重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table-Story corner-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:10034).doc

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重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table-Story corner-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:10034).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table (重大版小学英语四年级下册重大版小学英语四年级下册) Story corner 一、一、教学目标:教学目标: (一一)知识目标知识目标: 1.能听、说、理解“What can you see? There is a /There are”和 “What a big box!” 2.能理解并听、说、读单词: box, maybe, 能理解并说单词 mouse(mice), inside, first, hungry。 (二二)能力目标能力目标 1.利用上下文、插图以及已有的知识基本理解故事内容。 2.运用简单的语言回答与故事

2、相关的问题。 3.通过对故事的理解为故事取名。 4.能分角色表演故事。 (三三)情感与文化目标情感与文化目标 1.关注学生在学习过程中的情感体验,通过相互合作,培养学生的自信、乐 观的个性和积极学习的态度。 2.利用 pair work 、group work 等活动形式,引导和培养学生在学习中注 重合作学习的意识。 3.理解故事,对故事中的角色做出评价。 (四四)学习策略学习策略 1.培养学生提取关键信息的学习能力。 2.培养学生养成默读的学习习惯和模仿纯正语音语调的语音学习方法。 二、教学准备二、教学准备 PPT,头饰,分组用的头像图片和盒子图片,头饰,分组用的头像图片和盒子图片, sto

3、ry paper,一个大纸盒子,一个大纸盒子 三、教学过程三、教学过程 Pre-class:Enjoy a short film “The cat and the mouse are friends.” Step 1 Pre-story activities 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk. (1)What animals can you see in the film? 听、说单词 mouse. (2)Say a chant. 以此复习介词 in 和 短语 There is 3.Talk about the first picture on PPT (1) Now, wha

4、t can you see? 引导学生说出 There are 3 mice, the blue mouse, the purple mouse and the orange mouse.老师问: Which one do you like best? 然后给全 班学生分组: blue mouse group, purple mouse group and orange mouse group. (2)PPT 出示一个盒子,学习单词 box,并有感情地练说句子: What a big box! 并出示几个例子以掌握此感叹句型: What a _ _! (3)Predict Today, we

5、will learn a story about the mice and the box. But, whats in the box? Can you guess? (引导学生用句子 maybemaybe来表达, 学习单词 maybe) Step 2 Pre-story activities 1Enjoy the story 看图片,听故事,看图片,听故事,整体感知整体感知 T: Whats in the box finally? Lets look and listen the whole story. And then please answer the following two q

6、uestions: (1)What do the mice think of the things in the box at first? (2)Whats in the box finally? 2逐幅图学习故事。逐幅图学习故事。 在此过程中学习短语 get inside,学习单词 first, hungry。 Step 3 Post-story activities 1.Take out the story paper , then listen and read it loudly. Learning tip: Listen and imitate. 语音学习小提示:模仿纯正的语音语调

7、,提高口语表达能力。 2.Listen & read the story whispery, please be synchronizewith the tape. 3. Whats your feeling? 从这个故事中你得到了什么启示? 4. Give the story a title. (1) The foxy(狡猾的) cat (2)The clever(聪明的) blue mouse (3)The _ box (词汇库: red, big, mysterious 神秘的,beautiful, dangerous 危险的, lovely, unknow 未知的) (4) 5.Try

8、 to act out the story in groups and show it. Step 4 Homework 1. Read the story with actions and emotions. (声情并茂地朗读这个故事。) 2. Tell the story to your friends. (向你的朋友介绍这个故事。) 3Make a new story with a different end. ( 用一个不同的结尾来改编这个故事: Oh my! Its a ) Choose one to finish! Step 5 Sing a song “If you are happy” 板书设计: What can you see?There is a box What a big box!maybe 评价: 全班分为三大组,分别为 The blue mouse,the purple mouse and the yellow mouse. 以糖果和蛋糕图片为奖励。下面放一只猫的图片,输的小组就被猫吃掉!


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