川教版四下Unit 4 Enjoying a Birthday-Lesson 1 You Look So Happy.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:d2464).docx

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1、Lesson 1You Look So Happy 一、 教材分析 本节课的教学内容为川教版新路径英语 (三年级起点)四年级下册 Unit 4 Enjoying a Birthday 中的 Lesson 1 You Look So Happy 第一课时. 本课围绕“生日”这一主题,继续学习 “Why? Because”这一句型,并融入月份词汇(January、February、 March、April、May、 June)以及名词所有格的表达法(sisters)等的学习。 二、 学情分析 该班学生活泼可爱,对英语学习一直保持着浓厚的兴趣,喜欢英语学习,这为本课的学 习奠定了良好的感情基础。 孩

2、子们通过一年多的英语学习, 具备了一定的英语学习习惯及英 语基础知识,能仔细倾听同学和老师用英语简单的对话,英语思维习惯正在养成中,但合作 学习及自学能力还有待提高。 三、 教学目标 1.知识技能目标 (1)能正确地理解文本内容,并能流利地朗读课文 lets talk 部分。 (2) 能读本课月份词汇 April、 June, 以及重点句型 “Why? BecauseYou look so happy.” 2.语言能力目标 (1)能听懂课文对话内容,能模仿或表演课文对话内容。 (2)能运用本文重点句型来创编类似的情景对话。 3.情感态度目标 (1)鼓励学生大胆发言,大声模仿对话。 (2)培养学

3、生思维能力,能推测对话的发展。 (3)引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,将所学内容与生活紧密结合起来, 让学生感受到英语学习源于我们的生活。 四、教学重点 1.对话内容的识读、理解和模仿表演。 2.掌握本课新词汇 April、June。 五、教学难点 1.课文对话的模仿,并有感情地朗读。 2.能用重点句型来创编新的对话。 六、教学准备 课件、音频、点读机 七、教学过程 ProceduresActivities for teacherActivities for students GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?

4、Im fine, too. Thank you. Ss: Good morning. Fine, thank you.And you? AssessmentT: There are two plants, one is for group1 and the other one is for group2. If you did a good job, Ill put a star on your plant. So this is the group1s plant, and this is the group2s plant. Warm-up1.Are you happy? Are you

5、very happy? (出示两 张笑脸)。Yeah, I think you are very happy, because you look so happy. ( 板书课题,教读课 题) 学生根据老师的问题作答。 生跟读课题两遍 Lead-in1.Now, look at this picture. Who are they? They are _and _. 2.Then, look at Tingting and Leles face. Guess who is so happy?Why? Lets listen and find the correct answer.(Listen

6、 for two times) Q1: Who is so happy? Q2: Why Tingting is so happy? 1.学生根据老师的问题作 答。 They are Lele and Tingting. Learn the text1. Check the answer. (逐句再次听,订正答案。) 1Tingting or Lele who is so happy? Why? Because Lele says“You look so happy.” ( 板书“You look so happy. Why?” ) 2Why Tingting looks so happy?

7、( 板书“Because today is my birthday.” ) 3So do you know when Tingtings birthday is?(Listen for the third times) Q3: -When (什么时候) is Tingtings birthday ? -Her birthday is in(). ( 这部分为新知较难, 呈现文本, 跟读并找 出答案句 Lele says“Oh, your birthday is in June.”确定答案 B) 4Teach the new words: June andApril Show the calen

8、dar of 2017 and find the month June. Learn June with card and sentence: “Oh, your birthday is in June.” T say today isApril the twenty- eight. Then teach April the same way. 5Read the dialogue after radio again. 6Self-read and answer: (自读并回答) Q4: How old is Tingting? Q5: How old is Lele? 2. Read the

9、 whole dialogue after the recording. 3. Read in role. T: Now, boys, you are Lele. Girls, you are Tingting.Lets read together. T: Group1, you are Lele. Group2, you are Tingting.Lets read together. T: This time, I am Tingting. Who want to be Lele? 4. Read in pairs. Then act it out. T: Just like us, on

10、e is Tingting, one is Lele. 1. Listen and answer. 1Q1: Tingting is so happy. 2Q2: Because today is Tingtings birthday. 3Q3: 理解、跟读句子, 在老师引导下,找出答 案的出处 Oh, your birthday is in June.,选 出答案 B. Her birthday is in June. 4Learn the new words: June andApril 5Read the dialogue after radio again. 6Self-read an

11、d answer: 找出答案的出处 Tingting says “Im nine.”. Q4: Tingting / She is nine. Lele says “Im nine, too.”. Q5: Lele / He is nine, too. 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read in role. 4. Read with their partners. Then act it out. Read with your partners. Make a new dialogue. 1.Learn the dialogue with pictures. 1T: Lo

12、ok, there are Peter and Tingting. Lets see what they are talking about. Peter asks:. T: Show picture of sister, and get “sisters birthday” Tingting answers: T: Show pictures of mum and dad, then practice the sentences with T. (T asks and Ss answer.) 2T: Show pictures of Miss Yang and friend. Then le

13、t ss work in pairs to practice. 2.Make a new dialogue. 1T: Look at pictures, lets make a new dialogue. T: First, who want to be my partner?(T and S1 finish the dialogue) 3.Work in pairs to make a new dialogue. 1.Peter asks: You look so happy. Why? Tingting answers:Because today is my sisters birthda

14、y. Practise dialogue with T. Practise dialogue with partner. 2. T and S1 finish the dialogue. 3. Make a new dialogue with partner and act out. Summary1. Summary. T: Look at Tingtings face. Tingting looks so happy. Do you know why? Yes, because today is Tingtings birthday. Who knows when is Tingtings

15、 birthday? 1. Summary the text with the teacher by answering the questions. HomeworkSo this is your homework for today.1. Read the text fluently. 2. Write down your family members or your friends birthday dates on the calendar. 八、板书 Lesson 1You Look So Happy A: You look so happy. Why?June B: Because today is my sisters birthday.April


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