(新教材)北师大版(2019版)高中英语必修二 unit6-基础语法巩固%2B专项训练能力提升.docx

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1、北师大版北师大版 2019 新教材新教材 unit6-基础语法巩固基础语法巩固+专项训练能力提升专项训练能力提升 .单句语法填空 1The old man has two sons,and both of _ are lawyers. 2Ill never forget the day_which she said goodbye to me. 3The club is made up of 20 members,5 of _ are women. 4He referred me to some literature books with _ I was not very familiar.

2、5The tower from_ people can have a good view is on the hill. 6I wanted to find someone_ whom I could discuss books and music. 7The children,all of_ had played the whole day long,were worn out. 8The workers,some_whom stayed for four years,came from different countries. 9 He paid the boy $10 for washi

3、ng ten windows, most_which hadnt been cleaned for a year. 10The man _ whom I spoke on the phone last night won the annual award for the best researcher in chemistry. 11When cooking according to the recipe,I came _some problems. 12Every morning at 600 am,the students enter the classroom one_ one. 13I

4、t was a long journey,but we _(eventual) arrived,safe and sound. 14You should make good preparations _advance for the final examination. 15What is the most _(effect) way of teaching children to read and write? 16To grade our homework,our teacher is the first one_(come) to school. 17What I want to tel

5、l you is that she has been_(award) the title Professor. 18During the special situation,only a_(limit) number of places are available. 19It is_ honour for me to be invited to the party,at which some admirable people are present. 20Not only _the professors have their own ideas on the matter,but the st

6、udents have theirs too. 答案: 1. them2.on 3.whom 4.which 5. which 6. with 7. whom 8. of9. of10. to11. across 12 by.13.eventually 14.in15.effective 16. to come 17. awarded 18. limited 19. an 20.do .语法填空 The Legend(传奇) of the White Snake is a famous tale among 1.(folk) in ancient China.It has since been

7、 presented in a number of major Chinese operas,films and television series.The earliest attempt to record the story 2.printed form appears in Feng Menglongs Stories to Caution the World. The legend happened near the West Lake of Hangzhou.Visitors 3.admire this beautiful spot may still remember the s

8、tory.More 4.(important),a huge number of ancient traditional customs 5.(keep) in this legend have made it one of the oral heritages( 遗 产 ) containing the most abundant folk customs in China.And the story 6. (count) as one of Chinas Four Great Folktales now, the others 7.(be) Lady Meng Jiang, Liang S

9、hanbo and Zhu Yingtai,and The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid. The Legend of the White Snake is handed down from generation to generation through 8. (variety) ways until now.It is so classical that there has been more than one 9.(adapt) and performance.This tale has become a symbol of Chinese folk lite

10、rature and has earned 10. international recognition. 语篇解读本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了被列入我国“国家级非物质文化遗产名录”的民间传 说故事白蛇传 。 1答案folks 解析考查名词复数。among 表示“在之中”,后面用名词复数。folk 表示“人们”。 2答案in 解析考查介词。in.form“以的形式”,故用介词 in。 3答案who/that 解析考查定语从句的关系词。分析句子结构可知,此处为限制性定语从句,关系词指人且 在从句中作主语,故用 who 或 that。 4答案importantly 解析考查副词。根据句子结构可知,此处

11、用作状语,故用副词 importantly,且 more importantly 也是一个习惯表达,意为“更重要的是”。 5答案kept 解析考查非谓语动词。本句已经有谓语动词 have made 了,因此空处应填非谓语动词作后 置定语,又 keep 与 customs 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。 6答案is counted 解析考查时态和语态。 根据句中的时间状语 now 可知, 此处要用一般现在时, 又 count“认 为,看作”与主语是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态。 7答案being 解析考查独立主格结构。 分析句子结构可知, the others.与逗号前面的句子之间

12、没有连词, 因此此处是独立主格结构,the others 与 be 是逻辑上的主谓关系,因此此处用现在分词。 8答案various 解析考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空处作定语修饰名词 ways,故应用 variety 的形容 词形式 various 表示“各种各样的”。 9答案adaptation 解析考查名词。此处表示“改编本, 改写本”, 应该用名词形式与后面的 performance 并列。 10答案an 解析考查冠词。此处表示“这个传说已经获得了国际上的认可”,应用不定冠词,且 international 的发音以元音音素开头,故用 an。 .完成句子 1.信不信由你,我不喜欢他对我

13、讲话的方式。 2.那天他借了一本书,书的作者是一名工人。 3.感谢你的帮助,没有你的帮助我们不可能按时完成工作。 4.他们来到一座房子,房前坐着一个小男孩。 5.我经常买玫瑰的原因是玛丽喜欢。 答案: 1Believe it or not,I dont like the way (that/in which) he spoke to me. 2He borrowed a book the other day,the author of which is a worker. 3Thank you for your help,without which we could not have fini

14、shed the work on time. 4They arrived at a house in front of which sat a little boy. 5The reason for which/why I often buy roses is that Mary likes them. 板块二板块二-专项练习提升训练专项练习提升训练 .七选五 When I told my mother that I was taking up marathon(马拉松) running at the age of 60,she thought I was mad.I saw it as a

15、way of keeping my physical and mental health as I entered my older years.1I suppose that just highlights how my generation have come to understand the value of self-care compared with our parents,who believed later life meant a less active one. 2I realised I needed to look after myself better so I s

16、tarted running on the seafront near my home,as well as in the gym. When I was 59 I saw a 93-year-old being interviewed on TV,who was running the London Marathon,and I felt inspired(受到鼓舞的)With my sixties round the corner,I didnt want to sit back and let my health decline(衰退)3I wanted to set myself go

17、als.If a 93-year-old could run a marathon,so could I! Since then Ive run 12 marathonsonce a year.4I have some diseases,but because Im fit and strong I can manage the conditions and they dont stop me leading a normal life.5 I live a happy as well as interesting life.I want to live an active life and

18、look after my body and health. AHowever,she was worried I was too old. BAnd with a marathon every year,Im never bored. CI also didnt want time to pass without a clear purpose. DI took up running in my mid-fifties because of ill health. EMy mother passed away earlier this year in her nineties. FThe i

19、nfluences on my physical health have been very big. GMy wife,three children and six grandchildren are proud of me. 语篇解读本文是记叙文, 在一位 93 岁高龄的马拉松赛跑者的鼓舞下, 作者 60 岁开始跑马 拉松,身心受益。 1答案A 解析由上文可知,作者和母亲对待马拉松的看法不同,故用 However 连接。由下文中的 “compared with our parents”可知,此处将作者和母亲的看法进行对比。 2答案D 解析下一句中的 running 呼应 D 项中的“too

20、k up running”。且由下文中的“When I was 59.the London Marathon,and I felt inspired(受到鼓舞的)”可知,开始跑步发生在跑马拉 松之前,此时,作者刚开始跑步。 3答案C 解析C 项中的“I also didnt want time to”和上文中的“I didnt want to”构成并列关系, 且 C 项中的“a clear purpose”呼应下文中的“set myself goals”。 4答案F 解析由下文中的“because Im fit and strong I can manage the conditions an

21、d they dont stop me leading a normal life”可知,跑马拉松对作者的健康影响巨大。 5答案B 解析B 项中的 never bored 呼应下文中的“I live a happy as well as interesting life.”。 .完形填空 My father used to judge restaurants by their bread baskets. His reasoning: If you cant get little things right, how can you be_41_ with big things? I feel

22、that way about commas (逗号). One sign that something has gone wrong in a piece of writing is the sight of commas_42_ used around the page. My _43_ students often insert a comma wherever they might pause between words to take in air. Then again, another sign of poor writings is the opposite: a comma d

23、esert, no pauses to be_44_ . Such abuses usually _45_ that my students dont grasp the usage of this mark. But commas are _46_. They are like the fine stitches (缝线) on an expertly sewn garment: invisible, yet vital to holding the_47_ together. In dialogue, commas can _48_ life or death: Kill ducks! v

24、s Kill, ducks! Their absence or _49_ creates or destroys a great article. Then again, I shouldnt judge my students so severely.I also failed to _50_ the quiet dignity of the comma unit, in graduate school,_51_ I taught writing to first-year students. I remember the program head, a firm, white-haired

25、 woman, fixing me with her stare and saying, You have no idea where the commas go or why. I felt _52_ . How could I have misunderstood something so basic? Well, the thing is, commas arent so basic and learning to_53_ them to their full potential takes years. Oscar Wilde once joked about what a _54_d

26、ay of writing involved: spending the morning _55_ a comma, and in the afternoon, on mature reflection, putting it back in. 41. A. forcedB. trustedC. inspiredD. persuaded 42. A. rarelyB. properlyC. carelesslyD. consistently 43. A. lawB. historyC. writingD. engineering 44. A. foundB. ignoredC. discuss

27、edD. removed 45. A. expectB. ensureC. indicateD. deny 46. A. simpleB. strangeC. confusingD. important 47. A. bodyB. pieceC. caseD. show 48. A. proveB. includeC. meanD. support 49. A. progressB. conceptC. restrictionD. presence 50. A. explainB. questionC. possessD. recognize 51. A. whenB. onceC. unlessD. whether 52. A. amusedB. scaredC. ashamedD. exhausted 53. A. useB. selectC. identifyD. remember 54. A. freeB. hardC. shortD. common 55. A. pointing atB. looking forC. picking upD. taking out 【答案】41. B42. C43. C44. A45. C46. D47. B48. C49. D 50. D51. A52. C53. A54. B55. D


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