重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 5 When Is the Tiger Show -Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:621e2).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2012年6月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 5 When Is the Tiger Show _Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:621e2)
    • Warm Up视频.mp4
    • 教案621e2.docx--点击预览
    • 电话录音.wav
    • 重大版四年级下Unit5 lesson1 第二课时.pptx--点击预览


Unit5 When is the tiger show? Lesson1 (第二课时第二课时) 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: 重大版小学英语四年级下册 When is the tiger show? Lesson1 第二课时是语篇阅 读课,旨在激励学生通过语篇学习,拓展综合语用能力。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.语言知识目标: (1)能听懂、会说、认读新词句 Do you know? Many thanks (2)能理解语篇内容。 2.语言技能目标: (1)能根据情境合理运用 when 及 what time 句型。 (2)能应用本课所学语言知识进行日常交际,形成一定综合语用能力。 3.学习策略目标: (1)通过主动参与学习活动,开展联系上下文获取信息等自主探究。 (2)能积极投入合作学习中,进行透过句型结构找规律等合作探索,逐步建构语言新知。 4.情感态度目标: (1)与同伴一道,开展阅读学习拓展活动,感受学习的快乐,提升团队协作的意识和精 神。 5.文化意识目标: (1)初步了解英语口语交际中,打电话的基本用语 This is。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1.教学重点:掌握本课中的新词与表达方法,并能流利地朗诵课文。 2.教学难点:能用当堂所学创编对话。 教学准备:教学准备:单词卡片、导学单、音视频 教学过程:教学过程: Step1. Warmer & Revision 1. T and the Ss greetings together warmly.(问候) 2. Arouse the Ss to revise.(激发学习兴趣、复习旧知) (1)video 引入 T: lets start our class. First lets enjoy a video. 【设计意图】师生互动热身,以精彩的马戏团视频唤醒旧知、活动激趣, 。 Step2. Lead-in 1. Set up a suitable atmosphere at the beginning. (情境导入) T:Today I want to share good news to you. Look the super circus comes to our city. Lets go to see the super animal show. T: first lets have a call and ask what show does them have. 2.Self-study(听音自学) Task1: 听音在听到的表演下打勾。 T:Now, look at this paper. Lets finish task1.(播放音频) 【设计意图】铺垫新知,营造学习主话题。 Step3.Presentation 1. Learn the text at the first time (1)检查听力任务 (2)课文导入 T:What show do you like? S: The.show. T:our old friend Stanley like the tiger show too(张贴板书 tiger show), but he forgets the time, so lets call Lucy and ask “when is the tiger show”(张贴板书) (3)初听课文,回答问题 T:Now, lets find the answer. Look at this paper. Lets finish task2. First read it. 导学单 Task2: When is the tiger show? _ A. Its in the evening. B. Its in the noon. C. Its in the morning. D:Its in the afternoon What time? _ A. At 2:00. B. At 2:30. C. At 6:00. D. At 9:00 【设计意图】初识文本,理解大意。 3. Learn the text at the second time 听音勾画重难点 4. Team-work: help each other 小组互学课文 T: Did you underline the difficulties, now work in your group and try to solve them. 出示合作学习要求: 结合上下文理解意思,组内说一说。 若有疑难,先同伴互助;仍未解决,待全班交流。 (1) Arouse the Ss discuss in groups. (2) Leaders circle the difficulties, if necessary. 【设计意图】复学精读重点,激励小组互学,解决疑难 4.重难点突破 5. Learn the text at the third time 阅读课文,注重语音语调的认知 (1)listen for the first time(通听文章) (2)try to read in your group(根据教师 PPT 上的升降调符号,小组尝试阅读) (3)show time(大组展示,选出语音语调最优美的小组) T:Now boys and girls lets listen to the tape and pay attention to its tone. T:Lets have a read and this time, we need to see which group is the best. 【设计意图】三读文本,厘清语言规律;模仿语音、语调,激励小组合作提升学习效果。 Step4 Production 1.根据关键词复述句子 T: Now boys and girls lets practice our brain, try to remember sentences according to the key words. Attention. 2. read as you like(选择喜欢的方式阅读:齐读,分角色,领读 ) 【设计意图】任务驱动,增加语用机会;提供思考线索,围绕主话题巩固拓展。 Step5 Extension 1. 播放 Magic Circus 的精彩视频图片。 2. 结合海报模仿句式创编对话。 (1) 先参考板书为海报上的节目设计时间 (2) 根据时间信息创编对话 a. 声音洪亮,富有肢体语言 loudly and fluently. b. 脱稿表演,act without paper. c. 合理改编 create according to the life. 3.展示施光南大剧院近期表演海报,询问感兴趣的 show 【设计意图】回扣主题,承上启下;布置分层作业延展学习效益。 板书设计:板书设计: What:tiger show When:in the afternoon What time:At 2:30 When is the tiger show? Super circus Good news! The super circus is in Chongqing. Come and see the super animal shows. Joker Super circus Listen and finish task 1Listen and finish task 1 听听音音,完成任务一,完成任务一 Task 1 What show do you like? Joker I like the tiger show too. Stanley But I dont know the time, lets call Lucy. Stanley Listen and finish task 2Listen and finish task 2 听音,完成任务听音,完成任务2 2 的两个问题的两个问题 Task 2 When is the tiger show?_ A.Its in the evening. B.Its in the afternoon. C.Its in the morning. D.Its in the noon. What time?_ A. At 2:00 B. At 2:30 C. At 6:00 D. At 9:00 B B Listen and underlineListen and underline 听音,勾画听音,勾画不理解的不理解的句子句子 Task 3 Tifas tips: 听音结合课本将你不理解的句子勾画下来。 solve the difficulties in solve the difficulties in your group your group 组内讨论,解决问题组内讨论,解决问题 Group Work Tifas tips: 结合上下文理解意思,组内说一说。 若有疑难,先同伴互助;仍未解决,待全班交流。 Do you know? What show? ? Do you know? What show? ? Do you know? What show? Thank you very much. Everyday English 在下列日常情景中,哪些可以说Many thanks呢 同学辅导你作业 老师夸奖了你 爸爸妈妈给你准备了礼物 陌生人为你指路 懂得感谢, 生活会变得更精彩 Why use “This is ” 为什么使用“This is”呢 TifasTifas tips tips 在在英语英语中中 打电话时应该用打电话时应该用 ThisisThisis 进行自我介绍进行自我介绍 practice Read beautifullyRead beautifully I can I can rememberremember Find the answersFind the answers 1 2 3 朗读文章,注意声调朗读文章,注意声调 Read beautifully Tifas tips: 听音注意升 降 调符号处的读法。 准备小组齐读,让我们们看看哪一组读的最优美! Pay attention to the tonePay attention to the tone(注意升降调)(注意升降调) Good morning, Lucy! This is Stanley. Morning, Stanley. When is the tiger show, do you know? Yes , I do. Its in the afternoon. And what time? At 2:30. Many thanks. practice Read togetherRead together I can I can rememberremember Find the answersFind the answers 2 3 I can rememberI can remember 根据关键词复述句子根据关键词复述句子 practice Read togetherRead together I can I can rememberremember Read in roleRead in role 3 Read in roleRead in role 小组合作小组合作 选择喜欢的方式朗读课文选择喜欢的方式朗读课文 (组长领读、齐读、分角色读)(组长领读、齐读、分角色读) practice Read togetherRead together I can I can rememberremember Read in roleRead in role Lets go to see the super animal show. Stanley What a good show! Joker Maybe we can have a show tomorrow. 或许我们明天还可以来一场。 Joker Role playRole play 情景表演情景表演 邀约同伴去看表演吧邀约同伴去看表演吧 Group work 1.Read the information from the poster 结合实际自行补充海报上的节目信息 2.Have a role play 根据任务三合理分配角色 3.You can create 根据课文及导学单合理创编 standers 1. loudly and fluently. 声音洪亮,富有动作 2. act without paper. 脱稿表演 3. create according to the life. 添加对话合理创编 standers 1. loudly and fluently. 声音洪亮,富有动作 2. act without paper. 脱稿表演 3. create according to the life. 添加对话合理创编 See you!I love you, I love Chongqing. Joker 施光南大剧院 Shi Guangnan Grand Theater 重庆市南岸区烟雨路重庆市南岸区烟雨路7号号(江南体育馆旁江南体育馆旁) 施光南大剧院 Shi Guangnan Grand Theater Music show 施光南大剧院 Shi Guangnan Grand Theater Drama show (话剧) 施光南大剧院 Shi Guangnan Grand Theater Instrumental show (乐器)
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