(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修三Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world 词汇讲解2 ppt课件.pptx

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1、M3U4 Scientists who changed the world vocalulary study 2 v. involve apply negate declare publish 包含;牵涉,卷入;使参加 申请;应用,适用;涂抹 取消,使无效;否定 宣布,公布,宣称 出版,发行 involve包含;牵涉,卷入;使参加 There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. 有一起涉及一群年轻人的 严重事件。 How many vehicles were involved in the crash? 这次撞车事故涉及多少辆

2、汽车? Is there some evil involved in science?科 学中有邪恶吗? involve包含;牵涉,卷入;使参加 Genius is a complicated concept, _ many different factors. Is there any our student _ in the fight? apply申请;应用;适用于;涂抹 He has applied to join the army. 他已申请参军。 The new technology _ to farming. 这 项新技术已应用于农业。 The law _ everyone.该法

3、律适用于所 有人。 Apply the cream evenly over the skin.将乳霜均匀 地抹在皮肤表面。 Students should apply themselves to their studies.学生应专心致志于学习。 apply申请;应用;适用于;涂抹 我现在写信申请这份工作。 I am writing to apply for the job. I would appreciate it if you could take my _ into account. You can have food delivered to you using food deliv

4、ery _. I _ four universities and was accepted by all of them.(向四所大学申请) negate取消,使无效;否定 Alcohol negates the effects of the drug. The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business. deny否认 declare宣布,公布,宣称 The government has declared a state of emergency. Germany d

5、eclared war on France on 1 August 1914. 宣布 v._ n._ publish出版,发行; 公布 He works for a company that publishes reference books. The report will be published on the Internet. phrases with a bang let sb. down as to take it for granted put forward 引人注目,有强烈影响 使某人失望 关于,至于 想当然地认为,认为是理解当然的 提出,提议 with a bang引人注目

6、地,精彩地; 砰的一声 The party went with a bang. She slammed the door with a bang. 她砰 地一声关上门。 as to关于,至于 He was uncertain as to which road to take. As to where well get the money from, well talk about that later. as to=as for take it for granted想当然地认为,认为是 理解当然的 Dont take it for granted that your parents take

7、 care of you. Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted. 她丈夫随时都在 身边,她只是认为他理应如此。 I just took it for granted that hed always be around. 我还想当然地以为他总能随叫 随到呢。 _ the children, they were happy enough to spend all day on the beach. He just _ that he would pass the exam. He wanted to end

8、his career _. The proposal _ at the meeting sounds practical. Dont _ your parents _! with a bang let sb. down as to take it for granted put forward n. mystery ignorance freedom authority responsibility nationality evolution marriage 神秘;神秘的人或事 无知 自由 权威;官方 责任;义务 国籍;民族 进化;演变 婚姻,结婚 ignorance无知 She was k

9、ept in ignorance of her husbands activities.关于丈夫的活动,她一 直蒙在鼓里。 She said her husband _ her. (忽略) Never make your students feel _. (无知) authority权威;官方,当局者 He spoke with authority on the topic.他就 这个课题发表权威意见。 Shes an authority on criminal law. 她是刑 法专家。 I have to report this to the authorities. 我得 向官方报告此事

10、。 responsibility责任,义务 The kid doesnt feel ready to take on /assume/take responsibilities for his family. 这个孩子不愿意为家庭承担责任。 She feels a strong _ towards her employees.她对雇员有很强的 责任感。 Mike is _ for designing the entire project. 迈克负责设计全部工程。 adj. /n. atomic scientific moral standout evil intellectural 原子能的,

11、原子的 科学的,细致严谨的 道德的;品行,道德 突出的;突出的人或物 恶毒的,邪恶的;罪恶 脑力的;智力发达的; 脑力劳动者 We need to be more _ about this problem. Ma Baoguo says some young people these days have no _. The _ bomb is a deadly weapon. We must fight against with the forces of _. He was the _ in last Saturdays game. I like detective stories and

12、romances - nothing too _. atomic scientific moral standout evil intellectural n./v. bang credit permit n.突然的巨响;猛敲 v.砸,猛摔 n.赞扬,认可;信用;学分 v.存入金额;把归于 n.许可证 v. 允许,许可 credit n.赞扬,认可;信用;学分 v.存入金额;把归于 At least give/do him credit for trying 至少 该表扬他尝试过。 To Jamies credit, he remained calm. Your credit limit is

13、 now 2 000.你的信用额 度现在为 2 000 元。 credit card信用卡 three credits for each course每门课三个学 分 permit n.许可证 v. 允许,许可 temporary residence permit :_ The prison authorities permit visiting only once a month. Visitors are not permitted to take photographs. Ill come tomorrow, weather _ (= if the weather is fine).天气许可的话,我 明天过来。 Thanks!


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