PEP人教版六年级上英语《Unit 4 I have a pen pal》第六课时优质课教学设计.doc

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1、第 3 页 共 6 页 The sixth period(第六课时)(第六课时) Part B Lets check & Lets wrap it up & Part C Story time 教学内容与教学内容与目标目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Lets check 能够完成 Lets check 板块的语篇听力训练,巩固本单元所学重点内容 能够学会从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地去听录音,听后完成判断任务 培养学生良好的听力习惯,有策略地提高学生的听力水平 Lets wrap it up 能够通过图配文的方式帮助学生理解一般现在时第三人称单数形式,并通过使用找关键 词进行词尾转换的

2、方式,帮助学生归纳本单元主要语法现象 能够在教师的引导下,启发思维,学会总结 Story time能够通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,增加语言输入 教学重点教学重点 能够复习并巩固本单元所学的核心单词、词组和句型。 教学难点教学难点 能够在教师的引导下,启发思维,学会巩固复习和归纳总结。 教学准备教学准备 1.预习本课时的相关内容。预习本课时的相关内容。 2.PPT 课件课文录音视频等。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in 1. Greetings. Greet students. Divide them into severa

3、l groups and tell them, “If you can join actively, response quickly, and be open-minded in class, your group can get more points. The group which gets the most points will be the winner.” 2.Aquick review. (课件出示:图片和词组) T: Lets get a quick review. How many hobbies can you name in these five columns: s

4、ports, art, music, outdoor activities, indoor activities? If you can name one, youll get one point for your group.(课 件出示:以分类形式呈现与爱好相关的词汇) 3. Free talk. Talk with students about their own, their parentsor their friends hobbies. Teaching purpose 以开放式的提问引导学 生复习本单元的核心词汇, 通过与学生交流有关他们自 己、 父母或朋友的兴趣爱好, 复习本单

5、元的核心句型,为 下面的句子表达和篇章输出 奠定基础。 第 4 页 共 6 页 Step 2: Presentation & Practice 1. Lets check. (1) Make predictions. Present the pictures of “Lets check”. (课件出示:教材 P44 Lets check 板块的图片) Lead students to go over the pictures and predict the content they are going to listen. T: In the dialogues, we are going

6、to talk about four people. They areAndy, Mike,Amy and Johns mother. What are the dialogues going to talk about? Ss: The dialogues are going to talk about their hobbies. T: Nice guess. What are their hobbies from Dialogue 1 to Dialogue 4? S1: In Dialogue 1, he likes playing football or the piano. S2:

7、 In Dialogue 2, he likes going by bus or by bike. S3: In Dialogue 3, she likes doing word puzzles or reading stories. S4: In Dialogue 4, she likes watching news or cooking. T: Good job! Lets see whether we get the right guess. (2) Listen and tick. Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P44 Lets check板块的音频) Lead

8、 students to listen to it and tick the correct pictures. Then check the answers.(课件出示:教材 P44 Listen and tick 的答案) (3) Listen again and fill in the blanks. Try to fill in the blanks according to the pictures before listening. Listen again and complete the sentences. Check the answers after listening.

9、 (课件出示:教材 P44 Listen again and fill in the blanks 的内容 及答案) (4) Present the listening material and let students read the text together. (课件出示:教材 P44 Lets check 板块的听力材料) 2. Lets wrap it up. (出示课件) (1) Let students observe the picture in the book and then read the passage and underline the verbs. Then

10、lead them to fill in the blanks. Check the answers together. (2) Work in groups. Discuss about the regulations of these verbs. Lead students to put them into different groups and find out more words like these. Write down the changing rules of verbs following the third person singular on the blackbo

11、ard. Present the rules on the PPT.(课件出示:动 词第三人称单数形式的变化规则) (3)T: How do we use these verbs? Ss: We use them after the third person singular in the simple present tense. (Students can answer in Chinese.) Teaching purpose 带领学生逐一读图,学 会从图片信息中推测考查 点,预测听力文本的内容, 做到有目的地去听录音。注 重对学生良好听力习惯的培 养,以持续提高学生的听力 水平。 Te

12、aching purpose 通过图配文的形式帮助 学生理解小短文的意义。引 导学生观察动词形式,自主 学习探究,通过找关键词进 行词尾转换的方式,帮助学 生归纳本单元的主要语法现 象,了解并学习一般现在时 第三人称单数形式。 第 5 页 共 6 页 T: Excellent! Here is a short passage written in the first person. Can you change it into the third person? Ss: Yes! T: Great! Lets have a try. Step 3: Consolidation & Extens

13、ion “Story time” 1. Lets read. (1) Know the main characters and the main idea of the story. T: What does the squirrel look like? Ss: It is cute. It has got a big and long tail. T:Yes. Lets get into the story and see what the story talks about the squirrel. Watch the video of “Story time”. (课件出示:教材 P

14、45 Story time 板块的视频) Get the main idea. T: What does the story talk about the squirrel? Ss: It talks about the squirrels bushy tail. (2) Circle the verbs in the simple present tense. Ask students to read the story as fast as they can and circle the verbs in the simple present tense. Lead students to

15、 have a basic understanding of the simple present tense. (3) Read and answer the questions. Ask students to read the story carefully and try to get a better understanding. Let them think about these questions and underline the answers while reading. What is the Monkey Kings hobby?(The Monkey King li

16、kes reading books.) What is Zacs hobby? (He likes singing and dancing very much.) Why was the Monkey King so angry?(He doesnt like Zacs music. One day, Zac sang for the king. The king was very angry.) Teaching purpose 观看故事视频,整体感 知,理解故事内容,把握主 旨。 Teaching purpose 复习动词的一般现在 时。利用问题设置,帮助学 生深入理解文本,巩固本单 元的

17、核心句型。 第 6 页 共 6 页 T: So, how does the squirrels tail get bushy? Ss: The king shouted, “Go away!” Then he threw Zac out of the tree. From that day on, all squirrelstails were bushy. T: Is it a true story? Ss: (4)Read the story. Read the story after the recording. Imitate the pronunciation and the int

18、onation. Practice in groups. Choose a short part to perform the story. Ask several students to come to the front of the classroom and act out the story. 2. Summary. Make a brief summary according to the blackboard design. Evaluate studentsgroup work and select the best group. 板书设计板书设计 作业作业设计设计 1. Re

19、member the key words and sentence structures 2. Do the exercises. 教学反思教学反思 1. 利用快速复习的方式, 激活学生相关词汇和本单元的背景知识。 复习之前先让学生回忆和 总结,不仅能帮助学生唤醒旧知,还能使他们在下面的学习中更有针对性地复习并牢记被遗忘的 知识。 2.教学活动设计循序渐进,以学生为主体,注重小组合作与交流探究,引导和启发学生思维, 培养学生的自主学习能力和思维能力。 3.教学活动设计由词逐句,由句步入篇章,引导学生关注语言细节,复习和巩固本单元的核 心语法点,提高语言表达的准确度。 4.通过学习故事,丰富语言

20、输入,拓展本单元主题的相关表达,了解松鼠尾巴变蓬松的趣味 故事。 Teaching purpose 培养学生学会按正确的 意群及语音、 语调朗读故事。 以小组合作和角色表演的活 动形式,引导学生恰当并熟 练地运用故事中的语言。通 过故事拓展阅读,丰富学生 的语言表达,增加单元主题 相关的语言输入。 第 7 页 共 6 页 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Lets check Be able to complete the listening exercises in “Lets check” and consolidate the key words and

21、 sentence structures in this unit. Be able to predict the test points through pictures, and try to listen to the recording with purpose, then complete the exercises. Develop studentsgood listening habits, and strategically improve their listening level. Lets wrap it up Be able to understand the usag

22、e of the third person singular in simple present tense. And be able to summarize the main grammatical phenomenon in this unit. Be able to inspire thinking and learn to summarize under the teachers guidance. Story time Be able to review the key expressions of this unit and enrich the language input t

23、hrough reading the story. Teaching Priorities Be able to review and consolidate the key words, phrases and sentence structures of this unit. Teaching Difficulties Be able to inspire thinking and learn to consolidate and summarize under the teachers guidance. Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teach

24、er s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching Purposes Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in 1. Greetings. Greet students. Divide them into several groups. Greet the teacher. Acquire the evaluation rules of group work. Set up an evaluation mechanism. 2. Aquick review. Lead students to review the words of the ho

25、bbies in this unit. Get a quick review of the words of the hobbies in this unit. Review the key vocabulary and sentence structures of this unit. Lay the foundation for the following sentence expressions and text output. 3. Free talk. Talk with students about their own, their parentsor friends hobbie

26、s. Talk with the teacher about their own, their parentsor their friends hobbies. Presentation & Practice 1. Lets check. (1) Present the pictures of “Lets check”. Lead students to go over the pictures and predict the content. (1) Go over the pictures and make predictions. (2) Listen and tick. Check t

27、he answers. (3) Fill in the blanks before Lead students to observe the pictures one by one, and learn to infer the test points. Predict the content of the listening text, so as to listen 第 8 页 共 6 页 (2) Play the recording. Lead students to listen and tick the correct pictures. Then check the answers

28、. (3) Play the recording again. Lead students to complete the sentences. Check the answers after listening. (4) Present the listening material. listening. Listen again and complete the sentences. (4) Read the listening material together. purposefully. Cultivate studentsgood listening habits, in orde

29、r to continuously improve their listening level. 2. Lets wrap it up. (1) Lead students to complete the exercise in “Lets wrap it up”. (2)Ask students to work in groups and discuss about the regulations of the verbs. (3)Teach how to use the verbs. (1) Read the passage and underline the verbs. Then fi

30、ll in the blanks. (2) Work in groups. Discuss about the regulations of these verbs. Put them into different groups and find out more words like these. (3) Learn to use the words. Help students understand the meaning of the short passage through the picture. Lead them to observe the verb forms, and s

31、ummarize the main grammatical phenomenon in this unit. Learn the third person singular in the simple present tense. Consolidation & Extension “Story time” 1. Lets read. (1) Lead students to watch the video of “Story time” and know the main characters and get the main idea. (2) Teach the verbs in the

32、 simple present tense. (3)Ask students to read the story and answer the questions. (4) Let students practice reading the story and act out. (1) Watch the video of “Story time”. Know the main characters and get the main idea. (2) Circle the verbs in the simple present tense. (3) Read the story and an

33、swer the questions. (4)Read the story. Practice in groups. Act out. Watch the video of the story, get an overall perception of the story, and grasp the main idea. Review the simple present tense. Help students deeply understand the text and consolidate the key sentence structures of this unit. Make sure students can read the story correctly. 2. Summary. Have an overview of the class according to the blackboard design. Enrich studentslanguage expressions, and increase the language input related to the unit topic. Homework 1. Remember the key words and sentence structures. 2. Do the exercises.


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