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1、刷题课时练 7Unit 3Section Starting out th e puppy was right at my side.I succeeded at last. I didnt take the puppy to the pound. Instead, we walked toward the mailb ox. We named him Cheyenne. Before long, I was walkin g with Cheyenne every day. Pretty soon, I was strong enough to work on the farm again.

2、Now I wonder who put a puppy i n a mailbox. Nobody is so crazy after all, Cheyenne was may be what the doctor ordered. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者在手术后身体非常 虚弱, 不能走路, 内心苦恼, 抱怨医生。 后来他收养了一只小狗, 在这只小狗的陪伴与感染下,他试着迈步,并很快恢复了健康。 5What can we learn about the author in the first paragra ph? AHe didnt often take exercise.

3、BHe didnt think life was easy. CHe gave up picking up his mail at last. DHe thought the doctor was only joking. 答案与解析:C推理判解题。根据第一段中的“just stopp ed”和“so far away”可知,作者最终放弃去取信。故选 C 项。 6What does the underlined word “tough” in the secon d paragraph mean? AWrong.BDifficult. CWise.DSilly. 答案与解析:B词义猜测题。根据

4、第一段可知,作者现在 走路有困难,需要练习。故选 B 项。 7How did the author feel when he saw the puppy? AHe felt it was a trouble. BHe was filled with pity for it. CHe was worried about its health. DHe felt it was too small to help him. 答案与解析:A细节理解题。根据第三段的“I couldnt t ake care of myself. How could I look after thispuppy? He

5、s going to the pound, I thought.”可知,作者一开始见到这 只小狗后,觉得自己都照顾不了自己,怎么能照顾这只小狗呢? 他想把它送到动物收容所。由此可知,作者一开始见到这只小狗 时,觉得这只小狗是个累赘。故选 A 项。 8What may be the best title for the text? AA Special MailBNever Give up Hope CLife isnt Always EasyDAn Unforgettable Vacation 答案与解析:A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者在手术 后身体非常虚弱,不能走着去取邮件,后来妻子在邮箱

6、里发现了 一只小狗。在这只小狗的陪伴与感染下,他试着迈步,走到了邮 箱前。故事围绕“邮箱”展开,因为在作者看来小狗是一封特殊 的“邮件”。故选 A 项。 .完形填空 My husband and I have little money lately, We have nt_1_out for a while, so we went to a_2_last ni ght. When we saw the_3_ , we knew we could only afford to get a small pizza, so we would have enough money left for_4_

7、. Before long our pizza that was cut to 4 piec es arrived. My husband wanted to act like a_5_, so he would like to put a piece of_6_on my plate. Unluckily it dropped onto the_7_. I knew he would be_8_abo ut others opinions on him. I told him, “Honey, dont let othe r people_9_us. We still have three

8、pieces left.” The manager_10_this and came over with a b room (扫帚). He_11_the pizza and said he was_12_ _that the oven (烤箱) had been turned off, or he would hav e_13_another pizza for us. At the end of our meal he _14_to our table again to thank us for being here. Then he_15_us one coupon (优惠券) for

9、a free small pizza. We were_16_because he could have chosen a_17_ attitude (态度) when he saw the pizza we dropped during th eir closing time. Instead he chose to make sure we could left _18_. My husband was going to give him tips for our mea l that we had prepared,_19_the manager didnt take the m. To

10、 some people it might not be important, but to us it me ant a lot. Our rare treat of enjoying a night out was made mo re _20_. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者生活窘迫, 在饭店吃饭时还弄出囧事,却没有受到饭店经理的歧视和不满, 因此十分感动。 1A.hungBeaten CworkedDplayed 答案与解析: B根据下文可知, 作者和丈夫因为生活拮据, 所以很长时间没有出去吃饭了。 2A.churchBsupermarket CparkDrestauran

11、t 答案与解析:D根据下文可知,他们最后去了一家餐厅吃 晚饭。 3A.pricesBsizes CwaitersDnames 答案与解析: A根据该空后的“afford”可知, 此处指作者 看到价格后,发现只能点小号披萨。 4A.clothesBdrinks CtipsDdesserts 答案与解析:C根据最后一段“My husband was going t o give him tips for our meal that we had prepared”可知,作 者和丈夫想留下钱付小费。 5A.gentlemanBpoliceman CdoctorDteacher 答案与解析:A根据后面

12、的“so he would like to put a piece of _6_ on my plate”可知,丈夫想表现得像一个绅士。 6A.paperBpizza CbreadDmeat 答案与解析:B根据第二段第一句可知,他们点了一个披 萨,所以丈夫想给作者盘子里放一块披萨。 7A.seatBtable CfloorDbowl 答案与解析:C根据下文“with a broom”可知,丈夫不 小心把披萨掉到了地上。 8A.worriedBsure CmadDhopeful 答案与解析:A夫妻俩因没钱只能点小号披萨,现在又将 披萨掉到地上,他担心别人对他的看法。 9A.commandBinf

13、luence CrecognizeDignore 答案与解析:B根据 dont 和 still 可知,作者安慰丈夫,让 他不要在意,别让他人影响了自己。 10A.doubtedBbelieved CnoticedDliked 答案与解析:C根据下文的“came over”可知,经理注意 到了这一幕。 11A.threwBhid CpickedDcleaned 答案与解析:D根据上文的“with a broom”可知,丈夫 将披萨掉在地上,所以经理过来清理。 12A.disappointedBsorry CafraidDangry 答案与解析:B根据“. the oven had been tu

14、rned off, o r he would.”可知,经理感到抱歉。 13A.broughtBsold CshowedDchosen 答案与解析:A烤箱关了,否则经理会给他们再拿来一份 披萨。 14A.wavedBpointed CreturnedDshouted 答案与解析:C根据“The manager _10_ this and cam e over”以及该空后的“again”可知,经理再次回到他们的桌 旁。 15A.passedBpaid ClentDgave 答案与解析: D根据“for a free small pizza”可知, 经理 给了作者和丈夫一张优惠券可以免费吃小号披萨。

15、 16A.movedBproud CrelaxedDserious 答案与解析:A作者和丈夫觉得是他们添了麻烦,反而得 到了餐厅经理的礼遇,所以他们很感动。 17A.wrongBbad CfriendlyDcareful 答案与解析:B经理的态度非常好,即使是在他们弄脏了 地板后,都没有态度不友好。 18A.freelyBpolitely CreadilyDhappily 答案与解析:D餐厅经理态度友好,让他们开心地离开餐 厅。 19A.becauseBif CbutDso 答案与解析:C该空前后内容之间存在转折关系。 20A.interestingBsuccessful CsurprisingDpleasant 答案与解析:D由于经理的礼遇和善意,作者夫妇吃得很 愉快,内心也高兴。


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