外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 The horse is turning around.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b1417).docx

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外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 The horse is turning around.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b1417).docx_第1页
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外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 The horse is turning around.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b1417).docx_第2页
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1、课题:课题:一年级起点二年级下册(NSE)Module 8 Unit 2 The horse is turning around. 执教者:执教者: 教学目标:教学目标: 认知能力培养目标: 1、在语境中学习、理解并运用语词:turn, again, jump, back。通过 以旧引新感知元音字母 u 和 a 的发音以及字母 ur、 ain 组合的发 音规律。 2、在真实语境下了解 around, turn around, ground, come back 的语 义,对比 ground 和 around 中相同字母组合 round 的发音。 3、在语境中继续学习、巩固运用现在进行时描述现场

2、活动。 4、通过观察和对比,总结现在进行时动词加 ing 的变化规律。 实践能力培养目标: 在不同的生活情境中,使用现在进行时来描述现场活动。 情感、态度、价值观培养目标: 结合本课文本内容的学习,通过评比和“校园小记者”的活动练习, 鼓励学生大胆说英语。同时,通过本课的学习,向学生宣传奥林匹克 精神,在学习和生活中做到努力拼搏、永不言弃。 重点:重点:在语境中学习、理解并运用语词:turn, again, jump, back;了 解 around, turn around, ground, come back 语义。能运用现在进行时来 描述现场活动。 难点:难点:在不同的生活情境中,能运用

3、现在进行时来描述现场活动 关键关键: 通过所设计的三个练习活动: Memory, Listening 和 Look and say, 夯实本课学习的重点, 并在此基础上将教材中有关现在进行时的练习 进行有机整合和改编,达到知识和语言运用的迁移、创新。 手段:手段:CD-ROM、点读笔、电子白板、卡片、微视频、简笔画。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、 热身启动(热身启动(preparation) 1. Greetings between teacher and students. 2. Sing a song of M8. (CD-ROM) Look, what are they doing?

4、Do you like dancing? Lets sing and dance, OK? 【设计意图】回顾现在进行时,初步感知歌曲中 ground 词义。 3. Revision. A. Free talk Whats the weather like today? How do you go to school today? Can you guess how do I go to school? B. Say the route. T: I go to school by the taxi. Look, this is my route. Can you say it? Ss: Its

5、going up the hill. Its going down the hill. Its going past Zhongshan Park. 【设计意图】复习 Unit1 知识,描述行进路线。 C. Quickly say T: When I going past Zhongshan Park, I took some photos. Quickly say with actions, what are they doing? Ss:They are walking/dancing/singing/reading newspaper. T: What is this oldman do

6、ing? Ss: Hes writing on the ground.(学生了解单词 ground 语义) 【设计意图】以旧引新,为本课用现在进行时播报打下基础。 二、二、 课文呈现(课文呈现(presentation) 1. Lead-in Look,some children are on the ground, too. What are they doing? Lets watch the CD-ROM. T: What are they doing? S: They are .复习 up, down, ground,初步感知 turn around 语义。 学生学习单词 again。

7、 1) 语音 通过单词卡展示 rain,train,学生初步感知字母组合 ain 的发音规律, 从而自然拼读 again 的读音。 2) 语义: 通过教师的课堂用语 again,学生了解 again 语义。 (播放 CD-ROM)Repeat. 2. Task: T:Look, who is he? (PPT 出示 Xiaohu 头像) Ss: Hes Xiaohu, from School TV. T: Do you want to join in School TV to be a little reporter? Today were going to learn Module8 Uni

8、t2. (板书题目) Lets read the task together: 学习运用现在进行时描述现场活动。 争做校园电台小记 者,向同学们播报现场活动。 3. New Teaching 1) Listen and answer T: We know hes Xiaohu, from School TV. Wheres he now? 学生通过观察图片得知小胡在赛马场。教师简笔画板书赛马场。 T: Do you remember, in Module7, Xiaohu is reporting Childrens Day. But today, whats Xiaohu doing? Do

9、 you want to know? Lets have a look. (播放 CD-ROM) T: Whats Xiaohu reporting today? Ss: Horses. T: Hes reporting the equestrain sport. (马术运动) Do you know this sport? Lets enjoy a video.(微视频马术运动) 2)Listen and underline T: Open your books. Underline whats the horse doing? T: (板书/贴图)The horse is . S1: Th

10、e horse is running. S2: The horse is turning around. 学习学习单词 turn: 语音:通过读 nurse, purple 等已学单词,总结字母组合 ur 的发音,自 然拼读 turn 的发音。 语义:通过展示交通标志,了解 turn 的语义,并对比 turn around,了 解 turn around 的语义。 情境:展示动图(摩天轮、旋转木马、小彩旗) ,练习句型.is turning around. S3: The horse is jumping. 学习单词 jump,感知字母 u 的发音,通过刘翔和姚明的动图使学生 了解语义,通过学

11、生反复做动作,操练句型.is jumping.并巩固单词 again。 S4: The horse is coming back. 学习单词 back,通过情境 The fat cat is sad.学生感知 a 的发音,并自 然学会 back 的读音。在通过神舟飞船的返回情境,练习句型.is coming back. 3) Reading training a. Listen and repeat 跟读模仿(e-pen) b. read by yourself 自读 c. listen and imitate d. BL: e. Fill in the blanks 【设计意图】 教师引导学

12、生观察课文中四个动词 ing 形式, 总结出现在进行时的动词加 ing 的三种形式。 通过 magic mirror 的练习巩固。 三、巩固操练(三、巩固操练(practice) T:You all did good job, you can get the gold micro. But to be a good reporter, you must pass three tests: 1. Memory. 【设计意图】通过文字和图片,快速记忆并说出句子,巩固本课现在 进行时句型: The horse is turning around. The horse is coming back.

13、He is running. He is jumping. 2. Listening 将教材中 42 页练习改编成现在进行时的听力练习。 【设计意图】考察 听力的同时练习描述完整的现场活动: The.is/are. 3. Look and say 小组合作观察公园活动的图片,向大家播报现场进行的活动: Good morning, boys and girls. Im .Im from School TV. (who) Its .(天气)(weather) Im in a park. (where) Look! is/are . (what) 【设计意图】将新旧知识进行整合,学生通过观察了解播报

14、的要素。 四、任务完成(production) T:Boy and girls, there ia another Olympic game. Lets enjoy a video, and try to report it, OK? (微视频400 米栏) 情感、价值观培养: 奥林匹克精神Keep on going, never give up. Try hard, you are the winner. 【设计意图】创设真实情境,夯实本课学习的句型,完成小记者的播 报任务,并向学生宣传奥林匹克精神,努力拼搏、永不言弃。 五、总结作业(Summary and homework) a. T: What did you learn today? b. Todays homework. 板书: Module8 Unit2 The horse is. running turning around jumping coming


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