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1、2020 年牛津译林高一下(必修三和选择性必修一年牛津译林高一下(必修三和选择性必修一 ) 根据句子意思和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词 必修三必修三 Unit 1 1.Welcome to the jungle, a huge sea of green _ _ _ (充满) the sound of animals. 2. As the larges rainforest in the world, it _ _ _ _( 发 挥 重 要 作 用 ) in _ _ _ _ (维持良好平衡)of the Earths ecosystem. 3.With an area of around 6 mi

2、llion square kilometer, the Amazon rainforest in more than _ _ _(一半面积)of China. 4.Theforestsdifferentlevelssupport_ _ _ (种类多得难以置信的)wildlife. 5. The next level is _ _ _(由组成)shorter plants with large leaves. 6.Each level of the forest forms its own little world, _ _(的家园) different kinds of living thin

3、gs. 7. While _ _ _ _(相当多)jaguars survive here, they are only one element of this forests food chain. 8. These frogs, _ _ ( 转 而 ), _ _(以为食) insects which eat leaves and fruit. 9. When a jaguar dies, _ _ _ (一小群) of microorganisms helps _ _ (分解)its body and return the nutrients to the earth. 10. The Am

4、azon rainforest _ _(注入 活力) the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 200 cent of all the Earths oxygen. 11.Overthepast50years,about17percentoftherainforesthasdisappeared _ _ (由于) human activities such agriculture and cattle farming. 12.Astheimpactofhumanactivitiescontinuestogrowandthelistofspec

5、ies _ _ _ _ (濒危; 濒临灭绝) becomes longer, we are left a question: can we_ _ _(承担起损失) the “lungs of the planet”? 13. A teenager boy has _ _ (提出) this amazing idea of advertising online. 14. They _ _ ( 要 求 ) the company to _ _ (因道歉)making products of low quality. 15. The moment I saw Robinson, the days w

6、hen were together on the island immediately _ _ _(突然想起) . 16. _ _ _(为辩护)the policy, he raised many powerful argument. 17.Mr. Smith _ _(反对,抗议)heavy industry, which can _ _ _(导致)serious environmental problems. 18. Norgates rapid development has had significant _ _ (环境成本) 。 19. Its also given me a coug

7、h that I cant _ _ _(摆脱,丢弃) . 20. People tend to connect factories with pictures of clouds of dirty smoke and irresponsible businessmen _ _ _ _ _ (急于渴望赚取巨额利润). 21. I think I _ _ (代表) all factory managers when I say we _ deeply _ _(关心)the environment. 22. We have been _ _ _(采取各种各样 的措施) , including the

8、 use of new technologies, to reduce pollution in the production process. 23. Id like to _ _ _ _ (让你们注意)the economic benefits factories have brought to Norgate. 24.With pollution levels _ _ _(上升), the committee is searching for ways to fight the problem. 25. We hav to _ _ _ (达到平衡) between between env

9、ironmental protection and economic development. 26. We also _ _ _ (携手合作)with other branches of government to ensure that development strategies are followed in an environmentally friendly way. 27. It has to be a community-wide effort, and everyone can help by _ _ _(遵守黄金规则) : reduce, reuse and recycl

10、e. 28. Savingourplanet,_people_ _(使脱贫),advancing economic growth.these are one and the same fight. Its _(值得我们付出) . 29. Itsourdutytoprotesttheenvironmentwhilewe_ _ (目的是) economic development. 30. _ (因此) , children become so reliant on their parents that they have independent. Unit 2 1. Only five stud

11、ents _ _ _ (受了轻 伤 ) ,despite the current figures of 7 killed and over 200 injured in the disaster _ _(整个). 2. Her students reaction was quick and correct- they moved under their desks, head first, and _ _ _(紧抓)the legs of the desks. 3. Atthesametime,shequicklyopenedtheclassroomdoor,_ _(以防) it became

12、 damaged during shaking and could not open. 4. There were loud crashes of glass breaking and things falling to the ground, but the students _ _(仍然一动不动)and waited calmly and quietly. 5. She _ _ (向示意)her students to exit the classroom in an orderly line covering their heads with their hands. 6. Aftera

13、 _ _ ( 点 名 )confirmed that all were _ _ _(安然无恙), they relaxed , laughing, crying and hugging each other. 7. _ _ _(一系列)huge waves caused by an undersea earthquake raced across the ocean near Goldshore and left thousands dead. 8. Goldshore Beach was the only local beach to _ _ _ (在灾难中活下来)without any l

14、oss of life. 9. _ ( 突 然 想 到 ) immediately _ _ her that these were sings of an approaching tsunami 10. Sabrinawasfrightened,butshesoon_ _ (冷静下来) 。 11. She _ her parents_(警告) the danger, thought at first they just thought she was joking. 12. _ _ _ (使他大为宽慰的是) , the officer immediately realized the comi

15、ng danger. 13. The beach was rapidly _ _(疏散)people, just before the huge waves _ _ (撞上)the coast. 14. Remember to _ _ _(让你了解、 知晓)what is going on. 15. I was quite frightened during the _ _ _(停电). 16. We were _ _ _ (吓得要死)when we found the ground was shaking. 17. Were you afraid of _ _ _(用完)supplies?

16、18. Thenaturalresources,suchascoalandoil,are_ _(供应不足) . 19. Luckily,manypeoplecametohelp,_foodandclothes _(捐赠给) charities. 20. She _ _ _ (好奇)see how much water there was outside. 21. This terrible natural disaster _ Pompeii _(完全摧毁) , but it also kept the ancient city as it was for future ages. 22. S

17、ince 1748, Pompeii has been _ _(系统地发掘) . 23. Trading ships _ _ ( 进 口 货 物 ) to the city or _ _ (出口货物)overseas, along with golden pleasure boast for the rich, were crowded together. 24. Theboatsofthefishermenmovedrapidly_ _(向四面八方) 。 25. The awful night _ slowly _(过去了) , and the dawn greyly broke on la

18、st day of Pompeii! 26. It _ _ _ _(呈 现的形状)a huge tree, the trunk, blackness, the branches, fire! 27. The cries of women _ _ (爆发); the men looked at each other, but were silent. 28. At that moment,they felt the earth shaking beneath their feet; beyond, _ _ _(在远处), they heard the crash of falling roofs

19、. 29. Over the empty streets- over the forum- _ _ _(到处)- fell with many a noisy crash in the stormy sea-fell that awful shower! 30. Each hurried _ _ _(盲目而恐惧地) on. 31. Its walls were fresh _ _ _ (好像被 粉刷过)yesterday. 32. He has _ a child _(从救起) drowning on the way to work. 33. She gave the speech witho

20、ut _ _(参考)her notes. 34. The side effect of the drug is that it may _ _(加速) your heart rate. 35. He got the job as a doctor. All his efforts _ _ (成功, 有 回报) in the end. 36. The party _ _(进行) very well. We had a good time. 37. I didnt think we have anything to _ _(炫耀) 。We should work harder. 38. Youma

21、ny_ _(品尝,体验)life at a British school during your two-week stay in the UK. 39. After _ _ (从毕业)a foreign language school, Simon became a painter _ _(偶然) . 40. Its convenient for us to _ _ _(获 得) good resources online. Unit 3 1. One of the greatest advantages of the Internet _ (在于) the quick and easy _

22、(获得)a huge amount of information. 2. _ _ _ (在 一 定 程 度 上 ),the worlds knowledge is all _ _ _ (了如指掌) . 3. With the click of a mouse or the touch of a button, it is possible to find out almost anything wecaretoknow,fromrecipestotravelpackages,from_ _(军事事务)to _ (学习资源) . 4. In the time it takes to find o

23、ne book in the library, we can use a search engine to _(从电脑里调出)millions of results. 5. _(难怪) the Internet has now become the first place that _(大多数)people _ (转向) for information. 6. The Internet has also made our lives _(难以置信 地 地 方 ),with all sorts of goods and services provided by _ _(电子商务) . 7. Yo

24、u can have food _ (递送给)you using food delivery apps and sites. 8. Gonearethedaysofsearching_ _ (一家店又一家店) for the perfect pair of boots- you can compare styles and prices quickly and easily _ _ _ (在的舒适之中)your living room. 9. When you wish to go on holiday, you can _all your travel _ (做安排) just in fro

25、nt of the computer. 10. _(最重要的是,尤其是) , the Internet helps us _ _ _(建立并维持) social ties. 11. With all sorts of communication software, physical distance no longer _ _ _ (阻碍;妨碍) 。 12. Not matter where we are, we are eager to _ _ (与保持联系) loved ones, find long-lost friends and discover whole new communit

26、ies who share our hobbies. 13. An instant message, a group chat, a video call, a _ (对评论)an update-there are endless ways to share our views or let someone know we _ (关心) them. 14. _ (就像一样) any great invention, we must be _ (意识到) these problems and be careful to use the Internet _(恰当并负责任地) 。 15. _ (只

27、有这样)can the Internet be a place of discovery, wonder and inspiration for everyone. 16. Its truly a world _(没有国界) 。 17. Even in the countryside, the Internet _people _ _ ( 使 能 够 超 越 )their villages and _ (与取得联系)the outside world. 18. The author believes that the Internet has _ (使我们 受益) in various way

28、s. 19. Withoutenoughevidence,wecant_ _(下结论) 。 20. In such case, be aware that you always have the right to say no and _ _ _ (切断联系) 。 21. Fionawantedtointroducemorepeopletodance,soshe_ _ (建立) JustDance. 22. One of the advantages is that we can find _(各种 各样的主题) , such as science, culture and history.

29、23. For example, she has _a technical team _ _ ( 要 求 开 发 ) an app so as to _different userss _(满足的需要) . 24. I was a _ (对智能手机入迷的人) , and he used to _(对上瘾;沉溺于) playing computer games. 25. My eyes _ _(全神贯注地看) the little screen whenever I walked down the street, had dinner with friends or lay in bed at

30、night. 26. A dead battery in my smartphone would make m _ _(感到有压力) . 27. Sometimes I had the uncomfortable feeling that this little machine had _ _ (占用)too much of my time, and that I could have done something more meaningful. 28. _ (染上习惯)was easy, but it was difficult to _(改掉习惯) 。 29. Head down, ey

31、es on my smartphone, I stepped into the road and a car _ (飞驰而过) , nearly _ me _ _(撞到) . 30. At that very moment, I _ _ (下定决心) to spend a whole week without my smartphone. 31. The first day was the hardest, I _ (习惯于查看) the news and my friends social media updates every few minutes. 32. I felt _(失落和焦虑

32、), as if I was missing something _ (有价值的) 。 33. The empty hours _(展开) in front of me, and I felt _ (与失去联系) everyone and everything. 34. I finally _ (拿起)the classical novel I had always wanted to read and _soon _(全 神贯注于,沉浸于)the beautiful language. 35. I _ _ (写日记)of my feelings, thoughts and daily act

33、ivities to see how much progress I was making. 36. The details of the scene _ (揭示,展示)in front of me, the soft sunlight, a bird singing from a high tree branch, the rich and earthy smell of the soil after the rain. 37. With eyes no longer_ (盯着) our phones, we had a chance to really _each others _ (享受

34、陪伴). 38. I cannot _ (逃离) the modern world, but I can _ _ (消减, 减少) the amount of time I spend on my smartphone every day. 39. Life beyond smartphones is richer and more beautiful, and I am going to _ _ _ (利用) it. 40. Best of all, I began to _ _ (欣 赏美好)in life with my own eyes, instead of through my s

35、martphones. 41. I also _ _ (确保, 确信)to spend more time with my parents. 42. Afterfurtherimprovementincontent,thenewfashionmagazinebeganto _(大受欢迎) . 43. I _them _ (让 了解知道) what was going on in my life. We had never felt closer to each other. 44. _ _(日 子一去不复返)when we were able to download music for fre

36、e. 45. We plan to _ (提出)the issue of working conditions at the meeting next week. Book 3 Unit 4 1. Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the PRC to receive a Noble Prize, awarded for her contribution to the _(抗击)malaria, one of the deadliest diseases in histroy. 2. _ (对亏了)her discovery,

37、 malaria patients all over the world now have had a greatly increased chance of survival. 3. She completed further training courses in traditional Chinese medicine, _ _ _(获得广泛知识) of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. 4. In the 1960s, many people were _ ( 死 于 ) malaria,and in 196

38、9 she became head of a team that _ (打算,计划)find a cure for the disease. 5. When they failed to _any _ (产生预期效果) , Tu _ (查阅,参考)the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again. 6. Tu redesigned the experiments and tried _ _ (提取药草)at a low temperature in order not to damage its effective part. 7.

39、 After 190 failure, she _(成功地)making a qinghao extract that could treat malaria in mice. 8. Tuandherteammanagedto_ _ (找到的解决方法) the problem. 9. Theyworkeddayandnightandtheirhealthbegantosufferbecauseofthe _ (条件差) , but they never _ _(放弃) 。 10. Ever with large _(大量,许多)the qinghao extract produced, how

40、ever, they still faced another problem. 11. Thetrialsonpatientswere_ _ (可 能推 迟)because they did not have _ _(充足的安全数据) 。 12. _ _(为了加速) the process and _ _(确保它的安全性) , Tu and her team volunteered to test qinghao extract on themselves first. 13. The efforts of Tu and her team finally _(成功,奏 效) , _ _ _ (

41、通过反复试验) , they successfully discovered qinghao-the most effective part. 14. Morethan40yearsafteritsdiscover,Tu_ eventually_ (授予) a Novel Prize for her work. 15. InherNobelLecture,sheencouragedscientiststo_ _ (进一步探索) the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and raise it to a higher level. 1

42、6. Perhaps the next generation of scientists, _ _(借鉴) thewisdomoftraditionalChinesemedicine,willindeeddiscovermoremedicine _(有益于) global health care. 17. Its said that its one of the most beautiful cities in China, _ _(被环绕) mountains and the Pacific Ocean. 18. Fortune_ _ (偏袒有准备的人) , as an old saying

43、 goes. 19. I am not _(支持) the decision you have made. 20. As a scientist, he was _ (因而著称)his kite experiment. 21. Hemadesurethesilkribbonsstayeddrysothattheelectricitywouldnot _(通过,经历)his body. 22. Withathunderstormapproaching,thelighteningwould_ _ _(给钥匙充电) 。 23. He _(被指控) stealing a car last week.

44、24. Who do you think will _ _(掌 管,负责) the company? 25. She_ _ ( 一 生 致 力 于 )totheworkand_ _( 做 出 巨 大 贡 献 ) to our country. So she _ _ (受到 高度评价)by many people. 26. Thisresultofsciencewasobviouslyveryserious-it_ _(代表毁灭) of people and it _ our future _ (使处于风险中). 27. I had to ask myself, “Is there some e

45、vil that _ _ (涉及,牵涉)science?” 28. _ _(换句话), what is the value of the science I had long _ _ (致力于) -the thing I had loved-when I saw what terrible things it could do? 29. The first way in which science is of value _ _(为熟悉) everyone; _ (致 力于)enables us to do and make all kinds of things. 30. Of course

46、, if we make good things, it is not only _ _ (归功于) science, but also the moral choice which led us to good work. 31. Such power has obvious value- _ ( 即 使 ) the power may _(被否定)by what one does with it. 32. Another value of science is the _(知识上的) it can we provide us with. 33. Never concerned that t

47、he answer may _ _ (让我们失望) ,with pleasure and confidence we _ _ _ _ _(开始每一天新探索) to find unimagined strangeness leading on to more wonderful questions and mysteries. 34. The scientist has a lot of experience with ignorance and doubt and uncertainty, and this experience is _ _ _(很重要). 35. When he has a

48、n idea _ _(关于)what the result is, he is uncertain. 36. Now, we scientist _ _ _ _(想当然地认为)that it is perfectly possible to live and not know. 37. But our freedom to doubt was born out of a deep and strong _ _ _(与权贵斗争) in the early days of science. 38. In order to progress, we must not forget the impor

49、tance of this struggle; we must _ _(认识到我们的无知) and _ _(留下空间)for doubt. 39. _ _ _ _(允许我们质疑)-to doubt-to not be sure. 40. Itsstrangethatheshouldhavetakenthebooks_ _(未经许可) . 41. Its our responsibility as scientists, knowing the great progress that is the fruit of freedom of thought, to _ _ _ (声明这一价值)of

50、this freedom. 42. This beautiful house used to _ _ (属于)the Smith family but they sold it last week. 43. I have been trying to _ _(建立关系) with her. 44. Above allelse, theInternethelpspeoplearound theworld _ _ (有沟通,交流) . 45. Please do not _any _( 删 除 )from the documents. 选择性必修一选择性必修一 Unit one 1. Whenev


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