外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 What's your favourite sport -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:767e4).docx

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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 What's your favourite sport -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:767e4).docx_第1页
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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 What's your favourite sport -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:767e4).docx_第2页
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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 What's your favourite sport -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:767e4).docx_第3页
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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 What's your favourite sport -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:767e4).docx_第4页
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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 What's your favourite sport -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:767e4).docx_第5页
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1、课标分析课标分析 目前我们执行的是英语教学新课程标准(小学版)2011 版。义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。 就工具性而言,英语课程承担培养学生基本英语素养的任务, 即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的 英语听说读写技能,形成用英语与他人交流的能力,为今后 继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠定基 础。就人文性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养 的任务, 即学生通过英语课程能够开阔视野, 丰富生活经历, 发展跨文化意识,促进创新思维,形成良好品格和正确价值 观,为终身学习奠定基础。 课程理念就是人们对课程的认识,对课程效果的追求。 课程基本理念

2、是人们对课程的基本认识。这些基本认识指引 教学过程和学习进程。反过来说,学习进程的设计应遵循人 们对课程的认识。英语课程理念的发展实际上是在遵循本领 域 和相关领域的科学研究和实践基础上得出的原则和规律。 标准(2011 年版) 中的课程基本理念注重素质教育,体 现语言学习对学生发展的价值面向全体学生,关注语言学习 者的不同特点和个体差异整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习 的渐进性和持续性强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和 应用性优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力丰 富课程资源,拓展英语学习的渠道。 教材分析教材分析 本册教材为外研社新标准一年级起点第二册,秉承本套 教材的整体编写思路

3、,本册教材本着贯彻素质教育为宗旨, 与新课标要求紧紧相扣。本册教材编写内容生动有趣,贴近 生活,严格遵循“题材-功能-结构-任务”的教学思路,更 加有助于教师备课设计,使得教师能够更加充分利用生活实 际,创设情境服务教学。在情感态度方面设计更加细腻,通 过丰富多彩的内容吸引学生注意力,激发学生学习兴趣,使 学生更加热爱英语学习,渗透了解更多的西方文化意识。同 时,本册教材编写注重学生能力素质培养,培养学生灵活运 用所学知识进行对话交流,有效将所学知识应用于具体情境 之中,大大提高了英语的实用性,真正达到了学以致用的目 的,实现了英语作为工具学科的真正价值。 学情分析学情分析 本节课面对的对象是

4、小学一年级学生, 这些孩子已经有了 半年多的英语学习基础,掌握一定的知识,如:animals: monkey, panda and so on ; numbers: one,two, three.colours: red, yellow and so on. 学生已知知识为本课学习奠定了基础。 但是一年级的学生仍然属于活泼好动类型,注意力集中时间 较短,对新鲜事物充满期待与好奇,所以新奇的课程设计更 能有助于吸引学生注意力,激发学生兴趣。本节课以 like 学 习为前提,进一步拓展延伸,让学生进一步感知本课重点。 学生期待学习新知,并期待用所学重点句型进行交流沟通, 所以对本课学习兴趣十足,保

5、障了本课教学内容的完成。 Whats your favourite sport?教学设计教学设计 Teaching content Module 9Unit 2 Whats your favourite sport? Total periods3 Class type New lessonPeriod1st Analysis of the teaching materials In this module, the topic is mainly about talking about hobbies.After learning simple expressions I likewell l

6、earn how to ask friends hobbies using Whats your favourite sport? Teaching aims Knowledge aims 1. Master the new words: favourite, sport, guess, What about? meatball, swimming 2. Master the sentence structure: Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is Ability aimsTraining ability of listenin

7、g and speaking. Learning strategy Warminguppresentationnewlessonproduction summaryhomework. Cooperation, TPR approach. Moral aimsBe willing to ask and say interests and hobbies. Cultural awareness Understand the western sports culture. Enhance cross-cultural understanding ability ImportanceWhats you

8、r favourite sport? My favourite sport is DifficultiesWhats your favourite ? My favourite is AidsWord cards, CD-ROM, PPT. Pre-lessonAsk the Ss to think how to ask othershobbies. Teachers activitiesStudentsactivitiesIndividualized design . Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Review the sports. 3. Sing a song

9、and mime. . Presentation Greet to each other. Say the words. Sing We like swimming. Use a football to lead in sports, lead the students to reviewthewords: football,basketball, 1. Listen toActivity 1, please. Answer the questions. I like _and _. Is it football? No, its _. Teach new word: meatball 2.

10、Play the CD sentence by sentence using touch-reading pen. 3. Read and find key sentence. Whats your favourite? New word: favourite . New lesson 1. Lookatthepicturesin Activity 2, please.Try to find what they are talking about. 2. Playtheflash,askthe students to listen and check. 3. Play the flash in

11、 part, ask the studentstomatchthe pictures after watching. Then check the answer and repeataccordingtothe pictures in part. 4. Deal with new sentence Ask the students to find and circle the key sentences. 5. Play the CD by sentence. 6. Reading time: get the Ss to Listen and answer. basketball , foot

12、ball meatball Listen and repeat together, pay attention to intonation and pronunciation. Read and find. Guessthemeaningand practice pronouncing. Look and try to say in English. Watch the flash and check. Look at the pictures, ten listenandmatch,after checking,repeatthe dialogue in part. Findandcircl

13、eWhats your favourite sport? Then talk to find the answer My favourite sport is Listen and repeat. Read individually, in pairs, swimming and so on. Sing the song to review the sentence with “ like” to lead in the presentation. Makeasituation:Our school will have asports meeting, we need make a paper

14、 for every student, whichincludesthe number/animal/colour/ sport they like best. There are four tasks for the students to pass, they pass all the level can get thecharacterbagsto finish the paper. Ask some questions about the pictures first to help the students deepen the understandingofthe pictures

15、. Ask some questions after they found a key sentence by using the key sentence they found. Playtwicewhenthey cant read very well. read in different forms. 7. Act the dialogue. IV. Practice 1. Listen and choose. 2. Choose different parts and make short dialogues. A:Whatsyourfavourite sport/animal/num

16、ber/ colour? B:Myfavouritesport/ animal/ number/ colour? 3. Finish the paper in group, and report their paper. phot o animalsport colournumber V. Summary VI. Homework 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Introduce their paper to their friend and parents. in small groups. Read in roles. Act the dialogue. Answer

17、after listening. Choose a part and make a short dialogue according to real and the pictures. Report their paper. Im.Myfavourite animal is, My favourite sport is .My favourite colour is .My favourite number is . What about you? Sum up what they learned. All the Ss should finish the first homework. Wh

18、ile the second one is for those who can do. The other students can be littleteacherstocheck whethertheyhave mistakes. Give some pictures with the words they have learnt to help the students finish the dialogues. Showapaperofthe teacher first, and do an example for the students. Blackboard design Mod

19、ule 9 Unit 2 Whats your faovourite sport? A: Whats your favourite sport? B: My favourite sport is swimming. I like swimming. Whats your favourite sport?评测练习评测练习 一、熟读课文填空。 -Whats your favourite (1)_? -Its (2)_. -Whats your favourite (3)_? -(4)_. -Whats your favourite (5)_? -Pingpong. (6)_? -(7)_? 二、情

20、景选择。 1. 如果你想询问“你最喜欢的运动是什么?”你应该怎样 说? A. Whats your favourite sport? B. What is that? 2. 如果别人询问你最喜欢的运动是什么,你要如何回答你 最喜欢的运动是游泳,你应该怎样说? A. My favourite sport is swimming. B. I like swimming. 如果有人问你你最喜欢的运动是什么,你也想问他,你可以 说:_? A. What about you?B. How are you? Whats your favourite sport?效果分析效果分析 本课教学效果大概从以下几点

21、进行分析: 知识目标达成:学生学习本课后能掌握本课要求掌握单词: favourite, what about.? 理 解 、 掌 握 、 运 用 本 课 重 点 句 型”Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is”, 较 好完成知识目标。 能力目标达成:学生通过本课听说训练,能够较好朗读、表 演本课对话,听说能力都有了一定的提高。 情感态度目标达成:本课中学生通过学习,能够积极主动与 同学进行沟通交流,了解同学爱好,进一步增加同学之前的 交流和沟通,增进友谊,让学生更加团结友爱。 文化意识目标达成:学生完成本节课学习,了解中西方学生 学习

22、生活的差异,进而了解更多东西方文化差异,有助于英 语语言学习。 总体来说,本节课效果较好,教学目标和学习目标都 已完成,实现了本节课设计宗旨。 观课记录观课记录 本课在我校录课室进行录制,我校小学部校长、教学主 任、 英语组教师及一年级教师进行听课, 并对本课进行点评, 主要整理如下: 优点:本节课教学设计新颖,有效利用多媒体技术,合理安 排各个部分学习,各个环节环环相扣,有简入难你,层层递 进较为合理。本节课教室创设情境贴近生活,激发学生学习 兴趣,吸引学生参与课堂,整节课气氛活跃,参与度较高, 教学目标完成较好。同时能够有效利用信息技术手段进行点 名、选组、练习、展示等,充分体现了信息技术

23、与现代小学 英语课堂的完美结合。此外,教师能够较好调控课堂,处理 课堂中的小意外,并能够注重课堂生成,使得课堂教学得以 升华。 不足:本节课活动较多,孩子们参与热情较高,但是个别环 节安排较为紧凑, 应稍微调整, 给孩子更多的机会参与练习。 Whats your favourite sport?课后反思课后反思 本节课设计围绕运动会为小运动员建档的主题,设计四个关 卡,将本课分成导入、新授、练习、生成四部分,学生完成 相应关卡即可获得本关解锁权限,四关均通过可获得最终的 建档材料包,进行实际运用练习,实现本课知识内容运用升 华。 本节课中 favourite 一词在发音练习上稍有难度,但是学生

24、在 已学“like”基础上,能够通过教师举例子及肢体语言配合 的情况下较好理解这一词,进而理解本课重点句型“Whats your favourite sport?”,进而学会使用“Whats your favourite colour/number/animal?”等句型,实现举一反三的效果。学生 能够在本课学习中充分朗读、 理解本课对话, 掌握重点句型, 能灵活运用重点句型进行问答,并结合自身实际与伙伴进行 对话,操练重点句型。最终能够达到本课设计的最终目的, 将学习重点,应用于实际生活中。 但是本节课也稍有不足,本节课设计活动较为丰富,个别活 动时间稍短,部分学生意犹未尽,计划于下节课中进一步操 练,给学生更多参与机会。


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