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1、1 江苏省部分地区江苏省部分地区 2020-2021 年高年高一一下学期期下学期期末联考末联考英语试题精选汇编英语试题精选汇编 阅读理解专题阅读理解专题 江苏省南通市 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期末质量监测英语 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Angloville Junior Programmes The Angloville Junior programme is a great opportunity for young nativ

2、e English-speakers to support ambitious youth in their journey to fluency in English and higher education in English-speaking countries. Who might be interested? On each programme,there are around 40 teenage students aged 12-18 and around 20 English-speaking volunteers.Our English-speaking volunteer

3、s are university students, recent graduates and other enthusiastic people aged 18-35. They like to travel,explore new cultures and help others. What will your day consist of? For volunteers Each day you will take part in various 50-60 minute sessions; you will also work with your assigned mentees (学

4、员) on their presentations in groups.After the whole day of sessions and activities,you will have a chance to have fun in the evening during the social time. For students You will spend most of your time doing 1-on-1 speaking sessions,but the programme also consists of cultural sessions and studying

5、abroad sessions. One of the main attractions of the junior programme is a workshop. You may bake bread or make traditional Polish cookies. 2 Description of the programme Pre-programme activity We invite you to take part in our free walking tour of your departure city! The tours take place one day be

6、fore the programme. Duration of the programme Aregular Angloville Junior programme takes place between Sunday and Saturday. Start: Sunday (between 6 am and 12 pm) End: Saturday (between 4 pm and 8 pm) 21. Who might take part in the programme? A. A12-year-old native English learner. B. A22-year-old g

7、raduate with broken English. C. A19-year-old Chinese planning studies in Canada. D. A36-year-old English teacher enthusiastic about traveling. 22. What will students mainly do during the programme? A.Group presentations. B. Fun games. C.1-on-1 sessions. D. Baking activities. 23. How long will one pr

8、ogramme usually take? A. One day. B.Two days. C.One week. D.Two weeks. B Lucy Hobbs came to the University of Wisconsin already knowing she wanted to study 3 nursing so she could make a positive difference in the lives of others.Once she was on campus, she realized she could make an even greater imp

9、act on her future patients by adding a second major (专业) ,one in Spanish. “I was drawn to nursing because I want a career that will be fulfilling and will help me serve others,” says Hobbs. “I chose to add a major in Spanish because I love learning about other cultures, and I want to do something fo

10、r those easily ignored populations in my nursing career. In addition to her nursing and Spanish curriculum, Hobbs found multiple interesting ways to bring her majors together, including things like research and study abroad. Hobbs was part of a research project that is documenting the experiences of

11、 Spanish-speaking populations in western Wisconsin during Covid-19. The research team included students and teachers in languages, history and nursing. In addition to her research,studying abroad was also helpful. She spent part of the spring 2020 semester studying in Costa Rica.This was my first ti

12、me outside of the U.S.and I learned so much about Costa Rican culture, Hobbs says. While she found many opportunities within her majors, Hobbs also had meaningful experiences on campus that were outside of nursing and Spanish. For example,she worked as a resident assistant in the dorms and is a memb

13、er of the University Honors Program. “All these experiences helped me to enhance my time on campus by giving me opportunities to meet amazing and inspiring individuals who I believe will remain lifetime friends,” Hobbs says.“All these experiences also helped to shape how I think about the future.Aft

14、er she graduates in May,Hobbs will begin her nursing career working in the emergency room at UW Healths University Hospital in Madison. 24.What did Hobbs do after she entered university? A. She realized her interest in nursing. B. She decided to learn more besides her major. C. She made a difference

15、 in others lives. D. She influenced her future patients greatly. 25. Why did Hobbs add a major in Spanish? A. To help others with their Spanish. B. To do research in various cultures. C. To receive further education in Spain. D. To provide nursing care for less focused people. 4 26.What is helpful i

16、n Hobbss achieving her goals? A.Going abroad to change her life. B.Beginning her nursing career early. C. Developing as many hobbies as she could. D. Getting different experiences besides her study. 27.Which of the following best describes Hobbs? A. Humorous. B.Intelligent. C.Hardworking. D.Generous

17、. C More than a year into the pandemic of Covid-19, many people have grown used to a new lock-down lifestyle:keeping indoors,exercising less and eating more. “All of these contribute to worsening gut(消化道) function,says Christopher Andrews,the lead physician at the Calgary Gut Motility Center, adding

18、 that heartburn is on the rise. Heartburn is the painful effect of the stomachs acid creeping into the esophagus (食管) 。 Diet is the greatest contributor: acidic foods such as grapefruits, hot sauce or coffee increase the amount of acid in your stomach, while chocolate, alcohol and high-fat foods res

19、ult in loosened sphincter muscle. If that muscle weakens or is unable to close completely, stomach acid might arise,causing the heartburn. Spicy food can also increase uncomfortable feelings in the gut. Heartburn occurs in bodies of all sizes, ages and genders, but researchers have found that overwe

20、ight (超重 的) people are two to three times more likely to experience frequent heartburn than those with a healthy weight. This may be because of the increased pressure on the gut,which can push stomach acid up. Changes in diet, such as the recent tendency for people to turn to comfort food in lock-do

21、wn, can also lead to the problem. Occasional heartburn isnt a problem, but experiences of frequent indigestion should push you to live a healthier life. According to a recent study of 9,000 heartburn patients, following a five-step health plan-maintaining a proper body weight, eating well, exercisin

22、g, not smoking and limiting coffee or tea-can decrease symptoms (症状) by 40 per cent. Andrews also tells his patients to avoid eating close to bedtime, “If you lie down when your stomach is full, its much easier for things to come up. Though heartburn is currently on the rise, Andrews believes the in

23、crease is short-term. “Once life comes 5 back to normal, Im sure things will get better,” he says. 28.Which of the following is the main cause of heartburn? A. Staying home. B.The pandemic. C.Unsuitable diet. D.Less exercise. 29. What can we learn about heartburn from paragraph 3? A. Overweight peop

24、le are at greater risk. B. Stomach upsets will lead to heartburn. C.Comfort food can help improve the situation. D. Stomach acid will put more pressure on the gut. 30. Whats the writers suggestion for relieving heartburn? A. Getting enough sleep. B.Saying no to tea. C.Consuming less coffee. D.Having

25、 a medical checkup. 31. Whats the purpose of the text? A. To inform us of a health problem. B. To warn us of a worsening situation. C. To recommend a way of losing weight. D. To introduce a new lock-down lifestyle. D Teens who choose to spend time alone may know whats best for them,according to new

26、research that suggests solitude(孤独) isnt a red flag for depression. Most studies have confused solitude with loneliness or shyness, said Margarita Azmitia, lead researcher of the study. “There is a misunderstanding for kids who spend time alone. Theyre considered lacking in basic 6 social skills, or

27、 called loners,” she said. “Its beneficial to know when you need to be alone and when you need to be with others. The key factor is choice.” When teens and young adults choose to spend time alone, solitude can prove an opportunity for self-reflection, creative expression, or spiritual renewal. It ca

28、n be challenging when solitude is imposed on them-when they choose to avoid social activities because they lack friends, feel awkward, experience social anxiety, or are being punished. To tell the difference between these motivations,Azmitia developed a survey that asked people to rate their motivat

29、ions for solitude on a four-point scale, presenting questions like, “I feel energetic when I spend time by myself,” and “I enjoy the quiet,” versus “I feel uncomfortable when Im with others,” and “I regret things I say or do when Im with others. Those who seek solitude because they feel rejected or

30、want to stay alone are at greater risk of social anxiety, loneliness, and depression, and they tend to have lower levels of identity development, and positive relationships with others. However, those who seek solitude for positive reasons, such as self-reflection or a desire for peace and quiet, fa

31、ce none of these risks. “These results increase our awareness that being alone can be positive,” said Azmitia. “The question is how to be alone without feeling like were missing out. For many people, solitude is like exercising a muscle theyve never used. You have to develop it, and learn to use tim

32、e alone to your benefit. 32. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs? A. Teenagers are likely to spend time alone. B. Solitude is often confused with loneliness. C. Kids who spend time alone lack social skills. D. Alone time is more important than social time. 33. What does the underlined pa

33、rt in paragraph 3 most probably mean? A. They want to reflect on themselves. B. They have to punish others. C.They want to develop creativity. D. They have to face solitude. 34.How does the author illustrate the findings of the research in paragraph 5? A. By giving examples. 7 B.By offering suggesti

34、ons. C.By sharing experiences. D. By comparing results. 35. Which can be a suitable title for the text? A. Solitude: a red flag B.Loneliness: good or bad C.To be alone or not D.Loneliness,a popular choice 【答案】 21-25 ACCBD 25-30 DCCAC31-35 ABDDC 江苏省徐州市 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期末英语试题 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节

35、(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A THE NATIONAL GALLERY Open time Monday to Thursday:10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Friday until 9p.m. Weekends:9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed 24-26 December and 1 January Book before you visit Please book online and in advance. This is to help us manage the

36、 number of people in the Gallery, limit queuing and reduce contact. Your space for art The number of visitors to the Gallery has been reduced so you have more space to explore during your visit. 8 Ways to visit To help us create a safe experience, all visitors, including our members, need to book a

37、ticket. When you arrive at the Gallery, you will have a choice of three one-way art routes to explore. Visiting guidelines To help us keep the Gallery a safe and enjoyable place for everyone,please follow the guidelines below by: Wearing a face covering during your visit Not touching the paintings o

38、r other exhibits, and not crossing the barriers Consuming food and drink in designated areas only, not in rooms that contain paintings Following our NO SMOKING policy in any part of the building Following our NO PHOTOGRAPHY policy in exhibitions where a sign is displayed Sitting only on the seating

39、provided 21.At which time is a ticket available if you are to explore the Gallery? A.6 p.m. Friday,10 September B.7p.m.Thursday,25 November C. 1 p.m.Friday,25 December D.2 p.m.Saturday,1 January 22.Visitors are required to book online in advance because A. the Gallery hopes to sell more tickets B.th

40、e Gallery wants to avoid visitors contacting C.the Gallery aims to offer visitors a safe art journey D. the Gallery intends to know visitors preferred routes 23.Which of the following behaviors is suitable in the Gallery? A. Wearing a face covering. B.Eating in front of the painting. C.Smoking insid

41、e the toilet. 9 D.Taking pictures as you like. B Gestures-such as pointing or waving-go hand in hand with a childs first words, and twins lag (滞后) behind single children in producing and using those gestures,two studies from Georgia State University psychology researchers show. The lag in gesture am

42、ong twins may be mostly due to lower parental input, Ozcaliskan said. Its likely that parents caring for twins engage in shorter conversations with their children, including gesturing less, because their attention is divided and their labor is doubled.However, parents of single children used a great

43、er amount and diversity of gestures than parents of twins. Ozcaliskan said she had grown curious about gesture because it had not yet been studied among twins. We have already known that twins are initially at a disadvantage where language is concerned. Most of the time, these lags are within the no

44、rmal range of differences, and nothing to worry about.Almost all children will catch up to each other by around age three and a half. “However,there was almost nothing in research on gesturing among twins, Ozcaliskan said. Babies start using pointing around 10 months, a few months before they produc

45、e their first words. Gesture helps them convey what they cant yet communicate in speech and prepares the way for childrens early words. Twins sometimes develop their own systems of communication, even their own “twin language, which has also been shown to delay language acquisition. “Perhaps it also

46、 delays the use of gestures. Gesture and speech together form a closely integrated system in a childs development, and a childs first gestures often precede their first attempts at speech, Ozcaliskan said. Gesture is a very powerful tool, she said. “Pay attention to your childs gestures, and then pr

47、ovide verbal(言语的) descriptions to help their language development, such as naming objects when children point to them. 24. What mainly causes twins to produce and use fewer gestures? A. Reduced parental input. B.Undivided parental attention. C. Too much “twin language. D. Slow language development.

48、25. The underlined word “precede in Paragraph 5 probably means _ A.count on 10 B.go with C.come before D.call up 26. Which of the following may best help childrens language development? A.When the child smiles, parents smile big smiles as well. B. When the child makes a small mistake, parents ignore

49、 it. C.When the child points to a doll, parents pass it to him or her quickly. D. When the child points to a bottle, parents point to it, saying “bottle. 27. What can be learned from the study? A. Twins fall behind single children in early gesturing. B. Twins arc at a disadvantage in language of a l

50、ifetime. C.Enough research has been done on twins gesturing. D. Gestures prepare children for future development. C Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) is the practice of providing a short period of class time for students to read silently whatever they choose according to their interests.SSR programs ca


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