(新教材)北师大版(2019版)英语选择性必修四unit 11 核心讲解分析.docx

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1、高中北师大高中北师大 2019 版英语版英语-选择性必修四选择性必修四 Unit 11 CONFLICT AND COMPROMISE 【NOTES ON THE TEXTS】 Topic Talk 1. reset your account重置您的账户 2. I apologise for our part in it. 【apologise for】 为.道歉 make an apology 道歉 Eg: They do not have the courage to apologise for their actions. 3. The softest things in the wor

2、ld overcome the hardest things in the world. 天下之至柔,驰骋天下之至坚。 -老子道德经 Lesson l 1. Ma Ming, drummer for the rock band “ Storm”, had to pack his bags. 摇滚乐队, “暴风雨”的鼓手马明不得不收拾行李。 have to do sth.不得不做某事 Eg:I have to finish my homework before dinner. 2. The flat-owner said if he had known that Ma Ming was a dr

3、ummer, he wouldnt have rented the flat to him. 【虚拟语气】 Eg:I would have told you the story about him, if you had been at home. 3. “we told him that he ought to cease drumming or leave the property,” a council member said. 一位委员会成员说: “我们应该告诉他停止打鼓,否则就搬走。 ” 【ought to do sth. 】应该做某事 【leave the property】 离开

4、这所房子;property房产 Eg:She is your mother, so you ought to support her. Property prices have shot up recently.最近房产暴涨。 4. Living in a hotel means the hotel staff makes the bed every day and I dont have to do my own washing. 【make ones bed】 整理床铺 Eg:Get up quickly and make your beds as soon as possible. 5.

5、 We could hardly get rid of the smell of fish! 【get rid of】去掉,摆脱; Eg:I would be glad to get rid of that bad habit. I began to suspect (that) they were trying to get rid of me. 6. Instead, Smith emptied one of his large tanks over his balcony and both the McKays and the cake were wet through. 然而,史密斯从

6、阳台上倒掉他的一个大鱼缸中的水,将迈奇夫妇和蛋 糕都淋了个通透。 empty v. 使.变空 Eg: Would you please empty the garbage for me? 7. He has also promised to change his ways from now on. Promise to do sth.承诺做某事 promise oneself 指望 keep promise 守信 promise well 前景很好,很有希望 Eg:I promised to finish my homework before lunch but I didnt do it.

7、So, has the international community kept its promises? The rains have been plentiful and the crops promise well. Lesson 2 1. They just hope that if they hold out for long enough, things will get better by and by. 【hold out】 坚持,伸出,提供,维持,抵制,主张 hold up 举起,阻拦,拦截 hold on to something 抓住.不放 hold by 坚持 Eg:

8、They held out for another hour, and then their friends came. The roof was held up by pillars. Since you held up your end of the bargain Im going to hold up mine. 既然你实现了你的承诺,我也会满足对你的承诺。 end of the bargain 履行承诺,恪守职责 If youre having trouble deciding when to hold on to something and when to let it go, t

9、ry doing things backward. 如果你在烦恼什么时候去拥有一些东西,什么时候去放手,试着先去 考虑做事情的结果。 2. Then, you put forward solutions. 【put forward】 提出 come up with 提出,想出,赶上 Raise vt. 提起,举起,竖起;增加,提升;饲养,抚养; n. (工资,薪金的)提升,增加 Eg: The students have put forward a series of questions. Engineers are still trying to come up with a commerc

10、ially viable replacement for internal-combustion engines. 工程师正在设法制造一种在商业上切实可行的发动机来取代内燃机。 The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE. GRE 电脑数据库的建立, 让我们有了新的策略来有效的应对 GRE 考试。 They raised a query on his sincerity. Im raising mone

11、y for a good cause. Lesson 3 1. Chuc was wounded in the leg and almost unconscious, but he was covered by a pile of dead bodies and thus, his life was saved. 杜沙的腿受了伤,几乎不省人事,但他被一堆尸体覆盖,幸存下来。 表示某个部位受伤用介词表示某个部位受伤用介词 in Eg:I was wounded in the arm. 2. One of their man, speaking in English, said that he h

12、ad worked in England for some years and that he was fed up to the neck with this war and would be glad when it was over. 他们中的一个人用英语说,他在英国工作过几年,受够了这场战争, 如果战争结束,他会很高兴。 【be fed up with】 饱受,厌烦 turn away from 厌恶,对.感到厌烦;避开,远离 be bored with 对.感到厌倦 Eg: Little by little, I began to be fed up with examination

13、s. 渐渐地,我开始厌烦起考试来。 I think I will be bored with doing the same work everyday, so I prefer a challenging job. Germany is not about to turn away from Europe. And diners will know when to turn away from a plate in disgust. 3. Wed formed a bond and during the whole of Boxing Day, we never fired a shot an

14、d they the same; each side seemed to be waiting for the other to set the ball rolling. 【Boxing Day】 节礼日,每年地 12 月 26 日在英联邦部分地区庆祝的 节日。传统上这一天要向服务业工人赠送圣诞节礼物。 【set the ball rolling】使某种活动开始 【come into play】开始活动,开始起作用 Eg:As no one spoke, the teacher asked a few questions to set the ball rolling. There are

15、all sort of different factors that come into play. 4. If children see fewer advertisement on TV of people doing these activities, they are much less likely to try to copy their behavior. 【be likely to do sth.】 很可能做某事. Eg: In the meantime, the war is likely to continue. I am likely to finish my homew

16、ork after dinner. 5. The money invested in making these unhealthy products could be used for more worthwhile business, such as those that improve our environment. 投资在不健康产品上的钱可以拿来做更值得地事,例如改善环境。 【invest in doing sth.】在.方面投资 Eg: They had the foresight to invest in developing new technology. 【GRAMMAR】 M

17、odal Verb 情态动词情态动词 1. ought to 表示职责或道义上的责任; 表示必要性; 提出某种建议。 Eg: You really ought to visit your grandmother. You know she hasnt been well. We ought to give more assistance to charities in need of funding. You ought to go to bed early as you have to be up at six. You really ought to try this diet. I ha

18、ve lost five kilograms. 2. could 1表示可能性; 2作为 can 地过去式; 3表示某事将来有可能要发生,但还不确定; 4礼貌地或正式地请求他人做某事或请求允许做某事; 5表示某事在现在或过去地某个时间里可能发生; 6在被问起要做某事时,表示建议。 Eg:If our defence is good in the next game, we could even win. I could swim for hours when I was younger. If we get good rains then we could have a bumper crop

19、. Could you pass me the salt? Could you run up to the office and deliver this message,please? It is so relaxing that I could just sit in the sun and read all day. I was so hungry that I could have eaten the whole cake! We could go to Chen Xis house first and then go on to the game. 3. dare to 敢于做某事

20、Only the fittest long-distance runners dare to tackle the Comrades Marathon. I was so worried about my exam results that I didnt dare to ask if I had passed. Only a few journalists dare to cover the story. 4. have to / dont have to(表示不必履行职责和义务)表示不必履行职责和义务) 表示(他人期望我们履行的)责任,义务; 提建议; 表示某事地重要性。 Eg:Do yo

21、u have to go to bed at nine every night? I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. You have to see the film version of the book; you ll love it. We have to use cold water for the pastry, otherwise it will become tough. We dont have to wear a uniform at our school. 5. may/ might / can/ could 1在肯定句中,may、c

22、ould、might 用于表示某事可能发生或可能存 在,但 can 不能用于此目的。 (might 表示可能性很小) ; Can 用来表示更宽泛的某事发生的可能性。 2另外 may / could / might + have done 用于表示过去某事可能发 生了; might / could + have done 用于表示某事可能在过去发生, 但事实上并 没有发生。may 和 can 不能用于此种情况。 3在否定句中,用 cannot 或者 couldnt 表示“不可能” 。 Eg:It may / might / could snow later in the day. Accordi

23、ng to the weather report, it may rain today. It might even snow. Too much snow can cause trouble. It cant / couldnt be jack. He said he wouldnt talk to me any more. I thought Jenny was angry at me, but I may / might / could have been wrong. Nobody knew where Tom was. He may / might / could have gone

24、 abroad. If you went to school on foot this morning, you could / might have avoid the accident. 【Practice】 1. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes. A. MustB. canC. shouldD. would 2. You _ be hungry already - you had lunch only two hours ago! A. wouldntB. cant

25、C. mustntD. neednt 3. - What do you think we can do for our aged parents? - You _ do anything except to be with them and be yourself. A. dont have toB. oughtnt toC. mustntD. cant 4. John promised his doctor he _ not smoke. And he has never smoked ever since. A. MightB. shouldC. couldD. would 5. What

26、 a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he _ better. A. need have doneB. must have doneC. can have doneD. might have done 6. Liza _ well not want to go on the trip - she hates traveling. A. willB. canC. mustD.may 7. She _ have left school, for her bike is still here. A. cantB. wouldntC. sho

27、uldntD. neednt 8. According to the air traffic rules, you _ switch off your mobile phone before boarding. A. MayB. canC. wouldD. should 9. - I cant find my purse anywhere. - You _ have lost it while shopping. A. mayB. canC. shouldD. would 10. - Im sorry. I _ at you the other day. - Forget it. I was

28、a bit out of control myself. A. shouldnt shoutB. shouldnt have shouted C. mustnt shoutD. mustnt have shouted 11. - What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? - Well, it _ be big - thats not important. A. mustntB. needntC. cantD. wont 12. - What does the sign over there read? - “No person _ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” A. WillB. mayC. shallD. must 1-5 BBADD6-10 DADAB11-12BC


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