(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修第三册 单元重点单词讲解与练习(含教师版+学生版;全册6份打包)

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    • Unit 1 Knowing me, knowing you 重点词汇讲义【新教材】2020-2021学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修第三册(教师版+学生版)
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      • Unit 1.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Making a difference 重点词汇讲义【新教材】2020-2021学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修第三册(教师版+学生版)
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      • Unit 3.docx--点击预览
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      • Unit 6 教师版.docx--点击预览
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1 Unit 1 Knowing me,knowing you sink vi.(sank, sunk) 1 (船等) 下沉 反 float;(日、月) 下落: The ship sank to the bottom of the river. 船沉入了河底。 The sun was starting to sink. 太阳开始 下山。 2 (头、目光等) 下垂: His head sank on his chest. 他的头垂 在胸前。 3 坐下;倒下: She let out a sigh and sank into a chair. 她叹息了一声,颓然坐进椅子里。 4 消沉;陷入: Her heart sank as the list ended without her name. 名单读完却没听到自己的 名字,她心里一沉。 I was worried and sank in my thoughts. 我有些担心,陷入了深思。 高考链接 1、 Fred entered without knocking and, very out of breath, sank into a chair. 测试 一、用适当的介词填空。 1. The fish food will gradually sink to the bottom of the tank. 二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool (沉入池底). 2. Her heart sank (她心里一沉) as she read the results. 3. Fred entered without knocking and, very out of breath, sank into a chair (坐进椅子里). 4. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began / start to sink (开始下沉). 5. Susans husband Mark watched her sink into hopeless (陷入绝望) and he was determined to use every possible means to help his wife. fault n 1 (对错误所负的) 责任;过失;过错 the responsibility for sth wrong that has happened or been done: U Why is everything always my fault? 为 什么所有的事情都是我的过错呢? Im really sorry its all my own fault. 我真的很抱歉,都是我自己的错。 Its his fault that we were late. 我们迟 到,责任在他。 2 缺点;缺陷;故障 a weak aspect of sbs character or sth that is wrong or not perfect: C Everybody has his faults. 每个人都有 缺点。 The sweater had a fault in it and I had to take it back. 这件毛衣有瑕疵,我 只好退货。 辨辨 error, mistake, fault error 是正式用语,侧重指计算、书写等 过程中出 现的“差错”以及计算机系统出 现的错误,还可 指道德上的错误。常和 介词 in 搭配。 There must be an error in our calculations. 我们在计算时肯定有差 错。 The letter was sent to you in error. 这 封信误寄到你这里了。 mistake 在日常英语中用得最为广泛。着 重强调行 为或观点本身不正确而造成的 “错误;失误”。 常和介词 by 搭配。 Im not blaming you we all make mistakes. 我不怪你,谁都难免犯错 误。 2 I picked up your bag by mistake. 我错 拿了你的包。 fault 指人性格上的弱点或行动上的“过失, 过 错”,往往强调其应负的责任。用于物 时指瑕 疵、毛病。 Its my fault that we missed the bus. 我 们错过了汽车是我的错。 For all its faults we love this city. 尽管 有各种缺点,我们还是热爱这座城市。 固定搭配 at fault 有责任;有错: find fault (with) 找碴儿;抱怨;挑剔: 派生词 faultless adj 无错误的;完美无缺的 (perfect) 高考链接 1、 He is such a man who is always finding fault with other people. 2、 I dont think its my fault (我的过错) that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all, said the boy. 测试 一、根据所给提示,完成下列句子。 1. “I dont think its my fault (是我的过错) that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all,” said the boy. 2. Parents are at fault (有责任) for the change in their children. 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 He has many faults, but dishonesty isnt one of them. 缺点 2. There is a fault in the electrical system. 故障 3. She believes it was the doctors fault that the patient died. 过错/责任 resolve v.正式用语正式用语 1 vt 解决 (settle): resolve a conflict / an issue / difficulties 解决冲突/解决问题/解决难题 2 vt & vi 正式用语 决心;决定: Instead of resolving to lose weight, try an actionable resolution: “Ill stop having dessert for lunch.” 不要光下决 心减肥,要尝试一个可行性的决心: “我午餐不再吃甜品。” 派生词 resolution n 解决;决心: conflict resolution 冲突解决 breath n.C & U 1 呼吸;气息: take a deep breath 深吸一口气 draw in a breath of fresh air 吸一口清 新的空气 固定搭配 catch ones breath 缓一口气;歇口气 hold ones breath 屏息;憋住气 out of breath 上气不接下气: 高考链接 1、 Jack took a deep breath (呼吸) and then dived into the water. 2、 Eric came running into the room, out of breath .(上气不接下气) breathe v.vi & vt 1 呼吸: When we breathe, the air goes into our lungs. 吸气时,空气就进入了我们的 肺部。 People are concerned about the air quality they breathe. 人们很担心他们 所呼吸的空气的质量。 固定搭配 breathe in 吸气;吸入: breathe out 呼气;呼出: 高考链接 1、 We had great difficulty in breathing (breathe), for the air was thin. 3 concern n 1 U 担心;忧虑 a feeling of worry about sth important: the growing concern about / for / over continuing high unemployment 对居高 不下的失业率的日益担忧 2 U 关心 a feeling of wanting to protect and help sb / sth: Thank you for your concern. 谢谢你的 关心。 I appreciate everyones concern and help at this difficult time. 在此困难时 刻,我很感激每个人对我的关心和帮 助。 3 C 担心的事;关心的事 sth that worries you or that is important to you: The quality of books is a main concern to editors. 编辑们主要关心书的质量。 What are your main concerns as a student? 作为学生,你最关心什么? 测试 一、在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词。 1. The news shocked the public, leading to great concern about/for/over students safety at school. 2. The concern for/about/over a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. 二、用 concern 的适当形式填空。 1. One of the concerns that people have is the side effects of treatment. 2. As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can get hold of concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. 三、根据所给汉语,完成句子。 1. As far as Im concerned(就我个人而言), riding bicycles is a good solution. 2. Nowadays people are more concerned about / for the environment where they live(更关心他们所居住的环境). 3. Parents are concerned with childrens subject selection(关注孩子们的课程选择). 4. There was no evidence that he was concerned in / with any criminal activity(与 任何犯罪活动有关). 四、用 concern 的适当形式填空。 1. The letter has been given to person concerned. 2. As far as Americans are concerned, a lot of our hotels are below average. 二、在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词。 1. Officials should concern themselves with public affairs. 2. The meeting was concerned with reforms and everyone present was concerned for their own interests. adjust v 1 vt 调整;调节: adjust the indoor temperature 调节室内 温度 Watch out for the sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly. 当心急 转弯并相应调整速度。 2 vi & vt (使) 适应;(使) 习惯 (adapt): adjust to (doing) sth: After a while, my eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the cave. 过了一会儿, 我的眼睛适应了山洞里的黑暗。 It took him a while to adjust to working night shifts. 他过了一段时间才适应 了上夜班。 adjust oneself to sth: Youll quickly adjust yourself to student life. 你将很快适应学生生活。 4 Over the years, we all learned to adjust and to become more comfortable with each other. 几年来,我们都学会了适 应,学会了彼此宽容。 派生词 adjustable adj 可调整的;可调节的: an adjustable seat 可调节座椅 测试 一、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号 内单词的正确形式。 1. She felt she had adjusted to the idea of being a mother very well. 2. My parents had trouble adjusting to living (live) in an apartment. 3. The height of the chair is adjustable (adjust). 4. She made a few minor adjustments (adjust) to the machine. 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 1. The automatic temperature-controlling system mentioned above can adjust the water temperature. 调节水温 2. Students do not adjust their sleep patterns well. 调节;调整 3. My father is adjusting the focus of the camera. 调节焦距 4. The lifestyle is so very different it takes a while to adjust. 适应 duty n 1 C & U (道德或法律上的) 责任;义 务: a sense of duty 责任感 It is the duty of every citizen to ask what he can do for his community. 问 问自己能为社区做些什么是每个公民 的责任。 To obey the laws is everyones duty. 遵守法律是每个人的义务。 2 C 常用复数 (工作)任务;职责: One of her duties is to report any absentees. 她的职责之一是报告谁缺 席。 The duties before me are certain to be heavy. 我面临的任务肯定是艰巨的。 3 U 值班: Report for duty at 8 am. 早上 8 点钟上 班签到。 4 C & U 常用复数 税;关税: duty-free shops 免税店 import duties 进口关税 固定搭配 do ones duty 尽自己的责任: on / off duty 值 / 下班;值 / 不值 勤: forgive vt.(forgave, forgiven) 1 原谅;宽恕: forgive sb sth: They forgave him his rudeness. 他们原 谅了他的无礼。 forgive sb for (doing) sth: The pain was acute, and I couldnt forgive Danny for leaving me. 那是个 剧烈的伤痛,我不能原谅丹尼离我而 去。 Forgive me for interrupting, but I have something urgent to tell you. 请原谅我 打断一下,但是我有要紧事要告诉你。 固定搭配 forgive and forget 不念旧恶;不记仇: 高考链接 1、 One of my favourite sayings is Understand all and forgive (宽恕) all. 5 independent adj 1 独立的;自立的 反义词: dependent economically independent 经济独立 Are you quite independent of your parents now? 你现在脱离父母自立了 吗? 派生词 independently adv 独立地 apart adv 1 相隔地;相距地: The buildings stood several miles apart. 这些楼之间相隔数英里远。 Our birthdays are exactly a month apart. 我们的生日正好相差一个月。 2 分开地: He had a deep voice, which set him apart from others in our small town. 他 嗓音深沉,这使他不同于我们小镇上 的其他人。 I cant tell the twins apart. 我区分不开 这对双胞胎。 3 零散地;成碎片地: Rod loves taking apart clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again. 罗德喜欢把钟表拆开,但他从 未能再组装上。 Im sorry, the cup just came apart in my hands. 很抱歉,这个杯子竟在我手上 碎了。 His marriage fell apart. 他的婚姻破裂 了。 固定搭配 apart from 1 除外 (别无);若不: Apart from them, I had no one to talk to. 除了他们,没有人和我说话。 2 除外 (尚有): Apart from providing warmth, what was fire used for? 除了用来取暖,火 还有什么用处? be worlds apart 完全不同;截然相反: Their experience of life is worlds apart. 他们的生活经历完全不同。 高考链接 1、 Apart from good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 1 Unit 1 Knowing me,knowing you sink vi.(sank, sunk) 1 (船等) 下沉 反 float;(日、月) 下落: The ship sank to the bottom of the river. The sun was starting to sink. 2 (头、目光等) 下垂: His head sank on his chest. 3 坐下;倒下: She let out a sigh and sank into a chair. 4 消沉;陷入: Her heart sank as the list ended without her name. I was worried and sank in my thoughts. 高考链接 1、 Fred entered without knocking and, very out of breath, sank _ a chair. 测试 一、用适当的介词填空。 1. The fish food will gradually sink_ the bottom of the tank. 二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. The kids watched as the coin_ (沉入池底). 2. _ (她心里一沉) as she read the results. 3. Fred entered without knocking and, very out of breath, _ (坐进 椅子里). 4. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it _ (开始下沉). 5. Susans husband Mark watched her_(陷入绝望) and he was determined to use every possible means to help his wife. fault n 1 (对错误所负的) 责任;过失;过错 the responsibility for sth wrong that has happened or been done: U Why is everything always my fault? Im really sorry its all my own fault. Its his fault that we were late. 2 缺点;缺陷;故障 a weak aspect of sbs character or sth that is wrong or not perfect: C Everybody has his faults. The sweater had a fault in it and I had to take it back. 辨辨 error, mistake, fault error There must be an error in our calculations. The letter was sent to you in error. mistake Im not blaming you we all make mistakes. I picked up your bag by mistake. fault Its my fault that we missed the bus. For all its faults we love this city. 2 固定搭配 at fault_ find fault (with)_ 派生词 _ adj 无错误的;完美无缺的 (perfect) 高考链接 1、 He is such a man who is always finding fault _other people. 2、 I dont think its _(我的过错) that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all, said the boy. 测试 一、根据所给提示,完成下列句子。 1. “I dont think its _(是我的 过错) that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all,” said the boy. 2. Parents are_ (有责任) for the change in their children. 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 He has many faults, but dishonesty isnt one of them. _ 2. There is a fault in the electrical system._ 3. She believes it was the doctors fault that the patient died. _ resolve v.正式用语正式用语 1 vt 解决 (settle): resolve a conflict / an issue / difficulties 2 vt & vi 正式用语 决心;决定: Instead of resolving to lose weight, try an actionable resolution: “Ill stop having dessert for lunch.” 派生词 _ n 解决;决心: conflict resolution breath n.C & U 1 呼吸;气息: take a deep breath draw in a breath of fresh air 固定搭配 catch ones breath hold ones breath out of breath 高考链接 1、 Jack _ (呼吸) and then dived into the water. 2、 Eric came running into the room, _.(上气不接下气) breathe v.vi & vt 1 呼吸: When we breathe, the air goes into our lungs. People are concerned about the air quality they breathe. 固定搭配 breathe in _ breathe out _ 高考链接 1、 We had great difficulty in breathing (breathe), for the air was thin. 3 concern n 1 U 担心;忧虑 a feeling of worry about sth important: the growing concern about / for / over continuing high unemployment 2 U 关心 a feeling of wanting to protect and help sb / sth: Thank you for your concern. I appreciate everyones concern and help at this difficult time. 3 C 担心的事;关心的事 sth that worries you or that is important to you: The quality of books is a main concern to editors. What are your main concerns as a student? 测试 一、在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词。 1. The news shocked the public, leading to great concern _ students safety at school. 2. The concern _a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. 二、用 concern 的适当形式填空。 1. One of the _ that people have is the side effects of treatment. 2. As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can get hold of _ music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. 三、根据所给汉语,完成句子。 1. _(就我个人而言), riding bicycles is a good solution. 2.Nowadays people_(更关心他 们所居住的环境). 3.Parents_ _(关注孩子们的课程选 择). 4. There was no evidence that he _ _(与任何犯罪活动有关). 四、用 concern 的适当形式填空。 1. The letter has been given to person _. 2. As far as Americans _, a lot of our hotels are below average. 二、在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词。 1. Officials should concern themselves _public affairs. 2. The meeting was concerned_ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests. adjust v 1 vt 调整;调节: adjust the indoor temperature Watch out for the sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly. 2 vi & vt (使) 适应;(使) 习惯 (adapt): 4 adjust to (doing) sth: After a while, my eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the cave. It took him a while to adjust to working night shifts. adjust oneself to sth: Youll quickly adjust yourself to student life. Over the years, we all learned to adjust and to become more comfortable with each other. 派生词 _ adj 可调整的;可调节的: an adjustable seat 可调节座椅 测试 一、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号 内单词的正确形式。 1. She felt she had adjusted_ the idea of being a mother very well. 2. My parents had trouble adjusting to _(live) in an apartment. 3. The height of the chair is _ (adjust). 4. She made a few minor _ (adjust) to the machine. 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 1. The automatic temperature-controlling system mentioned above can adjust the water temperature. _ 2. Students do not adjust their sleep patterns well. _ 3. My father is adjusting the focus of the camera. _ 4. The lifestyle is so very different it takes a while to adjust. _ duty n 1 C & U (道德或法律上的) 责任;义 务: a sense of duty 责任感 It is the duty of every citizen to ask what he can do for his community. To obey the laws is everyones duty. 2 C 常用复数 (工作)任务;职责: One of her duties is to report any absentees. The duties before me are certain to be heavy. 3 U 值班: Report for duty at 8 am. 4 C & U 常用复数 税;关税: duty-free shops import duties 固定搭配 do ones duty_ on / off duty _ forgive vt.(_,_) 1 原谅;宽恕: forgive sb sth: 5 They forgave him his rudeness. forgive sb for (doing) sth: The pain was acute, and I couldnt forgive Danny for leaving me. Forgive me for interrupting, but I have something urgent to tell you. 固定搭配 forgive and forget _ 高考链接 1、 One of my favourite sayings is Understand all and _ (宽恕) all. independent adj 1 独立的;自立的 反义词: dependent economically independent Are you quite independent of your parents now? 派生词 _ adv 独立地 apart adv 1 相隔地;相距地: The buildings stood several miles apart. Our birthdays are exactly a month apart. 2 分开地: He had a deep voice, which set him apart from others in our small town. I cant tell the twins apart. 3 零散地;成碎片地: Rod loves taking apart clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again. Im sorry, the cup just came apart in my hands. His marriage fell apart. 固定搭配 apart from 1 除外 (别无);若不: Apart from them, I had no one to talk to. 2 除外 (尚有): Apart from providing warmth, what was fire used for? be worlds apart 完全不同;截然相反: Their experience of life is worlds apart. 高考链接 1、 Apart_good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 1 Unit 2 c
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