川教版四下Unit 2 Having a Picnic-Lesson 4 What Do You Like -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:d0022).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Having a Picnic_Lesson 4 What Do You Like _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:d0022)
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学科: 小学英语 出版社: 四川教育出版社 年级: 四年级下册 执教者: 李丽佳 单位: 自贡市高新区卫坪中心校 Lesson 4 What Do You Like? By Lily Lets sing a song,OK? What is this song about? 这首歌是关于什么的? What is this song about? 这首歌是关于什么的? food Brainstorming fruits ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Brainstorming drinks (饮料) ? ? ? ? ? Brainstorming food ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -What do you like? -I like coffee/ .hamburgers I dont like vegetables. Lesson4 What Do You Like ? Worksheet(习题单) Leader(L):_ Operator(O):_ (统筹员) (操作员) Recorder(R1):_ Reporter(R2):_ (记录员) (汇报 员) 表一: Task: Make a survey.Talk with your partners and fill in the table.(运用所给句型调查询问组内成员 喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并完成下面的表格。)(like )(dont like ) A:What do you like? B/C/D:I like juice/ice creams. I dont like vegetables/fried chicken. Item Person You Your partner1 Your partner2 Your partner3 juiceice creams vegetable s fried chicken 表二:Do a report. Hello,Im_.Im in group _. I like _ and _. I dont like_ and_. (人名)likes _and_. She/He doesnt like _and_. (人名)likes _and_. She/He doesnt like _and_. (人名)likes _and_. She/He doesnt like _and_. Thats all, thank you! 表三: Task: The favourite food. 请认真听汇报员的汇报,并用“正”字统计法在下列 表格内做好统计 。最后在小结栏为最受欢迎的食物画 笑脸 。为最不受欢迎的食物画哭脸 。 。 2.Save food. 珍惜粮食 1.Dont eat junk food. 不吃垃圾食品。 Homework: 1. Ask your parents what they like. 问你的爸爸妈妈他们喜欢吃什么食物。 2.Try to know which food is the junk food. 试着了解哪些食物是垃圾食品。 3.Cook a meal with your parents and eat up all the food. 和父母一起做一顿饭,然后把它们都吃光。 表一表一: Lesson4 What Do You Like ? Worksheet(习题单习题单) Leader(L):): _ Operator(O):):_ (统筹员)统筹员) (操作员)(操作员) Recorder(R1):):_ Reporter(R2):):_ (记录员)(记录员) (汇报员)(汇报员) While-task Task: Make a survey.Talk with your partners and fill in the table.(运用所给句型调查询问组内成员喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并 完成下面的表格。)(like)(dont like) A:WhatA:What dodo youyou like?like? B/C/D:IB/C/D:I likelike coffeecoffee/ /hamburgershamburgers. . I I dontdont likelike vegetablesvegetables . . Item Person juiceice creamsvegetablesfried chicken You Your partner1 Your partner2 Your partner3 表二:表二: Post-task Task: Do a report.(汇报汇报) Hello, Im _.Im in group _. I like _ and _. I dont like _and _. _ likes_ and _. She/He doesnt like _and_. _likes _and_. She/He doesnt like _and_. _likes _and_. She/He doesnt like _and_. Thats all,thank you. 表三:表三: Task: The favourite food. (请认真听汇报员的汇报,并用“正”字统计法在下列表格内做好 统计,最后在小结栏为最受欢迎的食物画笑脸 。为最不受欢 迎的食物画哭脸 。) Item juiceice creamsvegetablesfried chicken like dont like The popular food 最受欢迎的食物 The unpopular food 最不受欢迎的食物 1 Lesson 4 What Do You Like? 一教材分析 本课是新路径英语 (三年级起点)四年级下册 Unit2 Lesson 4 What Do You Like? Work in pairs.本课学习食物的单词和询问别人喜欢什么食物的表达法“What do you like?” 以及回答“I like /I dont like.” 。 二学情分析 本课的教学对象是四年级的学生,他们有很强的表现欲望,模仿能力强,记忆力好, 乐于参与形式多样的教学活动。大部分孩子对英语有浓厚的兴趣,愿意参与课堂活动,渴 望受到老师的表扬和同学的肯定。 三教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)学生能听懂,会说本课单词,要求语音准确,语调自然。 (2)学生能用“What do you like?” “Its I like /I dont like.” 2.能力目标 (1)学生能自如地运用食物的单词和询问别人喜欢什么食物的对话。 (2)培养学生创造性使用语言的能力,使他们获得一定的成就感。 (3)学生能把别人喜欢和不喜欢的食物做记录,并将组内成员的喜好向全班同学 做汇报。 3.情感目标 (1)激起学生探索新知的热情。 (2)通过本课学习,让学生不挑食,珍惜粮食,不吃垃圾食品。 四教学重难点 1.学生能在自如地运用对话“What do you like?” “Its I like /I dont like.” 。 2.学生能把小组内对食物的喜好的情况向全班同学做汇报。 3.学生能把听到的汇报情况用“正”字统计法填入表格。 五教具准备 多媒体课件、每个组两张表格和每人一张表格。 六教学过程 Min教学流程教学活动学生活动设计意图 1Greeting. T: Time for class. T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Nice to see you. T: I love you. P1: Stand up. Ps: Good morning, Lily. Ps: Nice to see you, too. Ps: I love you, too. 师生通过问好 创设和谐氛围。 2 2Lead in. T:Today, well learn Lesson 4 What Do You Like? T: Lets sing a song, OK? T:Think a question“What is this song about?” Play a song-Yummy Food. T:What is this song about? Ps: Lesson 4 What Do You Like? Ps: OK. Sing a song. Think the question. T:Food. 创设活跃的氛 围,引入课题。 5Warm up. T:Lets do a brainstorming. T:Can you remember the words about fruits? For example,peach. They are the fruits. T:Lets say the words about drinks. T:The drinks here. T:Lets talk about food. T:There are many food. PPT 出示一张食物的图片。 T:This is a picture about food.What do you like? (PPT 先后圈出咖啡图片和 汉堡包) For example, I like coffee/hamburger. T:If you dont like something,you can see “I dont like”. Say the fruit words. Say the words about drinks. Say the words about food. 复习关于食物 的单词及询问 喜欢什么的句 子。 12Make a survey. T:Lets make a survey. First,look at your table one,assign your roles and write down your names. T: Then do a survey in your group with the dialogue,and draw smiling face or crying face.After that,the reporters fill in the table 2. Ten minutes for you. Assign roles and write down names. Do a survey. 用学过的句型 调查组内成员 喜欢什么食物, 并做好记录。 培养学生交流 的能力。 3 17Do a report. T:Time is up.The reporters come to the front to report for us.All of you write “正” for the report in table 3. T:Which food is the popular food? Which food is the unpopular food? Reporters do reports. Ps:Juice. Ps:Vegetables. 培养学生英语 表达能力。 2Emotional education Dont eat junk food. Save food.Look at PPT.教育学生不要 吃垃圾食品。 节约粮食。 1Homework 1. Ask your parents what they like. 问你的爸爸妈妈他们喜欢吃什么食物。 2.Try to know which food is the junk food. 试着了解哪些食物是垃圾食品。 3.Cook a meal with your parents and eat up all the food. 和父母一起做一顿饭,然后把它们都吃光。 七、板书设计 Lesson 4 What Do You Like? -What do you like? -I like coffee/hamburgers. -I dont like vegetables .
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