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必修三单词拼写必修三单词拼写 一一 1.He drove too fast with tragic (结果;后果). 2.An (正式的,官方的) inquiry has been launched into the cause of the accident. 3.At last, after twenty hours on the boat, they arrived at their (目的地). 4.The loggers say their jobs are faced with (灭绝;消亡) because of declining timber sales. 5.All new fashion starts out as a (反抗) against existing convention. 6.Local (娱乐活动) are listed in the newspaper. 7.It can be (有益的) to share your feelings with someone you trust. 8.We are recruiting a sales manager with (责任) for the European market . 9.Lighting levels should be (足够的) for photography without flash. 10. She never really (理解) the depth and bitterness of the familys conflict. 11. They put f many valid reasons for notexporting. 12. We paid o our mortgage after fifteen years. 13. He b up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign. 14. He was l in thought after hearing the news. 15. The telephone system has b down for several days. 16. It didnt o to her to ask for help. 17. Many discoveries were made through trial and e . 18. The children messed up the house when their mother was g to the TV. 19. Can you try and s things up a bit? 20. The company now has a large number of workers who feel badly let d . 二二 1. The black car drove away from them and (消失). 2. Businesses are beginning to feel the full (巨大影响) of the recession. 3. He had (存活,幸存) heart bypass surgery. 4. They decided she was marrying (在之下;配不上) her. 5. He maliciously (破坏)a car with a baseball bat. 6. Their latest product is aimed at the (大批的) market. 7. Their price depended almost (完全地) on their scarcity. 8. According to World Bank figures, 41 percent of Brazilians live in absolute (贫困). 9. No one was (获利) inordinately from the war effort. 10. He is (活着的;活生生的) proof that not all engineers are boring. 11. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from e . 12. Im still not sure, he said at l . 13. Her d was that she was somewhere completely different at the time of the crime. 14. As the old saying goes, “ Honesty is the best p .” 15. The court case will do serious h to my business. 16. Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct c of the merger. 17. CFO stands for C Financial Officer. 18. Integrity and honesty are words that s to mind when talking of the man. 三三 1.Shut the window, (否则,不然)itll get too cold in here. 2.We cannot guarantee adequate (供应,供给) of raw materials. 3.The concert will raise money for local (慈善机构). 4.The outpatient programme has a (全体职员) of six people. 5.The news of my promotion came as a (令人震惊的事). 6.We all breathed a sigh of (宽慰;轻松)when he left. 7.Other financial scandals are out there waiting to be (发现) . 8.X-rays have (证实) that he has not broken any bones. 9.Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct (手续) in applying for a visa 10. Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final (目的地). 11. War has made life almost (无法忍受的) for the civilians remaining in the capital. 12. It set off a chain r in the international money markets. 13. He works from d till dusk. 14. There is a fire e on each floor of the building. 15. Fighting had b out between rival groups of fans. 16. In s contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky. 17. He ranges far and w in search of inspiration for his paintings. 18. She had already achieved success b her wildest dreams. 19. He has the p to make things very unpleasant for us. 20. The war was a paradigm of the d side of human nature. 四四 1.As far as Im (意识到;知道), nobody has done anything about it. 2.I looked after my fathers financial (私人业务). 3.Shes happy with her unusual living (安排方式;布置). 4.The government has drawn up (指导方针) on the treatment of the mentally ill. 5.(显然), theyve had sponsorship from some big companies. 6.Youve illeagally (获取) and misused confidential security files. 7.Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the (占多数). 8.You really cant (评论) until you know the facts. 9.He is only 24 years old and a drug (瘾君子). 10. There will be live (文娱节目;表演会) at the party. 11. The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is near the (边界,边境) between China and Vietnam. 12. The president is sending in almost 20,000 (军事的) personnel to help with the relief efforts. 13. She has had the tumor (去除,使消失). 14. We offer free (技术的) support for those buying our software. 15. The Internet puts an unprecedented range of information right at our f . 16. They have made their fortunes from industry and c . 17. The handwriting b to a male. 18. Her eyes were totally g to the screen. 19. The new magazine has really t off. 20. The police gained a through a broken window. 21. He had changed to such an e that I no longer recognized him. 22. He was b up in a remote village. 五 1.I dont feel ready to take on new (责任). 2.Most of our titles are also (出版;发行) on CD-ROM. 3.I have to report this to the (当局;官方). 4.It is a complete (神秘的事物;不可理解之事) to me why they chose him. 5.(涂;敷;抹) the cream sparingly to your face and neck. 6.The government has (宣布) a state of emergency. 7.Not all of you have the complete (自由) to do as you wish. 8.It would be wrong for us to take all the (赞扬) . 9.In the earlier rounds, they were the (突出的人或物). 10. To (说明,解释) my point, let me tell you a little story. 11. He may still face criminal (指控). 12. He warned that to (否定) the results of elections would only make things worse. 13. The newspapers were full of (道德的) outrage at the weakness of other countries. 14. A red sky at night often (象征,暗示) fine weather the next day. 15. We moved into a cabin with (电) but no running water. 16. She asked a lot of (机智的) questions. 17. The negotiations have been (组织;实施) in a positive manner. 18. We met by a at the airport the other day. 19. The door swung shut with a b . 20. In politics Britain has preferred e to revolution. 21. There are two methods to comprehend the object of i property. 22. What right has the family to take me for g ? 23. Could you do me a f and pick up Sam from school today?. 24. Some doctors believe i is bliss and dont give their patients all the facts. 25. He has put f new peace proposals. 选择性必修一单词拼写选择性必修一单词拼写 一一 1.They expressed mixed (感情;情绪)at the news. 2.The menu (变动;变化) with the season. 3.Massage the area (温柔地,柔和地) but firmly. 4.Drugs can (缓解;减轻) much of the pain. 5.Do you belong to any professional or trade (协会;社团)? 6.A (纽带;联系) of friendship had been forged between them. 7.The visit took place amidst tight (保护措施). 8.The proposal has (产生;引起) a lot of interest. 9.She ate the pastries (贪婪地) and with huge enjoyment. 10. Police suspect there may be a (联系,关联) between the two murders. 11. His treatment was a (结合体) of surgery, radiation and drugs. 12. The tomatoes give extra (味道) to the sauce. 13. Im just not in the m for a party tonight. 14. You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the n . 15. What a r ! The missing child was finally found in the park. 16. He said he didnt want the job anyway, but thats just s grapes. 17. She t herself into a modelling career. 18. Sometimes a few choice words will do the t . 19. At dinner, everyone in the room was in high s . 20. In reflection, my firm belief in the power of the brand was naive, not to m a bit snobby. 二 1.Student numbers are (增加)rapidly. 2.The cottage was cold and (潮湿的). 3.The Seljuk (王朝) of Syria was founded in 1094. 4.Money is not (必不可少的) to happiness. 5.We must promote originality, inspire creativity and encourage (创新). 6.Americas priority is rightly to (刺激) its economy. 7.Cut the meat into thin (薄片). 8.Two wooden beams had come (松的) from the ceiling. 9.The interior of the church was (朴素的) and simple. 10. The public have an insatiable (强烈欲望) for scandal. 11. I can give you a rough (估计) of the amount of wood you will need. 12. What the company hopes to achieve is still (模糊的). 13. He died of (数量多的) injuries. 14. He cant grasp the basic (概念) of mathematics. 15. Although the coral looks hard, it is very (易碎的). 16. Vandals who wrecked public p would certainly be punished. 17. The school puts much e on learning the spoken language. 18. Jeans are not a for a formal party. 19. The administration was determined to go full s ahead with its reform programme. 20. A cup of coffee would just hit the s . 21. She let her hair l and it fell around her shoulders. 22. The electricity industry c large amounts of fossil fuels. 三 1.It was an event that would (使改变外观或性质)my life. 2.They watched (激动人心的;引人瞩目的) pictures of the police raid on TV. 3.Mozart (创作) his last opera shortly before he died. 4.Several factors had (结合,联合) to ruin our plans. 5.It was (令人愉快的,可喜的) to be alone again. 6.Garlic is widely used in Chinese (流传民间的) medicine. 7.He expressed his (悲伤) at the news of her death. 8.What are you two (低语) about? 9.The report (值得;应得) careful consideration. 10. Theyre demanding certain (保证) before they sign the treaty. 11. These plants have a tendency to grow in the more (乡村的) areas. 12. The buildings are designed to blend in with their (环境). 13. She (克服,解决) injury to win the Olympic gold medal. 14. He followed her to the (死亡). 15. As babies, we r entirely on others for food. 16. He wanted to laugh and w all at once. 17. It tears me a to think I might have hurt her feelings. 18. These proposals are perfectly in t with our own thoughts on the subject. 19. Use 50g of rice per person and an extra spoonful for good m . 20. You can have the piano for 200 dollars, and Ill t in the stool as well. 四四 1.She has one of the most (聪颖的;技艺高的)minds in the country. 2.The results of the experiment confirmed our (预测). 3.Wet weather always (使抑郁) me. 4.She soon acquired a (名声) as a first-class cook. 5.People (鱼贯而行,涌动) across the bridge. 6.He was a truly (非凡的,不平常的) man. 7.You dont sound very (热情的,热心的) about the idea. 8.The featival ended with a grand (终场,结局) in Hyde Park. 9.At dusk bats appear in (大量的) numbers. 10. He is one of the most (有天赋的) players in the world. 11. Theres no point getting (难过,不高兴) about it. 12. The baby had been (抛弃,遗弃) by its mother. 13. He was charged with (拥有) a shotgun without a licence. 14. The dial records very slight (变化) in pressure. 15. The prisoners grew increasingly (绝望的,不惜冒险的). 16. This is a charming and (令人振奋的) love story. 17. The wedding was a very (壮丽的,堂皇的) occasion. 18. Beethoven is a truly r musician. 19. Her condition took a sharp t for the worse. 20. The product was developed in r to customer demand. 21. Please accept this gift in a of all youve done for us. 22. Thank you, they said in c . 23. He passed the exam with e . 24. All of a s someone grabbed me around the neck. 25. G is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 五五 1.The child ran into the road and was (撞;碰)by a car. 2.For the past three years he has been (雇佣) as a firefighter. 3.It was the perfect (环境;背景) for a wonderful Christmas. 4.When he got bored he (漫步) around the fair. 5.We firmly support people in their struggle for (解放). 6.We grew up in the same (街区). 7.He had his (画像) painted in uniform. 8.We have to be (实事求是的) about our chances of winning. 9.The couple moved outside her field of (视野). 10. The woods and fields are typical features of the English (风景). 11. He tended to (支配;控制) the conversation. 12. It is an opportunity to mix with hundreds of (志趣相投的) people. 13. Were (一般地) out on Sundays. 14. These statistics (表现,显示) a definite trend. 15. A number of the reports findings are w of note. 16. In e , your situation isnt so different from mine. 17. All the goods on d are for sale. 18. A d is a period of ten years. 19. We ate in the reataurant, as o to the bistro. 20. He gave a v account of his life as a pilot. 六 1. The book is a (全面的)guide to the region. 2. He is a writer of great (洞察力). 3. It was (显而易见的) from her face that she was really upset. 4. The safety of (平民) caught up in the fighting must be guaranteed. 5. Ancient (卷轴) were found in caves by the Dead Sea. 6. The problems facing the President are (巨大的). 7. As the boat moved down the river the wind began to fill the (帆). 8. He is a fiercely (雄心勃勃的) young manager. 9. My job as a journalist is to (显露,展示) the truth. 10. The ruling party was facing an identity (危机). 11. The area is of special (历史的) interest. 12. The typical family (结构) in the experiment involved two parents and two children. 13. Can you give a more (确切的;准确的) definition of the word? 14. The river (蜿蜒) its way between two meadows. 15. The (庄稼;作物) are regularly sprayed with pesticides. 16. The documents are available for (检查;审视). 17. All other (政治的) parties there have been completely banned. 18. The company reports a small (减少,下降) in its profits. 19. The president was (推翻,赶下台) in a military coup. 20. They entertain on a large s . 21. What you wear speaks v about you. 22. Some locals offered food and c to the refugees. 23. It is a report that looks at the education system from the p of deaf people. 24. She has friends from all w of life. 25. We were simply going a our business when we were pounced upon by these police officers. 26. She claimed her problems were d to the media. 27. She sings with a rock band, but shes also a jazz musician in her own r . 七 1.It is a (复杂的)yet stimulating book. 2.Fashion is (始终,一直) changing. 3.She refused to face (现实) . 4.The students were asked to (诠释;说明) the poem. 5.Are you (暗示,暗指) I am wrong? 6.The tests are designed to (发现;查明) the disease early. 7.The advice I received was often (相互矛盾的). 8.It was a (合乎情理的) conclusion from his point of view. 9.The farmhouse is (偏远的,偏僻的) from any other buildings. 10. The dogs are (把.关在笼中) at night. 11. She felt a firm (紧抓,紧握) on her arm. 12. Our patience was finally (给以报酬) . 13. He (意识到) that all was not well. 14. Her job added a new (方面,侧面) to her life. 15. She doesnt reveal much of her (内心的) self. 16. I dont have a c where she lives. 17. We set a some money for repairs. 18. Tabloid newspapers love to d up scandal. 八八 1.It is a fight for justice and (自由). 2.She had missed the (壮丽的) blooms of the desert spring. 3.The rolling hills (是.的特征) this part of England. 4.He has been late on (众多的;许多的) occasions. 5.She said it as loudly as she (敢于,胆敢) . 6.I had never (遇到,遭遇) such resistance before. 7.He has a very (容忍的,包容的) attitude towards other religions. 8.It was a time of political (稳定) and progress. 9.She bears a (引人注目的;显著的) resemblance to her older sister. 10. The food she eats (为提供营养;养育) both her and the baby. 11. The number of city (居住者) is growing. 12. She is bursting with (活力) and new ideas . 13. (传说) has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a god. 14. The committee includes (代表) from industry. 15. It will be a clear night with some ground (霜冻). 16. China has always (深深吸引,迷住) me . 17. He told his story simply and without (夸张). 18. You will be (使享有权利;使符合资格) to your pension when you reach 65. 19. The sad news c a shadow over the proceedings. 20. Its hard to d one twin from the other. 21. There is a b in car sales. 22. I need to pay off all my d before I leave. 九 1. I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in warmth of my grandmas flat, eating her delicious rice pudding, bowl after bowl, _ (贪婪).
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