外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90507).doc

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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90507).doc_第1页
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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90507).doc_第3页
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1、外研社新标准外研社新标准 (英语(英语) (一年级起点)(一年级起点) 一年级下册一年级下册 ModuleModule 8 8 UnitUnit 2 2 ThereThere areare twotwo footballsfootballs underunder mymy desk.desk. 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是外研社 新标准 (英语) (一年级起点)一年级下册,Module 8 Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk. 以前学生是在三年级第一次接触“There be”句式。书中第 七模块学习小动物,运用 The

2、re be句式在具体情境中描述物品的位置。本课是继续学习运 用 “There be”句式,两个模块的话题衔接比较连贯和完整。 本模块的话题是谈论衣物和球类的位置,本课是第八模块的第二单元,主要谈论物品的 位置。在课堂教学中,通过实物、图片、游戏、交互式电子白板操作等形式,学生学习并运 用 “There be”句式在具体的语境中谈论物品的位置。 二、学生分析二、学生分析 一年级的学生活泼好动, 好奇心强, 有很强的表达欲望和需求, 并乐于表达。 运用 “There be”句式描述物品的位置是第一次学习,有一定的难度。而且本课句式较长,在长句式的表 达可能存在不流利程度.本课采取了游戏、活动、奖励

3、动物卡片等形式激发学生的学习兴趣, 调动了学生的积极性,帮助学生在真实的情境中学习,感受所学的知识,并真正地把所学知 识运用到实际生活中。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)(一) 语言知识目标语言知识目标 词汇:学生能够在图片和动作的调控下听说单词:here, football, basketball, ping-pong 语句:学生能够在具体情境下了解并掌握句型 There are two footballs under my desk. There are five ping-pong balls here. Theresa basketball under my chair. 语法:在具

4、体语境中谈论物品的位置 话题:谈论物品的位置 语音:进一步感知英语歌曲的节奏和韵律 (二)(二) 语言技能目标语言技能目标 听:1.能够在图片及动画的帮助下听懂课文内容 2.能够听懂简单的英语问题 3.能在肢体语言的辅助下听懂老师简单的课堂指令并作出反应 说:能在老师创设的情境中利用 “There be”句式谈论物品的位置 读:1.能够认读单词 here, football, basketball, ping-pong 2.能在图片提示下认读本课主要句式 There are two footballs under my desk. There are five ping-pong balls

5、here. Theresa basketball under my chair. 3.能在视频及音频的辅助下跟读课文,发音准确,流利,语调优美 (三)情感与态度目标(三)情感与态度目标 激发学生的积极情感,培养学生交流与合作的能力,在情境表演中体会互帮互助的乐趣, 共同享受学习的快乐。 (四)学习策略目标(四)学习策略目标 通过物品的对比区别 there isthere are 句型的不同。创设具体的球类摆放数量及位 置情境进行操练,鼓励学生在词语与相应事物之间建立联想,说明事物时能抓住事物的特征, 帮助学生有效地跟随真实的语言情境,积极与他人合作,一步一步地共同完成各个环节的教 学任务。 (

6、五)文化意识目标(五)文化意识目标 知道世界上主要的体育运动有哪些,了解中西方体育文化的差异 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 能够理解单词 here, football, basketball, ping-pong 并掌握句式 There be谈论 物品的位置,并在不同语境下运用。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 1. 熟练运用数词、球类名称、方位介词描述图片内容。 2.准确对比区别 there isthere are 句型的不同。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 教学用书、交互式电子白板课件、磁贴、单词磁条、球类卡片。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 . . RevisionR

7、evision andand leadlead -in-in 4 4 1.1.GreetingGreeting:T:Hello! Im Linda ! (Point to me.) Ss: Hello, Linda ! T: Today lets have a wonderful lesson, OK? Ss: Ok! 2.2. RevisionRevision ofof “ThereTheres s a a ” T: Boys and girls, now, lets look at our classroom. Theres a dog. Theres a book. Theres a h

8、at. Theres a desk/chair. Lets talk. Who can try? Ss: Theres a 3.3. TalkTalk aboutabout thethe picturespictures ofof ActivityActivity 1 1 T: Shows 白板课件 1 T: Look at the picture. Theres a big tree. Its very tall. Ss: Theres a cat. Theres a dog. There are three birds. T: Look! Theres a cat in the tree.

9、 Theres a dog under the tree. Theres a cat under a big bird. There are three birds in the tree. Now, who can come here and say? Ss: come to the front and say. 4.4. ListenListen toto ActivityActivity 1 1 T: Now, lets listen to Activity 1. Ss: Listen. 5.5. SaySay thethe picturespictures T: Shows 白板课件

10、2 T: Now, Lets say the two pictures. Boys say picture one. Girls say picture 2. Ss: Say the two pictures. 6.6. PlayPlay thethe rolesroles ofof BobBob T: Now, lets play the roles of Bob. Who can come here and say? Ss: Come to the front and play the roles of Bob. 7.7. lead-inlead-in T: Shows 白板课件 3 T:

11、 Look. Theres a classroom. Its very big. Theres a desk. Theres a football. There are two footballs. There are two footballs under my desk. T: Shows the title and writes on the blackboard. T: Today, lets learn Module 8 Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk. Lets read together. Ss: Read the tit

12、le after the teacher. 【设计意图】 活泼好动是一年级学生的特性,通过一系列动起来的活动,能引导学生在最短时间内投 入课堂教学活动,同时也为他们创造了一个轻松愉快的学习氛围,最重要的学生通过这些活 动对本节课的简单指令有了初步的认识,方便教师在接下来的教学活动中更好的组织课堂教 学。课前做好情境的铺垫,提前摆好各种小动物,文具,衣物等等,通过谈论教室里的实物 的活动,在开课就集中学生的注意力,调动学生参与猜游戏的热情。同时自然地引入本课的 活动 1 和标题句子,教师在这个环节尽量多的铺垫 There is 或 There are句式,学生感受 不到新知的难度。通过创设真实情

13、境,既帮助学生操练歌谣中的 There is 和 There are 句式, 也为课文的学习做好了铺垫。教师在教学中运用肢体语言,帮助学生们在活动中完全动起来。 . . TaskTask PresentationPresentation1 1 T: 今天我们的任务是继续运用 “There be.”句式,在具体的情境中谈论物品的位置 (白板课件出示本课的学习任务) T: Today, I bring you so many cards. If you did a good job. You will get one card. Do you like the cards ? Ss: Yes. T

14、: Very good. Lets come on! OK? Ss: OK 【设计意图】 通过课件,教师表述等形式直接呈现本节课的学习任务,学生明确任务,出示准备好的 各种彩色卡片作为奖励,鼓励学生积极努力,大胆尝试,愉快地进入课文学习活动中。通过 图片导入本课的标题句, There are two footballs under my desk. . . TextText learninglearning1010 1.Listen1.Listen andand answer.answer. T: Shows 白板课件 5 T: Look! This is Linglings classroo

15、m. There are many balls in the classroom. Lets listen. What kinds of balls are in the classroom? 我们一起来听一听,教室里 面都有哪些种类的球?Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: Lets listen carefully. Ss: Listen and answer. T: 教室里面都有哪些种类的球? Ss:football, basketball, ping-pong 2.2. ListenListen againagain andand answeranswer T: Whe

16、re are the balls? 这些球都在哪里了? Lets listen again. Ss: Listen, then answer. T: Wheres the basketball? S1: Theres a basketball under my chair. T: Where are the two footballs? S2: There are two footballs under my desk. T: Where are the five ping-pong balls? S3: There are five ping-pong balls here. 3.3. Le

17、arnLearn threethree sentencessentences T: Shows a basketball. Who can come here and say? Ss: Come to the front and say. Theres a basketball under my chair. There are two footballs under my desk. There are five ping-pong balls here. (白板互动操作) T: Writes the three sentences on the blackboard. T:及时用小动物卡片

18、奖励表达准确,清楚的学生。 4.4. ListenListen andand repeatrepeat T: Shows 白板课件 6 T: Now, Lets listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation. You should repeat correctly, beautifully and loudly. Ss: Listen and repeat. 5.5. ReadRead inin pairspairs T:Boys and girls, now lets read with your partner. One re

19、ads one picture. Are you clear? Ss: Read with their partner. 6.6. Dub(Dub(配音配音) ) T: Now, lets read and dub. Who can come here and dub? Ss: Come to the front and dub. 7.7. ReadRead thethe picturespictures T: Shows 白板课件 7 T: Now lets look at the pictures. Who can read the sentence? Ss: Four students

20、come to the front and read the pictures. 【设计意图】 通过教师语言的情境创设,学生带着问题,观看课文动画,两次听音回答问题。问题的 答案恰是本课的三个重点句式。There are two footballs under my desk. There are five ping-pong balls here. Theresa basketball under my chair.教师通过图片的呈现, 语言的铺垫,帮助学生明确了本节课的重点句式。这个环节抓住本课重点句式在情境中进行 操练,真实有效。通过听音,指读课文,配音汇报等形式,各个击破本课重难点,提

21、高认读 句子能力,逐步引导学生从初步整体感知-进一步感知-基本理解课文。 .Practice.Practice1111 1.1. TalkTalk aboutabout thethe ballsballs inin thethe classroomclassroom T: Boys and girls, lets look. Theres/arefootball/basketball/ping-pong under the chair/desk/here.(提前准备好的三种球) T: Who can come here and say? Ss: Come to the front and sa

22、y.( 拿着不同的球,放在不同的位置说) T: Now, lets talk with your partner. Ss: Talk about the balls with their partner. 2.2. SaySay PanpanPanpans s bedbed roomroom T: Shows 白板课件 7 T: Look! This is Panpan. This is Panpans bed room. T: There are two shirts on the bed. Theres a hat on the desk. Theres a pair of shoes o

23、n the chair. T: Who can come here and talk? Ss: Come to the front and talk about Panpans bed room. 3.3. TalkTalk aboutabout AmyAmys s clothesclothes T: Shows 白板课件 8 T: Look! What clothes can you see? Theres a / There are(hat, shirt, shoes) (白板课件演示衣物的位置) T:Who can come here and say? Ss: Come to the f

24、ront and say. Theres a / There are(hat, shirt, shoes) (白板课件演示衣物的位置) 4.4. ListenListen toto a a songsong T: Shows 白板课件 8 T: Boys and girls, now, lets listen to the song. SS: Listen to the song. T: Boys and girls, lets sing the song togher. OK? Ss: Sing the song together. 【设计意图】学习了一段时间,学生会产生疲劳现象,一个小游戏

25、能再次调动他们学习 的热情,而且这个游戏让学生到前面进行实物摆放,然后准确的说出句子。学生们在真实的 情境中体验用英语做事情的快乐与成功。为每个孩子都创设了真实的语境做事情,提供展示 的机会,孩子们体验到做事情的成功和快乐。白板课件的互动练习,使课堂的操练形式更加 多样,丰富,操练了本课第三个和四个活动的内容。三个活动的设计主要考虑学生们的年龄 特点和兴趣,再一次强化本课的重难点,对其进行巩固操练,也为接下来的拓展环节做好准 备。 . . TaskTask CompletionCompletion8 8 MakeMake youryour bedbed roomroom T: Shows 白板

26、课件 10 T: Now, look at this picture. This is my bed room. T: There is/are(desk, chair, bed, panda, hat, shoes, shorts, shirt, football, basketball, ping-pong ) T: Now, look at your bed room and talk in groups. T: 四人一组用 There is/are句式设计你们小组的卧室 Ss: Stick and talk about their bed room. T: Who can come h

27、ere and show your bed room. Ss: Four students in a group come to the front and show their bed room. S1: This is our bed room. There is/are. on/under the desk/chair/bed /under/over there S2: There is/are. on/under the desk/chair/bed/over there. S3: There is/are. on/under the desk/chair/bed/over there

28、 S4: There is/are. on/under the desk/chair/bed/over there 【设计意图】 这个环节是对学生综合语言运用能力的拓展,引导孩子观察通过设计小组的卧室里都有 哪些物品,用 There is/are 句式谈论,帮助学生们能够在真实语境中运用英语。同时也体现 了小学英语学科的工具性特点, . . SummarySummary andand homeworkhomework 1 1 1.1. SummarySummary T: Today we learnt : There is/are Ss: There are two footballs und

29、er my desk. There are five ping-pong balls here. Theresa basketball under my chair. 2.2. HomeworkHomework (1) Listen and repeat the text of Module 8 Unit 2 (2) Introduce our classroom to your parents.(向你的爸爸妈妈介绍教室里的物品的 位置) 【设计意图】 总结本课的学习内容,并布置作业,让课堂的内容延伸到课外,真正达到学以致用的目 的,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 、板书设计、板书设计 ModuleModule 8 8UnitUnit 2 2 Theres a basketball under my chair. There are two footballs under my desk. There are five ping-pong balls here.


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