(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三Unit3-Unit4课文语法填空+课文原句翻译 .docx

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1、外研版必修第三册外研版必修第三册 unit3+unit4 课文语法填空课文语法填空+课文原句翻译课文原句翻译 unit3 .After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks. Dr Richard Fairhurst,1._ new book The New Age of Invention has just been published, has been interviewed.The following is what he tells us. There have been golden ages of inve

2、ntion throughout history.In Ancient China , there 2._(be) the four great inventions : gunpowder , papermaking , printing and the compass.They changed the world forever.And now we are in the great new age of technology, when most of the new great 3._(invention) are tech-based.For example,advances in

3、virtual 4._(real), wearable tech and the flexible battery have been made.5._ addition,important advances 6._(make) in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power.New inventions like 3D printers have been used to make replacement hearts and bone parts.Whats more,its possibl

4、e 7._(create) an intelligent walking house. Most inventions start with 8._(recognise) a problem that needs 9._ solution.But what remains 10._(importance) is that we have an incredible desire to think and create, which is the real spirit of invention. 1.whose2.were 3. inventions 4. reality 5. In 6. h

5、ave been made 7. to create 8. recognising 9. a 10.important .请快速背诵下列课文原句 1.而现在,我们发现自己正处在伟大的科技新时代。 _ 2.它能依靠全球定位系统技术四处移动,计算机技术则控制着它的“双腿” 。 _ 3.那么到底是什么激励着人们去发明创造呢? _ 4.不过有一点依旧重要,就是我们对思考与创造有着一种极度的渴望,而这正是真正的发明 精神。 _ 5.他举起了用一根绳拴住的风筝。 _ 6.然而,不管是故事本身还是实验细节都并非完全属实。 _ 7.事实上,不止一处资料显示,虽然牛顿的灵感确实来源于掉落的苹果。但没有证据表明这

6、 个苹果恰巧砸在了他的脑袋上。 _ 8.但是在科学领域,能被实验与研究所证明的东西才算作事实,我们不应完全相信我们读到 或听到的每件事即使它是一个精彩的故事。 _ 1And now,we find ourselves in the great new age of technology. 2It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places,with computing technology controlling its “legs” 3So what is it that inspires us to in

7、vent things? 4 But what remains important is that we have an incredible desire to think and create, and thats the real spirit of invention. 5He raised the kite with a piece of string tied to it. 6However,neither the story nor the details of the experiment are entirely true. 7In fact,more than one ac

8、count suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple,there is no proof that it hit him on the head. 8But in science,facts should be proved by experiments and research,and we should not always believe everything we read or heareven if it is a great story. unit4 .After reading th

9、e passage,please fill in the following blanks. Hello, everyone! Ill show you around the Louvre today through our live broadcast.First of all, lets take a look at the sculpture at the top of the 1._(stair)It is the Winged Victory of Samothrace.Take a closer look,and you will see how incredible it is!

10、 Though it is made of stone, you can see that her dress 2_(fold) by the wind.Now,here is the room in 3._the famous painting Mona Lisa is kept.One moment she seems to be laughing at you,but then again you will catch a sense of 4._(sad) in her smile.It is a really secret smile! Here we are in front of

11、 the self-portrait of Rembrandt.This famous painter made more than 90 self-portraits throughout his life.No one knows why.Perhaps it was simply 5._(cheap) to paint himself than to pay for 6._model.With about 35,000 works 7._(keep) in its over 300 rooms,the Louvre is 8._ grand that it would take you

12、a lifetime 9._ (see) everything in this museum.I do hope that you can pay a visit to this museum and enjoy these amazing artworks for 10._(you) 1. stairs2.is being folded3.which4. sadness 5. cheaper 6. a.7. kept8.so 9. to see 10.yourselves .请快速背诵出下列课文原句 1.虽然她的头和手臂已经遗失了,但你们仍然可以想象她正高举双臂, 庆祝一场古代战役的胜 利。

13、 _ 2.我想那就是为什么她每天都吸引那么多游客的原因。 _ 3.这些作品穿越几个世纪,出现在我们面前,仿佛时间没有流逝一般。 _ 4.它生动地描绘了一条在玩球的龙。 _ 5.它的创作者画家韩干以其神形兼备的画马技艺闻名于世。 _ 6.当时,韩干在大门口等候,他捡起一根木棒在土地上画画,正好被王维看到。 _ 7.无论是静止休息的马还是动态行进的马,都给韩干带来很多灵感。 _ 8.他观察这些动物的时间越长,他就越了解它们。 _ 1 Her head and arms are missing, but you can imagine her holding her arms up high, ce

14、lebrating the result of an ancient battle. 2I guess thats why she attracts so many visitors every day. 3They really do reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself were nothing. 4It vividly illustrated a dragon playing with a ball. 5Its artist,Han Gan,is known for his skill in capturing no

15、t only the physical features of the animal,but also its inner spirit and strength. 6 While waiting at the gate, Han Gan used a stick to draw pictures in the dirt and was seen by the poet himself. 7The horses,whether resting or on the move,offered him plenty of inspiration. 8The more time he spent observing these animals,the more his understanding of them grew.


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