外研版(三起)四下Module 5-Unit 2 They were young.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:12a0b).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Module 5_Unit 2 They were young._ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:12a0b)
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    • Module5Unit2 They were young教学.ppt--点击预览
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Read and circle He is _ now. He wasnt _ then. He was _. He can show Chinese Kungfu. old young He is _ now. He wasnt _ then. He was _. He can play basketball. short tall She is _ now. She wasnt _ then. She was _. She is very funny. thin fat They are _ now. They werent _ then. They were _. They can sing songs. tall shor t I / He / She / It + _ fat. We / You / They +_ werent wasnt 新标准英语三起第四册新标准英语三起第四册 Module 5 ChangesModule 5 Changes Unit 2 They were young.Unit 2 They were young. 灵武市第一小学灵武市第一小学 杨艳玲杨艳玲 tall thin short old fat young small big Opposite, opposite(反义词) go, go, go Then It was Now It is I was short then. I .wasnt tall Who is the little girl? I am tall now. wasnt = was not 不是 Who is the little girl? I wasnt _ then. I was _. I am _ now. Who is the little boy? I wasnt _ then. I was _. I am _ now. short tall He wasnt _ then. He was _. He is thin now. She is tall now. She wasnt _ then. She was _ . thin fat It wasnt clean then. It is now. clean 干净的 It was dirty. dirty 脏 的 werent = were not They are tall now. They then. werent tall They were short. Now they are old. They were young. Now They werent old then . Now she is tall . Now Then She was short . Then she wasnt tall. It is now. It was dirty. It wasnt clean then. clean Read and circle I / He / She / It + _ fat. We / You / They +_ werentwasntcleandirty 1、Read the text fluently to your parents. 2、Talk about your family members. E.g. My father is a doctor. He is fat now. He wasnt fat then. He was thin. Module5Unit2Module5Unit2 TheyThey werewere youngyoung 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: 新标准英语四年级下册 Module 5 Unit 2 They were young. 教材分析教材分析: 本单元的重点内容是“be“动词的过去式”was”和”were” 的练习,以及它 们的否定形式“wasnt”和”werent”的学习。由于在第一单元“Unit 1”中,学生 已经初步学习了“ was”和”were”的用法,所以本单元的主要任务就是练习使 用 was”和”were”,并学习使用“wasnt”和”werent”表达过去的一些事情。这 册教材从第五模块都是介绍怎样表达过去发生的事情,由浅入深,环环相扣。 所以开始的第一个模块的学习对以后的影响是非常大的。 学情分析:学情分析: 四年级的学生从三年级开始学习英语,有了一定的英语基础知识,对英 语也有一定的兴趣。但本节课所要学习的语言知识,是本模块才开始初步接 触的。所以在教学过程中可能会出一些学生领悟不到,猜测不到部分单词的 意思。根据学生目前所掌握的英语知识来分析,在本节课学完后,大约有 个同学会完全掌握所学习内容,有个同学会应用所学语言 知识。大约有个同学还需下一节继续练习才能掌握。针对学生的这些情 况,我在设计教学过程时,以新课标为依据,以培养学生的学习兴趣为主要 任务,采用多种教学方法,使学生学习,练习,应用“was, wasnt, were, werent ”表示过去的一些事情。 教学目教学目标标 1、语言目标(Target Language) They werent old then. They were young. She wasnt tall then. She was short. It wasnt clean then. It was dirty. 2、能力目标 使用“be”动词的过去式及其否定形式讨论过去的事情。 3、情感目标 通过多种多样的教学方法,使学生保持持久的学习兴趣,勇于创新。在学习 中乐于参与、积极合作、主劝请教。 教学重、教学重、难难点:点: 重点:重点:能在实际中运用一般过去时描述人或事物的特征与状态,比较现在和 过去。练习使用”was, wasnt, were, werent ”表达过去的一些事情。 难难点:点:能准确的读出“wasnt, werent”并能正确的运用。 教学方法:教学方法: 基于对教学理念、教材分析、学生分析、教学目标、重难点的分析,我采用了 以下教学方法: 1.任务型教学方法。 2.图片展示法。 3.视听法。 教学教学过过程程 Step 1 Warming-up( (热热身活身活动动) ) T:Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Ss: Hello, Mrs Yang. Im fine. Thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Do you like English? 【设计意图】通过这一步可以让学生有一个适应教师语言的机会,消除紧张 气氛。 Step 2 Presentation 1.抢答说出一些形容词,并说说它的反义词。 big -small, young-old, fat-thin, short- tall 2.出示图片,运用形容词说说图片。 T:(逐步出示多幅图片)Who is this? How does he?(它是怎样的?) S1: Hes tall. S2: Hes short. S3: 【设计意图】通过复习多组形容词并描述图片,既可以为下一步熟练运用形 容词描述课文图片做准备,又可以复习 am,is,are 这些 be 动词的用法。 3.学习 chant,并以此复习 was 和 were 的用法。 T: Look at this photo .Whats this? S: Its a hen. T: Yes. Now its a hen. But then it was a chick. Theres a chant for you. Lets chant together. 4. Play the chant and have the S watch and chant together. 5. Talk about the hen. S1:It was short then. Now it is tall. S2: 【设计意图】复习 was,were 的正确用法,为学习 wasnt 和 werent 做铺垫。 6、课件出示班内同学老师的过去与现在的对比照,学习新单词 wasnt= was not werent= were not clean-dirty T: Look at this photo .Who is the little girl? Its me .I am tall now .But I wasnt tall then. I was short. (课件出示一个女孩小时候的照片)T:Who is the little girl? S1:Its me. I am fat now. I wasnt fat then. I was thin. (同样的方法学习 He/She isHe/She wasnt He/She was和 They are They werent They were 【设计意图】通过关注并谈论一起长大的小伙伴的变化学习新内容,同时也 体现了英语学习的交际作用。 Step 3 Text learning 1. Show the pictures and talk about them. 2. Listen and repeat, then find the new words. 3. Listen and repeat again, then finish the blanks. 4. Read the text together. 【设计意图】以讨论课文图片进入课文,既可以让学生感知课文内容,又可以 降低学习课文的难度,然后布置不同的任务来让学生通过听音跟读,达到学 习课文的目的。 Step4 Practice 1. Read and circle. (Activity 3) 2. Talk the stars and finish the table in groups, then describe the star and have the Ss guess :Who is he/she? 【设计意图】 讨论学生感兴趣的明显,发现他们的变化,达到学以致用的目 的。 Step 5 Summary What did you learn? Step 6 Homework 1. Read the text to your parents . 2. Describe the old pictures to your parents and your friends after school. 板板书设计书设计 Module5 Unit2 They were young. New words: wasnt=was not werent=were not clean-dirty New sentences: They werent old then. They were young. She wasnt tall then. She was short. It wasnt clean then. It was dirty. 教后反思教后反思: 通过本次教学,我对M5U2 They were young以下几点教学反思: 一、通过一个反义词游戏,活跃课堂气氛,使学生注意力集中,并达到复习 形容词的目的。 二、通过 free talk ,练习学过的形容词 big, small, fat, thin为以后的教学打 下基础,从而使英语真正成为生活英语。 三、在教学过程中,运用学生自己的照片教学,能够引起学生的兴趣,调动 学生的积极性,寓教于乐,复习前面的知识,更好的组织了教学。 四、在学习课文过程中,充分运用小组教学,使学生充分发挥主体作用,更 好的练习课文。 五、通过学生拿明星的照片进行描述,使学生更有兴趣,更好的组织教学。 同时,在教学的过程中,我也发现本身存在以下问题:学生只是会运用 固定句型,一旦把人称改变后,过去式鱼的对两个单词 was 和 were 运用的 还不是很好,需要加强练习,让学生熟悉一二三人称后跟动词的不同形式; 另一个是语速还是过快;再就是还有个别学生怯于上台展示,自信心不足。 今后在教学中,我一定会注意到这些问题,使学生更好的学习英语,做一名 优秀的英语教师!
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