沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-5 Sport-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:d1efd).zip

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Sport 5 小店区中小学优秀微课(视频)参评作 品 Period 1 What do you like doing? I like painting swimmin g singing runningdancing reading I like swimming in summer。 Its cool. I like playing badminton in spring. Its fun. Hello, Im Yao Ming. Im tall and strong. Im a basketball player. I like playing basketball. Its cool. Basketball, basketball, Big big, big, Basketball, basketball Round,round,round, I like playing basketball. I like playing basketball Does Yao Ming like playing basketball? Yes, he does. Hello, Im Yao Ming. Im tall and strong. Im a basketball player. I like playing basketball. Its cool. Do you like playing basketball? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Whats her name? What can she do? Her names Yin Na. She can jump high. Does Yin Na like playing basketball? No, she doesnt. She likes playing volleyball. volleyball, volleyball, Big, big, big, volleyball, volleyball Round,round,round, I like playing volleyball. I like playing volleyball Hello, Im Yin Na. Im lovely and young. Im a volleyball player. I like playing volleyball. Because I can jump high. Do you like playing volleyball? Why? _because_ Does she like_ ? Does she like_? playing table tennis Hello, Im Guo Yue. Im thin and short. I like playing table tennis. Because I can move quickly. Its interesting. What does she like? She likes playing table tennis. Table tennis , table tennis, _,_,_ Table tennis, table tennis _,_,_ I like playing _. I like playing_. What does she like? Why? She likes playing table tennis. Because she can move quickly. Hello, Im Guo Yue. Im thin and short. I like playing table tennis. Because I can move fast. Its interesting. HeShe likes She likes playing table tennis. She likes playing volleyball. He likes playing basketball. Watch and answer DoesDoes AliceAlice likelike playingplaying tabletable tennis?tennis? Watch and answer DoesDoes AliceAlice likelike playingplaying tabletable tennis?tennis? No,No, sheshe doesnt.doesnt. SheShe likeslikes playingplaying football.football. DoesDoes PeterPeter likelike playingplaying football?football? DoesDoes JoeJoe likelike playingplaying football?football? Listen and answer Theres a new club in Peters school. Whats new club? Read and fill Theres a new_club. football Painting Club Chess Club Computer Club Reading Club football Club Dancing Club How many clubs are there in Peters school now? Which club do they join? Read and fill They want to join _club. football Joe:Joe: Look,Look, Peter.Peter. TheresTheres a a newnew footballfootball clubclub in in ourour school.school. Peter:Peter: I I likelike playingplaying football.football. Joe:Joe: I I likelike playingplaying footballfootball too.too. LetsLets joinjoin thethe clubclub. . Peter:Peter: ThatsThats a a goodgood idea.idea. Read together Joe:Joe: LetsLets telltell AliceAlice aboutabout thethe footballfootball club.club. Peter:Peter: DoesDoes AliceAlice likelike playingplaying football?football? Joe:Joe: Yes,Yes, sheshe does.does. Peter:Peter: Great!Great! WeWe cancan joinjoin thethe clubclub togethertogether. . Read together Dear children Im Alice. Im tall and thin. I want to join the football club. Because I like playing football. I can run fast. Its interesting. Table tennis Club Football Club Basketball Club Tennis Club Volleyball Club Badminton Club Which club do you want to join? Why? S1:Do you like playing ? S2:Yes, I do. I can . No, I dont. I cant . S1:Does like playing? S3: Yes,does. No, doesnt. likes Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read the texts. 2.Introduce your favorite sport to your family. Thank you 课课 题题 UnitUnit 5 5 SportSport 第一课时第一课时上课年级上课年级四(四(2 2)班)班 知识知识 与能与能 力力 帮助学生学习 look and learn 中的生词。 过程过程 与方与方 法法 通过游戏法帮助学生掌握和巩固生词,在玩中学,在学中提高。 教教 学学 目目 标标 情感情感 态度态度 与价与价 值观值观 培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点教学重点 词汇:sport, football, basketball, volleyball。复习旧句型,为下一课时核心句型教学做准备。 教学难点教学难点 掌握生词的正确发音及发音规律。 教具准备教具准备 生词卡片,PPT 教法运用教法运用 游戏法,全身反应法 学法指导学法指导 任务型教学法 环节环节 教师授课内容教师授课内容学生活动学生活动达成目标达成目标 PptPpt、时、时 间间 1-2 导导 入入 全班齐唱儿歌 I like to play outside!老师和孩子们一起唱课前热身 2 分钟 3-5 初初 步步 探探 究究 新授词组 play volleyball 操作方法:以旧词的发音 带动新词的拼读,同时用 you like doing .的句型操练新 词。 同桌互相问答,操练 Do you like playing volleyball?的 句型。 操作方法:学生自己操练,老师再提问使学生有第三人称单 数的转述。 对比新授词组 play football, play basketball 操作方法:出现两个球,再找到拼读的共同点,找到拼读的 规律。 以旧词的发音带动新词的 拼读,同时用 you like doing .的句型操练新 词。 掌握新授词 组的发音及 拼写;操练 第一二人称 的一般疑问 句的问答。 让学生掌握 拼读的规律。 8 分钟 6-10 合合 作作 探探 究究 引引 导导 析析 疑疑 用新学的问句引出拓展词汇 play badminton. 操作方法:运用问句引出,同时根据发音规则来掌握词组的 拼写。 拓展选择疑问句的操练。 操作方法:根据图片让学生自己说,在用第三人称的形式转 述。 选择一组图片进行同桌操练。 通过选择疑问句操练词汇。 操作方法:同桌互相问答,再由老师提问其中一个进行第三 人称的转述。 新授 table tennis。 通过谜语的形式引出并新授词组。 操作方法:学生猜谜引出。 用动画图片让学生知道是怎样的运动,并朗读词汇以及拓展 的句型。 操作方法:让学生通过跟读、男生女生读、小组读的方法。 根据图片让学生自己说, 在用第三人称的形式转述。 选择一组图片进行同桌操 练。 拓展运动项 目的名称。 通过选择疑 问句来操练 运动的词组。 10 分 钟 环节环节 教师授课过程(教师活动)教师授课过程(教师活动) 学生学习过程(学生活动)学生学习过程(学生活动) 达成目标达成目标 PptPpt、时、时 间间 11-13 拓拓 展展 学学 习习 巩巩 固固 训训 练练 看图快速反应。 操作方法:闪动哪个图片,学生就快速反应说出哪个。 Whats missing?游戏。 掌握已学词组。 操作方法:学生快速说出擦去的词组。 Give a report. 活动目的:让学生扮演 Peter 补充完整句子,形成完整的语 段。 操作方法:学生先自己说,再交流。 I I havehave fourfour friends.friends. TheyThey areare Kitty,Kitty, Alice,Alice, JoeJoe andand Jill.Jill. KittyKitty likeslikes playingplaying _._. AliceAlice likeslikes playingplaying _ andand _._. JoeJoe andand I I bothboth likelike playingplaying _ andand _._. 闪动哪个图片,学生就快 速反应说出哪个;学生快 速说出擦去的词组。 巩固记忆词 汇。 10 分 钟 14-15 检检 测测 反反 馈馈 Look and say. 活动目的:操练句型并用其他运动项目替换操练。 操作方法:教师给出范例,学生自己说完整句子。 编成对话形式,表演。 教师给出范例,学生自己 说完整句子。 编成对话形式,表演。 能够熟练运 用新学的词 汇编成对话 的形式;复 习旧句型, 为下一课时 核心句型教 学做准备。 5 分钟 16 小小 结结 运用新学的词汇拓展句型。 PlayingPlaying tabletable tennistennis makesmakes usus healthy,healthy, strongstrong andand happy.happy. 操作方法:教师先说,再让学生选择替换说。 教师先说,再让学生选择 替换说 拓展新的句 型说说运动 的意义,体 现育人价值。 5 分钟 作业布置作业布置板书设计板书设计 1.1. ReadRead andand copycopy “Look“Look andand learn”learn” onon pagepage 23.23. 2.2. TellTell youryour classmatesclassmates oror youryour parentsparents aboutabout youryour favouritefavourite sportsport andand writewrite aboutabout it.it. UnitUnit 5 5 SportSport 第一课时第一课时 Sport 运动 football 足球, basketball 篮球 volleyball 拍球
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