(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三Unit 4 Live from the Louvre reading ppt课件(含教案).zip

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Live from the Louvre What do you know about the Louvre ? Work in pairs and complete the quiz. Try to guess if you are not sure of the answers. 1 Where is the Louvre Museum? a In London. b In Paris. c In Berlin. 2 When was the original castle of the Louvre built? a The 12th century. b The 15th century. c The 18th century. 3 How many works of art are there in its collection? a Around 180,000. b Around 400,000. c Around 480,000. 4 Which work of art is among the “Big Three” attractions of the Louvre? a The Code of Hammurabi.汉谟拉比法典,古代东方成文法典代表 b Liberty Leading the People.自由领导人民 c Venus de Milo.米罗的维纳斯 Sunflowers Vincent van Gogh Live from the Louvre The thinker Auguste Rodin Live from the Louvre Pablo Picasso her head and arms are missing incredible skills smaller min d selfie cheaper fantastic Live from the Louvre I. Fast Reading Read the passage and find out what Zeck is doing in the Louvre? _He was giving a live broadcast from the Louvre. This broadcast is being brought to you from one of the largest museums on Earth. 本节目来自地球上最大的博物馆 II.Complete the route with expressions from the passage? Winged Victory of Samothrace Here at the top of the stairs is this_ . Although_ _ , you can still imagine her posture. The folded dress shows incredible _ .It is difficult to believe the sculpture is _. sculpture her head and arms are missing skills hold her arms up high ,celebrating the result of an ancient battle Her dress is being folded by the wind . made of stone Her head and arms are missing ,but you can imagine her holding her arms up high ,celebrating the result of an ancient battle. I really cant believe shes made of stone .The skill of the sculptor is just incredible. 2. 她的头和手臂都不见了,但你可以想象她高举双臂,庆祝一场 古代战役的胜利。 3. 我真不敢相信她是用石头做的。雕刻家的技艺简直不可思议。 Mona Lisa 1. This is perhaps the most famous painting here, protected by glass. Its smaller than_ .The lady in the painting seems to have _ ,which makes her so interesting.a mind of her own you would expect 2. Why is the host being pushed around in Louvre? _Becaude it is crowded in Louvre. What other things do you know about Mona LIsa? ? 1. When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own. 2. One moment it seems to be laughing at me ,but the again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile . 3.Thats why she attracts so many visitors everyday. 1. 当我看着她的眼睛时,我觉得她有自己的想法 2.一会儿它似乎在嘲笑我,但再次我捕捉到她的微笑悲伤的感觉 这就是她每天吸引这么多游客的原因。 Rembrandts self-portrait This is one of the 90 or more self-portraits Rembrandt made in his lifetime. We dont know why he made so many-perhaps it was his way of _ ! Or maybe it was just_.cheaper to paint himself than to pay for a model taking a 17th-century selfie Live from the Louvre IV. Oral Practice Describe the Winged Victory Samothrace and Mona Lisa with the following expressions. *The Winged Victory Samothrace 1.It looks like 2.be missing 3.imagine doing 4.be being folded by 5.incredible skill *Mona Lisa 1.a lot smaller 2.look into 3.It seems that 4. Seem to be doing 5.a sense of 6.thats why Para.1 1. This broadcast is being brought is being brought to you from the largest museum on earth-the Louvre! Para.2 And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind! Para.3 Im being pushed around quite a bit, in fact. Para.5 About 35,000 works are currently being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre,. Enjoy some sentencesEnjoy some sentences is being brought Describe whats being done: be being done 1. The floor of the room _(sweep). 2. The walls of the exhibition room _ (paint). 3. Some paintings_ _(put) up onto the wall. 4. The colored lights _ (hang) up across the room. Describe whats being done 1. The floor of the room _(sweep). 2. The walls of the exhibition room _ (paint). 3. Some paintings_ _(put) up onto the wall. 4. The colored lights _ (hang) up across the room. is being swept are being paited are being put are being hung Describe whats being done Live from the Louvre V. Writing Choose one of the two works of art by two Chinese artists and describe it. Art is a higher type of knowledge than experience. 艺术是比经验更高形态的知识。 Aristotle Art may be called complete and perfect when it seems to be nature. Longinus 艺术接近自然时,就称得上是圆满完美的艺术了。 Art is the right hand of nature. The latter has only given us being; the former has made us men. Schiller 艺术是自然的好助手。后者仅给我们生存,前者使我们做人。 Live from the Louvre 第一部分 词汇精研 1.【教材原句】Now at the top of these stone stairs-get a load of that! 注意,仔细看 load.with. be loaded with. v.装载 unload 卸载 n. 负担 The car_( load) with books from the library fell off the mountain. 1.Knowing that they had arrived safely in such foggy weather took a load _my mind. 3.There are a load of/ loads of great places in Australia. loaded off 许多 2. 【教材原句】Her head and arms are missing, but you adj. lost/gone can imagine her holding her arms up high- (1) In each experiment, he was first asked to imagine _(do) a particular task. (2) He often imagines _. 他经常把自己想象成一位歌唱家。 (3) The work was so difficult that it was beyond imagination. doing himself as/ to be a singer 超乎想象,无法想象 3.【教材原句】And youre really going to love whats coming up next. (1) My dream has _(成为现实). (2) When walking down the street, I came _ David ,whom I hadnt seen for years.(16浙江) (3) He_(提出,想出) a good idea. = A good idea_. (4) This paper _(出版) every Friday. (5) How did the accident come about? (6) When it comes to the Internet, he is always very excited. come true across came up with comes out 发生 当提及时 came up 4. 【教材原句】But from here I can get a good view to show you. (1)We often went to the fields to enjoy the pleasant view there. _ (2) As the car approached the town center, several tall buildings came into view. _ (3) In my view, playing computer games is a waste of time. _ (4) We hold the view that we should take measures to protect our environment. _ (5) In view of the serious situation, we had better stay at home. _ (6) We view film as a type of contemporary art. _ 风景,景色 进入视野,看得见 就我看来(in my opinion, as far as Im concerned) 持的观点 鉴于,考虑到= in terms of 把看作consider/regard/see /think ofas 5. 【教材原句】One moment she seems to be laughing at me, but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile. a sense of humor/time/duty/direction 一种幽默感/时间意识/责任感/方向感 (1) That sentence doesnt_(讲得通). That sentence makes no sense. (2)Can you make sense of this poem? _ (3)_ getting upset about it now. 现在没有必要为这件事烦恼。 (4) My teeth are very _(sense) to cold food. (5) In a sense, you lost the chance of getting the job. _ (6) we should remember the _(常识). make sense 理解 There is no sense/point in sensitive 从某种意义上 = in a way common sense 第二部分:句型精析 1. 【教材原句】I guess thats why she attracts so many visitors every day. 一句多义: 汤姆病了,那就是他没来上课的原因。 _ 汤姆没来上课,那是因为他病了。 _ 汤姆没来上课的原因是他病了。 _ Tom was ill. That was why he was absent from class. Tom was absent from class. That was because he was ill. The reason why he was absent from class was that he was ill. 2.【教材原句】And now, its time to get up close and personal with one of historys greatest artists-Rembrandt! 一句多译:到了你挑战去年冠军的时间了。 1. Its time for sb to do sth _ 2.Its time that _ _ Its time for you to challenge the last years champion. Its time that you should challenge the last years champion. Its time that you challenged the last years champion. 第三部分 语法-现在进行时的被动语态 【教材原句】 (1)This broadcast is being brought to you from the largest museum on Earth-the Louvres. (2) And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind! (3) Im being pushed around quite a bit, in fact. (4) About 35,000 works are currently being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre- 现在进行时的被动语态的结构: _ 主语+am/is/are + being done (1)Look! The baby _(take) care of by her aunt. (2)Since your bike _(repair), you can use mine. (3)The classroom _(decorate) with balloons and flowers right now and the students are preparing for the New Year party. (4)Many interesting experiments _ (carry) out these days. (5)我们学校正在举行运动会。 _ (6)He _(总是受到表扬) by the teacher. is being taken is being repaired is being decorated are being carried The sports meeting is being held in our school. is always being praised 第四部分 课文语法填空 Live from the Louvre Today were going to find out about some of the Louvres most amazing treasures. That huge sculpture you can see is the Winged victory of Samothrace, or Nike of Samothrace ! Her head and arms are _(miss), but you can imagine her _(hold) her arms up high,_ (celebrate) the result of an ancient battle. I really cant believe shes made _stone. The painting Mona Lisa is a lot_(small)than you would expect, and _(protect )by glass. When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own! One moment she seems to be _(laugh) at me but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile. I guess thats _she attracts so many visitors every day. Now, its time _(get)up close and personal with one of historys greatest artists-Rembrandt! He_ (paint ) this self-portrait about 400 years ago. Throughout his life, he made over 90 self-portraits. About 35,000 works are currently _(display) in over 300 rooms in the Louvre, and _would take a lifetime to see everything! I hope you can all visit this fantastic place one day to feel the power of these great _(work) of art for yourselves. missing holdingcelebrating of smaller is protected laughing why to get painted being displayed it works 第五部分 用单词的正确形式填空 1. The TV hostess came down the stairs and_(问候) the audience before her broadcast. 2. There will be an _(展览) today. 3. The works of a famous_(雕刻家) , his portraits and selfies will be on show. 4. Now a_(战斗) between two armies is being broadcast on television. 5. This is a_(肖像) of a sculptor with his hands folded on his legs. 6. He ran down the_(楼梯) to greet the guests. 7. _ (广播) news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull. greeted exhibition sculptor battle portrait stairs Broadcast 1. _your bed, Tom. It is in a mess! 2. When I look into her eyes in the picture, it seems she _! 3. They are generous to _ the unfortunate people in the disaster area. 4. The portraits and selfies of the sculptor are _. Lets get a load of them. 5. I ll let him know if anything _. 6. Can you _ what he says? 7. On the top of the mountain, we can _ the city. get a load of have a mind of ones own reach out to on exhibition get a good view of come up make sense of Get a load of has a mind of her own reach out to on exhibition comes up make sense of get a good view of Book 3 Unit 4 Live from the Louvre Leading in : Watch a video and learn something about what we will talk about . What do you know about the Louvre ? Work in pairs and complete the quiz. Try to guess if you are not sure of the answers. 1 Where is the Louvre Museum? a In London. b In Paris. c In Berlin. 2 When was the original castle of the Louvre built? a The 12th century. b The 15th centu 3 How many works of art are there in its collection? a Around 180,000. b Around 400,000. c Around 480,000. 4 Which work of art is among the “Big Three” attractions of the Louvre? a The Code of Hammurabi.汉谟拉比法典,古代东方成文法典代表 b Liberty Leading the People.自由领导人民 c Venus de Milo.米罗的维纳斯 I Fast Reading Read the passage and find out what Zeck is doing in the Louvre? _ II.Complete the route with expressions from the passage? Winged Victory of Samothrace 1. Here at the top of the stairs is this_ . 2. Although_ , you can still imagine her posture. The folded dress shows incredible _ .It is difficult to believe the sculpture is _. Mona Lisa 1. This is perhaps the most famous painting here, protected by glass. Its smaller than_ .The lady in the painting seems to have _ ,which makes her so interesting. 2. Why is the host being pushed around in Louvre? _ What other things do you know about Mona Lisa? Rembrandts self-portrait This is one of the 90 or more self-portraits Rembrandt made in his lifetime. We dont know why he made so many-perhaps it was his way of _ ! Or maybe it was just_. IV. Oral Practice Describe the Winged Victory Samothrace and Mona Lisa with the following expressions. *The Winged Victory Samothrace 1.It looks like 2.be missing 3.imagine doing 4.be being folded by 5.incredible skill *Mona Lisa 1.a lot smaller 2.look into 3.It seems that 4. Seem to be doing 5.a sense of 6.thats why Enjoy the sentence structures . Para.1 1. This broadcast is being brought to you from the largest museum on earth-the Louvre! Para.2 And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind! Para.3 Im being pushed around quite a bit, in fact. Para.5 About 35,000 works are currently being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre,. Describe whats being done 1. The floor of the room _(sweep). 2. The walls of the exhibition room _ (paint). 3. Some paintings _(put) up onto the wall. 4. The colored lights _ (hang) up across the room. V. Writing Choose one of the two works of art by two Chinese artists and describe it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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