some positive music, which helped her recover. As JohnA.Logan once said“ Music is the medicine of the mind. ” It is absolutely true! Music helps her to face up to the injury. Music helps her to overcome loneliness. Music helps her to gain the joy of happiness. Music encourages her to relax her mind and soul. Its like sunshine always warming her heart. Hoping that music can be your companion too. Thank you for your attention. Rhetorical question Simile Quote Repetition personification Simile personification


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