(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修一Unit2 Grammar构词法ppt课件.ppt

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1、 请翻译:请翻译: Since you are so sensitive to the cold, youd better put on more clothes when it is getting cold. You must be thought to be illiterate if you havent heard about Shakespeare. Word formation Teaching aims: 1. To explore some rules of word formation 2. To improve the students abilities to gues

2、s the meanings of the words. 3. To enlarge the students vocabulary. Word formation 种类:种类: 在英语中在英语中,词的构成法主要有四种词的构成法主要有四种: 合成、转化、派生、缩略合成、转化、派生、缩略 一、合成 由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连词符号由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连词符号“-”连接,有的连接,有的 直接连写在一起,还有的由分开的两个词构成直接连写在一起,还有的由分开的两个词构成: 1.合成名词合成名词: pain-killer /cowboy/editor-in-chief/ outp

3、ut/outbreak/breakthrough/breakdown/outcome 2. 合成动词合成动词: overcome/ uphold /sleepwalk 3. 合成形容词合成形容词: snow-white / lifelong /well-known newly-built/ time-saving/ man-made/near-sighted/far- sighted/short-sight/widely-accepted/energy- saving/hand-made/home-made/three-legged/ 4.合成副词合成副词: everywhere/ howev

4、er/ beforehand 5.合成代词合成代词: everything/ anybody 6.合成介词合成介词: into/ within/ inside/ 请同学们翻译下列合成词:(请同学们翻译下列合成词:(Brainstorm) good-looking/ best-selling/ widely-accepted/ breath-taking/ English-speaking/ mouth-watering/ profit-making/ home-made/ short-sighted/ kind-hearted/ shortcoming/ drawback/ landmark/

5、bedclothes/sunshine/downtown/ teamwork/software/rainfall/waterfall/desktop/laptop/ briefcase/coastline/keyboard/input/output/outbreak/ upbringing/rainbow/guideline/headline/headquarters/ aircraft-carrier/ airline/ weekend/wildlife/sandstorm/ mudslide/database/bookshelf/freeway/expressway/subway/ coc

6、ktail/take-away外卖外卖/make-up/butterfly/earthworm/ go-between/whereabouts/ countdown/ breakdown/outcome 二、转化: It tastes good. It has a good taste. She is the kind of person who talks about you behind your back. You are not alone, and we are all backing you. He made it clear that he would not give up.

7、He cleared the table by taking away plates. 由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性. (1)动词动词 - 名词名词 (2) 名词名词 -动词动词 (3)形容词)形容词 -动词动词 (4)形容词)形容词-名词的转换名词的转换(意义改变意义改变): well (adj)-well (n) fine (adj)-fine (n) patient -patient safe-safe plain -plain content-content concrete -concrete stable-stable relative - re

8、lative fair-fair firm -firm chief -chief 特殊的特殊的 as. 三、派生: 1.表示表示否定意义否定意义的前缀的前缀 dis- dishonest, dislike,disappear, discourage, dissatisfied, disappear, disorder in, im, ir,il, inexperienced, inconvenient, inaccurate, impossible, impatient, improper, impolite, immoral, irregular, irresponsible, illega

9、l, ill-gotten, mis- misunderstand, mislead, misuse, mistrust non- non-profit, non-smoker, non-violence un- unable, uncertain, unimportant, uneasy anti-, ant- antisocial, antifreeze, antishock 由一个词根加上由一个词根加上前缀前缀 或或后缀后缀构成另外一个词。构成另外一个词。 5) out-, 表示表示“在上面,在外部,在外在上面,在外部,在外” outline, outside, outward 6) o

10、ver-, 表示表示“在上面,在外部,向上在上面,在外部,向上” overlook, overhead, over-bridge 7) extra-, 表示表示“额外额外” extra-time 8) fore- 表示表示“在前面在前面” forehead, foretell, foresee 9) in-, im-, 表示表示“向内,在内,向内,在内,” inland, invade, inside, import 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 1) a- 表示表示“在在之上之上”,“向向” a

11、board, aside, around 2) by- 表示表示“附近,邻近,边侧附近,邻近,边侧” byroad, byway, bypass(弯路弯路) 3) inter-, intel-, 表示表示“在在间,相互间,相互” international, interaction, internet 4) mid-, 表示表示“中,中间中,中间” midnight, mid-autumn 10) under-, 表示表示“在在.下面,下的下面,下的” underline, underground, underwater 11) up-, 表示表示“向上,向上面,在上向上,向上面,在上” up

12、ward, uphold, uphill(上坡上坡) 1re-“又又,再再” reform, review, replace, remove, renew 2. pre“前前” preschool, pre-war, preview, precondition 3. post“后后” post-war, postgraduate, postdoctoral 4. tele远程远程telephone, telegraph, telescope 5. de-向相反方向发展向相反方向发展devalue, defrost(解冻)(解冻),degrade 6. trans-穿过,变穿过,变transfo

13、rm, transport, transplant, 7. vice- 副副 vice-premier, vice-president 3.表示其他意义的前缀表示其他意义的前缀: 8. ex- 前任的前任的ex-wife, ex-president,ex-girlfriend 9.semi-半半 semi-final, semi-circle, 10. bi 两两 bicycle, bilingual 11. tri三三 triangle, tricycle 12.multi-多多 multimedia, multicultural, 13. kilo-千千 kilometer, kilogr

14、am 14. auto-自动的自动的 automobile, autograph, autobiography, automatically 15. eco-生态生态 ecosystem, eco-friendly 16. micro-小小 microwave, Microsoft, microscope 17. sub- 次一级次一级/ 潜潜 subconscious, suburban, subway, subtropical, submarine, 18. Sino-中国的中国的 Sino-Japanese, Sinopec 19. co- 联合,伴同联合,伴同 cooperate, c

15、oexist, 后后缀缀 例例 词词 名名 词词 able/ possible/ flexible/ capable mean/ regard/ remain/ ruin/ custom arrive/ survive/propose/ refuse/ approve America/ Austrilia/ private/ apologize/ difficult/ brave/secure curious/ anxious/ real/ major/ cruel/ safe farm, think, advise, teach act, sail, collect, invent, cre

16、ate exist/ occur/ differ/ refer/ prefer appear/ accept/ resist/ perform/ guide introduce/ consume/ describe/ solve imagine/ expect/ relax/ combine/ liberate impress/ conclude/ decide/ admit/confuse -bility -s -al -an -y -er -or -ence -ance -tion -ation -sion 后后缀缀 例例 词词 名名 词词 absent/confident/ indepe

17、ndent / defend marry/ short/ store/ pack/ pass warm/ true/ dead/ grow please/ depart/ expose/ press/ fail/ mix disappoint/ encourage/ improve/punish aware/ lazy/ weak/ careless/ unselfish friend/ champion/ relation/ scholar wise/ free/ king meaning/ wedding/ savings/ sufferings belongings/ surroundi

18、ngs/ earnings discover/ injure/ rob/ slave/ recover /brave -ce -age -th -ure -ment -ness -ship -dom -ing(s) -ry 后后缀缀 例例 词词 形形 容容 词词 unavoid/ knowlege/ change /comfort/ afford/ forget/ rely / believe / incure/ / value / physics, nation, politics, practice attract/create/ protect/ compete/instruct dea

19、d/cost/ day/order/like/ live/month adventure/poison/ danger/nutrition/ambition help, use, care, thank, faith end/aim/limit/speech/harm/value/worth/price dirt/guilt /skin /mud/ sun/ chill/ catch/ scare/ trouble/ tire/ hand influent / commerce/ benefit/ office -able -al -tive -ly -(i)ous -ful -less -y

20、 -some -ial 后后缀缀 例例 词词 动动 词词 -(e)n -fy -ize widen, strengthen, lengthen, sharpen simplify, beautify, purify, classify, qualify apologize, organize, realize, popularize socialize, spicialize, normalize, industrialize 后后缀缀 例例 词词 副副 词词 -ly -down -ward(s) really, badly, perfectly, truly face-down, palm-

21、down(手掌向下地手掌向下地) towards, forward, outward, backward 后后缀缀 例例 词词 数数 词词 -teen -ty -th fourteen, fifteen, eighteen forty, fifty, eighty fourth, fifth, eighth 四、缩略法四、缩略法 缩略法,即将单词缩写,词义和词性保 持不变,主要有截头、去尾、截头去尾等形 式。 1.截头截头 telephone-phone / aeroplane-plane 2.去尾去尾 examination-exam / laboratory-lab 3.截头去尾截头去尾

22、refrigerator-fridgeinfluenze- flu 4. 截取:截取: motel /sitcom/ FedEx/ smog 首尾字母缩略法:首尾字母缩略法: 即用单词首尾字母组成一个新词。读音即用单词首尾字母组成一个新词。读音 主要有两种形式,即各字母分别读音;作为主要有两种形式,即各字母分别读音;作为 一个单词读音。一个单词读音。 1.very important personVIP 2.televisionTV 3.Testing of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL Practice (I): rain(形容词形容词) _ agr

23、ee(反义反义)_ nation(形容词形容词)_ farm(人人)_ recent(副词副词)_ friend(形容词形容词)_ hope(形容词形容词)_ job(形容词形容词)_ visit(名词名词)_ access(形容词形容词) _ eight(八十八十)_ true(名词名词)_ kind(名词名词)_ China(形容词形容词)_ 按括号内的要求改写下列单词按括号内的要求改写下列单词 rainy national recently hopeful visitor eighty kindness disagree farmer friendly jobless accessibl

24、e truth Chinese Practice (II) 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空:用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空: 1. Harry Potter is a boy who is full of _ (imagine) 2. _ (congratulate)! You have done so well in the game. 3. I received a letter of _ (invite) but I didnt accept it. 4. His late _(arrive) made a mess of our plan. 5. To the _(amaze) of

25、the parents, their child can look after himself without their help. 6. He did exercise to _ (strong) his muscles. 7. I went out to _( breath) the fresh air. 8. Dont take his words _ (serious); he was just kidding. 9. The boy felt _ (comfort) with his new classmates, so he seldom spoke. 10. The _(pop

26、ular) of foreign words is part of the Japanese interest in anything new. 11. The boys _ (usual) behavior puzzled the doctor. 12. He _ (like) those who are not well-behaved. 13. He was _ (formal) dressed in a blue silk shirt open to the neck. imagination Congratulations invitation arrival amazement s

27、trengthen breathe seriously uncomfortable popularity unusual dislikes informally Practice (III) 用括号中所给单词的用括号中所给单词的否定否定形式填空:形式填空: 1. It is _ (legal) to drive after drinking alcohol. 2. _(lead) advertisement are not allowed by law. 3. The _(expect) death of her son made her sad. 4. He was scolded for

28、his _(acceptable) behavior. 5. If it is not _(convenient) to you, I should like to call on you tonight. 6. He was unlucky. No matter what he does, he was always _(succeed) 7. It was _(polite) of you to leave without saying goodbye. 8. I am afraid I have to _(agree) with you on the issue. 9. Paralymp

29、ic Games (残奥会残奥会) are held for the _ (able). 10. It was _ (polite) of you to leave without saying goodbye. illegal Misleading unexpected unacceptable inconvenient unsuccessful impolite disagree disabled impolite Thank you for your listening ! Practice (I): 从右栏中找出适当的词与左栏搭配构成合成词从右栏中找出适当的词与左栏搭配构成合成词. book lookers new far first trouble ten baby over empty a.reaching b.case c.minute d.class e.born f. on g.handed h.eat i. sit j. free


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