重庆大学版三年级下册Unit 4 Put on Your Clothes-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c281c).doc

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1、1 重大版教材小学三年级重大版教材小学三年级下下册册 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 小学英语教学大纲要求通过听、说、读、写、演唱、游戏和竞赛等 设计英语教学活动,并要求在教学过程中充分考虑到小学生的年龄,心 理特点和语言学习规律,因此在小学阶段主要培养他们听英语说英语背 歌谣唱歌曲做游戏等兴趣,使学生掌握最基础的语言知识和语言技能, 养成良好的外语习惯,掌握学习英语的基本方法,使他们乐于模仿,敢 于开口,为进一步学习和应用英语打下扎实的基础。 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容分析: 本教材是重庆大学出版社小学英语三年级下册 Unit 4 Put on y

2、our clothes Lesson 1 的第一课时的教学设计。 Lesson 1 以两个课时完成 教 学 。 本 课 时 以 语 言 实 践 活 动 呈 现 以 下 新 知 : coat,shirt,skirt,dress.Put on your clothes.Whichis your .? The . one.其功能是在日常情景中能简单谈论服装。 2 2. 学生情况分析: 三年级的学生活泼好动,因此培养孩子们的兴趣和提高他们的积极性是 上好英语课的前提。课堂教学中要创设有趣的活动和真实的情景,让学 生在乐中学,学中用,培养学生的学习兴趣和自信心,在增强他们语言运 用能力的同时发展学生的思

3、维能力。从而有效达成教学目标。 3. 教学方式: 本单元的主要功能句是用英语Whichis your .?The . one. 来 询 问 服 装 。 通 过 本 节 课 四 个 服 装 类 单 词 coat,shirt,skirt,dress.等的学习,让学生能理解并熟练使用 Put on your.Whichis your .?The . one.句型。本节课教学我充分 利用现代化多媒体创设真实、有趣的活动形式,激发学生学习兴趣,便于 理解,练习和运用。 三、教学目标(以下各项可整合)三、教学目标(以下各项可整合) 1. 语言知识目标: 学生能够听说认读本课重点单词:coat,shirt,

4、skirt,dress. 2.语言技能目标和学习策略目标: 1)能听说认读并使用句子:“Put on your coat/shirt/skirt/dress.” 2)学会用简单的英语:“ Whichis your .?The . one.”对衣 物进行提问,并能做出相应回答.。 3)学习运用图片、游戏、韵律歌等多种方法巧记单词和句型。 3 3. 情感态度目标和文化意识目标: 1)培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣和积极参与语言实践活动的欲望,帮助学生 树立英语学习的信心. 2)通过小组活动,培养学生合作学习精神与共享的学习习惯. 3)通过时装表演以及捐赠衣服活动设计,分别引导学生穿大方得体的衣 服,在英语

5、课堂中适时实施人文教育. 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 教学重点: 1)学生能够听说认读本课重点单词:coat,shirt,skirt,dress. 2)能听说认读并使用句子:“Put on your coat/shirt/skirt/dress.” 3)学会用简单的英语:“ Whichis your .?The . one.”对衣 物进行提问,并能做出相应回答.。 2. 教学难点: 1)重点单词的准确发音. 2)说句子的语音正确,语调自然,以及在情境中灵活使用本课句型. 五五、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) Step 1 Warm-up 1.Gr

6、eetings T:Hello!Boys and girls.Good morning!Nice to meet you again. 4 2.Sing a song together:I see yellow. 3.Show and say :What color? Its . (设计意图:通过师生相互问候,让学生唱一唱,动一动,不仅融洽师 生关系,营造轻松学习氛围,而且复习了已学知识,为新知呈现打下铺 垫。) 4.Divide students into three groups and describe competition rules. T: Now Miss Chen divide

7、 you into three groups ,Group 1 , Group 2 ,Group 3try to get more clothes,each group come on. (设计意图:通过小组竞赛,有效激发学生的学习热情,促使小组成员 为了小组荣誉共同努力,不断超越自我,使基础较差的学生感受到成功 的快乐,从而增强学好英语的信心。) 5.Watch a video:Fashion Show. T:The children wear colorful clothes.how to express the clothes in English?Now lets learn. (设计

8、意图:集中学生注意力,提前感知新知,自然进入新课) Step 2 presentation 1. Learn the word:shirt, and sentences: Put on your shirt. 1)(多媒体展示 shirt 的图片和单词)Listen and read :shirt. 2)Show the word card,teach the word by different ways. 3)Show the pictures,lead to say :Its a blue/pink shirt. 4)(多媒体展示图片和句子),learn the sentence with

9、 actions:Put on 5 your shirt. 2.Learn the word:dress, and sentences: Put on your dress. 1)Guess:Is it a skirt?(No, Its a dress). 2)Follow recording.Show a picture and say:Its a green dress. 3)Show the word card,teach the word by different ways. 4)Practice the word by a game. T:You read “dress”loudly

10、,Ill give the picture to you. 5)learn the sentence with actions:Put on your dress. 3. Learn the word:skirt, and sentences: Put on your skirt. 1)Show the picture,lead to know:Its a pink skirt. 2)Follow recording.(多媒体展示图片和句子):Its a purple skirt. 3) Show the word card,teach the word by different ways.

11、4)Learn the sentence with actions:Put on your skirt. 4.Learn the word:coat, and sentences: Put on your coat. 1)Point to students coat and ask:Is it a dress?(No, Its a coat). 2) Show the word card,teach the word by different ways. 3)Show the picture,lead to know:Its a yellow coat. 4)Learn the sentenc

12、e with actions:Put on your coat. (设计意图:通过多媒体以及图片等呈现新知,创设情境,能帮助学 生更好地理解新单词和句型含义;通过模仿语音,促使学生学习标准发 6 音。) 5.Create situations,learn the sentences:_Which is your.? _The .one. 1)Play a game:have a competition to put on coats. T:(出示实物)Its a red coat.Its a purple coat.You two come here.Have a competition to

13、 put on your coat.Who is the winner?You Say “coat.”to cheer them on. 2)The teacher ask two students :Which is your coat?Help them to answer:The red one. T:There are two coats.The red one.The purple one.Which is your coat? (设计意图:通过游戏的形式创设情境,能起到刺激学生感官和凝聚 注意力是作用,同时激活学生的求知欲,便于学生感知和参与。) 3)(多媒体出示图片和句型)Lea

14、rn the sentences with actions.Imitate the pronunciation. T:listen and imitate .Follow me,which,which is your coat?The blue one. (设计意图: 通过多媒体呈现新知, 帮助学生更好地模仿语音,理解句型 含义.) 4)Write the sentences on the blackboard.then dosubstitution exercises. 5)(多媒体出示图片和句型)Practice in pairs. 7 -Which is your_? -The _ on

15、e. (设计意图:通过多种互动操练,能极大调动学生课堂参与,帮助学生 有效掌握新知,提高学生口语表达信心。) Step 3:Practice 1.Play agame:I do you guess. 2.lets chant. (1)Follow me.(2)Together. (设计意图:采用游戏以及形式活泼,有节奏的 chant,帮助学生梳 理了所学新知,同时有效提高英语教学效率。) 3.Groupwork:Createthesituation:Ourfashionshowis beginning.Lets choose our clothes.The group members use

16、the sentences:which is your.? The .one .Put on your .to talk about the clothes .Ask and answer in circle .If the group members do good job,The group leader will give themprizes. 1)Give a example. 2)Read the steps. 3)Practice in groups ,the teacher help them. (设计意图:让学生在参与、体验中,主动获取知识,培养学生用英 语进行交际的能力以及

17、团结协作精神。) Step 4:Project 1.Have our fashion show. 8 1)The teacher say “Put on your.”Distribute the different clothes to several models. T:Its time for our fashion show.Lets go.Are you ready?Welcome tooursupermodels.OneTwoThreeFour,comehere.Forma line,Whats this?Its a.Here you are,put on your. 2)When

18、the models appear on the stage ,the other students clap hands and ask:Which is your.?Models stand and answer:The.one. T:When the models come,we clap hands and say:Which is your.? The models do poses and answer:The . one. (设计意图:营造轻松愉快的学习氛围,让学生在学中玩,进一步巩固新 知,反馈教学效果.) 3)The models stand in a line ,chant

19、 together. Step 5 :Summary 1.What did you learn? 2.Assessment (设计意图:帮助学生回顾整节课的单词和目标语言,同时通过分层 目标,让每个学生都有相应发展,体验学有所获的快乐。) Step 6:Homework Drawandcoloryourclothes,usesentences“Whichis your.The .one ”to communicate with your friends. (设计意图:让学生牢牢掌握课堂内容,并将课堂上所学知识延伸到 实际生活中,真正灵活运用语言进行交际,实现语言的课后持续发展。) 9 六六、板书设计、板书设计 Unit4Unit4 PutPut onon youryour clothesclothes shirtshirt WhichWhich isis your.?your.?skirtskirt TheThe .one.one.dressdress coatcoat


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