(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三Unit 1短语课文学案(含答案).doc

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1、- 1 - 高高一英语一英语 Book3 Unit 1 短语课文学案短语课文学案 Part One: Phrase P. 1-4 1.有共同之处_ 2.与的冲突_ 3.适应,与.合得来_ 4.向某人求助_ 5.对保密,绝口不提_ 6.杂乱,混乱_ 7.帮一把_ 8.着迷于;狂热爱好_ 9.使失望,辜负_ 10. 发泄怒火,宣泄情绪_ 11. 控球后卫_ 12. 因某事而对某人发脾气_ 13. 集中精力于_ 14. 祸从口出_ 15. 一定做;确定做_ 16. 感到受伤_ 17. 与亲密的_ 18. 在那种情况下_ 19. 向道歉_ 20. 意味着做某事_ 21. 与交流_ 22. 解决冲突_

2、23. 不假思索地说话_ 24. 使情况变的更糟_ 25. 继续移动;前进_ 26. 这样处理_ 27. 充满_ 28. 趋向;易于_ 29. 忽然想起_ 30. 做好分内事_ 31. 提出某人(对)的担心 _ 32. 以专业的方式_ 33. 和一样;不但.而且_ 34. (问题)解决;算出_ 35. 从容;不急_ 36. 至于,关于_ 37. 对感到失望_ 38. 该受责备,应承担责任_ P. 5-12 1.不假思索地不假思索地_ 2.对对满意满意_ 3.既高兴又惭愧既高兴又惭愧_ 4.为为报名参加报名参加_ 5.对对感到震惊感到震惊_ 6.说实话;说真话说实话;说真话_ 7.看不起;轻视看

3、不起;轻视_ 8.动画电影动画电影_ 9.带头带头_ 10.做某事有困难做某事有困难_ 11.适应周围环境适应周围环境_ 12.履行自己的职责履行自己的职责_ 13.同同分离分离_ 14.安定下来;着手认真做安定下来;着手认真做_ 15.花时间做某事花时间做某事_ 16.抱怨(某人抱怨(某人/某事)某事)_ 17.不能忍受做某事不能忍受做某事_ 18.在在中起作用中起作用_ 19.拒绝拒绝_ 20.做出拒绝做出拒绝/请求请求_ P.8-12 1.说谎说谎_ 2.用用安慰安慰_ 3.保护保护.免于免于._ 4的大多数的大多数_ 5.说实话;老实说说实话;老实说_ 6.说善意的谎言说善意的谎言_

4、7.想起,记起想起,记起_ 8.在多大程度上在多大程度上_ 9.给与鼓励给与鼓励_ 10.例如,比如说例如,比如说_ - 2 - 11.即使,虽然即使,虽然_ 12.前者前者后者后者_ 13.尊重某人对某人的关心尊重某人对某人的关心_ 14.每次,每当每次,每当_ 15.期待某人做某事期待某人做某事_ 16.隐藏;隐瞒隐藏;隐瞒_ 17.作一个关于作一个关于的报告的报告 Part Two: Sentence P.1-4 1.Im _herehope you can help me out! 我这儿一团糟,希望您能帮我一把! 2._basketball, and _too, which is p

5、robably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. 我酷爱打篮球,打得也很好, 也许正因为如此,我们对输掉了最近的比赛时我相当恼 怒。 3.We played well, but I felt _by one member, out point guard. 我们打得不错,但我感觉整个团队都被一个队友拖累了,那就是我们的控球后卫。 4. _, I said all thisto my best friend. I was just _ really, because I was so angry, but then my friend w

6、ent and told everyone else what I said. 我对于他的所作所为感到失望, 就把这些告诉了我最好的朋友。 我其实只是想发泄一下 怒气,因为我太生气了,可我的朋友随后却把我的话告诉了其他所有的人。 5. _, I cant concentrate on anything. 我既尴尬又羞愧,做什么事都无法集中精力。 6.There is an oldAmerican saying,” _.” 美国有一句老话:口风不紧船舰沉。 7.Treated this way, you are sure to feel hurtwe should always be able

7、to trust those _, and it hurts even more when we find we cant. 被这样对待, 你一定觉得受了伤害我们应该一直能够信赖最亲近的人, 当我们发现他 们不能信赖时,我们就更伤心了。 8.But I have to say that _, isntit? You admit that you were“ letting off steam.” 不过我不得不说你也有一部分责任,不是吗?你承认了你“只是想发泄一下怒气“。 9.Its understandable _,but we should always think before we sp

8、eak. 这在当时的情况下可以理解,但我们在说话前应该先想清楚。 1o. If you ever want to win any more basketball games( and Im sure you do!),you need to work together, and that means _each other clearly and _. 如果你们以后篮球比赛还想赢球(我肯定你们一定想赢! )你们就必须团队合作,那就 意味着你们彼此之间必须沟通清楚,解决矛盾。 11.Tell your friend you _for repeating what you saidand maki

9、ng the situation worse, but you want to move on. 告诉你的朋友, 他传话的行为让情况更糟糕了, 你对此很生气, 但你想让事情就此过去。 12. _, your friendship will soon be repaired. 通过这个方式处理,你们的友谊很快就会被修复。 13. Filled with anger, you _say whatever comes to your mind. 满腔怒火的时候,你往往想到什么就说什么。 14. _,calm down, and always remember: think first, speak

10、later. 深呼吸,冷静下来,并时刻记住:先思而后言。 15. If your feel one of your teammates _, then _in a professional way with your team coach. 如果你觉得某个队友没有尽职尽责,那你要以专业的方式向教练提出你的担心。 16.If you think about other peoples feeling _your own, youll soon find everything works out. 如果你能在考虑自己的感受的同时也考虑别人的感受,很快你就会发现情况逐渐好转。 P5-12 1.Ann

11、 was praised in class,and she felt happy_ ashamed. 安妮在课堂上受到表扬,她感到既高兴又惭愧。 2._Rileys emotional development,sadness feels annoyed. 由于无法在莱利的情感发展中发挥作用, “悲伤”感到恼怒。 3.Accepting sadness as part of life helps Riley _of growing up and settle down in her new life. 接受悲伤是生活中的一部分, 这有助于莱利处理成长过程中情感复杂性, 并在她的新生 活中安定下来

12、。 4.But_can we justify telling white lies like these?”但是这些善意的谎言到底有 多正当呢? 5._t yourfriend asks you what you think of his singsing. 比如说,你的朋友问你觉得他的歌唱的怎么样。你当然会说太棒了,尽管私下里认为他 唱得还不如猫好听。 6.Stop for a moment and consider that perhaps your friend wants _from you so that they can improve. 停下来想一想,也许你的朋友就是想听到你的真

13、实评价,从而改进和提高。 7.Wouldnt it better _ and ask for their advice? 尊重他们对你的关心,向他们寻求建议不是更好吗? 8.Moreover,how would you feel if you discovered that the people _had been hiding the truth from you? 当你发现身边最亲近的人在对你隐瞒真相时, 你又会有怎样的 感受? - 3 - 高高一英语一英语 Book3 Unit 1 短语课文学案短语课文学案 Part One: Phrase P. 1-4 39. 有共同之处havein

14、common 40. 与的冲突conflict with 41. 适应,与.合得来fit in with 42. 向某人求助turn to sb for help 43. 对保密,绝口不提keepto oneself 44. 杂乱,混乱in a mess 45. 帮一把help out 46. 着迷于;狂热爱好be crazy about 47. 使失望,辜负let sb down 48. 发泄怒火,宣泄情绪let off seam 49. 控球后卫point guard 50. 因某事而对某人发脾气 be angry with 51. 集中精力于concentrate on 52. 祸从口出

15、loose lips sink ships 53. 一定做;确定做be sure to do 54. 感到受伤feel hurt 55. 与亲密的close to 56. 在那种情况下in that situation 57. 向道歉apologize to. 58. 意味着做某事mean doing sth 59. 与交流communicate with 60. 解决冲突resolve a conflict 61. 不假思索地说话talk without thinking 62. 使情况变的更糟make the situation worse 63. 继续移动;前进move on 64. 这

16、样处理approach in this way 65. 充满(be) filled with 66. 趋向;易于tend to 67. 忽然想起come to ones mind 68. 做好分内事pull ones weight 69. 提出某人(对)的担心 raise ones concerns about 70. 以专业的方式in a professional way 71. 和一样;不但.而且 as well as 72. (问题)解决;算出work out 73. 从容;不急 take it easy 74. 至于,关于as to 75. 对感到失望be disappointed w

17、ith 76. 该受责备,应承担责任 be to blame P. 5-7 1.不假思索地不假思索地without thinking 2.对对满意满意be satisfied with 3.既高兴又惭愧既高兴又惭愧happy as well as ashamed 4.为为报名参加报名参加enterinto 5.对对感到震惊感到震惊 be shocked by 6.说实话;说真话说实话;说真话 tell the truth 7.看不起;轻视看不起;轻视look down on upon 8.动画电影动画电影 an animated film 9.带头带头take the lead 10.做某事有

18、困难做某事有困难have a hard time doing sth 11.适应周围环境适应周围环境adjust to the surroundings 12.履行自己的职责履行自己的职责 do ones duty 13.同同分离分离separatefrom 14.安定下来;着手认真做安定下来;着手认真做 settle down 15.花时间做某事花时间做某事 It takes time to do sth 16.抱怨(某人抱怨(某人/某事)某事)complain about 17.不能忍受做某事不能忍受做某事 cannot stand doing sth 18.在在中起作用中起作用 play

19、 a role in. 19.拒绝拒绝say no to 20.做出拒绝做出拒绝/请求请求make refusals/requests P.8-12 1.说谎说谎tell a lie 2.用用安慰安慰comfort.with 3.保护保护.免于免于.protectfrom. 4.的大多数的大多数the majority of 5.说实话;老实说说实话;老实说tell the truth 6.说善意的谎言说善意的谎言tell a white lie 7.想起,记起想起,记起think of 8.在多大程度上在多大程度上 to what extent 9.给与鼓励给与鼓励give encourag

20、ement 10.例如,比如说例如,比如说 say for exmple 11.即使,虽然即使,虽然even if 12.前者前者后者后者the formerthe latter - 4 - 13.尊重某人对某人的关心尊重某人对某人的关心 respect ones concern for sb 14.每次,每当每次,每当every time 15.期待某人做某事期待某人做某事 expect sb to do sth 16.隐藏;隐瞒隐藏;隐瞒 hidefrom 17.作一个关于作一个关于的报告的报告give a talk on PartPart TwoTwo: : S Sentenceente

21、nce P.1-4 1.Im in a total mess herehope you can help me out! 我这儿一团糟,希望您能帮我一把! 2.Im crazy about basketball, and pretty good at it too, which is probably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. 我酷爱打篮球,打得也很好, 也许正因为如此,我们对输掉了最近的比赛时我相当恼 怒。 3.We played well, but I felt the team were let down by one m

22、ember, out point guard. 我们打得不错,但我感觉整个团队都被一个队友拖累了,那就是我们的控球后卫。 4.Disappointed by his behavior, I said all thisto my best friend. I was just letting off steam really,because I was so angry, but then my friend went and told everyone else what I said. 我对于他的所作所为感到失望, 就把这些告诉了我最好的朋友。 我其实只是想发泄一下 怒气,因为我太生气了,可

23、我的朋友随后却把我的话告诉了其他所有的人。 5. Embarrassed and ashamed, I cant concentrate on anything. 我既尴尬又羞愧,做什么事都无法集中精力。 6.There is an old Amerian saying,” Loose lips sink ships.” 美国有一句老话:口风不紧船舰沉。 7.Treated this way, you are sure to feel hurtwe should always be able to trust those close to us, and it hurts even more

24、when we find we cant. 被这样对待, 你一定觉得受了伤害我们应该一直能够信赖最亲近的人, 当我们发现他 们不能信赖时,我们就更伤心了。 8.But I have to say that its partly your fault, isntit? You admit that you were”letting off steam.” 不过我不得不说你也有一部分责任,不是吗?你承认了你“只是想发泄一下怒气“。 9.Its understandable in that situation,but we should always think before we speak. 这

25、在当时的情况下可以理解,但我们在说话前应该先想清楚。 1o. If you ever want to win any more basketball games( and Im sure you do!),you need to work together, and that means communicating with each other clearly and resolving conflicts. 如果你们以后篮球比赛还想赢球(我肯定你们一定想赢!)你们就必须团队合作,那就 意味着你们彼此之间必须沟通清楚,解决矛盾。 11.Tell your friend you are ang

26、ry with him for repeating what you saidand making the situation worse, but you want to move on. 告诉你的朋友, 他传话的行为让情况更糟糕了, 你对此很生气, 但你想让事情就此过去。 12. Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired. 通过这个方式处理,你们的友谊很快就会被修复。 13. Filled with anger, you tend to say whatever comes to your mind. 满腔怒

27、火的时候,你往往想到什么就说什么。 14. Take a deep breath,calm down,and always remember:think first, speak later. 深呼吸,冷静下来,并时刻记住:先思而后言。 15. If your feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach. 如果你觉得某个队友没有尽职尽责,那你要以专业的方式向教练提出你的担心。 16.If you

28、think about other peoples feeling as well as your own, youll soon find everything works out. 如果你能在考虑自己的感受的同时也考虑别人的感受,很快你就会发现情况逐渐好转。 P.5-12 1.Ann was praised in class,and she felt happy as well as ashamed. 安妮在课堂上受到表扬,她感到既高兴又惭愧 2.Prevented from playing her role in Rileys emotional development,sadness

29、feels annoyed. 由于无法在莱利的情感发展中发挥作用,“悲伤”感到恼怒。 3.Accepting sadness as part of life helps Riley deal with the emotional complexity of growing up and settle down in her new life. 接受悲伤是生活中的一部分, 这有助于莱利处理成长过程中情感复杂性, 并在她的新生 活中安定下来。 4.But to what extent can we justify telling white lies like these?”但是这些善意的谎言到

30、底有多正当呢? 5.Say for example that yourfriend asks you what you think of his singsing. 比如说,你的朋友问你觉得他的歌唱的怎么样。你当然会说太棒了,尽管私下里认为他 唱得还不如猫好听。 6.Stop for a moment and consider that perhaps your friend wants some frank comments from youso that they can improve. 停下来想一想,也许你的朋友就是想听到你的真实评价,从而改进和提高。 7.Wouldnt it better to respect their concern for you and ask for their advice? 尊重他们对你的关心,向他们寻求建议不是更好吗? 8.Moreover,how would you feel if you discovered that the people closest to you had been hiding the truth from you? 而且,当你发现身边最亲近的人在对你隐瞒真相时,你又会有怎样的感 - 5 -


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