外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:d013a).zip

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外研版英语六年级下册 Module7Unit2 Shecouldntseeorhear. I.Warmup&review: Readreadread,Icanread. Readreadread,Icouldread. Writewritewrite,Icanwrite. Writewritewrite,Icouldwrite. Singsingsing,Icansing. Singsingsing,Icouldsing. 1.Chant&do: 1.can-6.draw- 2.cant-7.teach- 3.is-8.write- 4.become-9.travel- 5.has-10.live could能 couldnt不能 was是 became变成 had有 drew画 taught教 wrote写 travelled 旅游 lived活 (1)在课文中找出下列动词的过去式,把你不会 读或不理解的用符号标出来 2.Preparation.检查预习,组长汇报 (2)找出下列词组并写出中文意思,把你不会)找出下列词组并写出中文意思,把你不会 读或不理解的用符号标出来读或不理解的用符号标出来 1.was born in出生于 2.in 1880(eighteen eighty)在1880年 3.as a baby 小时 候4.became blind and deaf变得又盲又聋 5.drew letters 6.taught her to spell 画字母 7. a book about herself 教她拼写 8.travelled all over the world 一本关于她自己的书 9. lived to be eighty-seven 环游世界 10.a role model for 活到87岁 的榜样 1.Look&say Themanisblind. Hecantsee. Thedogcan helphim II.Layoutscene&Independentresearch Themanisdeaf. He canthear. She Thegirlisdeaf. canthear. Who is she? She is very famous. She is from the US. She couldnt see or hear .But she could learnand work . She wrote the book “Ifyougivemet hree dayslight ”. HelenKeller 2.Read&guess 海伦.凯勒简介: 1.美国盲聋女作家、教育家、慈善家和社会活动家。美国盲聋女作家、教育家、慈善家和社会活动家。 2.1880年年6月月27日出生,日出生,19个月时因为一场高烧,夺去个月时因为一场高烧,夺去 了她的视力、听力和语言表达能力。她的导师安妮了她的视力、听力和语言表达能力。她的导师安妮. 莎莉文教会了她读书和说话。以优异的成绩毕业于莎莉文教会了她读书和说话。以优异的成绩毕业于 美国哈佛大学拉德克利夫女子学院,成为掌握英语美国哈佛大学拉德克利夫女子学院,成为掌握英语 、法语、德语、拉丁语、希腊语五种语言的著名作、法语、德语、拉丁语、希腊语五种语言的著名作 家和教育家。家和教育家。 3.主要作品有主要作品有假如给我三天光明假如给我三天光明我的老师我的老师我我 的生活的生活等。等。 Knowmoreabouther&learna storyabouther! ()1.HelenKellerwasbornintheUS. ()2.HelenKellercouldhear. ()3.HelenKellerlivedtobe89. 3.Listen&judge(T/F) ()1.HelenKellerwasbornintheUS. ()2.HelenKellercouldhear. ()3.HelenKellerlivedtobe89. T F F 3.Listen&judge(T/F) 1.Read&choose.速读课文并选择(先独立完成, 在课文中划出对应句,再小组讨论。 ()1.HelenKellerwasbornin_. A.1818B.1890C.1880 ()2.Shecouldnthear.Shewas_. A.deafB.sadC.blind ()3.Shewasblind.Shecouldnt_. A.speakB.seeC.hear C A B ()4.Shewroteabookabout_. A.herteacherB.theworldC.herself C ()5.Shelivedtobe_. A.87B.88C.89 A III.Cooperation&exchange 2.Read and fill in the blanks细读课文并填空(先独细读课文并填空(先独 立完成,在课文中划出对应句,再小组讨论。立完成,在课文中划出对应句,再小组讨论。 HelenKellerwasbornin,Asa ,shebecameand.She couldntor. Helenateacher,ShedrewinHelens handandhertospell. LaterHelentoread,writeandspeak,She abookaboutandallovertheworld. Helenlivedtobe.Sheisa forblindpeople,andalsoforyouandme. intheUS1880 baby blinddeaf seehear hadletters taught learnt wroteherselftravelled eight-seven rolemodel 1. Listen and repeat HaveaImitationshow 模仿秀 IV.Consolidation&Extension 2.Readingroups 3. Look and retell Dubbingshow 配音秀 (1)Retelltogether (2)Asksomeonetoretell 4. Talk about the famous people 选一个你喜欢的名人来描述,可用下 列句型: -wasbornin-in-. He/Shecouldntor.,butshe could Shebecamea. 张海迪1955年出生于山东,她无法走路, 但她能写作,她写了很多书。成为了作家。 邰丽华1976年出生于湖北,她又聋又哑, 但她能跳舞,成为了舞蹈家。 Talkaboutyourexperience 学完这个故事你有何心得 V.Summary Wherethereisawill,thereisaway! 有志者,事竟成! VI.Homework 1.ReadthetextinP41. 2.ExerciseinP42.活动三 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear 第三课时第三课时 教案教案 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 知识目标 (1)掌握单词及短语:spell, herself,all over,live,role model,be proud of, live to be (2)掌握句型:She was born She could/ couldnt 2. 能力目标 (1)能用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情 (2)能自主阅读和理解课文 3. 情感目标 能通过名人事迹,学习他们那种坚韧不拔的精神和坚强 勇敢的品质。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:能用英语表达人物的某种能力 难点:能熟练掌握 could 的用法。 教学方法:教学方法:1.情景交际法 2.任务型教学法 3.小组合作自主探究法 4.活动操练教学法 教具:教具:DVD、图画、PPT、多媒体 教学过程教学过程 I.Warm up & review 1.Chant & do: 2.Preparation. II.Layout scene & Independent research 1. Look & say 2. Read & guess 3. Listen & judge (T/ F) III.Cooperation & exchange 1.Read &choose. 2.Read and fill in the blanks IV. Consolidation & Extension 1. Listen and repeat Imitation show 2. Read in groups 3. Look and retell Dubbing show (1) Retell together (2) Ask some one to retell 4. Talk about the famous people V.Summary VI.Homework 板书设计:板书设计: Module7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear She couldnt see, but she could She couldnt hear, but she could Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear 第三课时第三课时 导学案导学案 班别: 姓名: 前置预习:前置预习: 一、找出下列动词的过去式,并标出中文意思、小组长汇 报 1.can 6.draw 2.cant 7. teach 3.is 8. write 4.become 9.travel 5.have/has 10. live 不会读的: 二、在课文中划出下列词组并写出中文意思,把你不会读 或不理解的用符号标出来,小组长汇报 1. was born in 2. in 1880(eighteen eighty) 3. as a baby 4. became blind and deaf 5. drew letters 6. taught her to spell 7. a book about herself 8. travelled all over the world 9. lived to be eighty-seven 10. a role model for 不会读的: 课内探究:课内探究: 一、 听音判断:T/F ( )1. Helen Keller was born in the US. ( )2. Helen Keller could hear . ( )3. Helen Keller lived to be 89 . 二、 Read &choose.速读课文并选择(先独立完成, ( )1.Helen Keller was born in _. A.1818 B.1890 C. 1880 ( )2.She couldnt hear .She was _. A. deaf B. sad C. blind ( )3. She was blind .She couldnt _. A. speak B. see C. hear ( )4. She wrote a book about_. A.her teacher B. the world C. herself ( )5. She lived to be _. A.87 B.88 C.89 三、细读课文并选择(先独立完成,在课文中划出对应句, 再小组讨论。论。 Helen Keller was born in , As a , she became and . She couldntt or . Helen a teacher, She drew in Helens hand and her to spell. Later Helen to read, write and speak, She a book about and all over the world. Helen lived to be . She is a for blind people, and also for you and me . 扩展延伸扩展延伸 选一个你喜欢的名人来描述,可用下列句型: was born in in . He/ She couldnt or , but she could . She became a . 张海迪 1955 年(nineteen,fifty-five) 出生于山东,她无法走路(walk), 但她能写作(write),她写(wrote)了很多书。成为了作家 (writer)。 邰丽华 1976 年(nineteen,seventy- six) 出生于湖北,她又聋又哑(couldnt hear or speak) , 但她能跳舞(dance), 成为了舞蹈家(dancer)。
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