(精)牛津深圳版六年级上册Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时 ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip

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  • 【精】牛津深圳版六年级上册英语Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时 ppt课件(含教案+练习)
    • building.wav
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    • Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时 习题.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时 教案.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时 课件.ppt--点击预览
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Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时第二课时 习题习题 一、写出下列单词。一、写出下列单词。 1. 的首都 2.许多 3.参观长城 4.东京 5.高楼大厦 二、按要求写单词。二、按要求写单词。 1. Japan (中文)_ 2.youre(完全形式)_ 3. tall(反义词)_ 4. people(复数)_ 5. like(第三人称单数) _ 三、根据句子意思三、根据句子意思,选择适当形式填空。选择适当形式填空。 1. He enjoys (shop)in Tokyo. 2. Tokyo is the (首都)of Japan. 3. People is Tokyo love (eat)sushi. 4. You can (找到)many museum there. 5. They like (visit) the Great Wall. 四、将下列句子翻译成英语。四、将下列句子翻译成英语。 1.人们在东京喜欢购物。 2.在北京的人们喜欢吃饺子。 3.很多游客喜欢在东京购物。 4.在东京的人喜欢吃寿司。 5. 伦敦是英国的首都。 五、阅读理解。判断对(五、阅读理解。判断对(T)错()错(F) During the summer holiday, Alice had a nice trip. First she took a plane from Changchun to Beijing. She went to the Great Wall. She was very tired. But she was happy. She likes Beijing very much. Then she went to London by plane. She visited Big Ben, the clock tower. There were many museums in London. She learnt a lot there. People in London love eating fish and chips. She stayed in London for 5 days. Then she took a plane to Shanghai. Then she went to Changchun by plane. ( )1. Alice visited five places during the summer holiday. ( )2. Alice visited the Palace Museum. ( )3. Alice visited Big Ben in London. ( )4. Alice took a train from London to shanghai. ( )5. Alice had a ice trip. Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时答案第二课时答案 一、 【解析】该题考查单词的熟悉程度 【答案】1 the capital of 2. a lot of 3. visit the Great Wall 4.Toyko 5. tall buildings 二、 【解析】1. Japan 译为“日本”故答案为日本。 2. 考查动词 youre 完全形式,故答案为 you are。 3. 考查反义词,故答案为 short。 4. 考查 people 复数,故答案为 people。 5. 考查第三人称单数,故答案为 likes。 【答案】1. 日本 2. you are 3. short 4. people 5. likes 三、 【解析】考察学生的句意理解能力。 【答案】1. shopping 2. capital 3. eating 4.find 5. visiting 四、 五、 【答案】FFTFT 牛津深圳版英语六年级上册牛津深圳版英语六年级上册 UnitUnit 9 9 GreatGreat citiescities ofof thethe worldworld 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计 课题 Great cities of the world单元Unit 9学科英语年级六年级 学习 目标 通过 Look and read 的篇章阅读,培养学生的阅读能力 重点1.词汇:tourist, building most sushi palace 2.阅读策略:识别主题句,按意群阅读篇章。 难点Look and read 的篇章阅读,培养学生的阅读能力 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课Review 1.read the words 2.Ask and answer How long does it take to get to Shanghai from Beijing by train/plane? It takes about How long does it take to get to Tokyo from Beijing by plane ? It takes about Free talk 1.Do you know the famous cities in the world? 2.How much do you know them? 复习前面所学 的单词,句型 自由讨论,谈 论本节课有关 的话题 激发学生的好 奇心和学习兴趣, 自然引出新课。 讲授新课1.New words tourist, building most sushi palace,注意发音。 2.Look and say 让学生介绍自己了解的一些著名的城市,如 北京、伦敦等,主要介绍它们是哪国的首都 或城市,所在的方位以及标志性建筑等。 学习新单词 介绍自己了 解的一些著 通过反复的听读 训练,掌握单词 的发音 为下面阅读的学 习做好铺垫 3.Look and read Beijing is the capital of China. You can find museums, palaces and parks there. Most tourists like visiting these places. They like visiting the Great Wall too. People in Beijing love eating dumplings. 4.Language point 讲解语法: You can see a lot of tall buildings there. 你在那里可以看到很多建筑。 a lot of =lots of 许多,大量 +可数名词复数/不可数名词 例子:There is a lot of water in the bottle. You can find many museums there. 你可以找到许多博物馆。 many 许多 +可数名词复数 例子:There are many books on the desk. 5.Practice Ask and answer the question on the quiz cards. Then make a card about London. Quiz card 1 1Where is Beijing? 2What can tourists find in Beijing? 3What do people in Beijing like eating? Quiz card 2 1Where is Tokyo? 2What do tourists enjoy doing in Tokyo? 3What do people in Tokyo love eating? 名的城市 播放课文录音 时,听的同时 圈出新词汇, 模仿语音语调; 学习 many a lot of 的 用法 根据课文回答 问题 通过不同的活动 设计,培养锻炼 学生阅读能力 6.Fill in the blanks Beijing is the _ of China. You can find_ _and _ there. They like visiting _and love eating_. _is the capital of Japan. You can see a lot of_. People in Tokyo love eating_. _is the capital of the UK. You can find many _.They love eating_. 7.Read together 8. Showtime. 1. 请三位同学进行文本朗读。 2. 注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。 3.一位学生表演时,其他小组观看并评分: 朗读基本流利,表情动作基本到位。 朗读较为流利,表情动作比较到位。 基本能够脱稿,表情动作十分到位。 9.Think and say The city I want to visit is the capital of It is You can Tourists like People there like eating I want to visit this great city! 8. Practice 1.Beijing is the capital of China. 2.你可以在那里看到很多高楼大厦。 3. 伦敦人喜欢吃鱼和薯条。 根据课文内容 填空 小组合作读一 读 说一说自己喜 欢的城市 完成课堂练习 巩固要点词汇 操练要点句型 9. Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: 10. Homework. 1. Listen and read the story time five times. 2. Copy the new words and phrases. 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是能理解并会朗读故 事;能听懂、会说、会拼读单词和短语:tourist, building most sushi palace 本课为新授课,通过反复播放录音视频并跟 读模仿学习词汇和朗读课文;通过灵活多样,丰 富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的 兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展, 让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。 板书Unit 9 Great cities of the world(第二课时) 1.词汇:tourist, building most sushi palace 2.阅读策略:识别主题句,按意群阅读篇章。 Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第二课时第二课时 深圳牛津版 六年级上 east Beijing north London Tokyo capital west ReviewReview AskAsk andand answeranswer HowlongdoesittaketogettoShanghaifromBeijingbytrain/plane? Ittakesabout HowlongdoesittaketogettoTokyofromBeijingbyplane? Ittakesabout AskAsk andand answeranswer FreeFree talktalk 1. Do you know the famous cities in the world? 2. How much do you know them? lets learn Whats this? It is a palace. palace Most people like traveling during their holidays. most lets learn Do you know this kind of food? It is sushi. sushi lets learn There are so many tourists on the Great Wall. tourist 21世纪教育网 lets learn This kind of building is very beautiful. building lets learn LookLook andand saysay DoyouknowaboutBeijing? palace theGreatWall dumplings BeijingisthecapitalofChina.Youcan findmuseums,palacesandparksthere. Mosttouristslikevisitingtheseplaces. TheylikevisitingtheGreatWalltoo. PeopleinBeijingloveeatingdumplings. DoyouknowaboutTokyo? tallbuilding shopping sushi TokyoisthecapitalofJapan.Youcan seealotoftallbuildingsthere.Alotof touristsenjoyshoppinginTokyo. PeopleinTokyoloveeatingsushi. DoyouknowaboutLondon? museum fish chips LondonisthecapitaloftheUK.Youcan findmanymuseumsthere.Peoplein Londonloveeatingfishandchips. Youcanseealotoftallbuildingsthere. LanguageLanguage pointpoint 你在那里可以看到很多建筑。 alotof=lotsof许多,大量 +可数名词复数/不可数名词 例子:Thereisalotofwaterinthebottle. Youcanfindmanymuseumsthere. 你可以找到许多博物馆。 many许多+可数名词复数 例子:Therearemanybooksonthedesk. Quizcard1 1WhereisBeijing? 2WhatcantouristsfindinBeijing? 3WhatdopeopleinBeijinglikeeating? LookLook andand readread Askandanswerthequestiononthequiz cards.ThenmakeacardaboutLondon. BeijingisinthenorthofChina. Theycanfindmuseums,palacesandparks. PeopleinBeijinglikeeatingdumplings. Askandanswerthequestiononthequiz cards.ThenmakeacardaboutLondon. Quizcard2 1WhereisTokyo? 2WhatdotouristsenjoydoinginTokyo? 3WhatdopeopleinTokyoloveeating? TokyoisinJapan. TheyenjoyshoppinginTokyo. PeopleinTokyoloveeatingsushi. Askandanswerthequestiononthequiz cards.ThenmakeacardaboutLondon. Quizcard3 1? 2? 3? WhereisLondon WhatcantouristsdoinLondon WhatdopeopleinLondonloveeating LondonisthecapitaloftheUK. Youcanfindmanymuseumsthere. PeopleinLondonloveeatingfishandchips. FillFill in in thethe blanksblanks Beijingisthe_ofChina.Youcanfind_ _and_there.Theylikevisiting_and loveeating_. _isthecapitalofJapan.Youcanseealotof_. PeopleinTokyoloveeating_. _isthecapitaloftheUK.Youcanfindmany_.They loveeating_. capitalmuseums palacesparkstheGreatWall dumplings Tokyotallbuildings sushi Londonmuseums fishandchips ReadRead togethertogether 1. 请三位同学进行文本朗读。 2. 注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。 3.一学生表演时,其他小组观看并评分。 朗读基本流利,表情动作基本到位。 朗读较为流利,表情动作比较到位。 基本能够脱稿,表情动作十分到位。 ShowShow timetime is is thethe capitalcapital ofof It It is is YouYou cancan TouristsTourists likelike PeoplePeople therethere likelike eatingeating I I wantwant toto visitvisit thisthis greatgreat city!city! TheThe citycity I I wantwant toto visitvisit ThinkThink andand saysay The city I want to visit ThinkThink andand saysay Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. There are many temples and beaches in Bangkok. A lot of tourists enjoy swimming in the sea at these beautiful beaches. There are about 8 million people in Bangkok. They love eating fruit. They also love eating spicy food. Bangkok PracticePractice tourist most palace building sushi 游客 许多 宫殿 建筑 寿司 1.BeijingisthecapitalofChina. 2.你可以在那里看到很多高楼大厦。 3.伦敦人喜欢吃鱼和薯条。 翻译下列句子。 北京是中国的首都。 Youcanseealotoftallbuildingsthere. PeopleinLondonloveeatingfishandchips. SummarySummary 单词: London Tokyo Beijing east west north south 句子: How long does it take to get to Shanghai from Beijing by train? 板书设计板书设计 Unit 9 Great cities of the world(第二课时) 单词: London Tokyo Beijing east west north south 句子: How long does it take to get to Shanghai from Beijing by train? HomeworkHomework 1.Listen and read the dialogue five times. 2. Copy the new words and phrases.
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