(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修一Unit1 Words(共27张ppt)ppt课件.pptx

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1、Welcome to my class! Learning Aims 1. To read the words and phrases correctly (会读) 2. To recite all the words and phrases (会写) 3. To master the usage of some important (会用) words and phrases: curious, impression, eagerness, calm, confident, argue, various, volunteer, apply, view, figure, exchange, o

2、ne by one, in panic, in particular, look forward to 单词默写单词默写 1. adj.高的,高级的 2. adj.好奇的 3. n. 传统 5. n. 设施 6. n. 作者,作家 7. n. 热切,渴望 8. v. 考察,探险 9. v. 组织 10. v. 呼吸 11. n. 挑战 12. n. 压力 13. adj. 镇静的,沉着的 14. n. 描述,描写 15. adj. 有信心的,自信的 16. v. 讨论,辩论 17. n. 舞台 18. adj. 内心的 19. v. 争论,辩论 20. adj. 垂敏锐的,聪明的 21. ad

3、j. 有智慧的,聪明的 22. v. 查明,调查 23. n. 话题 24. adj. 各种各样的 25. n. 志愿者 26. v. 申请 27. n. 计划表 28. n. 奖赏 29. n 机会,时机 30. v. 观看 31. v. 毕业 32. adj. 受惊的,害怕的 33. n. 看到,看见 34. v. 认为,以为 35. v. 挑选 36. adj. 特定的,特指的 37. adj. 具体的 38. n. 日记,日志 39. v. 奋斗,拼搏 40. v. 记住,熟记 41. n. 委员会 42. n. 改善,改进 43. n. 表现 44. v. 交换,交流 (一)初中学过

4、的词汇复习 1.tradition_(1.tradition_(含义含义);_(a.);_(a.) 2.breathe_( 2.breathe_(词性词性) );_(n.)_(n.) 3.press_(3.press_(含义含义);_();_(压力压力) ) 4.challenge_(4.challenge_(词性词性)_ (a.)_ (a.) 5.graduate _(v.);_ (n.)5.graduate _(v.);_ (n.) _(n.) _(n.) 6.perform_(6.perform_(含义含义)_(n.)_()_(n.)_(表演者表演者) ) 7.argue_(7.argu

5、e_(含义含义)_(n.)_(n.) 8._(8._(记忆力记忆力)_(v.)_(v.) 9.volunteer_;_(9.volunteer_;_(两层含义两层含义) ) 传统 traditionaltraditional v.v.breathbreath 挤,压pressurepressure v./nv./n.challengingchallenging 毕业graduationgraduation 毕业生 表演、表现 performanceperformance performerperformer 争论argumentargument memorymemorymemorisememo

6、rise 志愿者自愿 10. .聪慧的聪慧的_(a.a.) _ (n.)_ (n.) 11.11.描述描述_(v.)_(n.)_(v.)_(n.) 12.12.改进改进_(v.)_(n.)_(v.)_(n.) 13._(13._(低年级的低年级的)_()_(高年级的高年级的) ) 14.14.作者作者_;_;昆虫昆虫_;_;蝴蝶蝴蝶_ 戏剧戏剧_;_;乐队乐队_;_;健身房健身房_ 钢琴钢琴_;_;话题话题_;view_(_;view_(含义含义) ) 组织组织_(v.)_(v.)某一时刻某一时刻_ 短语:短语: 1.1.一个接一个一个接一个_;2._;2.全力以赴全力以赴_ 3.3.盼望,期

7、待盼望,期待_ intelligentintelligence describedescription improveimprovement juniorsenior authorinsectbutterfly drama band gym pianopiano topic 观看 organisemoment one by one go all out look forward to 重点词汇和短语:重点词汇和短语: Words: curious, impression, eagerness, calm, confident, argue, various, volunteer, apply,

8、 view, figure, Phrases: one by one, in panic, in particular, refer to look forward to, butterflies in ones stomach make the most of 重点单词用法:重点单词用法: 1. curious be curious about: 对对好奇好奇 1).他对看到的每样东西都好奇。他对看到的每样东西都好奇。 be curious to do sth 好奇于想做某事好奇于想做某事 2).我们都好奇于想知道考试的结果。我们都好奇于想知道考试的结果。 3). He was curiou

9、s about everything he saw. We are all curious to know the result of the exam. out of curiosity 出于好奇 with curiosity 好奇地 satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心 2. impress 打动;使打动;使印象深刻印象深刻 impression (n.) impressive (a.) 1) impress sb with sth /impress sth on (upon) sb 他用他的诚实打动了我。他用他的诚实打动了我。 2) be impressed w

10、ith sth/sb 对对印象深刻印象深刻 我对他的诚实印象深刻。我对他的诚实印象深刻。 3) make/leave /have an impression on/upon sb 给某人留下印象给某人留下印象 他的诚实给我留下深刻印象。他的诚实给我留下深刻印象。 He impressed me with his honesty. He impressed his honesty on/upon me. I was impressed with his honesty. His honesty made /left a deep impression on me. 共 140 页 10 3. 3

11、. eagerness n. 渴望,热切渴望,热切 adj. eager 热切的,渴望的热切的,渴望的 名词常用搭配:名词常用搭配: show great eagerness 表现出很大的热情表现出很大的热情 in ones eagerness 急切地,满怀渴望地急切地,满怀渴望地 形容词常用搭配形容词常用搭配 be eager for 渴求渴求 be eager to do sth. 渴望去做某事渴望去做某事 be eager that热情希望热情希望(从句谓语动词用从句谓语动词用should+动词原形,动词原形,should可可 以省略以省略) 活学巧练:汉译英活学巧练:汉译英 (1) (

12、1)我满怀渴望地冲出门去了解我的新学校。我满怀渴望地冲出门去了解我的新学校。 I rushed out of the door in my eagerness to know my new school. (2) (2)许多学生渴望找到一个学好英语的方法。许多学生渴望找到一个学好英语的方法。 Many students are eager to find a good way to learn English well. (3) (3)这些孩子热切希望他们的父母回家。这些孩子热切希望他们的父母回家。 These children are eager that their parents (sh

13、ould) come home. 共 140 页 12 4 4. . calm a. 镇静的,沉着的,平静的镇静的,沉着的,平静的 v. 使平静,使镇定使平静,使镇定 calmly adv. 沉着地沉着地 calmness n. 冷静,镇静;平静,安宁冷静,镇静;平静,安宁 常用搭配:常用搭配: remain/keep/stay calm 保持镇静,保持冷静保持镇静,保持冷静 calm(sb./oneself) down 使(某人使(某人/自己)冷静下来自己)冷静下来 活学巧练:汉译英活学巧练:汉译英 (1) (1)你努力保持镇定,告诉我发生了什么事。你努力保持镇定,告诉我发生了什么事。 Tr

14、y to keep calm and tell me what happened. (2) (2)我去让你生气的兄弟平静下来。我去让你生气的兄弟平静下来。 Ill go and calm your angry brother down. (3) (3)让那个激动的人平静下来是不容易的。让那个激动的人平静下来是不容易的。 It is not easy to calm the excited man down. 5. confident a. 有信心的,自信的有信心的,自信的 n. confidence 1) be confident about sb./sth. 对对有信心有信心 我们要对自己所

15、做的事有信心。我们要对自己所做的事有信心。 2) be confident of (doing) 确信确信; 对对有把握有把握 他有把握通过考试。他有把握通过考试。 3) be confident that 确信确信 我们相信,通过我们的努力环境将会得到改善。我们相信,通过我们的努力环境将会得到改善。 We are confident about what we have done. He was condient of passing the examination. We are confident that the environment will be improved by our

16、efforts. have confidence in 对有信心 6. argue v. 争论,争吵争论,争吵 ; 论证,坚决主张,说服论证,坚决主张,说服 1) argue with sb. (about/over sth.)就某事和某人争论)就某事和某人争论 他就车费与出租车司机争论。他就车费与出租车司机争论。 2) argue sb. into/out of doing sth 他们说服他不要浪费食物。他们说服他不要浪费食物。 3) argue for/against 赞成赞成/反对反对 argue that.认为认为/主张主张 她认为我们的努力是在浪费时间。她认为我们的努力是在浪费时间

17、。 He argued with the taxi driver about the fare. They argued him out of wasting food. She argued that our efforts would be a waste of time. argument n. 争论,争吵 7. Volunteer n. 志愿者,自愿参加者志愿者,自愿参加者 v. 自愿做,义务做,无偿做自愿做,义务做,无偿做 常用搭配常用搭配:volunteer to do sth. (for/as.) (为为/作为作为.) 自愿做某事自愿做某事 在他自愿去指挥交通前,他曾做过很多工作

18、。在他自愿去指挥交通前,他曾做过很多工作。 Before he volunteered to direct the traffic, he had had lots of jobs. 8. view 观察下列的句子,总结单词的用法观察下列的句子,总结单词的用法 (1) Whats your view on the news? n. 观点,意见观点,意见 a view on/about 关于关于的观点的观点 in ones view (2) The view from our window was beautiful countryside. view n. 风景,美景风景,美景 (3) The

19、 lake came into view as we turned the corner. n. 视力,视野视力,视野 out of view; 不在视野中不在视野中 come into view; have a good /bad view of看得清看得清/不清不清 (4) We view every customer as a partner. view v. 看,把看,把视为视为 view as (be viewed as) apply v. 申请;适用;应用于申请;适用;应用于 观察下列的句子,总结单词的用法观察下列的句子,总结单词的用法 (1) She applied for a

20、job with the local newspaper. apply for sth. (to sb. )(向某人)(向某人) 申请申请 (2) The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. apply to 适用于适用于 (3) Over the next months, he applied himself to improving the technique. apply oneself to doing 专注于专注于 1. I cant figure out how to do this. (弄明白,弄清楚)(弄明白,弄清楚)v. 计算,认

21、为计算,认为 2. He has become a figure known to everyone. (人物)画像,塑像(人物)画像,塑像 3. The wall was covered with figures of birds and flowers. (图形)图表(图形)图表 4. I could see the figure of a woman against the window. (人影)(人影) 5. She exercises every day to keep her figure. (身材)(身材)keep ones figure keep a good figure

22、9. figure 1. I had forgotten the date of the battle so I referred to a history book. (查阅,参考)(查阅,参考) 2. When I said some people are stupid, I wasnt referring to you. (针对,指的是(针对,指的是) 3. This rule refers to everyone. (适用于)(适用于) 4. Dont refer to the matter again. (提到,谈到)(提到,谈到) 5. He referred his succes

23、s to his own hard work. (归功于,归咎于)(归功于,归咎于) 10. refer to 11. look forward to doing 期待做某事期待做某事 belong to 属于属于 lead to 导致做某事导致做某事 be opposed to 反对反对 devote to 献身于献身于 be used to 习惯于习惯于 object to 反对反对 stick to 坚持坚持 pay attention to refer to 提到,谈判,参考提到,谈判,参考 turn to 求助于求助于转向转向 be addicted to 对对上瘾上瘾 be acc

24、ustomed to 习惯于习惯于 get down to 开始做某事开始做某事 本节课重点词汇和短语:本节课重点词汇和短语: Words: curious, impression, eagerness, calm, confident, argue, various, volunteer, apply, view, figure, Phrases: one by one, in panic, in particular, refer to look forward to, butterflies in ones stomach make the most of, go all out, Re

25、view Time 1.对对好奇好奇_ 2. 好奇去做某事好奇去做某事_ 3. 出于好奇出于好奇 _ 4. 好奇地好奇地_ 5. 对对印象深刻印象深刻_ 6. 给给留下印象留下印象_ 7. 急切地,渴望地急切地,渴望地_ 8. 渴求某物渴求某物_ 9. 渴望去做某事渴望去做某事_ 10. 保持镇静保持镇静_ 11. 冷静下来冷静下来_ be curious about be eager to do sth. be curious to do sth. out of curiosity with curiosity calm down in ones eagerness make/leave/h

26、ave an impression on sb. be impressed with sth. keep calm be eager for 1. 对对有信心有信心_ 2. 确信确信_ 3. 就某事和某人争吵就某事和某人争吵_ 4. 说服某人去做某事说服某人去做某事_ 5. 自愿去做某事自愿去做某事_ 6. 把把适用于适用于_ 7. 全神贯注于全神贯注于_ 8. 在某人看来在某人看来_ 9. 将将看作看作_ 10. 弄清楚,弄明白弄清楚,弄明白_ 11. 保持身材保持身材_ be confident about view as be confident of doing sth argue w

27、ith sb. about sth. argue sb. into doing sth. keep ones figure apply oneself to doing sth. apply to volunteer to do sth. figure out in ones view 活学活用:汉译英活学活用:汉译英 (1)(1)我满怀渴望地冲出门去了解我的新学校。我满怀渴望地冲出门去了解我的新学校。 I rushed out of the door in my eagerness to know my new school. (2)(2)他对看到的每一样东西都很好奇。他对看到的每一样东西都

28、很好奇。 He was curious about everything he saw. (3)(3)我们要对自己所做的事有信心我们要对自己所做的事有信心。 We should be confident about what we have done. (4)(4)我写信是为了申请志愿者的工作。我写信是为了申请志愿者的工作。 I am writing to apply for the volunteer. (5)(5)她每天锻炼以保持好的身材。她每天锻炼以保持好的身材。 She exercises every day to keep her figure. 作业:作业: 1. 读会记会单词读会记会单词 2. 掌握单词、短语的用法掌握单词、短语的用法 3. 预习课文预习课文


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