沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-6 Music-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:903f5).zip

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三角铁三角铁 What can you play? I can play the triangle. 你会演奏什么乐器你会演奏什么乐器 ? 我会演奏三角铁。我会演奏三角铁。 像桌不是桌像桌不是桌 , 只有三个脚只有三个脚 , 常在台上摆常在台上摆 , 一弹就唱歌一弹就唱歌 。 -What can _ play? - _ can play the _. 看 视 频 Can you play _ _? A. the guitar B. guitar C. a guitar -What can you play? A. I can play drum. B. I can play the drum. Make a dialogue A :What can you play? B:I can play the _. drum piano violin triangle guitar KittyKitty andand JillJill likelike music.music. Look.Look. 1. What can Kitty play? 2. What can Jill play? 3. Whose guitar is it? Kitty can play the violin. Jill can play the guitar. Its Joes guitar. pianist drummer violinist 1 四年英语四年英语 ModuleModule 2 2 UnitUnit 6 6 MusicMusic 一、一、 教材分析教材分析 本单元的主题是“Music”,通过本单元的学习,让学生能够听、 说、读、写 wonderful, whose, 及 violin, guitar, piano 等有关 乐器的重点单词,并能在一定的语境中正确运用;能听懂关于是否 会演奏某种乐器以及谁是乐器的主人的对话;能运用所学句型 “Whose.is it?询问了解物品的所有人,并用 Its.s.做 出相应的回答;通过本单元的学习,培养学生热爱音乐,热爱生活 的美好情感。 二、二、 单元教学目标单元教学目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1能听、说、读、写有关乐器的单词 violin, guitar, piano,正确运用单词 wonderful, whose。 2能在语境中正确运用句型“Whose.is it?询问了解物品的 所有人,并能用人名后加S 的方式做出回答。 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 1能听懂关于是否会演奏某种乐器以及谁是乐器的主人的对话。 2通过句型的学习,会用英语询问谁是物品的主人,并能转述 相关信息。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 在音乐中感知不同的乐器,培养学生大胆开口,敢于表现,热 2 爱音乐的美好情感。 三、三、 单元教学内容单元教学内容 教学重点教学重点 1词汇:wonderful, whose, violin, guitar, piano 等。 2句型“ Whose.is it? Its .s .。 3. 字母组合 ss 在单词中的发音:ss (classroom, glass) 教学难点:教学难点: 名词所有格S 的用法。 四、四、 学情分析学情分析 四年级孩子往往乐于模仿,敢于表达,容易被一些新奇刺激的 事物所吸引。对不同乐器发出的不同声音很感兴趣,同时也乐于谈 论并展示自己的喜好。这个阶段他们的抽象逻辑思维仍有很大的不 自觉性和具体形象性。所以对语法的讲解,如所有格,只能通过词 句的反复训练和感知来习得语法知识。 五、五、 PeriodPeriod 2 2 教学设计教学设计 Teaching columns: Sing a song, Listen and say, Learn the sounds Teaching aims: 1.能够灵活运用句型 Whose guitar is it? Its Joes guitar. 2.帮助学生学习字母组合 ss 在单词中的发音:ss (classroom, glass) 3.激发学生认识乐器的兴趣,培养学生阳光积极向上的精神。 3 Main points: 四会单词的掌握 wonderful Difficult points:句型的灵活运用 Whose is it? Its Teaching aids: a recorder, a cassette. Teaching procedures: (一)课前任务,铺垫助学 1. Review the musical instruments by the cards. 2. Free-talk. T:Do you like music ? I like music very much. The music is wonderful! T:Today ,lets continue to talk about the music. (二)创设情境,诱趣激学 1. Listen to a song and follow. 2. Show a picture of music room and know the pictures. T: Look! This is a music room. What can you see in the room? S: I can see a piano. (三)抓住适机,顺思导学 1. Look at the pictures carefully. 2. The Ss listen to the recorder and answer the questions. 1) Where are Kitty and Jill? 2) Does Kitty like music? 3) Who can play the violin? 4) What can Jill play? 4 Then the Ss open the book, and listen to the recorder again. 2. The Ss read the text. (四)综合实践,应用促学 1. Role play 2. The Ss read the dialogue and act. Complete : Kitty and Jill like music. Music is wonderful.Kitty can play the . But Jill play the violin. She can play the .They see a .It isnt Jills. Its guitar. 3. Learn the sounds. ss /s/ classroom glass (五)课外延伸,实践延学 1. The Ss play a game: Review the words. 2. Make a dialogue in groups according to the sentence patterns. WritingWriting onon thethe blackboard:blackboard: Module 2 My favorite things Unit 6 Music Period 2 Whose guitar is it? Its Joes guitar.
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