陕旅版(三起)五年级下册Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now -Part C-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:314bc).zip

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Unit1 How are you feeling now? 第3课时 Free talk Lead-in What does your mother do? Is she happy/sad/angry tired at home? Listen and answer Presentation 1. Is Su Nans mom tired? 2. Is Su Nan a good boy? Why? Yes, a little. Yes, he is. Because he cares for his mom. He gives his mom a glass of water. Listen and answer Presentation 3. Why is Miss White angry? 4. What is Miss White doing? Colin is late again. This makes her very angry. She is telling Colin to come to school on time and not to be late again. Lets learn Presentation many watera little water Lets learn Presentation a little water time hungry thirsty angry tired A little 表示少许, 有一点,修饰可数 名词和形容词 Fill and complete Practice The boy doesnt do his homework. His dad is a little angry. 2 He just drinks a little water today. 1 Kitty cant find her cat. She feels a little sad. 3 Lets learn Presentation on timein time Fill and complete Practice He goes to school _ everyday. He caught the train _. on timein time on time in time Fill and complete Presentation His mom gives him a present. This makes him very happy. Listen and answer Presentation Su Nan: Mom, are you tired? Mom: Yes, a little. Su Nan: Sit down and drink some water. Mom: Thank you. Youre a good boy. Listen and answer Presentation Alice: Look, Miss White is angry. Why is she angry? Li Shan: Colin is late again. This makes her very angry. Alice: So Miss White is telling him to come to school on time and not to be late again. Role-play Practice Practice 活动活动编创新对话 Practice 活动活动击鼓传卡片 1.教师准备有关情感的单词卡片,并将全班学生分为两 组。 2.教师发指令,第一组学生传卡片,当教师叫停后,拿 到卡片的同学分别做相应的动作,第二组学生集体描述 : is feeling , is feeling , and is feeling 以此类推,描述若出现错误则第一组重新传 递卡片;若描述全部正确则两组交换,第二组传递卡片 ,由第一组学生集体说句子。 Talk in groups Practice A: I like It makes me happy. B: I dont like It makes me sad/angry/tired. Summary 1. 词组: a little/on time/in time 2. 句型: Eg: This makes her angry. sth. + makes sb. + adj. 1 / 4 Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now 第第 3 课时教学设计课时教学设计 【内容来源内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit1 【主主 题题】Lets learn more, Talk in groups 【课课 时时】第 3 课时 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 能听懂 Lets learn more 对话中表示情感的词汇和句型。 2. 能运用 Are you tired? Yes, a little. This makes her very angry.这些功能句 型进一步就情感进行表述及问答。 3. 能听、说、熟读对话,语音语调准确自然。 4. 通过对话的学习,对学生进行情感教育,使其明白父母工作的辛苦,并 能懂得上学迟到是一个坏习惯。 二、教学准备二、教学准备 教师准备: 1. Lets learn 部分的词汇卡片。 2. Lets learn more 部分的教学挂图。 3. Lets learn more 部分的教学音频。 三、教学方法建议三、教学方法建议 课程导入课程导入(Leading In) (1)课前问答 教师拿出所准备的 Lets learn 部分的词汇卡片,请一位学生上台后,教师 背对全班学生,向该学生随机出示卡片,要求该生看卡片做表情或动作,请台 下学生猜词汇。 T: Is he / she . ? Ss: Yes. / No. T: How is he / she feeling now? Ss: He / She is very . ( Because she can / cant.) (2)新课导入 T: What is your mother? S1: She is a / an . T: Is she happy / sad / angry / tired at home? 2 / 4 S1: Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. She is . T: What about your father? S1: . T: Are you helpful at home? S1: . 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1)新课展示 Part B Lets learn more 1. 教师承接上一环节,出示 Su Nan 和 Colin 的图片,并向学生作介绍: T: Look! This is Su Nan. He is a good boy.He is helpful at home. And this is Colin. He is late for class, so Miss White is very angry. Now, lets talk about the two pictures. (1)教师出示 Lets learn more 第一部分的挂图: T: What can you see in the picture ? Ss: I can see Su Nan and his mom. T: Yes. Su Nans mom is very tired and thirsty after work. So, what is Su Nan doing? 引导学生说出:Su Nan is giving his mother a glass of water. T: He is helpful to his mom. He is really a good boy. (2)教师出示 Lets learn more 第二部分的挂图: T: Look at the picture. Where are Colin and Miss White? S1: They are in the classroom. T: How is Colin feeling now? S2: He is feeling sad. T: Is Miss White sad, too? S3: No. She is very angry. 2. 听力理解 (1) 教师分段播放录音,让学生听对话,理解对话大意。 (2) 分别为两段对话设置问题,让学生带着问题听录音。问题可参考如下: a. Is Su Nans mom tired? (Yes, a little.) 3 / 4 b. Is Su Nan a good boy? Why? (Yes, he is. Because he cares for his mom. He gives his mom a glass of water.) c. Why is Miss White angry? (Colin is late again. This makes her very angry.) d. What is Miss White doing? (She is telling Colin to come to school on time and not to be late again.) (3) 教师再次播放录音,并随机挑选学生回答问题。 3. 教师板书并讲解对话中的词汇和句型: (1) a little Are you tired? Yes, a little. 教学提示:a little “少许、有一点” ,可修饰不可数名词和形容词。如:a little time, a little water; a little angry/tried, a little hungry/thirsty 等。举例并鼓励学 生练习运用,如: The boy doesnt do his homework. His dad is a little angry. Kitty cant find her cat. She feels a little sad. (2) on time 教学提示:on time 是“准时”的意思,在五年级上册 Unit1 中已经接触过, 这里复现时也可以扩充词组 in time“及时” ,并可适当解析两者的区别。 (3 ) This makes her very angry. 教学提示:make 在这里的意思是“使人.” , “sth. makes sb.+ 形容词”这 一结构,表示“某事使某人感到.” 。举例并鼓励学生练习运用,如: The football game makes the students excited. The pictures make the story book very interesting. (2)巩固活动 1. 教师播放录音,学生听并模仿其语音语调跟读本部分的对话。 2. 学生两人一组分角色朗读对话,之后,可请几个小组上台做对话表演。 操练活动的设计与实施建议操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) (1)击鼓传卡片 4 / 4 1. 教师准备有关情感的单词卡片,并将全班学生分成两组。 2. 教师发指令,第一组学生传卡片,当教师叫停后,拿到卡片的同学分别 做相应的动作,第二组学生集体描述:. is feeling . . is feeling. and .is feeling.以此类推,描述若出现错误则第一组重新传递卡片;若描述全部正确则 两组交换,第二组传递卡片,由第一组学生集体说句子。 (2)Part C Talk in groups 1. 教师先和一两位同学通过会话介绍活动中的主要功能句: T: I like making a snowman. It makes me happy. I dont like playing computer games. It makes me tired. What about you, S1 ? S1: I like . It makes me I dont like It makes me . 2. 教师把学生分成四人一组,各组自选话题参考本部分的句型提示进行会 话,会话的话题可以是文体活动也可以是天气、季节等。 3. 请几组同学在班上展示,师生一起评价。 【板书设计板书设计】
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