(2019新教材)外研版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 3 课时分层作业7 教学知识细解码 (含答案).doc

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1、1 课时分层作业(七) .单词拼写 1He cheated(欺骗) her into believing him a wealthy man. 2We are confident in our expectation(预料) of a full recovery. 3The ball bounced(反弹) crazily over his shoulder into the net. 4The only access to that building is along that muddy(泥泞的) track. 5The company is a fully bonded member o

2、f the Association(协会) of British Travel Agents. 6He will require surgery(外科手术) on his left knee. 7I love Chinese,and I am glad I am a teammate(队友)with Yao Ming. 8The footstep(脚步)and singing were more and more close. .阅读理解 A I have been playing basketball since Ive been in 6th grade.I first started o

3、ut in the summer before 6th grade when I played for the Park District Traveling Basketball Team.This is where I first learned how to play basketball and found out I wasnt very good at it.This is the main reason why I liked football more than basketball,because I was naturally good at football and di

4、dnt have to work as hard.But because of the way I was brought upalways being encouraged to never give up,I kept at it and kept working on my basketball skills so I could be good enough to play for my high school basketball team.I played for my high school basketball team during my junior and senior

5、years of high school. During those years in high school,I really began to practice hard on improving my basketball skills.My main goal was to get an athletics scholarship to college and get a free education.I indeed achieved this goal and was awarded a twoyear basketball scholarship at Parkland Juni

6、or College.There in my two years I was truly better than I was when I first started out playing basketball , which I know was because of the hard work I put into improving my skills all throughout my life. After having two good seasons at Parkland on and off the court ( 球 场 ) I graduated.The final s

7、tep I had in mind was to come to Northern Illinois University and make the basketball team.Many doubted me and said I wasnt good enough to 2 make the team,but instead of listening to them,giving up or stopping working hard like Ive been doing all my life , I worked the hardest Ive worked over the su

8、mmer.And all the hard work paid off,and I am now a member of the Northern Illinois University Basketball Team. 【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者介绍了自己在中学阶段通过打篮球一步 步实现个人梦想的故事。 1What do we know about the author? AHe became what many people had expected him to be. BHe got a free education in Northern Illinois University.

9、 CHe left Parkland Junior College because of his poor performance. DHe played for Parkland Junior College Basketball Team for two years. D细节理解题。 根据第二段的“awarded a twoyear basketball scholarship at Parkland Junior College”和第三段的“After having two good seasons at Parkland on and off the court I graduated

10、”可知,作者在 Parkland Junior College 打了两年篮 球后,毕业了。 2The underlined word “them” in Para.3 refers to. Athose who doubted the author Bthose who loved the author Cthe authors former team Dthe authors family A代词指代题。根据 them 所在句子的前一句“很多人怀疑我的能力,并 且说我还不够资格加入这个篮球队”,可推知这里的 them 指的是“怀疑作者能 力的人”,故 A 项正确。 3How did the

11、author develop the passage? ABy making comparisons. BBy giving examples. CBy following the order of time. DBy describing the changes in space order. C写作手法题。 作者按时间顺序讲述了通过打篮球逐渐实现个人理想的故 事,故 C 项正确。 3 4What can we learn from the authors story? AWell begun,half done. BEvery coin has two sides. CDetail is

12、the key to success. DWhere there is a will,there is a way. D推理判断题。 作者通过打篮球获得了奖学金并得到免费教育, 一步步实 现了自己的奋斗目标。这个过程告诉我们“有志者事竟成”的道理。最后一段的 “all the hard work paid off”是提示。 B One of the most famous archaeological discoveries in all of history is The Terracotta Army.Its also called the Terracotta Warriors and

13、Horses and they were found by farmers digging for a well in Xian in 1974.Becoming a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987,the spectacular figures continue to attract millions of visitors from all over the world.Yet the excavations ( 发 掘 ) are unfinished.Famously , archaeological work at the site and th

14、e accompanying Tomb of the First Qin Emperor has been allowed to slow down until technology advances enough to preserve the art works currently buried underground.In addition to this,safety concerns have been raised regarding the unusually high levels of mercury (水银) found on the soil.Its said that

15、this is from the mercury streams which were in the floor of the burial chamber, but only time will tell if this ancient tale is true. Currently 8,000 soldiers have been found,each one with a distinctively different look.This was achieved through an early use of assemblyline (流水线)The warriors were as

16、sembled using moulds(模具),with 8 different heads to choose from,and features being added by skilled craftsmen.Studying the warriors and their horses offers historians an important insight into this period in Chinese history.The technology used to assemble the underground army was truly remarkable.Ove

17、r 40,000 bronze weapons were found , and after more than 2000 years they still appear sharp.How is this possible? The ancient Chinese managed to use protective chrome plating (镀铬),something which was thought to have been invented in Germany in 1937!Chinese metallurgy(冶金) was thousands of years ahead

18、 of its time. When it is finally uncovered,the sight will truly be spectacular and much more 4 will be understood about Chinas first Emperor and the level of technology the ancient Chinese possessed. 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了秦始皇陵墓的考古工作中发现的中国古代先进的 科学技术,如早期使用装配线来建造兵马俑,以及使用保护镀铬来使青铜兵器依 然锋利等。 5Why does the archaeolog

19、ical work at the site slow down? ATo attract more visitors. BTo protect the environment. CTo avoid the low levels of mercury. DTo preserve the underground art works. D细节理解题。根据第一段中“Famously,archaeological work at the site and the accompanying Tomb of the First Qin Emperor has been allowed to slow dow

20、n until technology advances enough to preserve the art works currently buried underground.”可知在技术进步到足以保护目前埋在地下的艺术品之前,该遗址 和秦始皇陵墓的考古工作一直被允许放慢脚步。 可知考古工作放慢的原因是为了 保护地下艺术品。故选 D。 6Which one of the following is true? AAll the 8,000 soldiers dont have the same look. BGermany metallurgy was thousands of years

21、ahead of its time. CAssemblyline was used in the construction of the warriors. DThe bronze weapons still appear sharp because of German technology. C细节理解题。 根据第二段第一、二句“Currently 8,000 soldiers have been found, each one with a distinctively different look.This was achieved through an early use of asse

22、mblyline.”可知目前已发现 8 000 名士兵,每名士兵的外貌都截然不 同。这是通过早期使用装配线实现的。即装配线用于了勇士的建造。故选 C。 7What can be learned from the passage? AThe discovery of The Terracotta Army was not accidental. BIt was impossible for the ancient Chinese to use chrome plating. CThe technology used to assemble the underground army was the

23、 best. DMuch more will be known about Chinas first Emperor when his tomb is 5 finally uncovered. D细节理解题。根据最后一段“When it is finally uncovered,the sight will truly be spectacular and much more will be understood about Chinas first Emperor and the level of technology the ancient Chinese possessed.”可知当它最

24、终被发现 时, 这一景象将真正壮观,人们将更多地了解中国的第一位皇帝和古代中国人拥 有的技术水平。即当中国第一位皇帝的陵墓最终被发现时,人们将会对他有更多 的了解。故选 D。 8What is the best title for this passage? AAnew archaeological discovery. BThe Terracotta Warriors and Horses. CAmazingAncient Chinese Technology. DThe Tomb of the First Emperor in ancient China. C主旨大意题。 根据文章介绍了秦

25、始皇陵墓的考古工作中发现的中国古代 先进的科学技术,如早期使用装配线以及保护镀铬等,分析选项故选 C。 .阅读七选五 A good training partner can be a great asset (有用的人) to your training,but if you get stuck with a bad one,it could lead you down the road to frustration.Be selective when choosing a training partner.1 Dependable.Choose someone who you are sur

26、e will show up for every scheduled workout or who will call you if they cant make it.It is a drain (消耗) on your valuable energy especially before training to have to constantly remind your partner. Attitude.Get a partner with a positive attitude.This is very important.If they constantly say that som

27、ething is impossible or that they cant or you cant do something,you may end up believing them.2 Open mind.Get a partner with an open mind.3In every partnership,one person will tend to be the leader.The leader should take into account the needs and feelings of the other partner not totally ignoring t

28、hem. Spotting.Get someone you feel comfortable with spotting you.One of the main roles of a training partner is spotting and if you dont trust them,theres not much point in having them around to help. 6 4If you are a beginner,try to find someone who knows what you are doing.You will get more out of

29、your training than if you train with another beginner. 5In the end,it is really up to you whether or not you need a training partner. ATraining level. BSimilar strength levels. CHere are a few things to look out for. DFind someone with a similar training goal with you. EDo not train with someone who

30、 is satisfied with no improvement. F While there are a number of advantages of having a training partner, there are also advantages of working alone. GSomeone who has to do things his or her way all the time,will not listen to you and will not change his or her mind isnt a good partner. 【语篇解读】有一个好的训

31、练伙伴是好的,但是要精心挑选这个人。本文 告诉你如何选择一个让你满意的训练伙伴。 1C此空位于第一段最后,起承上启下的作用,它引出下文。可知,当 选择一个训练伙伴时,应当心的几件事。故选 C。 2E根据上文:要找一个有积极态度的伙伴。如果他们说一些消极的话, 你可能就不会再相信他们。可知,不要与一个不思进取的人一起培训。故选 E。 3G根据上句:找到一个有开放心态的合作伙伴。也就是说,固执己见, 不听你也不改变想法的人不是一个好伙伴。故选 G。 4A此空是小标题,要短小精悍,概括性强。根据下文:如果你是一个 初学者,尽量找到一个知道你将做什么的人。也就是要找一个有经验的人而不是 和你一样的初学者。可知本段讲的是“训练水平”,故选 A。 5F根据下文:最后,是不是需要一个训练伙伴真的完全取决于你。也 就是说,尽管有一个训练伙伴有许多优势,但是独立工作也有优势。故选 F。


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