重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table-Story corner-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80328).docx

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重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table-Story corner-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80328).docx_第1页
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1、Unit3StoryCornerThree Mice 一、教学内容 本文选自重庆大学出版社小学英语四年级第三单元 StoryCorner。 Three Mice 三只老鼠的故事。 二、教学目标 知识目标: 1.学生能够理解并运用单词 hungry/open/maybe/get inside。 2.学生能够理解并运用句型 Open it/Im hungry!There is a 等。 能力目标: 1. 学生能借助动画整体感知故事,听懂故事,了解故事概要。 2. 学生能老师提供的阅读策略、听音模仿人物来感知故事、理解故事并对故事 结局进行猜测。 3. 学生能通过小组合作自学故事,推测故事情节并表演

2、故事。 情感目标: 1. 激发学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的合作精神,感受英语的乐趣。 2. 通过本故事学习,学生能体验故事中人物情感的变化。 三、教学重难点 重点:学生能够听懂故事大意,在借助图文资料下诵读和表演故事。 难点:学生通过情景感知,对故事结局进行猜测。 四、教学准备 单词和句子卡片、PPT、音频、头饰、参考资料、课文文本 五、教学过程 Step1:Warm-upStep1:Warm-up(30s30s) 1. Greeting. T:Good morning, class! S:Good morning,Ms Yang. T: How are you? S:.Im fine.Than

3、k you. How are you? T:Im fine,too.Thank you!Sit down,please! Step2:Lead-inStep2:Lead-in(3mins3mins) 1.lets play a game.”What can you see?”(玩找你妹),PPT 出示图 片,问学生 What can you see?直到出现一个大盒子,学生说 box.老师 出示一个大盒子放在桌子上,板书 There is a big box on the table. 让他们猜 Whats in the box?板书,请一名学生上台 Open it 并取出盒 子里的老鼠。出示

4、 PPT 由 cake-cakes/candy-candies 再到 mouse-mice. 引出课题:Three Mice. T:Yes,today,Iwillshowyouastoryaboutthree mice.Fisrst,well divide into 3 groups.Purple mouseyellow mouse and blue mouse.Who runs the fastest can open the box and get the gift.Are you ready? S:Yes! T:lets listen and think the question”Wha

5、t can the mice see?”Ok? S:OK! T:Go! S Step3:Presention(15mins)tep3:Presention(15mins) 1. 整体感知故事 2. T:what can the mice see? S:A big box. T:You are good at reading. Now,its time for you to read in group.I have one tip for you.Circle the new words and look up the reference lists or dictionary to get t

6、he new words meaning.(学生小组学习,教师提出阅读策略一:遇到新单词查字典 或参考单。)Clear? S:Yes. T:Go!(教师巡视学生小组学习情况,提供学生帮助) 3T:Superman,spiderman,chairman 生跟着做老师做动作。 Now,do you have new words? (方案一) :生指出自己遇见的新单词。 (方案二) :生没有新单词的情况。老师说: “But I have some.”师展示出 单词 hungry/open/get inside/maybe/cake/candy T:You are so smart! Let me c

7、heck your learning.If its right,you say loudly”Oh,yeah”.If its wrong,you say”no” and tell me why.(题 目正确时,学生高呼并动作 Oh,yeah 的姿势,反之说并做 No 的姿势,还要说 出错误原因。 ) Task: 1. Three mice are hungry.( Oh,yeah) 2. There is a cake on the table.(No)-Because there is a box on the table. 3. They want to open the box. ( O

8、h,yeah) Step4:ConsodidationStep4:Consodidation (2Mins)(2Mins) T:Boys and girls,letsimitate the story.I have one tip for you.Please imitate with guestures.(阅读策二:模仿人物形象的声音 时不要忘记肢体语言的配合哟! ) 师生一起完成阅读。 Step5:ExpansionStep5:Expansion(10mins10mins) 1. 推测盒子里到底装了什么东西。 T:Can you guess whats in the box?You can

9、 discuss it with your friends.You can write down on the paper.Image as much as possible.(阅 读策略三:尽情发挥想象。).Are you ready? S:Ready! T:Go!(教师巡视学生讨论,并参与其中,协助学生完成任务。 ) T:Whats in the box? S:Maybe a cakedoghencandycat T:You are so lovely.Lets see. Wow,its a cat.But what did the cat say?Work in group and wr

10、ite it on your cardboard. 2. 小组分角色表演故事,分级评价。 评价标准:1.能读出(1 分) 2能带感情配合动作表演。 (2 分) 3.能够创新表演。 (3 分) 评价者:所有学生。 评价要求:1.文明观看。 2.客观公正评价。 Step6.Sum-up 1. You cans see imagination makes our story more interesting.We love English. 2. 总结比赛情况。 Step7.Homework You can enjoy the story of Fox on the Box after class with the three reading tips. 1. 遇到新单词查字典或参考单。 2. 模仿人物形象的声音时不要忘记肢体语言的配合哟! .3.尽情发挥想象。


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