外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 10-Unit 1 Here's a red hat.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:501e4).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_三年级下册_小学英语_Module 10_Unit 1 Heres a red hat._ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:501e4)
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Module 10 HeresHeres a a redred hat.hat. Hat, hat ,Ive got Sweater, sweater ,Ive got Shirt ,shirt, Ive got Trousers, trousers, Ive got Shoes, shoes, Ive got clothes party Whats in the box ?( ) A. B. funny clothes What clothes have they got? brown a brown hat trousers funny trousers an orange shirt . shirt shoe (s) Listen,point and repeat . (请张开你的小嘴,拿出你的小手,跟读 课文) ChooseChoose andand say I ve got Homework 运用今天所学的知识与父母或朋友运用今天所学的知识与父母或朋友 谈论自己的穿着。谈论自己的穿着。 1 Module10unit 1 Heres a red hat 课后反思课后反思 首先,很感谢市教科所再一次给我这个历练的机会,让我有幸参加 2015 春 期屏山县送教活动。在这一次送教活动中,囊括了小学到高中的英语,语文以 及数学的送教活动,气势磅礴,高手如云,我在这一次活动中碰到了许多久闻 大名的名师们心情十分激动和紧张。 这次送教到屏山,我和宜宾市中山街小学英语特级教师张焰一起在屏山县 君山路小学,分别为四年级和三年级的孩子上课,由于自己经验不足,口语也 很欠缺,在和张焰老师同台展示下,我显得处处不如人。整个课堂生硬,没有 把自己融入到课堂中去,虽然教学过程还是井井有条,但在课堂掌控和关注学 生层面差之千里。而且游离于课堂之外,不能很好的随机应变。关注学生学习 情况以及抓住现成的课堂生成。具体表现如下: 在这堂课中,我有时往往为了培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,经常会利用游 戏,因为游戏受到学生的喜爱。课堂上唱唱跳跳,说说演演,形式花哨,十分 热闹,使学生在快乐中接受教师预设的价值取向。但时间一久,我发现:很多 学生原有的最初的学习热情急剧下降,原始的兴趣正逐渐地不复存在,他们会 因为有些游戏的重复,而显得无精打采。在课堂教学中经常会遇到这样的情况: 课前教师不遗余力的精心设计游戏组织来吸引学生兴趣;课上学生走来走去, 又是叫又是跑,甚是热闹,这样的教学次序直接影响教师的教学流程,教学环 节流于形式;往往一堂课后,学生懵懵懂懂,一知半解; 通过这次送教,我个人认为,激发学生对学科兴趣的过程中,不能只停留 在课堂表面的“活” , “乐” , “玩”中。我们更要注重学科本身,从学得后产生 的成功体验来不断滋长兴趣,挖掘学生学习的内驱力。在教学中我们应该做到 如下几点: 1、 面向全体,分层教学 在游戏教学过程中,不可回避的如何对待优中差生。我们设计的游戏要注 重面向全体学生,难度适中,让大家都参与。可以根据学生的个人素质,性格 特点,记忆力反应速度等,因材施教,分层要求,以求最有效的激励机制促学 生不断上进。 二、组织得法,严谨有序 做好游戏的组织工作,做到有条不紊,活而不乱。小学生天性爱游戏,争强 好胜,有些学生做起来容易忘乎所以,甚至在课堂上,有时会情不自禁地高声 喊,因此,首先,有开始游戏之前讲清规则。纪律要求,评分标准,防患未然。 在游戏过程中即使还出现一些混乱,要能理解学生的心理,不一味批评,而是 积极讲清楚,在集体活动中,大家应该遵守规则。 2 三、 适时适度 我认为不能力求面面俱到,游戏过多,而忽略了主要教学内容的讲授和训 练,喧宾夺主,把英语课上成游戏娱乐课,那就适得其反了。课堂游戏应该为 课堂教学服务,当他成为一种摆设,或者是为游戏而游戏的时候,课堂游戏就 失去了他的魅力了。 1 教学目标 1、识别单词:hat clothes open funny party brown trousers orange shirt shoe Lets cant=can not turn 2、学习句型: Heres Ive got a +color +clothes. 描述衣服的颜色及名称,并会运用。 教学重难点 . 学会用英语来描述一件衣服的颜色和名称。运用对话 Heres Ive got a +color +clothes. 教学准备 多媒体课件、投影仪,各种颜色的服装,晾衣杆,衣服小贴图,点读笔,课文 动画光盘,盒子 教学过程(主要环节)我的再创造 扬帆 起航 Step Warming up 1. Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls . Ss: Good morning, Miss Xie. T: Nice to meet you . Ss: Nice to meet you ,too . 2. Say a chant T: Now please look at this pictures ,read after me.hat*2,sweater*2.they are clothes .clothes.: one by one look at my blackboard ,weve got lots of clothes .Now lets say a chant together .Please follow me . Chant :cap, cap ,Ive got a cap. Sweater, sweater ,Ive got a sweater. Shirt ,shirt, Ive got a shirt. Trousers, trousers, Ive got trousers . Shoe, shoes, Ive got big shoes. T: Great. Sit down please .Now lets play a game .Please close your eyes .T wear mask .and then :Look at Ms Xie. .Ive got a mask, Ive got a beautiful dress .I am going to have a party Do you know party ?party .Do you want to go with me ?If you want to go to the party,you should do good job. (its your turn now ).and we ve got 2 teams .Boys you are Sam team .Girls ,You are Amy team .If you do good job .You can get clothes. for a party . 破冰 前行 Step Presentation 1.Lead in (1)Touch and say T: .Ive got a mask .Ive got a dress and Ive got a blue box .Heres some presents for you .Do you want to see whats in it ? Ss: Yes. T: Ok ,lets open the box .Look, heres a red dress .Heres Then choose another one ,heres a red sweater .Heres a 2 T: Then put these clothes in the box and close it . T 伸手去摸, Wow, Ive got a red sweater .T 假装想穿,穿在手指上:Its to small .I am so funny .Its a funny dress . Then walk to Ss and ask :Who want to touch? S: Let me try . T: Now you can say :Ive got a red dress. Ss: I ve got a red dress . T: So clever .T 把学生抽到的衣服放在他身上再次输入 Its funny. T: Now ,who want try again ? Ss: Let me try . T: You, please.试着让学生跟着表达:Heres a /an Ive got Step New Text: (1)Listen and choose. T show the first picture of page 56. T: You did a great job. Now lets watch a video .Sam and Amy they are going to have a party .Do you know party ?Party: boys ,girls .Lets watch a party . T 边看边带领学生感受视屏里面的物品。 T :Its a fuuny party . They are going to have a party, too. look, They ve got a box . whats in it ?(抓耳挠腮,作思索状) Lets go and see ,ok ? Ss: Ok. 观看课文动画 Answer the question : T : Whats in the box ? Ss: Some clothes . T: Good girl .Here are some funny clothes .funny clothes : boys and girls PPT 出示很多小丑表演的服装帮助学生理解 funny clothes . 学海 泛舟 3.Listen and circle . (1)T:Theyve got some funny clothes .But what clothes have they got ?Now please open your books ,This time listen and circle what clothes have they got ? (2)Now Lets check the answer T: Have they got a red hat ? Ss: Yes. T: Good .Have they got a ? 4.Explain the text Now look at the blackboard .Now if you are Amy ,Can you find your clothes. First, Let me try .I ve got a red hat .(边说边贴) Who want to try ?Now you are Amy .I ve got 3 Now were Amy, lets say together ,Ive got 5. Listen ,point and repeat . T: You are so clever .Youve got the answers .Now Please look at your book .Listen ,point and say . Step IV Practice 2.Group work : Boys and girls ,you are fantanstic .Now its time for our party now ,But firstly you should dress up like me .So please take out your paper and choose 1 clothes for your party .And then talk in your groups . 3.Show time Step V Summary &Homework 1.Summary T: Today we learn 2.Homework Please draw the picture of the clothes . Emotional goal Happy Childrens Day . 板书设计教学反思
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