陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 4 He Lives in a Village-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:f0620).zip

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UnitUnit 4 4 HeHe LivesLives inin a a VillageVillage 教学目标教学目标: : 1 1、能听、说、能听、说、 熟读课文,语音语熟读课文,语音语 调准确自然。调准确自然。 2 2、能灵活自如、能灵活自如 地运用所掌握的词地运用所掌握的词 汇及句型结构对居汇及句型结构对居 住环境进行描述。住环境进行描述。 LeleLele andand hishis parentsparents livelive inin a a villagevillage nearnear a a lake.Theylake.They havehave a a bigbig househouse there.there. A A riverriver runsruns byby .His.His parentsparents workwork onon a a farm.farm. InIn spring,spring, theythey growgrow tomatoes,potatoestomatoes,potatoes andand otherother vegetables.vegetables. Part B Lets learn more TheyThey plantplant manymany trees,trees, too.too. TheThe treestrees areare homeshomes forfor birdsbirds andand somesome wildwild animals.animals. InIn spring,spring, summersummer andand autumn,autumn, LeleLele cancan seesee rabbits,snakesrabbits,snakes andand eveneven monkeys.monkeys. TheyThey livelive happilyhappily togethertogether yearyear afterafter yearyear. . LeleLele lovesloves hishis home.home. HeHe lovesloves thethe animals,animals, too.too. Part B Lets learn more Lele lives in a village. Read again and answer the questions They grow tomatoes ,potatoes and other vegetables. 1.Where1.Where doesdoes LeleLele live?live? 2.What2.What dodo theythey growgrow onon thethe farm?farm? 3.What3.What animalsanimals cancan LeleLele see?see? Lele can see rabbits,snakes and even monkeys. 4.Does4.Does hehe lovelove hishis village?village? Yes,he does. Class summary 这节课你有什么收获这节课你有什么收获? Homework P P a a r r t t C C R R e e a a d d a a n n d d completecomplete 授课内容: Unit 4 Part B Lets learn more 课题: Unit 4 He Lives in a Village 授课年级: 五年级 授课者: 授课时间: UnitUnit 4 4 HeHe LivesLives inin a a VillageVillage 教材简析:教材简析: 本教材从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,通过体 验、实践、参与、合作与交流等学习方式,发展学生的综合语言运 用能力,具有较强的科学性。教材围绕最基本、最常用的英语词汇、 句型和会话等编写,好教易学,具有较强的活动性和趣味性。 教学目标教学目标: : 1、能听、说、熟读课文,语音语调准确自然。 2、能灵活自如地运用所掌握的词汇及句型结构对居住环境进行 描述。 重点难点重点难点: : 能灵活自如地运用所掌握的词汇及句型结构对居住环境进行描 述。 教学方法:教学方法: 情景教学,自主探究,交流互动 教学过程:教学过程: 第三课时 一、课程导入(Leading In) 1、热身复习 Part A Warming-up :Say the animals you love 教师采用问答的形式引导学生观察图中动物,并说出各自喜爱 的动物。 2、出示目标 3、新课导入 二、课程展示(Presentation) (一)新课展示 Part B Lets learn more 1、教师幻灯片出示课文第一部分图片:What can you see in this picture?引导学生用英语说出图片中所看到的:some vegetables ,some tomatoes, some potatoes, a man ,a woman, a lake ,a river .问题导入:where do Lele and his parents live in ?学生回答:Village .教师问:Do they have a big house?学 生答:Yes.教师再问:What do they grow?学生答: Tomatoes,potatoes .教师引入:Lele and his parents live in a village near a lake.They have a big house there. A river runs by .His parents work on a farm. In spring, they grow tomatoes,potatoes and other vegetables.分组探讨课文大意,学 习新词汇:run by ;grow ;other.教师作相应的讲解。 2、同法学习课文第二部分。 3、教师播放 Part B Lets learn more 录音。 4、教师根据录音内容提出问题,然后分组探讨,回答问题。 (1)Where does Lele live ? (2)What do they grow on the farm? (3)What animals can Lele see? (4)Does he love his village? 5、学生朗读课文,要求语音语调正确。 三、课堂小结 四、作业 Part C Read and complete 教学流程:教学流程: 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 4 He Lives in a Village by 从旁边(过去) grow(种植,生长) other(其他的,别的) wild(野生的) even(甚至) happily 是 happy 的副词形 式 together(一起) year after year(年复一年)
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