(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 3 泛读 技能初养成 教材讲解 .doc

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1、1 阅读教材 P3132课文,选择最佳答案 1Whats the main purpose of the passage? ATo tell people something about theme parks. BTo attract people to Disneyland. CTo describe the history of theme parks. DTo amuse people with theme parks. 2According to the text, tourists can find Snow White and Mickey Mouse in _ AWorld W

2、aterpark BDisneyland CCentral Park DChimelong Ocean Kingdom 3Whats the Dollywoods main attraction? AIts culture. BIts country music. CIts candy shops. DIts wooden roller coasters. 答案13ABA Words and Phrases 知识要点 1 appeal vi. 有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉n. 吸引力;呼吁; 上诉;请求 (教材 P31)Whichever and whatever you like, there

3、 is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you! 无论你喜欢哪一个,无论你喜欢什么,总会有一个奇妙无比的主题公园让你 流连忘返! 例 1This kind of music hasnt much appeal for me. 2 这类音乐对我没有吸引力。 例 2Bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。 知识拓展 (1)appeal to有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;上诉;打动 appeal to sb.for向某人呼吁或请求 (2)make an appeal to sb.向某人

4、提出呼吁;引起某人兴趣 have appeal for对有吸引力 即学即练单句语法填空/一句多译 His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered. This job rather appeals to me. 为建造这座桥, 我们呼吁村民捐款。 We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.We appealed to the villagers for money to build the bridge. 知识要点 2 amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐 (教材

5、P31)Of course,Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you. 当然,迪士尼乐园也有许多令人激动的乘骑供你娱乐 例 1She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twin. 她给劳拉出了一些主意,好逗这对双胞胎开心。 例 2Im sure Ill be able to amuse myself for a few hours. 我肯定几个小时都会自得其乐。 知识拓展 (1)amuse sb./oneself with sth.以某事/某物逗乐某人/自己 (2)to

6、 ones amusement令某人觉得好笑的是 with amusement愉悦地;好笑地 (3)amusing adj.逗人笑的;好笑的 (4)amused adj.觉得好笑的 即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子 Playing with water can keep children amused(amuse)for hours. It was raining outside, so I had to amuse myself with a novel at home. 3 The announcer broadcast a piece of amusing(amuse)news and w

7、e all laughed. 这个文化主题公园提供给游客各种各样的娱乐活动。 The cultural theme park offers its visitors all kinds of amusements 小片段填空 Yesterday we went to the park for amusement The park provided a lot of amusing performances, which amused the tourists a lot.Especially, the clowns made the children really amused 昨天我们去公园

8、消遣,那里有很多有趣的表演,这逗得游客们发笑,尤其是 小丑们真的使孩子们很开心。 知识要点 3 up to 达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上) 能胜任;由决定 (教材 P32)Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquariumthe worlds largestand see up to 20,000 fish. 这里是世界上最大的鲸鲨水族馆,你可以在里面看到多达 2 万条鱼 例 1Up to now hes still quiet. 他直到现在仍保持沉默。 例 2Hes not up to the work. 他不能胜任这项工

9、作。 即学即练写出下列句中 up to 的含义/完成句子 I can take up to four people in my car.达到;不多于 I dont feel up to going to work today.能胜任 Shall we go out for supper or stay at home? Its up to you.由决定 Up to now everything has been successful.直到 你一次最多可借五本书。 You can borrow up to 5 books at a time. 知识要点 4 entertainment n娱乐;

10、招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目 ( 教 材 P32)If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for , come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom! 假如你要找的是海洋娱乐,请来长隆海洋王国! 4 例 1No one was ever bored watching himhis subtle acting made everything entertaining. 看他表演无人会感到无聊他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。 例 2There will be live entertainment at the party.

11、 联欢会上将有现场表演节目。 知识拓展 (1)entertain sb.with.用使某人快乐; 用使某人有兴趣 entertain sb.宴请某人;招待某人 entertain oneself自娱自乐 (2)entertaining adj.令人愉快的 (3)to ones entertainment使某人高兴的是 即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子 The traveller entertained his friend with stories,some of which were really more than could be believed. Humour will help yo

12、ur speech stand out and keep everyone entertained (entertain). This law applies to theatres , cinemas and some other places of public entertainment 令我们非常高兴的是,他答应请我们吃冰淇淋。 To our entertainment,he promised to entertain us with ice cream. Sentence Patterns 重点句式 1 whichever 和 whatever 引导让步状语从句 (教材 P31)Wh

13、ichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you! 无论你喜欢哪一个,无论你喜欢什么,总会有一个奇妙无比的主题公园让你 流连忘返! 句式分析:whichever 和 whatever 引导让步状语从句, whichever “无论 哪一个”,whatever “无论什么”都作 like 的宾语。 例 1I never put on weight, so I can eat whatever I like. 5 我从未肥胖过,所以我想吃什么就吃什么。 例 2Whiche

14、ver day you come, we will be pleased to see you. 无论你哪一天来, 我们都很高兴。 知识拓展 (1)whatever, whichever, who(m)ever 既可引导让步状语从句也可引导名词性 从句。 (2)no matter what, no matter which, no matter who(m)只引导让步状语从句。 (3)wherever no matter where, whenever no matter when, however no matter how 用来引导让步状语从句。 即学即练完成句子 无论你做什么,你都不能违

15、背自然。 Whatever you do, you cant go against nature. 无论何时你方便都可以过来。 You can come whenever/no matter when it is convenient to you 无论谁最后离开房间都应该把灯关掉。 Whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. 人们普遍认为,孩子要什么就给什么是不明智的。 It is generally considered unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants

16、不管你想聊些什么,我们今晚聊个够。 Whatever you want to chat about, well do it tonight. 重点句式 2 more than.不仅仅 (教材 P31)If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland! 如果你想娱乐,而又不仅仅是娱乐,那就来迪士尼乐园吧! 句式分析:句中 more than 表示“不仅仅”,其后常接名词。 例 1Peace is much more than the absence of war. 和平不仅仅是意味着没有战争。 例 2His report

17、is more than a survey. 他的报告不只是一份调查。 知识拓展 (1)more than数词,意为“多于;超过” 6 more than形容词/副词/动词,意为“非常” more than.can/could,意为“超过的能力范围” more.than 与其说倒不如说 (2)no more than 仅仅;只不过 (3)not more than 不超过 即学即练完成句子 我们非常乐意带你在北京到处看看。 We are more than happy to show you around Beijing. 当她的儿子再次说谎时,与其说她生气,倒不如说伤心。 She was m

18、ore sad than angry when her son lied again. 期中考试我们班只有 35 位同学及格。 There were no more than 35 students in our class who passed the midterm exam. 你的问题答案不只是一个。 More than one answer is to your question. 名师点津 “more than one单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 细节推断题 细节推断题要求根据语篇关系,推断具体细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、 人物身份、事件、具体信息等。学生要从文章本身所提供

19、的信息出发,抓住关键 的信息词,运用逻辑思维,并借助一定的常识进行分析、推理、判断。 例文 In 1870, when Dickens died, the world mourned him as its first professional writer and publisher, famous and beloved, who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readership and whose charactersfrom Oliver Twist to Tiny Timwere he

20、ld up as moral touchstones.Today Dickens greatness is unchallenged. Removing him from the pantheon (名人堂)of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa. 7 Dickens is compared with the Mona Lisa in the text to stress _ Ahis reputation in France Bhis intere

21、st in modern art Chis success in publication Dhis importance in literature 解题关键 1一定要吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是 进行细节推理的前提和基础。 2. 根据文章中所阐述的细节,再结合自己所掌握的基础知识、有关背景知 识或常识来帮助进行分析、推敲,从而得出符合文章原意的结论。 解题思路 Step 1:确定题干中的关键词(题干黑体字) Step 2:根据关键词定位信息句(中句) Step 3:尝试解答根据信息句“将狄更斯从英国文学的名人堂中移除与 卢浮宫出售蒙娜丽莎有着同样的意义”可推断出,

22、作者将狄更斯与蒙娜丽 莎这幅世界名画进行对比,是想强调狄更斯在文坛的重要地位。故选 D。 针对性练习 Tonya, Elsa and Mark are students at LaGuardia High School in New York City.Its a school with regular academic (学术的)classes, but it also gives special attention to the performing arts.Tonya likes dancing, Elsa wants to be an artist and Mark is a sin

23、ger. The students are all 15, and theyre in 10th grade.They study subjects like English, math, social studies, science and PE.They also choose a foreign language: French, Italian, Spanish or Japanese.Students have many academic classes, but during the school day they also take classes in the arts, l

24、ike theater, art, dance and music.Mark says, “I get the basic classes, but I also take a voice class and a music history class.” There is even more for LaGuardia students after school.There are more than 40 clubs for students.For example, theres a movie club, a music club and an environment club. “W

25、e have so many choices here, ” says Tonya.“My favourite club is the camera club.I like taking photos.Its also a great way to meet people with common interests.” 8 Students at LaGuardia can also do many sports.For example, they can play basketball, tennis, volleyball and soccer.Elsa is on the gymnast

26、ics team.She says, “I like being on a team.It makes me work hard and do my best.” Students practice after school.They compete against other high schools.Mark says, “At school, I study by myself.Im a singer, and I do that alone, too.Thats why I like playing on the basketball team.We work together and

27、 compete against other teams.” LaGuardia offers many great classes, clubs and sports for students.Students at LaGuardia get a good education and they also develop their own interests.Many LaGuardia students become dancers, singers and actors! 1What do we know about LaGuardia High School? AStudents t

28、ake art classes at night. BStudents have few subjects to choose from. CIt places great importance on arts. DIt aims to develop students language skills. C根据第一段中的“Its a school with regular academic (学术的)classes, but it also gives special attention to the performing arts.(这是一所有正规学术课程的学 校,但它也特别注重表演艺术。)

29、”可知,拉瓜迪亚高中非常重视艺术。故 C 选 项正确。 2Which club does Tonya like most? AThe camera club.BThe music club. CThe movie club.DThe environment club. A根据第三段中的“We have so many choices here, ” says Tonya.“My favourite club is the camera club.”可知,Tonya 最喜欢的是摄影俱乐部。故 A 选项 正确。 3Why does Mark enjoy playing on the basketb

30、all team? AIt helps him make more friends. BIt makes him try his best. CHe hopes to build up his health. DHe likes teamwork. D根据第四段中的“Mark says, At school, I study by myself.Im a singer, 9 and I do that alone, too.Thats why I like playing on the basketball team.We work together and compete against other teams. ”可知,Mark 喜欢在篮球队里打球是因 为他喜欢团队合作。故 D 选项正确。


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