重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 3 Seasons of a Year-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:2027e).zip

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hot go swimming eat ice-cream red green ride a bike singing dancing 1.Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. 2.Look, the grass is turning green. Spring is coming! 6.Yes,we can have lots of fun in spring. 3.Good! Its my favourite season. 4. I like spring best. Its always warm in spring. 5.Its a good time to go boating. Unit 3 Seasons of a Year Get information from the video. ( (借助视频,获取信息借助视频,获取信息) ) Tips 1. Which season does Lucy like best? 2. Hows the weather in spring? 1. Which season does Lucy like best? 2. Hows the weather in spring? Lucy: I like spring best. Lucy: Its always warm in spring. (根据课文判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F) (1)Its summer. ( ) (2)The grass is turning yellow. ( ) (3)Lucy likes spring best. ( ) (4)Its always cool in spring. ( ) (5)Its a good time to go boating. ( ) F F F T T spring green warm Group work. 1. Learn with each other. 互助朗读,纠正读音互助朗读,纠正读音 2. Check. 组长检查读音组长检查读音 Tips Look, the grass is turning green. I like spring best. Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. Stress重读重读Pause停顿停顿Intonation语调语调 Its a good time to go boating. Hao Tian: Good! Its my favourite season. Xiao mao: Its a good time to go boating. Hao Tian: Yes, we can have lots of fun in spring. Lucy: Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. Lucy: I like spring best. Its always warm in spring. Xiao mao: Look, the grass is turning green. Spring is coming! 1.Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. 2.Look, the grass is turning green. Spring is coming! 6.Yes,we can have lots of fun in spring. 3.Good! Its my favourite season. 4. I like spring best. Its always warm in spring. 5.Its a good time to go boating. Which season is it? What colour is it? Hows the weather in spring?What activity? SummerSummerSpringSpring WinterWinter AutumnAutumn Choose and design. 选择选择一个季节设计思维一个季节设计思维图图 Tips SummerSummerSpringSpring WinterWinter AutumnAutumn Spring Spring is coming! Its my favourite season. Its green. Its always warm in spring. Its a good time to go boating. Im very happy! By Cindy 1. Write down .(根据思维图书写小诗歌)(根据思维图书写小诗歌) 2. Emotion.(有感情的朗读)(有感情的朗读) Tips 1. Read. 听音,朗读课文。 2. Choose and write. 选择自己喜欢的季节写1-2句话。 3.Write and draw. 创编诗歌,配英语插画。 THANKS 28 Hao Tian: Good! Its my favourite season. Xiao mao: Its a good time to go boating. Hao Tian: Yes, we can have lots of fun in spring. Lucy: Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. Lucy: I like spring best. Its always warm in spring. Xiao mao: Look, the grass is turning green. Spring is coming! Hao Tian: Good! Its my favourite season. Xiao mao: Its a good time to go boating. Hao Tian: Yes, we can have lots of fun in spring. Lucy: Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. Lucy: I like spring best. Its always warm in spring. Xiao mao: Look, the grass is turning green. Spring is coming! 重大版小学英语五年级下册重大版小学英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 3 3 LessonLesson 1 1 第三课时导学精要第三课时导学精要 【学习目标学习目标】 1.能熟读句型:I like best. Its always in . Its a good time to . 2.能通过课文关键词扩散思维,小组合作设计完成一张思维导图。 3.能灵活运用重点句型书写小诗歌。 4.能感受四季之美,享受生活之乐。 【Task1(任务一)(任务一) 】Look,listen and choose. (根据课文动画,圈出正确答案)(根据课文动画,圈出正确答案) 1、 Which season does Lucy like best? A. Summer B. Autumn C. Spring D. Winter 2、 Hows the weather in spring? A. Hot. B. Cold. C. Cool. D. Warm. 【Task2(任务二)(任务二) 】Read and judge.(根据课文内容,判断正误(根据课文内容,判断正误, ,正确的写正确的写 T T,错误的写,错误的写 F F) (1)Its summer.( ) (2)The grass is turning yellow. ( ) (3)Lucy likes spring best. ( ) (4)Its always cool in spring. ( ) (5)Its a good time to go boating. ( ) 【Task3(任务三)(任务三) 】Work in groups.(小组合作)(小组合作) 1、Learn in groups.(组内互学) Rules(要求要求): 组内互助,朗读课文,流利且发音正确。 2、Read together.(全班朗读) 3、Mark.(标注断句) Rules(要求要求): 1. 根据意群对句子进行断句。 2. 组内标注并朗读。 Task3(任务三):(任务三):Lets show.(小组合作通过思维图表述喜欢的季节)(小组合作通过思维图表述喜欢的季节) Rules(要求要求): 请为设计最好的一张思维图点赞。 Task4(任务四)(任务四): Lets write.(就自己喜欢的一个季节书写诗歌)(就自己喜欢的一个季节书写诗歌) Rules(要求要求): 1、 Write. (运用学过的句子学过的句子和小提示小提示书写小诗歌_) 2、 Read. (自主朗诵) Tips:(小提示)(小提示) Season spring summer autumn winter Colour green red yellow white Weather warm hot cool cold Activity go boating go swimming go skating play football go fishing ride a bike go to the park Tips(提示):1、根据导学精要小提示小提示构想思维图。 2、小组合作完成思维图并美化。 Im very happy! I have lots of fun! Wow. Its great! Its nice. Fruit apple watermelon pear banana orange strawberry Clothes dress T-shirt skirt sweater hat sunglasses 重大版小学英语五年级下册重大版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 3 Seasons of a Year Lesson 1 重大版小学英语五年级下册 Unit3 Lesson 1 第二课时 教学设计 姓 名工作地址 所用教科书书名重大版小学英语 设计册次、单元五年级上册 3 单元 设计主题Unit 3 Seasons of a Year 1.整体设计思路、指导据依说明 1:通过小组合作学习,培养学生自学、互学、展学的能力。 2:以“导学单”为教学辅助手段,帮助学生更好的发挥自身作用。 3:课时设计讲求流畅,环环相扣,自然清晰。 4:学以致用,知识学习紧密联系生活运用,情境自然而具有吸引力。 2.教学背景分析 教学内容分析: 本课为一堂课文读写课,第 1-2 课时中解决了课文中的重点词汇: spring,summer,autumn,winter,season,以及重点句型:Which season do you like best?/Winter. Its a good time to have a nice sleep.本课在熟知课文的同时强调语音语调的正确性,在从课文中提取春季的相关, 进而延伸到四季的颜色、气候以及相关活动,搭建和季节相关的思维结构,并让学生学会用语言进行描述, 最后通过搭建的思维图构建语言,达到写作的目的。同时让学生通过四季的变化感受大自然的美,在四季变 化中寻找乐趣,热爱生活。 学生情况分析: 经过两年的英语学习,学生有了一定的语言组织和运用能力,课堂上也乐于展现自我。而本课的学生 自学、互学及展学环节恰如其分地为其提供了平台。 3.教学目标分析 1、能听、说、读、写句型:I like best. Its always in . Its a good time to . 2、能根据思维结构图进行写作。 3、能灵活运用重点句型完成小短文。 4、能感受四季之美,享受生活之乐。 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 能听、说、读、写句型:I like best. Its always in . Its a good time to . 教学难点:能在思维结构图中获取信息完成写作。 5.教学过程设计 Step 1: warm-up 1.Sing a songFour Seasons. 2.Review: Look and read. (看到可见中的单词大声朗读,看见笑脸用哈哈哈表示) 设计意图:自由对话及利用小游戏调节课堂气氛和复习旧知,同时也为了解学生情况和后面的展示环节做 好准备。 1)2 Questions: Which season do you like best? Hows the weather in spring? 2) Lets judge. (1)Its summer.( F ) (2)The grass is turning yellow. ( F ) (3)Lucy likes spring best. ( T ) (4)Its always cool in spring. ( F ) (5)Its a good time to go boating. ( T ) Step 2:Presentation T:Today well continue learn “Seasons of a Year”. (出示课文标题,让学生跟读) 1、学生互学 (1)Learn with each other. T: Now, read text in your groups, group leaders check your reading. 设计意图:熟读课文,纠正单词发音,大量输入为后面的写作输出做好铺垫。 T:Which group wants to show? 请小组展示朗读 (2)Read together.(跟随视频全班朗读学习) T: Follow the video, read it again. 设计意图:通过多次输入帮助学习理解课文。 (3)语音语调的强调 T:Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. (老师强调重读、停顿,升降掉等) T: Lets practice:Its a good time to go boating! (4) Mark in groups.(小组合作标注断句) T: Which group wants to show your mark? (请小组上台标注断句,并朗读) 设计意图:让学生在熟读课文的基础上美化语音语调,增强语言的感染力。 (5)Choose and read. T: Look at this sentence, I like it best. (Look the grass is turning green. Spring is coming!) T: Choose your favourite sentence and read it, emotion and correct. 设计意图:让学生有情感的朗读课文,感知语言魅力。 Step 3:Practice Design the Mind Map. T: We find some key words about spring, what do you think of the four seasons? Choose one season design a Mind Map. (请学生发散思维,组内合作完成一张和季节有关的思维结构图) T: Lets Look. 设计意图:通过课文关键词引导学生建立春季思维结构图,让学生完成其他三季的思维导图并进行简答 的表述,以达到思维扩散和训练的目的。 (请同学参观,并为设计最好的点赞) Step4:Extension T: Wow! Its so beautiful, follow the Key Words, Cindy makes a poem . Lets look. (老师有感情的配乐朗读诗歌) Spring Spring is coming! Its my favourite season. Its green. Its always warm in spring. Its a good time to go boating. Im very happy! By Cindy T: Now, write down your poems. You can choose A or B. 设计意图:让学生根据思维导图并结合四季景色书写诗歌,有助于提升学生的写作能力。 T: If you like, you can put your poems on the blackboard. T: Colorful seasons, we have lots of fun. I hope: Enjoy four seasons, enjoy our life. Step 5:Homework T: Today homework is 1. Read. 2. Choose and write. 3. Write and draw. T:Today all of you did a good job. The winner is , congratulations. 评价内容:调控课堂气氛,对表现积极的小组或个人给予加分鼓励,保持其对于英语学习或自我展示 的兴趣。 评价方法: 积极参与课文学习,并在小组内体现互帮互助,对于最后的思维导图完成和短文书写好 的小组,奖励前进一步。 Unit 3 Seasons of a Year Listen!A bird is sing in the tree. Look, the grass is turning green. Spring is coming! I like spring best. Its a good time to go boating. Its my favourite season! Its a good time to go boating.Yes, we can have lots of fun in spring. SpringSummerAutumnWinter _ _ is coming! Its our favourite season. Its _. Its always _ in spring. Its a good time to _. _ . By _ _ _ is coming! _. _. _. _. _ . By _
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