(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第一册UNIT 1 -单元素养评估卷(一)含答案详解.doc

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1、单元素养评估卷(一) 时间:100 分钟分数:120 分 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳 选项。 A Tutors wanted: Maths/Science/Humanities+Test Preparation Job posted: Two days ago Wage: $27-30 per hour Job type: Part-time Schedule:Afternoons, evenings, weekdays, weekends Job de

2、scription: Were looking for tutors to join us before the next school year starts. Our ideal candidate(候选人) will be able to assist middle and high school students with test preparation and academic work in maths, science and humanities. Well pay for your training before this fall and can also offer f

3、lexible summer tutoring opportunities. Once our fall semester starts on August 21, well have even higher demand for tutoring sessions on Sundays from 12 to 8 p.m. as well as from 3 to 9 p.m. MondayThursday. What we offer: * Flexible scheduling. Tutors work from 15 to 30 hours per week depending on a

4、vailability and student demand. * Free Sunday dinners during the academic year. * Health insurance reimbursement(报销) for staff working over 30 hours per week. * We are five minutes walking distance from the Menlo Park Caltrain Station. Applicants must: * Be able to show mastery of the subject(s) the

5、y tutor. * Be willing to tutor students through the full academic year. Application instructions: * Email us your rsume. * Tell us why you want to join academic trainers and describe your experience of tutoring students (if you have any). * Tell us which of the subjects you are able to tutormaths, s

6、cience and humanities. 1. Which period of time needs the most tutors during the academic year? A. Sunday afternoons and evenings. B. Weekday mornings. C. Friday afternoons and evenings. D. Saturday and Sunday mornings. 解析:细节理解题。根据细节理解题。根据 JobJob descriptiondescription 部分中部分中“OnceOnce ourour fallfall

7、 semestersemester startsstarts onon AugustAugust 21,21, wewellll havehave eveneven higherhigher demanddemand forfor tutoringtutoring sessionssessions onon SundaysSundays fromfrom 1212 toto 8 8 p.m.p.m. asas wellwell asas fromfrom 3 3 toto 9 9 p.m.p.m. MondayMondayThursday.Thursday.”可知可知, ,一学年中秋季学期开一

8、学年中秋季学期开 学后周日和周一至周四的下午和晚上最需要辅导老师。学后周日和周一至周四的下午和晚上最需要辅导老师。 答案:A 2.Atutor who works more than 30 hours per week can enjoy. A. free job training while working B. free lunches and dinners during the academic year C. health insurance reimbursement D. a house near Menlo Park Caltrain Station 解析:细节理解题。根据细节

9、理解题。根据 WhatWhat wewe offeroffer 部分中部分中“HealthHealth insuranceinsurance reimbursementreimbursement forfor staffstaff workingworking overover 3030 hourshours perper week.week.”可可 知知, ,每周工作超过每周工作超过 3030 小时的辅导老师可以享受医保报销。小时的辅导老师可以享受医保报销。 答案: C 3.According to the passage, the ideal candidate. A. will work

10、 every evening throughout the academic year B. is good at one of the academic subjects mentioned C. has the opportunity to become a full-time tutor D. must have previous tutoring experience 解析:推理判断题推理判断题。 根据根据 ApplicationApplication instructionsinstructions 部分中部分中“TellTell usus whichwhich ofof theth

11、e subjectssubjects youyou areare ableable toto tutortutormaths,maths, sciencescience andand humanities.humanities.”可知可知, ,理想的应聘者应擅长上述学科之一。理想的应聘者应擅长上述学科之一。 答案:B B Maria(1718-1799) was a famous Italian mathematician. She was described in a book as follows:“Maria was clever, but was also shy.” She stay

12、ed at home, teaching the younger children and following her own studies. When her mother died after giving birth to twenty-one children, Maria took over the running of the household. At the age of twenty she started a ten-year project, a book bringing together the work on calculus(微积分学) of Leibnitz

13、and Newton titled Analytic Institutions. Sometimes she would have trouble with a problem, but her mind went on working even in her sleep; she would sleepwalk to her study and back to bed. In the morning, she would find the answer to the problem waiting on her desk. Her book made her famous; she was

14、living proof of what she had argued at nine years old that women had a right to study science. But Maria had other interests in her life apart from maths. She had always worked with the poor people in her area, and she had asked her father for separate rooms and turned them into a private hospital.

15、She worked at the hospital (and another) until she died at the age of eighty-one. Maria wrote an important book on maths, as well as another unpublished book. She ran a household of over twenty people, and she worked for people who had not had her luck and opportunities. Each one of these things was

16、 remarkable, but she did them all. 4. What can we learn about Maria from the passage? A. Maria was a maths teacher when she was young. B. Maria lived a rich life in her childhood. C. Maria was born in a large family. D. Maria was too shy to teach others. 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知, ,她妈妈生了她妈

17、妈生了 2121 个孩子个孩子, , 所以她家是个大家庭。所以她家是个大家庭。 答案:C 5. What can we infer according to the passage? A. There were some good schools for children when Maria was young. B. Women were not allowed to study science when Maria was a little girl. C. Women had equal rights to learn anything as men did. D. Maria had

18、 the ability to make enough money to bring up her brothers and sisters when her mother died. 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的推理判断题。根据第二段中的“. sheshe waswas livingliving proofproof ofof whatwhat sheshe hadhad arguedargued atat ninenine yearsyears oldold thatthat womenwomen hadhad a a rightright toto studystudy scienc

19、e.science.”可知可知, ,当时是不允许女性学科学的。当时是不允许女性学科学的。 答案:B 6. According to the passage, Maria was so devoted to maths that she. A. forgot everything when she was studying B. spent over ten years writing her most famous book C. never slept while doing researches D. would go on with her study in her dream 解析:细

20、节理解题细节理解题。根据第二段第四根据第二段第四、五句可知五句可知, ,她对工作执着到睡觉她对工作执着到睡觉 时也会梦游进书房工作。时也会梦游进书房工作。 答案:D 7. Which word can be used to describe Maria according to the passage? A. Kind-hearted.B. Beautiful. C. Well-born.D. Rich. 解析:推理判断题推理判断题。 根据文章后半部分的描述可知根据文章后半部分的描述可知, ,她为别人做了很多她为别人做了很多 事事, ,说明她不仅是一位伟大的数学家说明她不仅是一位伟大的数学家,

21、 ,还是一个还是一个“热心的、善良的热心的、善良的” 人。人。 答案:A C The dangers of sitting all day are obvious. Researchers have shown that remaining sitting for extended periods of time (like at your 9-to-5 desk job) can do harm to your health. While exercise is a big part of reducing the harmful effects of sitting, it was unc

22、lear how many gym periods were needed to helpuntil now. A new study, published in The Lancet, shows the ideal formula for reducing the negative effects of a sedentary(久坐的) job. Instead of a fixed number of hours spent exercising, the ratio(比率) depends on how much you sit: People who work a typical e

23、ight-hour day should spend at least one hour each day moving. If you sit six hours a day, you should spend half an hour exercising. The research also indicates that the exercise doesnt have to be all onceor rigorous(严格的). It can be spread throughout the day and be as simple as walking. The team behi

24、nd the study analysed data from a pool of a million adults over the age of 45 in Western Europe, the United States, and Australia. Using previous data, the researchers examined data from 16 published studies and used it to determine how much exercise is required to compensate for sitting. Their reco

25、mmended daily exercise goal is higher than previous advice but not necessarily less achievable, given it can be completed throughout the day. Fitting in an hour of exercise a day sounds especially discouraging if you have a desk job, but there are plenty of workouts you can complete before and after

26、 work. Even if it means taking a 10-minute walk during lunch, your body will thank you in the long run. 8. The underlined phrase “compensate for” can be best replaced by “”. A. make up forB. break away from C. give upD. take the place of 解析:词义猜测题。研究人员研究了词义猜测题。研究人员研究了 1616 项已发表的研究数据项已发表的研究数据, ,并利用并利用

27、 它来确定需要多少运动来补偿久坐。它来确定需要多少运动来补偿久坐。compensatecompensate forfor 指指“补偿补偿; ;弥弥 补补”, ,与与 makemake upup forfor 同义。同义。 答案:A 9. According to the new study, what is the good news for the people working long hours at desk? A. Workouts may reduce the harm of sitting for long. B. The harm of sitting for long has

28、 been proved. C. They dont have to exercise as long as suggested previously. D. The time spent on exercise is flexible. 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的推理判断题。根据第二段中的“TheThe researchresearch alsoalso indicatesindicates thatthat thethe exerciseexercise doesndoesnt t havehave toto bebe allall onceonceoror rigorous.rig

29、orous. ItIt cancan bebe spreadspread throughoutthroughout thethe dayday andand bebe asas simplesimple asas walking.walking.”和第三段中的和第三段中的“TheirTheir recommendedrecommended dailydaily exerciseexercise goalgoal isis higherhigher thanthan previousprevious adviceadvice butbut notnot necessarilynecessaril

30、y lessless achievable,achievable, givengiven itit cancan bebe completedcompleted throughoutthroughout thethe day.day.” 可知可知, ,对久坐的人来说对久坐的人来说, ,运动要求并不严格运动要求并不严格, ,可以在一天中完成。由此可以在一天中完成。由此 可见运动的时间比较灵活。可见运动的时间比较灵活。 答案:D 10. What can be inferred from the passage? A. The best form of workouts is walking. B

31、. The longer you exercise, the better. C. The new exercise goal is practical though higher. D.Adesk job makes it impossible to exercise regularly. 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的推理判断题。根据第三段中的“TheirTheir recommendedrecommended dailydaily exerciseexercisegoalgoalisishigherhigherthanthanpreviouspreviousadviceadvicebu

32、tbutnotnot necessarilynecessarilylesslessachievable,achievable,givengivenititcancanbebecompletedcompleted throughoutthroughout thethe day.day.”可知可知, ,他们建议的每日锻炼目标比以前的建他们建议的每日锻炼目标比以前的建 议要高议要高, ,但也能实现。但也能实现。 答案:C 11. The second paragraph is developed mainly. A. by exampleB. by process C. by comparisonD

33、. by contrast 解析:推理判断题。第二段首句推理判断题。第二段首句“A A newnew study,study, publishedpublished inin TheThe Lancet,Lancet, showsshows thethe idealideal formulaformula forfor reducingreducing thethe negativenegative effectseffects ofof a a sedentarysedentary job.job.”和下面的具体数据是用例子来说明和下面的具体数据是用例子来说明 这项新研究的内容这项新研究的内

34、容, ,所以本段是用了举例的方法。所以本段是用了举例的方法。 答案:A D An increasing number of young people tend to rent clothes recently. Clothing rental is a hot new industry and retailers are entering this in the hope of attracting newly conscientious (谨慎的) shoppers. This past summer alone, Urban Outfitters, Macys, Bloomingdales

35、, American Eagle, and Banana Republic have all announced rental servicesa sure sign of changing times. But is renting fashion actually more environmentally friendly than buying it, and if so, how much more? Journalist and author Elizabeth Cline explored into this question and she concluded that its

36、not as sustainable as it seems. Take shipping, for example, which has to go two ways if an item isrentedreceivingandreturning.Clinewritesthatconsumer transportation has the second largest carbon footprint(碳足迹) of our collective fashion habit after manufacturing. She writes, “An item ordered online a

37、nd then returned can emit(排放) 20 kilograms of carbon each way, and up to 50 kilograms for rush shipping. By comparison, the carbon impact of a pair of jeans purchased in physical stores and washed and worn at home is 33.4 kilograms, according to a 2015 study by Levis.” Then theres the burden of wash

38、ing, which has to happen for every item when its returned, regardless of whether or not it was worn. For most rental services, this usually means dry-cleaning, a high-impact andpollutingprocess.70percentofUSdry-cleanersused perchloroethylene, a carcinogenic( 致 癌 的 ) air pollutant, which can produce

39、harmful waste and air pollution. Le Tote is the only service that uses “wet cleaning” for 80 percent of its items and strives to avoid dry-cleaning unless absolutely necessary. Lastly, Cline fears that rental services will increase our appetite for fast fashion, simply because its so easily accessib

40、le. Theres something called “share-washing” that makes people engage in more wasteful behaviours precisely because a product or service is shared and thus is perceived as more eco-friendly. Renting clothes is still preferable to buying them cheap and pitching them in the trash after wearing a few ti

41、mes, but we shouldnt let the availability of these services make us complacent(自鸣得意的). Theres an even better stepand thats wearing what is already in the closet. 12. Why does the author mention Urban Outfitters and Macys? A. To prove clothing rental is becoming popular. B. To tell us they have joine

42、d rental services. C. To introduce the topic of the passage. D. To show us they are companies of big brands. 解析:细节理解题。细节理解题。 根据第一段中的根据第一段中的“ThisThis pastpast summersummer alone,alone, UrbanUrban Outfitters,Outfitters, MacyMacys s . havehave allall announcedannounced rentalrental servicesservices .”可

43、知可知, ,仅在刚刚过去的这个夏天仅在刚刚过去的这个夏天,Urban,Urban OutfitterOutfitters s 和和 MacyMacys s 等公司都宣布了开设服装租赁服务等公司都宣布了开设服装租赁服务, ,这说明服装租赁变得这说明服装租赁变得 很受欢迎。很受欢迎。 答案:A 13. How does the author develop paragraph 4? A. By analysing data. B. By using example. C. By providing description. D. By making comparison. 解析:推理判断题。根据第

44、四段中的推理判断题。根据第四段中的“AnAn itemitem orderedordered onlineonline andand thenthenreturnedreturnedcancanemitemit2020kilogramskilograms.andandupuptoto5050 kilogramskilograms . thethe carboncarbon impactimpact ofof a a pairpair ofof jeansjeans . isis 33.433.4 kilogramskilograms”可知可知, ,此段是通过数据比较说明消费品运输过程中产此段是

45、通过数据比较说明消费品运输过程中产 生的碳排放量比在实体店购买产生的碳排放量更大生的碳排放量比在实体店购买产生的碳排放量更大。 由此判断出此段由此判断出此段 是通过作比较展开的。是通过作比较展开的。 答案:D 14. What can we infer from the passage? A. Its a better way to buy clothes cheap and pitch them in the trash than renting clothes. B. Share-washing is perceived as eco-friendly and wont lead to w

46、asteful behaviours. C. Renting fashion is not as environmentally friendly as we expect. D. Consumer transportation has the largest footprint of our collective fashion habit. 解析:推理判断题。作者在第三、四段通过具体数据说明运输过程中推理判断题。作者在第三、四段通过具体数据说明运输过程中 的碳排放问题的碳排放问题, ,第五、六段说明了洗涤过程中的污染问题。由此判断第五、六段说明了洗涤过程中的污染问题。由此判断 出租赁服装并

47、没有像我们预料的那样比购买服装更环保。出租赁服装并没有像我们预料的那样比购买服装更环保。 答案:C 15. Whats the structure of the passage? A. B. C. D. 解析:文章结构题。第一、二段指出服装租赁是一个热门的新行业并文章结构题。第一、二段指出服装租赁是一个热门的新行业并 提出问题提出问题“租赁衣服比购买衣服更环保吗租赁衣服比购买衣服更环保吗? ?”, ,第三第三、 四段说明运输过四段说明运输过 程中的碳排放问题程中的碳排放问题, ,第五第五、 六段说明洗涤过程中的污染问题六段说明洗涤过程中的污染问题, ,第七段第七段中中 ClineCline 提

48、出她的担忧提出她的担忧: :服装租赁服务会增加我们对快速时尚的欲望服装租赁服务会增加我们对快速时尚的欲望, , 第八段提出观点第八段提出观点: :最好还是穿自己衣橱里的衣服最好还是穿自己衣橱里的衣服。 结合选项可知结合选项可知,A,A 项项 为短文的结构。为短文的结构。 答案:A 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 根据下面短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Improving your lifestyle can seem like an unachievable goal. Changing everything

49、about your life all at once is probably not realistic, but there are lots of small changes you can make to enjoy your life more. 16. Before you know it, youll have the lifestyle youve always wanted! Eat healthily. You may be flooded by all of the appealing diets, but eating healthily is really not a

50、ll that complicated. Try a variety of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid salty foods, added sugar, and fatty foods as much as possible.17. Fruit and vegetables are thought to increase feelings of positivity, while fats and sugars are linked to feelings of depression. Exercise.18. Try to inc


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