沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-4 Reading is fun-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:83801).doc

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1、教学设计教学设计 英语课堂教学设计 姓名:单位:学科:英语 设计内容 上海教育出版社(三年级起点)五年级 下册 Module2 Unit4 Reading is fun! 第一课时 教学 目标 知识能力目标知识能力目标 1.学习并能运用Im going to这样的句子表达。 2.学会并运用本课词汇。 能力目标能力目标 1.能对单词和句型进行操练,能够灵活的做替换练习。 2.能听懂并理解课文内容,并能回答与课文相关的问题。 3.能正确地描述自己的生日聚会。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 体现师生同心、 同乐、 同行的 “乐学导学” 教育模式, 培养学生“自主、合作、探究”的精神和乐于展示,乐于交 流

2、,乐于合作的能力。同时培养学生表达自己想法的能力。 培养同学爱。 重点 本课时的教学重点是 Listen and say 的课文对话及本 单元的词汇。 要求学生在创设的语篇情境中逐步听、 说、 读、 写所有词汇,并能在句型中灵活运用。引导学生在理解课文 的基础上根据教师创设的情境进行对话。 难点 本课时的教学难点是 Listen and say 部分的词汇。生 词较为抽象,教师应在教学中分散难点,达到生词四会。 课时安排及内容 处理 本课是上海教育出版社(三年级起点)五年级下册 Module2 Unit4 Reading is fun! 第一课时, 主题是介绍自己想 要看的书。学习一般将来时,

3、能够在生活中灵活运用。引导 学生正确的介绍自己的想看的书和原因, 培养学生们良好的 阅读习惯, 增进同学间的沟通和相处, 培养良好的交友能力。 教学准备PPT 教与学活动过程 教学设计教学设计 环节内容教师导学设计 学生活动形式 及理解的程度 Step One Warming up Step Two Revision A Andnd Leading 1. Sing a song. (PPt show) 2.Greeting: T: Hello, my dear children! PPT show. T: What is fun? T: Good! T:Yes. Reading is fun.

4、 T: Lets chant together. PPT show T: What does Kitty think about this question? Lets watch the video and then answer the question: T: What is Kitty going to do every day? T: Yes. Please ask and answer in pairs. 用问答的方法来复习。 If you are happy. Sing the song together. Hello, teacher! 营造活跃轻松的课前 气氛, 培养他们对英

5、语的 兴趣, 使学生带着积极和 活跃的心态投入课堂中。 Ss: Swimming is fun. Ss: Playing basketball is fun! . Ss: Reading is fun! Say out the sentences. Watchthevideo carefully. Ss: She is going to read a story every day. Practice in pairs. S1 What is Kitty going to do every day? S2: She is going to read a story every day. Ask

6、 and answer. 复习, 巩固旧知的同 时,为本课的学习作 铺垫。 教学设计教学设计 Step Three Presentation (one) Look and learn & Listen and say Practice PPT Show T: Mom is telling a story to her baby. story st:ri (Write the word on the blackboard) T: Read the word one by one. T: Good! T: Show pictures. This is a story. What are these

7、? Teach the word. storybook (Write the word on the blackboard) T: Read the word one by one. PPT show T: Play the video for all the students and ask the students to answer the question: T: Where are Kitty andAlice? T: Good. Picture shows. T: What is the girl doing? T: She is buying things at the supe

8、rmarket. Teach the new word. buy bai Look at the picture and learn the new word.1 Read the word. And say the meaning of it. Ss: They are storybooks. Learn the new word. Ss: Watch the video and repeat. Ss:Theyareinthe bookshop. Learn the new word. Ss:买东西。 Learn the new words in groups. Read the word

9、one by one. Ss: She is buying things at the supermarket. Learn the word. Ss: Learn the new word. 教学设计教学设计 Presentation (two) Listen and say Step Three Consolidatio n T: Please read by yourselves and then answer the question: What are Kitty and Alice doing at the bookshop? T: Practice the dialogue in

10、 pairs and then act it out. Picturesshow. T: Look at the pictures, according to the sentences, you can make a new dialogue in pairs. Pictures show. T: Does Alice like this picture book? Ask the students to read the words. Play the video for the students and ask the students to repeat. Readthepassage

11、and answer the question. 这个环节通过师生互动 学习新单词和句型, 由旧 知新知, 很容易的掌握 新课知识, 为一一步学习 奠定了基础, 营造氛围。 Practicethe dialogue in pairs. Act it out. 通过创设一种真实 自然的语言环境,让 学生能在真实的情景 中学习,使学生养成 用英语进行思维的好 习惯,为进一步学习 英语练就扎实的基本 功。 Make a new dialogue in pairs. S1: Look! There are Im going to S2: Im going to S1: OK. Ss: Watch th

12、e video and answer the question. Listen and repeat. Read and act. AccordingAccordingtotothethe articlearticle, , choosechoose thethe 教学设计教学设计 Step Four Conclusion Step Five Homework 1. Choose the correct answer. 2. Look and answer. correctcorrect answer.answer. LookLookatatthethe picturespictures an

13、dand answeranswer thethe questions.questions. 让学生在创设的环 境中练习表达,学会 运用一般将来时胡表 达。 作业 设计 Draw and talk about: Design your own bookshop. 板书 设计 Module2 Unit4 Reading is fun! story storybook buy Im going to read a story every day. 设计思路 综述 通过创设一种真实自然的语篇教学环境,使学生养成用 英语进行思维的好习惯,为进一步学习英语练就扎实的基本 功。根据五年级侧重知识的巩固和拓展,培养学生的阅读理 解能力的教学特点,紧紧围绕“学生为主体,教师为主导” 的教学思想,我主要采用了任务型教学法、情景教学法、小 组合作学习法、多媒体教学法,运用了语篇教学。由旧知引 出新知,由篇章单词句子篇章,再由初读-理解-运用。 分散讲解和运用重难点。 教学设计教学设计 Module2 Unit4 Reading is fun! 英语课堂教学设计英语课堂教学设计 学科:英语学科:英语 姓名:薛征姓名:薛征 单位:红旗小学单位:红旗小学


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