2019新人教版 高中英语 必修第三册UNIT1 -Section Ⅲ基础测评 (含答案).doc

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1、Section Discovering Useful Structures 基础测评 . 单句语法填空 1. The woman(look) at her map is a relative of my mother. 2. Give me the blue raincoat, please, the one(hang) behind the door. 3. The flowers(smell) sweet in the botanical garden attract many visitors. 4. I have a good friend(live) in London. 5. Th

2、e story I read last night is very(interest). 6. Her devotion to her motherland is very(touch). 7. They lived in a house(face) south. 8. The match was(excite). I was very(excite) about the match. 9. The classmates are(confuse) about this(confuse) problem. 10. I am very(please) to see her(smile) face.

3、 11. What he said at the meeting is very(shock). 12. The little boy came into the house with a(shock) look. 答案:答案: 1. looking2. hanging3. smelling4. living5. interesting 6. touching7. facing8. exciting; excited9. confused; confusing 10. pleased; smiling11. shocking12. shocked . 完成句子 1. 他的工作是粉刷墙壁。 Hi

4、s job is. 2. 聚集在校门口的那些男孩是我的同学。 The boysare my classmates. 3. 在教室里学习的男孩是我们的班长。 The boyis our monitor. 4. 他的缺点之一就是说谎。 One of his weaknesses is. 5. 你取得的进步令人鼓舞。 The progress that you have made. 答案:答案:1. painting walls2. gathering at the school gate 3. studying in the classroom4. telling lies5. is inspir

5、ing . 句型转换 1. The students who are working in the countryside will be back tomorrow. The studentswill be back tomorrow. 2. The hotel being built now will open up next year. The hotelnow will open up next year. 3. The man who is speaking to the teacher is our monitors father. The manis our monitors f

6、ather. 4. Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible. is her job. 答案:答案:1. working in the countryside 2. that/which is being built3. speaking to the teacher 4. Keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible 提升测评 . 语法填空 Taking a photo each day and posting it online has many benefits. For

7、 example, it helps improve a sense of well-being(幸福). In the past two 1.(month), a study which 2.(do) by Dr Liz Brewster and Dr Andrew Cox has recorded what photos people took, what text they added and 3.they communicated with others online. They found that taking a daily photo could improve well-be

8、ing through self-care and community interaction(互动). One person said,“My job is 4.(real) busy. There are some days when I almost have no time to stop 5.(breathe). One day when I looked out of the window, I saw a bird in a tree. I took a photo of it and felt so good.” Another person said,“It encourag

9、es me out of the house sometimes. Ill spend time taking 6.walk down to a nearby river. It is 7.(relax).” The online interactions create a community that is based 8._ the photos with text together.“It could be a rubbish photo, but if some- body paid attention to it, it would become useful.”“I like en

10、joying 9._ (I) good memories by watching those photos Ive taken, even if its something simple like eating dinner with my 10. _ (love) kids.” 答案:答案:1. months2. was done3. how4. really 5. to breathe6. a7. relaxing8. on9. my10. lovely . 阅读理解 A New Years Eve New Years Eve, also called Old Years Night, i

11、s celebrated on December 31st, the final day of the year. It is celebrated all over the world with parties and social gatherings with usually a lot of fireworks and noise. In the United States of America, New York is the place which this celebration is associated with. People gather in the Times Squ

12、are just before midnight in the last minute of the countdown to see the “ball dropping”. The celebration is also associated with parties in other parts of the world. In France, for instance, the celebration is called le Rveillon. Special food is prepared accompanied with champagne. People also go to

13、 the Eiffel Tower in Paris to see the fireworks display. In Japan, people traditionally clean their home. Buddhist temple bells are rung 108 times at midnight. In Brazil, the beach of Copacabana is considered by many to be the place of the most beautiful fireworks show in the world. On New Years Eve

14、, people commit themselves with resolutions. These are made to reform a habit and should go into effect and remain until fulfillment. 1. When is New Years Eve celebrated? A. On December 30th.B. On January 1st. C. On December 31st.D. On January 30th. 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“NewNew Year

15、Years s Eve,Eve, alsoalso calledcalled OldOld YearYears s Night,Night, isis celebratedcelebrated onon DecemberDecember 31st31st .” 可知可知,New,New YearYears s EveEve 是在是在 1212 月月 3131 日。故选日。故选 C C。 答案:答案:C 2. What is le Rveillon? A.Akind of celebration.B.Akind of food. C.Akind of display.D.Akind of par

16、ty. 解析解析: 细节理解题细节理解题。 根据文章第三段第二句根据文章第三段第二句“InIn France,France, forfor instance,instance, thethe celebrationcelebration isis calledcalled lele R Rveillon.veillon.”可知可知,le,le R Rveillonveillon 是是 一种庆祝方式一种庆祝方式, ,故选故选 A A。 答案:答案:A 3. How many countries are mentioned in the passage to celebrate New Years

17、 Eve? A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six. 解析解析:细节理解题细节理解题。文章第二文章第二、三段列举了美国三段列举了美国、法国法国、日本日本、巴西巴西 四国的庆祝方式。故选四国的庆祝方式。故选 B B。 答案:B 4. What does“These” refer to in the last paragraph? A. People.B. Resolutions. C. Habits.D. Fireworks. 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段首句细节理解题。根据最后一段首句“. peoplepeople commitcommit themselves

18、themselves withwith resolutions.resolutions.”可知可知, ,在新年前夕在新年前夕, ,人们用下决心的人们用下决心的 方式对自己做出承诺方式对自己做出承诺。 这些决心让人们改进习惯并付诸行动这些决心让人们改进习惯并付诸行动。 故选故选 B B。 答案:答案:B B Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival is the first festival in China for farmers. The festival starting from 2018, falls on Autumn Equinox(秋分) each yea

19、r. The Autumn Equinox is one of the 24 solar terms(节气) and usually falls between September 22nd and 24th, during the countrys harvest season. As we all know, China has the largest population all over the world. It was difficult to feed the largest population in the past. After reform and opening-up,

20、 with the development of modern agriculture, peoples life is getting better and better, and their living conditions have improved a lot. Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival shows that our government is paying more attention to agriculture and farmers life. It will greatly encourage farmers to farm and

21、develop further modern agriculture. China has a long history of agriculture. Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival, the cultural symbol, helps to show Chinas long farming culture to the world. It also connects the excellent traditional Chinese culture to modern civilisation and improves the cultural self

22、-confidence and national pride. Since the festival is especially created for farmers, they are encouraged to think of their own ways to celebrate harvest. Some activities are held across the country, but most of the celebrations will take place at a local level coming from local customs. Also, the l

23、ocal government usually hosts all kinds of activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances, food tasting and so on. Some people think the festival is the happiest time of the year, even better than the Spring Festival, because food gives people a sense of safety and hope. For other pe

24、ople, the harvest festival is a time to look back on the past and look forward to the future. 5. When is Chinese FarmersHarvest Festival probably celebrated? A. On September 20th.B. On September 23rd. C. On September 25th.D. On October 1st. 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句“TheThe festivalfesti

25、val startingstarting fromfrom 2018,2018, fallsfalls onon AutumnAutumn EquinoxEquinox eacheach year.year. TheThe AutumnAutumn EquinoxEquinox isis oneone ofof thethe 2424 solarsolar termsterms andand usuallyusually fallsfalls betweenbetween SeptemberSeptember 22nd22nd andand 24th,24th, duringduring th

26、ethe countrycountrys s harvestharvest season.season.” 可知可知, ,中国农民丰收节设置在每年的秋分中国农民丰收节设置在每年的秋分, ,有可能是有可能是 9 9 月月 2222、2323、2 24 4 日中的任意一天。故选日中的任意一天。故选 B B。 答案:答案:B 6. What can we learn from the third paragraph? A. The celebrations will be different based on local customs. B. Western countries also cele

27、brate the FarmersHarvest Festival. C. The Farmers Harvest Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. D. The FarmersHarvest Festival is created for both farmers and workers. 解析解析: 段落大意题段落大意题。 第三段的主要内容说的是鼓励农民用自己的方式第三段的主要内容说的是鼓励农民用自己的方式 庆祝丰收庆祝丰收, ,大部分庆祝活动都会结合当地的民俗文化展开大部分庆祝活动都会结合当地的民俗文化展开, ,当

28、地政府当地政府 也会组织开展民俗文化表演、品尝美食等活动。选项也会组织开展民俗文化表演、品尝美食等活动。选项 A A “根据当地习根据当地习 俗俗, ,庆祝活动将有所不同庆祝活动将有所不同”与段意相符与段意相符, ,故选故选 A A。 答案:答案:A 7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The Farmers Harvest Festival falls on different days in different areas in China. B. The Farmers Harvest Festiv

29、al is the best time to harvest crops in the world. C. The Farmers Harvest Festival has been celebrated once in our country so far. D. Chinas modern agriculture has greatly improved because of reform and opening-up. 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知, ,农民丰收节在每年的秋农民丰收节在每年的秋 分分, ,在中国任何地区都是相同的一天在中国任

30、何地区都是相同的一天, ,选项选项 A A 说法不正确说法不正确; ;中国农民丰中国农民丰 收节与世界上的其他国家无关收节与世界上的其他国家无关, ,选项选项 B B 不正确不正确; ;这个节日是这个节日是 20182018 年年 9 9 月开始庆祝的月开始庆祝的, ,到目前为止举办了不止一次到目前为止举办了不止一次, ,选项选项 C C 错误错误; ;根据第二段根据第二段 第三句第三句“AfterAfter reformreform andand opening-up,opening-up, withwith thethe developmentdevelopment ofof modernmodern agriculture,agriculture, peoplepeoples s lifelife isis gettinggetting betterbetter andand better,better, andand theirtheir livingliving conditionsconditions havehave improvedimproved a a lot.lot.”可知可知, ,改革改革 开放后现代化农业有了很大发展开放后现代化农业有了很大发展, ,选项选项 D D 说法正确。故选说法正确。故选 D D。 答案:答案:D


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