(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修一Unit3 Family matters一轮复习ppt课件.pptx

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1、 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 1.识记单词 (一)汉译英: 1._n. 人物,角色 2 _v.走近,靠近 3_n.闲谈,聊天 4_v. (把.集中(于) 5_n.录音室,演播室 6_n.法院,法庭 7_n.一代(人) 8_n.差距,差别 9_adv.现今,现时 10._n.皮肤 1.character 2. approach 3. chat 4. focus 5. studio 6. court 7. generation 8. gap 9. nowadays 10. skin

2、11._n. 慢跑锻炼 12._adj.苗条的,修长的 13._n. 议题;争论的问题 14._n.主题 15._n.一系列 16._n.活动(指演出、体育比赛、聚会等) 17._n.作用,影响 18._n. (报纸或杂志的)特写 19_adj.独特的,与众不同的 20._ n.个人n.风格 11. jogging 12. slim 13. issue 14. theme 15. range 16. event 17. impact 18. feature 19. individual 20. style 21._adj.额外的,另外的 22._n.系列比赛,系列事件 23._prep.到.

3、上,.朝.上 24._n.跑道 25._n.新闻媒体,传媒 26._prep.在整个期间,自始至终 27._n.百万 28._n.运动员,田径运动员 29._n.奖牌,勋章 30._adv.用某种方法,不知怎的 21. extra 22. series 23. onto 24. track 25. media 26. throughout 27. million 28. athlete 29. medal 30. somehow (二) 英译汉 1 career n._ 2 lawyer n._ 3. sigh n._ 4. curtain n._ 5 jaw n._ 6. beard n._

4、 7. cheek n._ 8. triathlon n._ 9. despite prep._ 10. disqualify v._ 11. indeed adv._ 1.职业,事业 2.律师 3.叹气,叹息(尤因厌烦失望疲倦等) 4.(舞台上的)幕,帷幕 5.下巴,下颌 6.胡须 7.面颊,脸颊 8.铁人三项运动 9.尽管,虽然 10. (因犯规而)取消.的资格 11.当然,确实(用于强调陈述或回答) 2.拓展单词: 1._v.假定,假设,认为_n.假定,假设,认为 2._v.恭敬的_adj.体面的;令人尊敬的 _adj.分别的,各自的 3._v.忽视,不理_adj.无知的,愚昧的_n.无

5、知,愚昧 4._adj.职业的,专业的_n.行业,职业 5._v.适合_adj.适当的 6._n.天赋,才能_adj.有天赋的;有才能的 1. assume ; assumption 2. respect; respectful; respectable ; respective 3. ignore; ignorant; ignorance 4. professional ; profession 5. suit; suitable 6. talent; talented 7._n.选择,可选择的东西_ adj. 可选择的 8._adv.现时,当前_adj.当前的;通用的;流通的,流行的 _n

6、.水流;气流;电流;思潮;潮流 9._adv.经常_adj.有规律的,频繁的n.常客,老主 顾;主力(或正式)队员 10._adj. (对事故错误、罪行等)负有责任的,应承担责任的_n.责 任,职责,任务 11._n.记忆,回忆_v. 记忆,记住_adj.值得纪念的,难 忘的 7. option; optional 8. currently; current 9. regularly; regular 10. responsible ; responsibility 11. memory ; memorize; memorable 12._n.国家_adj.国家的,民族的 13._v.力求达到

7、_adj.没有方向的,无目标的,无计划的 _adv.漫无目的地 14._v. 庆祝,过(节日、生日等);观察;遵守(法律、习俗等); 评论_n.观察,观测;监视;(尤指据所见、所闻、所读而作的)评论 15._v.道歉_n.道歉 16._v.钦佩,赞美,羡慕_n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕_adj.可钦佩的,值 得赞赏的,令人羡慕的 12. nation; national 13. aim; aimless; aimlessly 14. observe; observation 15. apologise; apology 16. admire ; admiration ; admirable 17._v

8、.认为判断n.法官,裁判员_n. 判断力,识别力;判决,裁决 18._v. 和解,结束(争论) ;解决;定居_n.定居者_adj.稳 定的,固定的,定居的 19._adv.一般,通常_adj.典型的,一贯的,特有的 20._n.细节,细微之处_adj.详细的,细致的;精细的 21._v.包含,含有_n.容器,集装箱,货柜 17. judge ; judgment 18. settle; settler; settled 19. typically; typical 20. detail; detailed 21. contain ; container 22._n.总结,摘要_v.总结,概括,

9、概述 23._adj.强有力的,有影响(感染)力的_adv.有力地;强大地; 强烈地_n.力量;权力 24._adv.明显地,显而易见地_adj.明显的,显然的 25._adj.全部的,整个的_adv.全部地,完整地,完全地 26._adv.非常,极其_adj.巨大的,庞大的 27._adj.好的,积极的_(反) adj.消极的,负面的 22. summary; summarize 23. powerful; powerfully; power 24. obviously; obvious 25. entire ; entirely 26. enormously; enormous 27. p

10、ositive ; negative 直击高考:直击高考: 1.( 2020 .天津高考)Ive heard that you are a_( talent) young woman ,and I have found you charming and intelligent as well. 2.(2020.山东新高考)Take the fear out of public speaking by focusing _ your listeners. 3. (2020.天津高考) This new start gave me an opportunity to redefine myself

11、 and discover an_( entire ) new version of “ cool” . 4. ( 2020.天津高考) You should remain modest when_( approach) perfection. 5. (2019. 全国卷I )Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes ,but it is also responsible_ those outcomes , too. 6. (2019.全国卷) While I have only listed two of each, t

12、here are_( obvious ) many other situations that can arise. 1. talented 2. on 3. entirely 4. approaching 5. for 6. obviously 7. (2019.北京高考)All our projects aim_ ( promote) the development of poor and remote communities. 8. (2019 .江苏高考) Favorable policies are in effect to encourage employees_ ( profes

13、sion) development. 9. (2019.天津高考)A dogs eating habit requires _ ( regularly ) training before it is properly established. 10. (2019.江苏高考) Whatever your age or interests, Buxton has something to see or do to make your visit truly_( memory) . 11. (2019.江苏高考) It seems obvious that these have made human

14、kind the most_( power) animal on earth. 12. ( 2019.江苏高考) The bone structure of our ancestors developed for _( million) of years to support a creature that walked on all fours and had a relatively small head. 7. to promote 8. professional 9. regular 10. memorable 11. powerful 12. millions 13. (2019.天

15、津高考)A man should learn_( suit) ways to deal with life. 14. (2019.天津高考) We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made a(n)impact_ our lives in many ways. 15. (2018.浙江高考)Let them know that you are there to help in any way that is acceptable , while still _( respect) the privacy of your

16、neighbor. 16. ( 2018 江苏高考) Apparently,blindly following others advice will affect our own_(judge). 17. (2018 .江苏高考) Try to understand whats actually happening instead of acting on the_( assume) you ve made. 18. (2017.北京高考) The_ ( nation ) park has a large collection of wildlife , ranging from butter

17、flies to elephants. 13. suitable 14. on 15. respecting 16. judgment 17. assumption 18. national 19. (2017 .江苏高考) Almost all developed_( nation) are experiencing sub- replacement birth rate. 20.(2015 .全国卷I )The Pompidou Centre in Paris is showing its respect and_ ( admire )for the artist and his powe

18、rful personality with an exhibition bringing together over 200 paintings, sculptures, drawings and more. 21. (2015.北京高考) These animals_( typical) live between the surface of the ocean and a depth of about 3,300 feet- as far as most light can reach. 22. (2014.广东高考) She apologized _the mistake and gav

19、e us a spare VIP room on the top floor. 23. (2013 .湖北高考)I felt proud to be spending my time productively , dutifully preserving for future generations a _ ( detail ) description of my travels. 19. nations 20. admiration 21. typically 22. for 23. detailed 短语巧练:短语巧练: 1._也,又也,又;和和.一样好一样好 2._冷静下来冷静下来 3.

20、_以以.为傲,对为傲,对.感到自豪感到自豪 4._采纳某人的建议采纳某人的建议 5._同时同时 6._在某人四十几岁时在某人四十几岁时 7._忙于某事忙于某事 8._弥补,补偿弥补,补偿(令人不快的遭遇或损失令人不快的遭遇或损失) 9._如果有必要的话如果有必要的话 10._和某人讨论某事和某人讨论某事 11._提高嗓门提高嗓门 12._仓促行事仓促行事;踊跃参加,全心全意投人踊跃参加,全心全意投人 13._勉强接受勉强接受,将就将就 14._领先领先 15._不再不再 1. as well as 2. calm down 3. be proud f 4. take ones advice 5

21、. at the same time 6. in ones forties 7. be busy with sth. 8. make up for 9. if ( it is) necessary 10. discuss sth. with sb. 11. raise ones voice 12. jump in with both feet 13. settle for 14. in the lead 15. no longer 直击高考直击高考 1. (2019.江苏高考) The two keepers _(对.感到自豪) their productive work. 2. (2019.

22、北京高考) Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile_ (同时)? 3. (2018.江苏高考)Hopefully in 2025 we will _(不再) be e-mailing each other, for we will have developed more convenient electronic communication tools by then. 4. (2017.天津高考)I am very _ (忙于) my lessons now, for the Entr

23、ance Examination, which is very important to me, is coming. Key : 1. are proud of 2. at the same time 3. no longer 4. busy with 句式仿写:句式仿写: 1完全倒装 Oh look, here_. 哟,我的孩子来了 2.动名词(短语)作主语 _is a job. 创作音乐是一份工作。 3. with复合结构 _,Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the l

24、ead. 离终点只有700米,阿利斯泰尔.布朗利位列第三,他的弟弟乔尼则处于 领先地位。 comes my boy Making music With just 700 metres to go 4. sth. be+形容词+to do But for Alistair, this decision_. 但对阿利斯泰尔来说,这个决定很容易解释 5.虚拟语气 I wish she_! 我希望她来过! was easy to explain had come 直击高考:直击高考: 1.(2020.山东新高考) Here_ you must master. 以下是你必须掌握的一些原则。 2.(202

25、0.山东新高考) I wish that speaker_ longer. 我希望那个演讲者(当时)说得再长一点。 3.(2019.北京高考) Credibility_ but_. 信誉难赚易失. are some principles had spoken is hard to earn easy to lose I .单词拼写 1. This is the house where my family have lived for three_(一代). 2. It is very convenient for us to have a_ (聊天)with our family member

26、s and friends with the help of WeChat. 3. There are 108 main_ (人物,角色)in the novel Water Margin, which is one of the four Chinese literature classics. 4. Basketball is my favourite sport and Id love to be a_ (职业的,专 业的) basketball player one day. 5. My sister is studying law at Cambridge University an

27、d she is likely to become a_ (律师)in the future. 巩固练习巩固练习 1. generations 2. chat 3. characters 4. professional 5. lawyer 6. Li Na suffered from terrible pain in her knees, which made it impossible for her to continue her_(职业 ,事业)as a tennis player. 7. If your luggage is overweight, youll have to pay_

28、(额外的) money. 8. Please send speaker from your group to make a_(总结)of your discussion. 9. Xu Haifeng is the first Chinese player to win the gold_(奖牌) in the Olympic Games. 10. It is generally believed that people with high EQ are open to new ideas and have_(积极的) attitudes towards life. 6. career 7.ex

29、tra 8. summary 9. medal 10. positive 2.单句语法填空单句语法填空 1._ (obvious), the nice girl was taken in by what the young man said. 2. When I entered the room, I found him_ ( seat) in an armchair, deep in thought. 3. The only approach to _( solve) the problem is to improve the quality of our products. 4. When

30、ever you feel angry, taking a deep breath can help you calm _quickly. 5.You need to know or consider it at least twice before you jump in with both_ ( foot). 1.Obviously 2.seated 3.soving 4.down 5.feet 6. With only 100 metres to go, Tom is_ the lead so he is very likely to win the game. 7. I am begi

31、nning to feel embarrassed by my complete_( ignore) of world history. 8. My mother is busy_ her work so Im afraid she has no time to go shopping with me. 9. His parents were proud_ him for his winning the first prize in the competition last week. 10. Daisy doesnt have a talent for music, but she deci

32、des to make up_ it with her hard work. 6.in 7. ignorance 8. with 9. of 10. for 3语段填词:语段填词: 1 Tom has a good _ and can _ new words very quickly. He says the trip to China is one of the most _experiences in his life.(memorize) 2 After he came to _ , everyone said he was a _ leader, but now he feels so

33、 _ that he even cant save his daughter. ( power) 3 The young man kept _ to his girlfriend for his being late, but she refused to accept his _.( apologise) 4 Well be _ for your safety and you need to take _ for your actions.(responsible) 1. memory; memorize; memorable 2. power; powerful; powerless 3.

34、 apologising; apology 4. responsible; responsibility 5 Because of his _ success in playing basketball, many teenagers _ Jeremy Lin and think he deserves their _.( admire) 6 We should _ a person by his actions, not by his words. _ from what he said, we thought he was an honest man. However, it has be

35、en proved that our _ is wrong.( judge) 7 Beethoven, who is widely considered to be a _ musician, showed great _ for music when he was young.( talent) 8 If you want to get more _ , please contact me. It will give you more _ information about it .(detail) 5. admirable; admire; admiration 6. judge; Jud

36、ging; judgment 7. talented; talent 8. details; detailed 4.完成句子完成句子 1. How I wish if_ by your side ! 我多么希望自己能够在你身边! 2. _made the teacher very angry. 他再次迟到使老师很生。 3. We have every reason to _ our motherland. 我们有理由为自己的祖国感到骄傲和自豪。 4. Hurry up! Here_. 快点!公交车来了。 5._,I cant go out with you. 有这么多衣服要洗,我不能和你出去了

37、。 Key : 1.I were 2. His being late again 3. be proud of 4. comes the bus 5. With so many clothes to wash 5.微写作微写作 假设你是李华, 你看到学校英语网站上的父亲节征稿启 the事。请你 根据下列要点写.篇短文表达 自己对父亲的感激之情。要点如下: 1.我爱我的爸爸,他为了养家糊口而努力工作,以至于四十多岁的时 候头发已经花白了。 2.他因善良而受到别人的尊敬。 3.这些年来,他从来没有抱怨过我们的生活条件。相反.他努力使我们 过上幸福的生活。 4.每当我们遇到困难时他总是鼓励我们,并给

38、我们一些有用的建议。 5.我以我父亲为荣。祝世界上最好的爸父亲节快乐! 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.尽量使用本单元的知识点: 3.可适当增加细节。 Key : I love my dad, who works so hard to support our family that his hair has already turned grey in his forties. He is respected by others for his kindness. Over the years, never has he complained of our living conditions.

39、 Instead, he has made great efforts to make us live a happy life. Whenever we are in trouble, he often encourages us and gives us some useful advice. I am proud of my father. Happy Fathers Day to the worlds best dad! 6.课文语法填空课文语法填空 Grandpa and Father 1 _( play) chess when Son comes in. Son tells his

40、 father that he doesnt want to go to university, 2_surprises his father. Father is a lawyer, and intends his son to choose the career as well, because it pays well. However, the son is 3_ ( interest) in playing music. Father doesnt understand his son and has an 4_ ( argue) with him. Grandfather has

41、no choice but 5 _( calm) both of them down. He reminds Father of his decision when Father 6 _(be) his sons age. At that time , Father chose a career suiting his own talents. Grandpa didnt force Father to follow his will and was even proud 7_Father. Finally, Grandpa asks Son to take his advice 8_ ( serious) and suggests that he should go to university and play music at 9_same time. In his opinion, Son can make lots of new friends at university. Father accepts it, 10_(say) . You can make lots of new lawyer friends. are playing which interested argument to calm was of seriously the saying


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