(2019新教材)外研版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 1 课时分层作业1 教学知识细解码 (含答案).doc

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1、1 课时分层作业(一) .单词拼写 1This kind of tool is essential to the work. 2Your former employer(雇主) recommends you for this post. 3I learned about it from your advertisement in the newspaper. 4The police have examined the gun for fingerprints. 5In that crazy time,my mood(情绪) went up and down like an elevator.

2、6For amusement(娱乐),we go to the movies once a week. 7You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life. 8What impressed you most about the show? 9He deserves(应受到) the honour and we should learn from him. 10They appear not to have any concept(概念) of personal space. .阅读理解 A KatieFrom Amer

3、ica I ran into quite a few language problems while vacationing (度假) with my family last summer.The most embarrassing was when my mom apologized to the people we were staying with because her “pants were dirty”They looked at her in amazement, not knowing how to react.You see, Mom had fallen over and

4、gotten mud on her jeans.But in Britain,“pants”means underpants or knickers(内裤),not trousers as it does back home. DavidFrom Britain I went to stay with a friend on the west coast last summer.Her flat was on the first floor of a highrise building so I got the lift up.Then I wandered round for ages lo

5、oking for her flat but couldnt find it.Fed up and tired,I finally had to go out to find a phone box.She explained that her flat was on the first floor,which for me meant the ground floor. TomFrom America When I asked for the “restroom”in a big department store , people kept directing(指引) me to a roo

6、m with seats where I could sit and “rest”It took me 2 years to get through to (使明白)someone that I only wanted the toilet! MaryFrom Britain Last summer we went on a twoweek family touring holiday,so Dad hired a car over the Internet.This was an old vehicle and there turned out to be lots of things wr

7、ong with it.When he phoned the hire company and tried to explain that the lock on the boot was broken, they thought he was talking about footwear! He had no idea their word for “boot”was “trunk”In the end we went to a garage and just solved the problem. 【语篇解读】本文通过分享几个有趣的小故事,说明英式英语和美式英语 间存在的文化差异。 1 H

8、earing Katies mothers words , Katies friends were in amazement because. AKaties mother got mud on her jeans BKaties mothers underpants were dirty Cthey mistook “pants”inAmerican for underpants Dthey didnt know English C推理判断题。Mom had fallen over and gotten mud on her jeans.妈妈摔倒 了,裤子上沾到了泥。my mom apolo

9、gized to the people we were staying with because her “pants were dirty”。妈妈因此向和我们一起的人表示抱歉。But in Britain,“pants”means underpants or knickers(内裤),not trousers as it does back home.英式英语中,pants 特指内裤,语义差异使得英国人产生了误解,故选 C。 2Which of the following words is from British English? APants.BGround floor. CRestro

10、om.DTrunk. B细节理解题。A、C、D 三个选项在英式和美式英语中都有,只是意思 不同,而 B 项只在英式英语中出现,故选 B。 3 When Tom asked for the “restroom” , the people around him thought. Ahe wanted to have a rest Bhe wanted the toilet 3 Che wanted a chair Dhe wanted to go to a department store A推理判断题。 When I asked for the “restroom” in a big depar

11、tment store, people kept directing( 指 引 ) me to a room with seats where I could sit and “rest”当汤姆寻找“restroom”时,周围的人把他带到了一个有椅子的房间, 在那里可以坐着休息,周围人认为他是想要休息了,故选 A。 B In the age of Amazon and the Internet,the idea of going to a public library to borrow a book may seem ever more unusual and oldfashioned in

12、 many parts of the world,but one country,at least,is holding on it tightly:the Czech Republic.There are libraries everywhere you look in the country.There is one library for every 1,971 Czech citizensfour times as many,relative to population,as the average European country,and 10 times as many as th

13、e United States,which has one for every 19,583 people. Why so many Czech libraries?Well,for decades they were mandatoryevery community,from a big city down to a tiny village,was required by law to have one.The law was enacted in 1919 , soon after Czechoslovakia emerged as an independent country.The

14、library law survived the German occupation and the breakup with Slovakia in the early 1990s.What it couldnt survive was budget pressure.To save money,the requirement was dropped in 2001,when there were about 6,019 libraries in the country;since then,about 11 percent have been combined or closed. Now

15、, the surviving Czech libraries are doing what they can to stay vibrant (生气 勃勃的) and relevant.They serve as local meeting places,they organize reading clubs and art exhibits and offer computer literacy (读写)courses,and they welcome groups of schoolchildren and retirtees during the day.But mostly,they

16、 do what 92 percent of Czechs still want them to go on doing: They lend books. 【语篇解读】 文章介绍了捷克数量惊人的图书馆以及拥有如此多图书馆背 后的原因,以及后来由于资金短缺,大约 11%的图书馆被合并或关闭,现在的捷 克人最常去图书馆借书的事实。 4What is the first paragraph mainly about? AThe rise and fall of Czech libraries. 4 BThe difficulties Czech libraries face. CThe trans

17、formation of library services in Czech. DThe amazing number of Czech libraries. D主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“There is one library for every 1,971 Czech citizensfour times as many,relative to population,as the average European country,and 10 times as many as the United States,which has one for every 19,583 peopl

18、e.(每 1 971 名捷克公民就拥有一座图书馆,是欧洲平均水平的 4 倍,是美国 的 10 倍, 美国每 19 583 人拥有一座图书馆。 )”可知第一段主要介绍数量惊人的 捷克图书馆。故选 D。 5What does the underlined word “mandatory”in Paragraph 2 mean? AEssential.BAvailable. CCompulsory.DParticular. C词义猜测题。根据下文“every community,from a big city down to a tiny village,was required by law to

19、 have one.(法律要求每个社区,从大城市到小村庄, 都必须有一个。)”可知捷克图书馆是法律强制要求的,是强制性的,故选 C。 6Whats the reason for Czech libraries combination or close? AThe money shortage. BThe German occupation. CThe governments policy. DThe breakup with Slovakia. A细节理解题。 根据第二段最后一句“To save money, the requirement was dropped in 2001,when t

20、here were about 6,019 libraries in the country;since then, about 11 percent have been combined or closed.”可知为了省钱,要求在 2001 年被 降了下来,当时这个国家大约有 6 019 座图书馆;从那时起,大约 11%被合并或 关闭。即捷克图书馆合并或关闭的原因是资金短缺。故选 A。 7 According to the text , people go to todays Czech libraries most often to. Aadmire works of art Bborro

21、w books Cjoin reading clubs 5 Dlearn computer skills B推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“But mostly,they do what 92 percent of Czechs still want them to go on doing: They lend books.”可知, 大部分图 书馆仍旧向外借书,因此推断现在的捷克人去图书馆最经常做的是借书。故选 B。 .阅读七选五 I have been lucky enough to be right next to dolphins playing in perfect surf, us

22、ing the power of the waves to travel even faster than they normally swim.There is no doubt that they are enjoying themselves and,though I cant swim like a dolphin, 1. Bodysurfing involves riding on a wave with no help from any device(装置)such as a surfboard, which makes it the “purest”form of surfing

23、.In fact, it is one of very few extreme sportsfree climbing and cliff diving are others2. However,it is more enjoyable and safer if you use flippers (脚蹼)This is because they enable you to swim faster, and so catch waves and surf along them more easily.3.Another aid is a handboard,a minisurf board ab

24、out the size of an iron, held in one hand to generate more speed along the wave. To catch a wave,swim to where the waves break and,as one approaches,start swimming towards the beach.You must try to travel at the same speed as the wave and,if you do it correctly,you will feel the wave lifting you and

25、 pushing you forwards.4. Bodysurfing is not a professional sport,5the Pipeline Bodysurfing. Classicheld each year at the legendary Banzai Pipeline in Hawaii.Local bodysurfers compete against athletes from places such as Australia,Brazil,Japan or France,in terrifying walls of water above the sharp co

26、ral reef. For me no other sport is as much fun as bodysurfing.Theres a good reason why dolphins choose not to use surfboards! AThen try and surf along the surface of the wave BI can experience this same fun when bodysurfing Cbut it does have its own unofficial world championship Dthat can be practis

27、ed by using nothing but the human body 6 Ewhich is looked down on by professional athletes,however FFamous bodyboarders in the great surfing history have also competed G Awetsuit is also advisable to use unless you are bodysurfing in tropical (热带 的)seas 【语篇解读】文章介绍了人体冲浪。 1B上文提示“虽然我不会像海豚一样游泳,但我不怀疑他们玩得

28、很开 心”。承接上文,B 项“I can experience this same fun when bodysurfing(当身体冲 浪时我可以体验同样的乐趣)”切题。故选 B。 2D分析句子结构“In fact,it is one of very few extreme sportsfree climbing and cliff diving are others.”可知本题应在 C/D/E 中选,再根据 前半句“事实上, 攀岩和悬崖跳水是少有的几种无极限运动之一”, 承接前半句, D项“that can be practised by using nothing but the huma

29、n body(这只能通过使用人 体来实现)”切题。故选 D。 3 G第三段第一句提示“然而, 如果你使用脚蹼, 它会更有趣、 更安全。 ” 再根据空格下文提示“另一种辅助工具是一个冲浪板,一个小冲浪板,大约有一 个熨斗那么大,一只手拿着它可以在海浪中产生更快的速度。”承接上下文,G 项“A wetsuit is also advisable to use unless you are bodysurfing in tropical(热 带 的)seas(除非你是在热带海域冲浪,否则潜水服也是明智的选择)”切题。该项中 的 also 将上下文联系在一起。故选 G。 4A上文提示“你必须试着以和波

30、浪相同的速度前进,如果你做对了, 你会感觉到波浪把你举起来,推动你前进”。承接上文,A 项“Then try and surf along the surface of the wave(然后试着沿着波浪表面冲浪)”切题。该项中的 then 将前后句连在一起。故选 A。 5 C分析句子结构“Bodysurfing is not a professional sport,”可知 本题应在 C/D/E 中选择, D 已经选走, 再根据前半句“人体冲浪不是一项职业运 动”, 承接前半句, C 项“but it does have its own unofficial world championship(但 它有自己的非官方世界锦标赛)”切题。故选 C。


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