重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 2 At Home-Story corner-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:40681).zip

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Tasks: (目标) I can read. 我能读故事。 I can cooperate. 我能合作。 I can imagine. 我能想象。 Q1Q1:Where Where did the girl go?did the girl go? 女孩去了哪些地方呢?女孩去了哪些地方呢? B:the zooA:the jungle C:the ocean D:the park E:the mountains Walking through the jungle. Walking through the jungle. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a lion. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Floating on the ocean. Floating on the ocean. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a whale. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Climbing in the mountains. Climbing in the mountains. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a wolf. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Q1Q1:Where Where did the girl go?did the girl go? 女孩去了哪些地方呢?女孩去了哪些地方呢? B:the zooA:the jungle C:the ocean D:the park E:the mountains Yes! Im walking through the jungle. Yes! Im floating on the ocean. Yes! Im climbing in the mountains. Q1Q1:Where Where did the girl go?did the girl go? 女孩去了哪些地方呢?女孩去了哪些地方呢? B:the zooA:the jungle C:the ocean D:the park E:the mountains Read and learn by yourself. 默读故事,勾画生词,自学。 Tip: Use the word list 利用单词清单学习 1:Circle your new words. 圈出你遇到的生词。 2:Learn with each other. 相互交流,学习生词。 3:GLS choose the difficult the words. 组长选出难的单词。 4:Help each other. 相互帮助。 Lets listen and follow. 跟读。 Walking through the jungle. Walking through the jungle. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a lion. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Floating on the ocean. Floating on the ocean. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a whale. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Climbing in the mountains. Climbing in the mountains. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a wolf. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Read the story by yourself. 自己读课文。 1. Is she walking through the jungle? walking 2. Is she fishing on the ocean? No, she is floating on the ocean. Whats the meaning of the “floating”? 什么意思? 3. Is she swimming in the mountain? No, she is climbing in the mountains. What do you see? 你看到了什么? L A: A: 知道知道 B B:认为:认为 C C:确定:确定 What did the girl see? 你看到了什么? Walking through the jungle. Walking through the jungle. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a lion. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Floating on the ocean. Floating on the ocean. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a whale. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Climbing in the mountains. Climbing in the mountains. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a wolf. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Tip: 1. Correctly. 语音准确。 2. Emotional. 富有感情。 Walking through the jungle. Walking through the jungle. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a lion. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Floating on the ocean. Floating on the ocean. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a whale. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. Climbing in the mountains. Climbing in the mountains. What do you see? What do you see? I think I see a wolf. Chasing after me. Chasing after me. What did the girl see?What did the girl see? 女孩看到了什么?女孩看到了什么? Is it Is it YesYes or or No No ? ? 女孩是否真的遇到了那些动物? Yes 如果是真的,女孩会怎么做? If its true, what will the girl do? No 如果不是真的,女孩将会做什么? If not, what will the girl do? . The story tells us T C Try your best to read whole story. After class: If you meet these animals, what do you do? 参赛教学设计基本信息参赛教学设计基本信息 作者姓名作者姓名性性 别别 出生年月出生年月1985.07.28工作单位工作单位 联系电话联系电话电子邮箱电子邮箱 设计教材、册设计教材、册 次、单元次、单元 Barefoot Books 设计主题设计主题Walking through the jungle 授课教材(授课教材(图图 参赛作品最值参赛作品最值 推荐点(包括推荐点(包括 课件)课件) 1.1. 导入自然,衔接流畅,层层推进。导入自然,衔接流畅,层层推进。 2.2. 巧妙利用实验和游戏突破重难点。巧妙利用实验和游戏突破重难点。 3.3. 课件制作贴合故事,突出多元目标。课件制作贴合故事,突出多元目标。 一、整体设计思路、指导据依说明一、整体设计思路、指导据依说明 遵循课程标准提出的各项要求,在整体设计教学目标的过程中,教师充分考虑语言学习 的渐进性和持续性,从输入语言和学生语言表达的角度鼓励。在注重学生语言学习的过程中, 重视语言学习的实践性和应用性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实的语言。在故事 中去理解词、句的意义,并在生活得以运用。 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 教学内容分析: 本故事选自 Barefoot Books 的Walking through the jungle故事主要讲述了小女孩探险 的过程。故事图文并茂、生动有趣。但由于故事内容较多,学生的英语学习还不是很强,因 此,这个绘本是需要 2 个课时来完成,本次是教学的第一课时, 主要讲小女孩穿越丛林、海上漂游、攀爬山峰的故事,当中的句式比较简单,语言结构 有重复,但词汇有些难,如 through、floating 等,但是由于有大的语言情境作为支持,通 过图片或动作让学生体会故事,读懂故事。 学生情况分析: 本课的教学对象是我校五年级的学生,有一定的语言积累,能表达一些简单的想法, 在进行阅读教学的时候,更重视学生思维能力的培养,启发学生思考、观察和预测,尽可能 用自己所掌握的语言进行简单的表达,同时给予学生必要的引导和示范,在日常教学中不断 渗透语言,学生在这个过程中不断内化和构建新的语言。 三、教学目标分析三、教学目标分析 一、语言交流目标: 1.基本语言知识 (1)掌握生词:through/walking/ocean/floating/jungle/climbing/mountains 以及句子 What do you see? I think I see. (2)朗读故事,语音正确。 (3)能根据故事想象。 2.基本语言技能 (1)在图片、实物的帮助下下理解和读懂故事。 (2)能联系上下文,合理的进行判断以及猜想。 (3)能正确、流利的朗读故事。 3.交流沟通策略 (1)组织课堂教学的讨论,使学生学会倾听别人的观点和表达自己的观点。 (2)通过小组相互学习,解决自己的学习上的问题。 二、社会文化目标:培养学生解决问题的能力,以及面对困难冷静思考,沉着处理。 三、认知思维目标:激发学生热爱旅行、积极向上的生活态度。 四、教学重点、难点分析四、教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:1.理解 think、floating、walking、climbing 的意思。 2.读懂整个故事。 教学难点:1.理解 think、floating、walking、climbing 的意思。 2.读懂整个故事。 五、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)五、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) 步骤 1:Pre-reading 1. Greeting T:Good afternoon, boys and girls! T:Nice to see you,again! 2.分组及学习目标。 T:Before our class, I will divide you into 3 groups.You are group 1,you are group 2, you are group 3, You will have a competition. You must go to exit as quickly as possible, Are you sure? Ss: Yes. T:Dear kids, please look this class you will have 3 tasks. (ppt 出示目标) 3.引入故事 T:Today, I am so glad to share a wonderful story(Walking through theJungle 板书课题) with you.The girl in the story is coming to us. Lets say hello and clap hands to welcome the lovely girl.(拿出女孩的图片) Ss: Hello! T:The girl lives in a beautiful house.(黑板上贴房子图片)Eeveryday she studies very hard. She loves exploration and trip.Last summer holiday,she opened her dream trip. Lets enjoy her dream trip. 设计意图:孩子亲切的问候,拉近彼此的距离,通过任务的明确和评价方式的说明,激发学 生学习的兴趣,通过介绍故事中的小女孩,为整个绘本故事拉开了帷幕。 步骤 2:While-reading 1. Listen and answer Q: Where did the girl go? T: Do you like trip? Ss: Of course. T: Me too. Lets listen and answer “Where did the girl go?” Please take out this paper(导学单) and then circle your answer. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: Ok! Ready go! 2. Check answer T:Now, who want to tell me your answer? S1: . T:Lets check together. 设计意图:通过带着任务或者问题听故事,让孩子们能更好的理解故事。 3. 独学 Read and learn by yourself. T:You are so clever.Please read and learn the story by yourself. 4. 群学(work in group) (1)T:Then please work in your groups. Circle your new words.圈出你遇到的生词。 Learn with each other.相互交流,学习生词。 GLS choose the difficult the words.组长选出难的单词。 Help each other. 相互帮助 (2)T:Finish? Ss: Yes! T:Do you have any difficult words? GLs: Yes! T: Lets read these words together. (3)组长上台选择本小组没有解决的单词。 (4)快速认读单词。 设计意图:通过自学-群学,利用自然拼读,解决了大部分生词或者难词,也让孩子懂得了 合作学习能解决自己学习上困难。 5.Lets listen and follow. 6.Read the story by yourself. 7.Lets judge. (1)T:You read the story very well. Lets judge. Is the girl walking through the jungle? S1: Yes. She is walking through the jungle. T:Look this is walking?(PPT 出示图片) Ss: No, running. T:Look, walking? Ss: No, jumping. T: Walking? Ss:Yes.Walking. (2) Is the girl fishing on the ocean? S1: No,she is floating on the ocean. 理解 floating 的意思,老师拿出一个盛了水的的水槽,然后把球放到水槽里,让孩子理解 floating 的意思。 (3)Is the girl swimming in the mountains? No, she is climbing in the mountains. (师做动作让学生理解 climbing 的意思。) 设计意图:通过跟读和自读,让孩子感受整个故事,老师通过图片,做动作,以及现场的实 验操作,让学生明白 walkingfloatingclimbing 在故事中的意思。 5. 句子 What do you see? I think i see . T: You did very well. Lets play a game.“What do you see?” (老师拿出一个盒子,里面放了 dog) A big box, there is a small hole on the box, the hole will help you see something in the box. T: What do you see?(板书) (引导学生回答,I think I see .)(板书) S1: I think I see . T:PPT 出示: Whats the meaning of the “think”? S1: . 设计意图:借助道具,巧妙的突破 think 这个难点。 7.Listen and answer (Listen) Yeah, Its a dog. But do you know? What did the girl see in the jungle/ocean/mountain? (Read the story with emotion and action) 设计意图:再次听故事,之后让孩子们带着感情和动作读故事,用不同的方式让孩子感受和 理解整个故事。 步骤三:Post-reading 1. Is it Yes or No? Whats your idea? 2. Discuss If its true, what will the girl do? If not, what will the girl do? 3.Boys and girls, you all have own ideas.In our life,everyday we are able to meet some trouble and problems, we should keep calm and think you will get the the way to solve these trouble or problems. T: Nest class we will continue to learn this story.See you next time, byebye! 设计意图:通过对故事的理解,让孩子对女孩的情况作出自己的判断,并对自己的判断加以 说明,培养孩子敢于想象、敢于表达的能力。 步骤四:Homework 1.Try your best to read the whole story. 2.Think:If you meet these animals how do you deal with? 设计意图:通过作业的布置,让孩子对所学的内容有所思考和强化。 六、教学评价设计六、教学评价设计 评价内容: 能读本课的生词。 能通过听、读理解故事,回答问题。 能通过实验、动作、游戏理解重难点词汇的理解。 能通过上下文的理解,表达自己的观点,敢于表达。 评价方法: 能够通过自然拼读解决生词,通过小组合作、全班合作解决自己小组的难点。 通过听、读、演理解故事,提取信息,回答问题。 能听懂老师的指令。 能大胆、自信的表达自己的观点,敢于想象。 七、板书设计七、板书设计
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