重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 4 Whose Cap Is This -Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:40486).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2012年6月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Whose Cap Is This _Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:40486)
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Whose pencil is it? Its s . Whose pencil is it? Its s . Whose pencil is it? Its s . Whose bag is it? Its s . Whose bag is it? Its s . Whose bag is it? Its s . Whose pen is it? Its s . Whose pen is it? Its s . Whose pen is it? Its s . Whose ruler is it? Its s . Whose ruler is it? Its s . Whose T-shirt is it? Its s . Whose ruler is it? Its s . Whose coat is it? Its s . Whose coat is it? Its s . Whose coat is it? Its s . Whose iphone is it? Its s . Whose iphone is it? Its s . Whose iphone is it? Its s . Whose cap is Whose cap is it?it? Target Target language language (目标语言(目标语言 ) ) Whose cap is Whose cap is this?this? Sorry , ISorry , I dont know.dont know. Its Its Miss Miss Lius.Lius. Tennis dialogue:Tennis dialogue: A: Hello. A: Hello. B: Hello.B: Hello. How are you?How are you? Fine.Fine. Your book? Your book? No, it isnt.No, it isnt. Whose book? Whose book? Sorry, I dont know.Sorry, I dont know. Enjoy and answer:Enjoy and answer: Whose puppy Whose puppy is it?is it? Game: Game: Washing machineWashing machine Look,Look, listen listen and say:and say: Show time : Show time : Each group choose 4 members to showEach group choose 4 members to show ( (每小组推选每小组推选4 4名组员表演)名组员表演) 表演自然大方表演自然大方 语言流畅语言流畅 组员组员互相互相帮助,充分合作帮助,充分合作 Watch and find:Watch and find: Whose bag is it?Whose bag is it? Please remember :Please remember : Please take care of your things.( Please take care of your things.(保管保管 好自己的财物好自己的财物) ) Not to pocket things one has picked up, Not to pocket things one has picked up, and give them to the police , teachers or and give them to the police , teachers or your parents.your parents.(拾金不昧,及时上交)(拾金不昧,及时上交) homeworkhomework Finish the 17zuoye.Finish the 17zuoye. 1 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标:能听说认读句型whose _ is it? 技能目标:能在日常生活中熟练运用该句型。 情感目标:珍惜自己财物;养成拾金不昧的好习惯。 学习策略:能主动参与小组活动;积极表现自己,乐于用英语进行交谈。 教教 学学 重重 难难 点点 物主代词物主代词whosewhose 用法;用法; 能听说认读重点句型能听说认读重点句型whosewhose _ isis it?it? 能主动积极展示自己,参与小组活动。能主动积极展示自己,参与小组活动。 教学教学 准备准备 Some books, pencil-cases, pens; sentence cards; a cap; a puppy 教教 学学 过过 程程批注批注 I I warm-upwarm-up GreetingsGreetings SaySay hellohello toto SsSs andand showshow titles.titles. TennisTennis dialoguedialogue T:hello!T:hello! Ss:hello!Ss:hello! GoodGood morning!morning! GoodGood morning!morning! YourYour book?book? No,No, itit isnt.isnt. WhoseWhose book?book? Sorry,ISorry,I dontdont known.known. IIII presentationpresentation StepStep 1:1: havehave thethe targettarget language.language. StepStep 2:enjoy2:enjoy a a videovideo “whose“whose puppypuppy isis it?”andit?”and answeranswer thethe question.question. useuse otherother thingsthings likelike “pencil-case”“pencil-case” “pen”“pen” 快问快答:快问快答: 简短的形式简短的形式 ,复习旧知,复习旧知 ,活跃气氛,活跃气氛 ,调动学生,调动学生 兴奋点。兴奋点。 呈现教学重呈现教学重 难点,学生难点,学生 初步感知。初步感知。 通过有趣视通过有趣视 频引入重点频引入重点 句型,并开句型,并开 展替换练习展替换练习 ,强化学习,强化学习 。 小组合作连小组合作连 2 “book”“book” toto askask andand answer.answer. ReadRead together.together. askask andand answeranswer withwith T T andand Ss.Ss. StepStep 3:put3:put thethe wordswords toto bebe a a rightright sentencessentences inin groups.groups. thenthen showshow thethe 3 3 sentencessentences oneone groupgroup byby one.one. StepStep 4:game4:game washingwashing machine.machine. AskAsk a a groupgroup toto havehave thethe demo.demo. ThenThen dodo itit withwith eacheach group:group: firstly,firstly, thethe innerinner circlecircle SsSs shouldshould askask “whose_“whose_ isis it?”,it?”, thethe outerouter circlecircle SsSs shouldshould answeranswer “its“its _s”._s”. thenthen exchange.exchange. StepStep 5:listen5:listen andand readread thethe dialogue.dialogue. listenlisten andand answeranswer firstly.firstly. listenlisten andand readread secondly.secondly. orderorder thethe sentencessentences andand readread again.again. rolerole play.play. StepStep 6 6: enjoyenjoy a a videovideo aboutabout lostlost andand found.found. LetLet SsSs taketake carecare ofof youryour things.things. notnot toto pocketpocket thingsthings oneone hashas pickedpicked up,up, andand givegive themthem toto thethe policepolice , , teachersteachers oror youryour parents.parents. 词成句,每词成句,每 组得以展示组得以展示 ,继续巩固,继续巩固 重点句型。重点句型。 洗衣机游戏洗衣机游戏 较好的克服较好的克服 了大班额操了大班额操 练不能兼顾练不能兼顾 全体的问题全体的问题 。 回归课本对回归课本对 话,听说入话,听说入 手,排序再手,排序再 朗读,全方朗读,全方 位掌握。位掌握。 观看视频进观看视频进 一步培养拾一步培养拾 金不昧的精金不昧的精 神。神。 3 第第1 1课时作业设计:课时作业设计: FinishFinish thethe 17zuoye.17zuoye. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 4 lesson 1 Whose _ is it? Its Miss Dais. Sorry , I dont known. Is it your _ ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Thank you. 教后反思:这是一堂典型的教后反思:这是一堂典型的bottomsbottoms upup对话教学,从简单快速的对话教学,从简单快速的tennistennis dialoguedialogue 入手,课堂气氛活跃起来,再适时引入视频、实物等关键步骤,入手,课堂气氛活跃起来,再适时引入视频、实物等关键步骤, 积极巩固重点句型。紧接着两个活动积极巩固重点句型。紧接着两个活动 连词成句,连词成句,“洗衣机洗衣机”,新颖而有效的抓住了学生的主观能动性,新颖而有效的抓住了学生的主观能动性 。使最后的回归课文水到渠成,一节课行云流水,有效的锻炼了。使最后的回归课文水到渠成,一节课行云流水,有效的锻炼了 学生听说认读能力,以及良好的小组协调合作能力,力争让在课学生听说认读能力,以及良好的小组协调合作能力,力争让在课 堂上的每一个成员都成为对课堂有贡献的人。堂上的每一个成员都成为对课堂有贡献的人。
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